Xiao Mei's means

Xiao Mei's office is located in Yicheng and plans to stay to help the third young master.

Different from Zhang Yu in the whole Jiangdong Province, most of them are big men. Their business is either hotels or listed companies.

Xiao Mei's first step to Yicheng was to open a book bar.

"Shangru bookstore."

Lu Cheng frowned.

This name, at first glance, does not match Xiao Mei's temperament.

In Lu Cheng's impression, Xiao Mei is the kind of woman who is dressed, cough, and career oriented. Relying on their own a little capital, between men and career.

Can you imagine such a woman studying Chuang Tzu with books?

At night, Lu Cheng didn't fall asleep.

When he arrived at shangru library, it was only nine o'clock in the evening.

Urban men and women, when nightlife began.

Lu Cheng enters the library.

I can smell a smell of ink.

"In these days, too few people can spare an hour a day. Life is impetuous, so people can't settle down. "

Lu Cheng stepped in and said with a smile.

"Third young master!" Xiao Mei put down her book: "I don't know what the third young master wanted to see me so late. What's the matter?"

Lu Cheng talked about what company he was in and specifically pointed out that he didn't want to leave the company.

"Keke, third young master, you are not decent. You are Lu's young master. Do you still need to work? Besides, you are engaged in catering and branch management in Yicheng. You can take my bookstore if you want... Your career in Yicheng is no worse than that of any other company, and you have to be an ordinary employee without any salary? "

Xiao Mei has a soft voice.

Even if she's actually talking about something very hot.

"What if I say it's because of love?" Lu Cheng is very serious.

Xiao Mei subconsciously pulled the shoulder belt.

"There is no shortage of women in the Lu family. If the third young master wants to, I can also..."

In Xiao Mei's opinion, does the so-called love exist?

She hasn't seen any art, but she thinks she's good-looking.

The disturbance she caused in Ho's home before also proved her conjecture.

Lu Cheng looks dignified.

He shook his head.

"It seems that you still don't understand. What I want is to stay with He Yi. It doesn't matter how much I have achieved. "

"Er... Third young master, I don't know what you mean."

Lu Cheng shook his head.

"Well, help me contact Zhang Yu, let him think of a way to get a say in which company, in my opinion, the best way to deal with it is acquisition."“ There is a crisis in he's family. We should be able to talk about it. " After thinking about it, Lu Cheng said, "as for the acquisition, the only requirement is to tell them not to make any changes in personnel."

With the financial resources of the Lu family, this is not a problem.

To tell you the truth, Lu Cheng has got the card now. In fact, he can do the same.

Or that sentence, brush too much, maybe next time my grandfather will not open the card for him.

So I decided to do it in the name of the office.

"OK, I'll contact Mr. Zhang." Xiao Mei understood and immediately agreed to come down.

Anyway, she could not refute the decision made by the third young master.

After the call, we're on the move.

Lu Cheng went to the bookshelf and turned over a book. He didn't care much about it. When he saw the pricing, he was startled.

"A book a thousand? Is your book gold

"Shangru bookstore is a limited edition book. I went to the publishing department to get the book number of each book, then selected excellent content and paid a high copyright fee to publish it. I don't intend to sell the books here to ordinary people. To put it simply, I only do business with the rich. "

"Now rich people don't pay attention to culture. Everyone wants to get some bookshelves to put books at home. Ordinary books can't get into their eyes. If I put these books out for a guest to read, he can say that he spent a lot of money on customization. Face and taste. "

After all, Lu Cheng is the master of the Lu family, and she knows that what Xiao Mei said is also true.

However, he still couldn't bear a thousand and one books.

Put the book back quickly.

Think about it, ready to leave.

"It's too late. Please close the door and have a rest. I'm ready to go back."

Lu Cheng gets up.

Xiao Mei smiles and gets up to see off the guests.

Go to the glass door.

She thought, "third young master, I can do what I just suggested. I don't know what you think..."

See Xiao Mei want to pull shoulder belt again.

Lu Cheng felt that his head was big: "Oh, stop it, Xiao Mei. You are really worrying me."

Lu Cheng scratched his head and quickly opened the glass door and ran away.

It's a real run.

He felt that if he sat here for a while, he might be eaten by Xiao Mei.

However, Lu Cheng's steps stopped before he went out far.

"Is it Qixi? Why are there so many roses on the road? For sale? "

Following Lu Cheng's eyes, there was a place of more than 100 meters, and the roads on both sides were full of roses.

There must be thousands of them at least.

All the way to the bookstore. I didn't see it when I came here. It should have been put out in my own speaking.

"Your arrangement?" Lu Cheng thought of what Xiao Mei said just now.

The main reason is that Xiao Mei doesn't have a proper appearance. Lu Cheng doubts whether she makes roses to enhance her taste?

"This words..." Xiao Mei comes over, a little embarrassed.

When Lu Cheng saw this, he really thought it was Xiao Mei.

He shook his head.

Lu Cheng has a good impression of Xiao Mei. He is a bright man who is in line with the current mainstream. But if she wants to become a third daughter-in-law by heart, Lu Cheng thinks she should consider her character.

"It's Huang Jie. He's putting flowers at my door these days." Xiao Mei said lightly.

Obviously, she's used to it.

"A big man, putting flowers in front of your shop in the middle of the night?" Although Lu Cheng knew that all the people in the office were capable.

But Xiao Mei is a girl after all. He thinks it's inappropriate for Huang Jie to do so.

"Where is he? I'll talk to him. I can't let him pester you all the time." Lu Cheng stepped out.

Xiao Mei was very moved.

The third young master is very considerate of his subordinates.

He followed.

The short young man, wearing a yellow casual shirt, was playing with the flowers in the distance.

After putting down the last pot, Huang Jie's mouth rose, turned and picked up the big horn in his hand, just wanted to say some courtship words as before.

But the next second, he stopped.

"Xiao Mei..."

He saw the goddess in his mind came out and was smiling at himself... Eh, no, the goddess was smiling at the man beside her.

And look at the goddess carefully talking appearance, seems to be quite afraid of that man.

"Beast, dare to rob a woman with Ben!" Huang Jie suddenly angry, he behind the two younger brothers did not react, see Huang Shao rushed out.

The flower tray in his hand was smashed in front of a young man.

"Oh, get out of the way!"

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