
Lu Cheng smiles and ignores Guo Ling.

Instead, he raised his head and said to Liu Chen, "I'm not a lively person, so I'll let it go when I said the first person to donate money."

"We all do good deeds, and we don't care who donates more or who donates less. Anyway, just do what you can do. "

Lu Cheng continued: "as for me, don't care. I'm a nobody. Originally, I wanted to do a good job, but I didn't expect that I could do a good job

That's all.

But others couldn't help looking at Lu Cheng's direction.

Although they are arrogant, they know something.

Don't be too excited to hear what Lu Cheng said.

"It's so low-key. Rich and low-key. This is the model of our rich second generation."

"In other words, although Liu Chen also donated money, you still remember his superior attitude in his previous speeches. It's always said that you have difficulties

In order to find me, he obviously looks down on us. "

"Alas, even Liu Chen seems a little inferior in front of him."

On the stage, Liu Chen also heard these discussions.

As the son of Liu An, the son of Yicheng's richest man.

This is the first time that a man, in front of him, beat him down with 10 million.

"Ha ha, if I knew you donated 10 million yuan, I would use 20 million yuan to crush you." Liu Chen is very unconvinced, feel oneself is by the other side Yin. Because they didn't know the other party's property strength, they underestimated the maximum amount of donations.

However, he organized the activities, and it's not easy for him to make trouble face to face.

I think it's a good opportunity to fight back against Lu Cheng.

Now Lu Cheng plans not to speak.

He was a little upset.

"I said it's our rule here. If you don't talk, you can perform any talent."

A group of rich second generation, family conditions are very good, even if they may not like to learn what talent. But when I was a child, my parents were trained in all kinds of ways.

Piano calligraphy... No problem.

Liu Chen uses this method to force Lu Cheng to come to power, which also means to see Lu Cheng's jokes.

Sure enough, Lu Cheng had no choice but to agree.

"Well, I'll just go on stage and give a show."

Liu Chen nodded, at the same time in the heart dark cool. He didn't know what was going on with this man. If he could donate 10 million yuan, there must be something fishy.

He is the son of the richest man in Yicheng. When his distinguished guests come back later, he must make Lucheng come down.

When he Yi looks at Lu Cheng, he always feels that Lu Cheng has many things to hide from himself.

He didn't argue or cry. It's looking in the direction of the landing.

"Go up and have a try, but if they deliberately make trouble for you, Lu Cheng, we will ignore him."

He Yi felt a little bit hostile.

And Lu Cheng is going to perform?

Before, Lu Cheng had always been submissive in he's family, but he didn't see it

He did something.

What's more, Lu Cheng's family background, according to his grandfather, is a poor place. What talent can he have?

Although this 10 million makes He Yi very suspicious, He Yi thinks that Lu Cheng won the prize before, saying that there is only one point, but looking at Lu Cheng's consumption experience after that, there is definitely more than one point.

She has even decided to go online to find out if someone in Yicheng has won tens of millions of awards recently.

Under the pressure of Liu Chen, Lu Cheng stepped onto the stage.

In fact, the stage was temporarily set up for a party, which was not too big.

On the stage, there are the piano and violin that have been played before

For the time being, no one has ever performed calligraphy.

I saw Lu Cheng go to the faulty table.

"He's going to perform calligraphy?"

"My God, my grandfather said that no one for decades can write the artistic conception of calligraphy."

"How old is he to understand this?"

They all know that if Lu Cheng plays the piano, or plays the violin and dances, he can lay a foundation from childhood. It should be able to perform well.

Can need experienced calligraphy

As the saying goes, a gully, all in the pen, he OK?

When Lu Cheng picked up the brush, Liu Chen was also happy. Of course, he knew what it meant.

That is to say, Lu Cheng felt that he could write calligraphy well

Of course, Liu Chen didn't believe it.

"Low key, should be low-key, can't show. When he writes in a mess, he will despise him... Eh, it's not right. He will say that I don't know calligraphy. By the way, isn't AI Lao in Yicheng holding a work exhibition in the hotel nearby? He is recognized by Yicheng as a great calligrapher. "

Liu Chen heart already had an idea, quickly with the side of the staff muttered a few words.

The staff over there rushed out.

Lu Cheng raised his hand. They stretched their necks and thought Lu Cheng was going to write.

I didn't expect Lu Cheng to shake his head after swinging: "well, it's just a yanghao brush. This brush is not very easy to use."

In order to prevent Lu Cheng from saying that his pen is not good, Liu Chen said with a smile: "this is the authentic Huzhou yanghao that I flew from Wuxi..."

Lu Cheng said with a smile: "it's not that the pen is not good, but that it's not suitable for me. My artistic conception may be more suitable with wolf hair. "

Liu Chen didn't know what was wrong. Seeing Lu Cheng's meaning, he waved: "do you want to change the pen? OK, I'll pay a high price right now. " He felt that Lu Cheng was deliberately creating difficulties.

But don't want to Lu Cheng smile: "also don't need, anyway write a line of words, not so troublesome."

I took the brush in my hand and didn't rush to dip it in the ink.

Lu first touched the brush hairs with his hand, and then wrote a few words on the paper.

I'm not used to yanghao pen. First, I'll be familiar with the toughness of the brush hair and the friction coefficient with the paper

There's a whole bunch of people down there.

A few even called it out.

"Pretend to be a bully!"

Lu Cheng was too lazy to care what the people below thought. He dipped in the ink and quickly wrote down on the spread paper.

"If you kill one person in ten steps, you can't stay for thousands of miles! When it's over, brush your clothes and hide your merits and fame! "

Even those who don't know calligraphy any more have a feeling at this time.


Shixian Taibai's Xiake Xing is crazy. But Lu Cheng's words are crazy.

Look at those words, it's like a fight.

They don't understand calligraphy, so they don't dare to comment. However, they have also seen that Lu Cheng's level is not low.

But Liu Chen on stage is obviously not happy.

"It's no big deal!" Finish saying to prepare to accept: "I have invited AI Lao, should come quickly, let him comment later."

"Don't move, the ink isn't dry yet." But Lu Cheng opened his hand


This action, Liu Chen is obviously not happy.

But the people below didn't seem to notice.

One after another, he was attracted by what he said.

At the same time, a beautiful girl, following the guidance of the staff, came to the party.

"Well, you Yicheng garbage parties and things like that, don't look for me in the future. I'm tired of it

The other side is not polite.

But none of the staff on the bus dared to refute.

Because her identity is amazing.

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