Town chapter 69: Elf 1

By the way, although potatoes were harvested safely in my territory, there were various things that happened during  these three months. I need to talk about it.

First of all, teaching Japanese to the wolf tribe. After all, a big difference started to appear when learning the Japanese language. As living beings, superiority is the nature of the world and can’t be avoided. But those who were inferior were trying to learn Japanese as hard as possible. Their motivation is different. That's why I feel that the proficiency level of Japanese in the wolf tribe is not remarkable as a whole. However, I am the first Japanese teacher to speak, and they don't have any other teacher or person to compare. Therefore, the evaluation shall be limited to "feel".

My escorts are the least proficient in Japanese. It takes them more time to learn Japanese than to follow me and they already feel that they have to take care of me because they have the job as my escort. But this is conversely creating a good atmosphere. Among the escort team, Mira is an existence that can be seen at first glance from everyone and it is well understood to live together. The reason is that I thank her for saving me. I myself was certainly grateful, but I also commended Mira's work as an example. She is the pride of the wolf tribe. She is not good at studying Japanese, so even if there are other people who are not good with Japanese, she cant be seen as below them. Even if she couldn't speak Japanese, she worked hard on other things and was able to create strong foundations.

Next, let's talk about the defense aspect of the town. I finally [Purchase] [Wall] to surround the town. So far, it was a matter of extension, considering the height of the wall and how wide, but I finally settled after a great deal of indecision. The height of the [Wall] is 10 meters. The hidden town will be exposed at a height higher than this. It was neither wide or narrow, so I set the width and depth so as to surround the minimum house and fields.

Also, on this occasion, I began teaching guns to those who defend the town. All the residents are soldiers. Because there are a small number of people who protect the town, it will be mostly non-children. When something happens, each one will fight with a gun. However, the handling of guns requires meticulous attention and training is more rigorous. It is impossible to ask me for the severity. Therefore, I taught how to handle a gun to chief Jiharu thoroughly. As for the rest of the wolf tribe, chief Jiharu is the deputy leader, and is strictly responsible for the gun instruction.

Even so, the work of chief Jiharu is tremendous. Serving as the tribe chief, being a teacher during my absence, and a gun instructor. He is very busy. In addition, it is also my responsibility. I am worried that he will become overworked and die. Well, the figure that laughs cheerfully saying "I will not lose to young people" is not something that makes me feel relieved.

I think so. When I become an old man, I hope I will be like Chief Jiharu. It can be said that I can't afford to hide. However, considering the current situation, it is a good thing. But, if I consider the reason, I will not rejoice so straightforwardly. There will be a relief. But for now, life is difficult. Next time, let's also give something delicious to chief Jiharu. I would like him to cultivate a British spirit by gastronomy.

Anyway, the work is concentrated on chief Jiharu alone. Though I thought that the son of chief Jiharu, who is considered to be the next chief of the tribe, could also be a teacher, I thought that he was being hesitant and it seemed that he was not good for it yet. The characters of this continent can be learned and read from chief Jiharu, so if he keep the print I wrote about the class, Zoan should be able to play a good teaching role without any problems. However, when I stood in the pavilion, I felt tense, and Zoan's limbs were shaking. The wolf tribe's future may be dark.

――And so far is the current status until the potato harvest. Currently, it is about one week after the potato harvest. That night, I was receiving a telephone call from the village chief.

"Yes, there are no abnormalities here, so I hope to see you tomorrow as planned"

It will be winter soon. The fact that the elves are coming soon has meant that I have been stationed in the human village for a long time to meet them. After the phone call between me and chief Jiharu, those of the escort team who wanted could call their family. I went back to my room and under the bright light bulbs, I lay on the soft bed and read. The power generator for the [Light bulb] has been installed. Of course there are sweets and juices by the side. The rooms are heated and very warm. The best way to enjoy your life is to spend your rest time as comfortable as possible.

The mansion is so large that there are innumerable rooms, and it is also possible to give each person of the escort group a room and to take a rest in each room except those who have a duty. It is not good to overpack anything. Alcohol is not permitted, but like me, they are supplied with electrical equipment and other sweets and juices. They also have Japanese picture books for entertainment, which will help them learn Japanese.

Gatekeepers are hired from among the villagers at high salaries and the vehicles parked near the village are returned to the town for long-term stays. If we need a vehicle, I just call Chief Jiharu on the phone. In the event of an emergency, it is up to my ability to [Purchase] a new one.

As I was reading a book, I eventually became sleepy and closed my eyes. Thus the day in the village was over for today.


"Fujiwara-sama, it's been a long time"

The next day, some people visited the mansion. I heard the name of the person who visited from the gatekeeper, but I knew that person for a moment looking at the face. The reunion for the first time in years. The face is not steep and has a very mild color.


Elsa said she would pass on a reliable substitute when I split up with her last time. When I first met Reina, I still remember that there was a bit of awkwardness. Elsa also heard the circumstances during then. It was a story that Reina was a former noble and the aristocracy was still unbroken. Given that, it may be inappropriate for her to be here today. But, I believe in Elsa. I say that I can trust Reina because Elsa says I can trust her.

"Today, I come as an alternative to the owner of the company, Elsa Polo. I have a letter for you. Please check it out."

I received the letter from Reina, opened it and read it. The written statement states that a branch of the Polo company is to be made here as planned, that Reina will be the head of the branch and that if there is anything unknown about nobles, I shall ask Reina. Especially the last section is appreciated. Until now, there was no problem at all, but if it comes, such as pepper or potatoes, it will be the relationship as a noble will increase in importance. Socializing. How far should I meet? I think it would be good if I could refuse all social activities, but I might be pushing on here from the other side; also, if I had too much withdrawal, I would not say, "I'm thinking of something I can't do." It may be suspicious.

