Candlelight Dinner

On this day, wages were paid.

Lu Cheng's first job was to do some chores. In addition, his salary increase would be more than half a month later.

So Lu Cheng's first month's salary was still paid.

Lu Cheng got 2000 yuan.

I'm still very happy.

Because it means that, according to He Yi's promise, if you get paid, you can accompany yourself to a candlelight dinner.

"He Yi, you promised me..." Lu Cheng took out the money in his hand.

I'm very happy.

Then, his eyes swept over Lu Cheng.

"Well, the money is very important. Don't you have to pay the property? Why do you invite me to dinner? " There is some humor in He Yi's words.

"Of course, I'd like to invite my wife. How can I spend money?"

He Yiting was moved and nodded with a smile“ All right, I'll go home and change my clothes? "

Lu Cheng worried that he would be destroyed by Zhang Guifang when he went back. He said with a smile.

"No, what my wife looks like."

He Yi went with Lu Cheng and got into the car. Then he said slowly.

"No more glib, you know, we haven't divorced yet, but before..."

Of course, Lu Cheng understands.

He nodded with a smile: "OK, I see. I won't talk any more. "

Although the relationship between the two people has eased recently, according to He Yi's meaning, it can't reach that point.

I don't know when I want he Yi to open up to myself.

"It's OK to go to any hotel. Didn't you give me a VIP card saying that you can eat for free, or shall we go there?"

He Yi came up with a proposal.

Lu Cheng shook his head: "no, it's not easy for him to open a restaurant. Besides, the grade there is not enough. I'll treat you to dinner. You must go to the highest level. "

Xiumei frowned lightly. As soon as He Yi heard that Lu Cheng was like this, he was not happy: "you are still like this. Can't you keep a low profile? Do you know that it's sad for you to make a fat face like this? "

Maybe it's because of the change of their relationship recently. He Yi also said a little more to Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng, who had been waiting for an answer, looked at it and then laughed.

"Yes, I see."

He Yi is concerned about himself.

Because of this reason, she is not happy to borrow a car and a house?

I don't like to say that I'm a rich second generation

To understand this, Lu Chengsi was not unhappy because he Yi scolded

Taoyuan hotel.

In the new town, near the government.

Of course, not to the government.

Around, there are several new supermarkets.

Carrefour, Wal Mart, all of these are here.

It's a very commercial place.

Lu Cheng, a second-hand Jetta, drove by, and the engine was pounding on the road.

When you stop at Taoyuan Hotel, it's more or less eye-catching.

"Sir, this is a private parking lot. Foreign vehicles can't park here." A security guard saw Lu Cheng park his car and stopped it.

He Yi talked to Lu Cheng a lot along the way.

The two have reached some tacit agreement.

I didn't expect that as soon as the security guard came out, she felt sorry for Lu Cheng.

"What do you mean? We come to Taoyuan hotel for dinner. Why can't diners park their cars in your parking lot? "

The security guard was scolded and embarrassed.

He is responsible for the parking of vehicles, but he can't stop the guests from eating. After all, a meal can pay them several months' wages.

Although it seems that Lu Cheng is not a person who can afford to eat.

When you come to them, you have to drive a BMW the worst, right? It has to be more than 5 series

It's on.

Ordinary joint venture cars will not come here.

The security guard thought for a while and did not dare to stop Lu Cheng.

Get out of the way.

"Since the guests are here for dinner, they can stop."

Lu Cheng doesn't care about security.

See he Yi not happy, comfort a few words, this just pull He Yi in.

"It's the first time we've had dinner alone. Don't let irrelevant people affect our mood."

"Help yourself." He Yi said at the back.

See these two people enter, originally accompany smiling face of security, immediately not happy.

"Bah, I don't believe you can afford our Taoyuan hotel just because you're so poor. You must have come in to take pictures. Ha ha, look at you woodlouse samples are not clear, as long as you come in, you do not consume, then there will be someone to pick you up.

In luxury SSSS stores, there are often wechat businessmen who come to take photos, write about their work for XXX days, and angrily mention a certain car

The luxury of Taoyuan hotel is no less than those luxury cars.

There are not a few wechat businesses that come to them to negotiate and take pictures.

Can be more than one of them turned away. Obviously, the security guards think they are wechat businesses.

There is no other explanation.

Walk into the hotel.

Lu chengsuan understands why Taoyuan hotel is said on the Internet to be the place where rich people, who really know how to enjoy themselves, are most willing to eat.


The whole hotel is decorated just like the palace.

Even Lu Cheng felt that it was better than others.

What is the palace? Isn't it just some glazed tiles?

But here, he saw pieces of jade.

The wall is blue jade, the floor is white jade... Lu Chengsi has no doubt, the diner pries off a piece on the ground, estimates the money and comes back.

"There is such a luxurious place in Yicheng." Lu Cheng was a little surprised.

Only the top families in Yanjing can make such a big deal.

Of course, it's not that other managers don't have the money, but they do

What if they make trouble individually? And other families don't like it.

Only the top families can not only make it, but also stay.

Unlike Lu Cheng, He Yi is a little nervous.

"Well, look at the decoration. Is it very expensive to eat later?"

She is worried that the two thousand yuan on Lu Cheng is not enough.

Although Hejia is also a company of large scale, has anyone ever come to Taoyuan hotel for dinner? That's not true.

At least the younger generation He Yi knows has never heard of it.

Otherwise, with their character, they would have been in such a luxurious place for a long time.

"Don't worry, I know." Lu Cheng patted her on the shoulder and comforted her.

Obviously it doesn't work.

He Yi has been very nervous.

I haven't sat down yet. I watched the waiter come.

He Yi quickly got up: "which direction is your toilet?"

The waiter was stunned and quickly pointed to a position.

"I'll go too..."

Lu Cheng just wants to relax.

When the waiter saw that there were more than two people left, he was not happy.

Worried that they were coming to borrow the toilet, she asked, "have you made a reservation?"

They are in a special situation. If any guests come to dinner, they need to make a reservation.

"Table one." Lu Cheng waved his hand and he had already run away. The waiter mumbled, but when he heard the number one table, his eyes suddenly brightened.

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