Gambling game


It's the day to sign a contract with Luyun group.

Early in the morning, He Yi changed into a new black professional dress.

He Yi has a good figure.

The second button of the white shirt was tightened.

The end of the thread is elongated, as if it would burst at any time.

The devil's figure and her charming face are really valuable.

After seeing Lu Cheng, He Yi didn't talk to him that day.

If he hadn't remembered this, He Yi would have told his mother about Lu Cheng's peeking at Xia man changing clothes.

He Yi went out without saying hello.

Lu Cheng, who pretended to be reading the newspaper, also quietly followed.

Even if he Yi is angry and doesn't take his car, he will still follow him to send him to work.

In the office, several young people of he family are here.

He Zhen came in and pushed his glasses.

"He Yi, I'll tell you something."

"It's grandfather!"

Because he doesn't like he Jingyuan, he Zhen doesn't have a good attitude towards his granddaughter. If he Yisheng didn't go abroad, he would be the only one among the younger generation to study abroad.

He Zhencai reluctantly agreed that He Yi would come to the company to help.

He Yi is not popular.

So I'm still a little excited to hear he Zhen yell. My grandfather must have looked at me with new eyes because I talked about the contract of Luyun group.

Enter the office.

He Zhen himself poured a cup of tea.

He Yi was excited again.

He Zhen this just zhengse, smile way: "small art I let you come, is something to say with you."

"Tell me, grandfather, I'm listening!"

"The contract has been negotiated. You don't have the experience to be responsible for the project, so you should hand over the next work to he Zhanfei and let him sign the contract and the following work."

"Grandfather..." He Yi stood up in a hurry: "it's the first time I've talked about such a big contract. If I follow it, I can definitely learn experience. Now you change people, that's not to let me run for nothing? "

"You don't want to?" He Zhenna has a little bit of kindness as an elder.

That expression seems to say you dare not to forgive you.

He Yi knows that the company where her parents can enter the management has something to do with her "obedience". Grandfather hoped that a young generation with strong ability would listen to his own words.

"I... OK, I'll go to find he Zhanfei later."

Dejected, He Yi dare not fight again“ No, I'll do it myself He Zhanfei pushed open the door and came in, looking like a winning rooster.

His face flushed.

He Yi is not completely angry, but unwilling.

He Zhanfei begged his grandfather, so he gave him his contract! Grandfather, why are you so unfair? I'm also a descendant of his family?

After waiting downstairs for a meeting, Lu Cheng worried that He Yi would not be happy when he saw him. Lu Cheng deliberately parked his car in the alley and ran to the store.

"Have you been in conflict with your wife?" The uncle of the convenience store was a little absent-minded and kept staring at the door of the building until he said with a smile.

Uncle gives people a very comfortable feeling, not to mention uncle also rarely speak.

Take out a cigarette box, Lu Cheng handed uncle one, just took one in his mouth.

"Well, there's a misunderstanding." Lu Cheng spits out the smoke ring, but says.

Uncle put the cigarette between his fingers: "if I'm not wrong about that girl, who is it. The convenience store has been open for more than ten years, and the people who come in and out of the building recognize it. "

"Pretty girl. She doesn't look like a bad tempered person."

Lu Cheng thought that this is to blame himself? Just about to explain.

Uncle said with a smile: "as for you, after three years, to tell you the truth, I can't see through you."

"Well?" Lu Cheng doubts.

Uncle did not continue to discuss, but said with a smile: "in fact, it's normal to quarrel. As a man, be generous and admit a mistake. Besides, your wife is not unreasonable."

Lu Cheng was still entangled with his uncle and said he couldn't see through what he meant.

He laughed as soon as he heard what he said.

In fact, just need someone to point a word, the last little pride in the heart can be broken.

Lu Cheng quickly stood up and said, "OK, I'll talk to her now."

He garage, a BMW X6 came out.

"What art is it?"

Today, it seems that he company has no business. His biggest job is to sign a contract with Luyun group. On weekdays, He Yi can't drive the company's car. It's not about signing a contract with a large group. He's also afraid that she will lose face.

So the old man didn't let her take a taxi. He specially arranged the driver to take her to Luyun group.

"What he Yi envies most is that he Zhanfei can drive away the company's BMW Benz at will. This time, he is satisfied with his wish and has tried the taste of getting off the luxury car."

Lu Cheng laughed at himself and said goodbye to his uncle.

"Come on, young man."

Along the way, Lu Cheng was very excited, always thinking about how to apologize when he Yi met later.

He even thought about whether Lao Liu was going to propose a diamond ring in the company.

Liu Tong, a bullshit old classmate, is the senior executive he hired from Yicheng branch of Luyun group, and Lu Cheng is the boss behind the scenes.

Because of the late start, Lu Cheng didn't catch up with BMW X6

Recently, I only vaguely saw that a man was driving. Is it the company driver? The old man is very good at He Yi. He has a driver.

Liu Tong is a little nervous.

As a manager, he is very powerful in the eyes of outsiders. When it comes to Lu Yun group's senior executives, big and small business owners have to flatter him.

Liu Tong also thinks that he is very good in Yicheng.

But there is a man who needs only one phone, and he has to be a cow, a horse and a grandson.

Just now the boss called and asked us to arrange the office to be countersigned into a sea of roses.

Liu Tong was busy for half an hour. He went to the florist's shop and paid them a lot of money to send the roses.

I'm happy.

"As soon as the boss is happy, I'm sure I can get some benefits as a part-time worker. Maybe I will be moved to the head office in the future. "

Luyun Group Corporation is one of the top ten enterprises in China.

It's not decent to pay well.

Liu Tong is only a 211 graduate in China, and studying abroad is not a famous school. He is not qualified enough to enter Luyun group head office. But it would be different if the boss recommended it.

This is the third young master of the Lu family.

Liu Tong is excited.

No matter how tired I feel, it's worth it.

I'm gasping in my chair after I'm busy here.

The front desk came running over: "manager, the people from his company are here. But

"Bring people in quickly!" Liu Tong excitedly interrupted the front desk, but the back is not important.

Think about it and get up again: "I'd better meet myself."

"Don't bother the manager, we'll come by ourselves."

Hearing the voice, Liu Tong was surprised. How could it be a man's voice?

"Manager, I just wanted to say that he came with me."


Liu Tong thought that it might be the staff brought by Miss He, as long as she came.

"Bring people in quickly."

When Liu Tong determined that he Zhanfei was the only one, the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

"Does the boss want to apologize to this man? Man, do you need roses? Does the boss still have that hobby... "

Liu Tong's thinking is more jumping off, which makes him free.

But after all, it's the senior management. Just think about it“ I talked with Miss He. It's not that she can't sign the contract here! Xiao Wang, seeing off the guests... "

He Zhanfei didn't expect to be driven away when he came. He was embarrassed and his smile was stiff on his face.

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