"I understand. Reina is going to stay in this mansion until the branch is made. There are many vacant houses in the village, so your companions can stay there. They are so beautiful that you want to live there."

"Generous arrangement, thank you very much"

"Well, you must be tired today. I hope you can take a break. I will hold a party to celebrate the welcome of the Polo company tomorrow"


Afternoon on the next day. The dinner party held in the small dance hall in the mansion. Those invited are not only the people of the Polo company but also the family members of village chief Peter and the main people of the village. From this, the Polo company and this village will be in a long relationship. It is obvious that the village chief and the villagers did not have a dress or the like, so I gave them a cheap [Kimono].

Then, among the participants who gathered, there is a person who gathers a crowd. It is no one else than Reina. Reina's dress looks elegant. Its normal for a former noble. Well, like a box made by a master craftsman, the dress and Reina match very well. Much like how a container and lid fit perfectly together. 

It was a great treat and we had a lot of potato dishes at the party. However, I just let the wife of the village chief stand in the kitchen and cook as I directed. Peter was impressed by the potential of the potatoes and Reina turned into a merchant and asked me about the potatoes. As her face changed, I answer her questions one by one, thinking of Reina’s face, which was already vague.

We both drink delicious alcohol, eat delicious food and enjoy chatting with each other. It can be said that the exchanges between the villagers and the people of the Polo company are well deepened. We can see each other respecting each other and from now on both sides are likely to get along well.

Oh yes, there was one interesting thing. There is a 10-year old boy who is the son of Peter and his wife, who observed only Reina during the party and by doing so close to Reina, he had a very easy-to-understand behavior. Everyone watched as he was drowning in a simmering manner and everyone sent a warm look to the boy. It is obvious he doesn't know anything.

Before the sunset, the party ended and three days later, carpenters came from the neighboring land from the south and began the construction of a company.


Autumn is also the end of the year. Villagers came to inform the arrival of the elves. The scale is the minimum number of people to carry firewood. It may be because they don't stimulate humans.

"Good, let's go. Turn the carriage on the table."

I took the wolf tribe escort and headed for the open house outside the village which the village head had at hand. When the carriage approached the targeted house, many handmade wheelbarrows lined up in front of the house and the firewood was piled up there into a mountain. Next to the wheelbarrows, the elves who might have pulled it by human power. You can see it from a distance, white skin, light-colored hair such as gold and silver and long ears. Well, they’re elves. I told the village chief to talk with them in advance. In hopes to convince them that we don't want to harm them.

In the eyes of the elves, I could see the vigilance against me who had climbed up in the carriage. Until now, there was no lord here. An obvious person of power has appeared there now. It would be strange if they are not alert. I got off the carriage with a strong awareness of acting in a stately manner. The one who approaches me is village chief Peter and one of the elves.

"Fujiwara-sama, this person leads the platoon――”

Village chief Peter calls me. I controlled it by hand just as I didn't need an explanation. I don't even have to ask.

"I am Baron Fujiwara who is going to rule this land."

While introducing myself to the elf next to Peter, I was blinded by the face of the elf I saw nearby. There is no stain on the surface, as he has a smooth and firm white skin. The long silver hair is very shiny. He has long eyes and his face is so neat that you can not miss it. It's a neutral face, neither male or female. Certainly beautiful. But at the same time, although it was beautiful, it was not something that had a downright affection, but it felt like it was a beauty that looked like an artwork. In this case, the village chief has a nice and friendly face and has a good caress. I was in the sight of village chief Peter, who is standing next to the elf, with such an impression.

"......I'm called Polif"

Elf――Polif is unwilling, but uses honorifics. The option of being deceived by humans is no longer considered as it has been excluded from the beginning.

"First of all, let's get inside. The wind is cold."

I enter an unoccupied house with the escorts. There is only one large rectangular desk inside. Light leaks through from the window and the wind is strong. After me, my escort went into the house, followed by Chief Peter and Polif. We surrounded the desk without anyone saying something.

"You must have heard from the village chief. I will not do something to harm you."

"......Then, why are you here?"

The tone of the words makes it easy to see the enemy's envy down inside. It would have been nice to leave it alone, but it was just as he said. But that reaction won't make me angry. In the past, many human authorities have chased the beastmen, including the elves. There would have been countless miseries. The present me is also a human authority. I accepted that the elf's attitude was such a matter of course.

"Can you first see this before I answer that question?"

I through the stuff in my hand on the desk. It is a rough, round, light brown object.

"This is?"

"It's called potato"

That's a potato. There is no twist, here again it is a potato.

"Look, this potato is――”

I explained to Polif how good potatoes are for this place and how good they are. Polif gave a suspicious look from my explanation. But this has been experienced previously from the reaction of the villagers. So I need to prove it. I will try to show off what I prepared before I came here. I looked at one of the guards behind me. He holds a hemispherical silver lid, a plate with a dome cover. It is placed on the desk. When I opened the dome cover, white steam rose. The fragrant smell of butter tickles the nose and saliva naturally spills out from the mouth. On the top of the plate is a cooked potato with butter.

"It's a cooked potato. Even though it's cooked, I just put butter on the steamed potato. You should eat it"

Showing that there is no poison, I first eat it by taking a bite. Umm, still good. Potato and butter, the affinity between the two is the best. Then Polif also took a piece like me and put it in his mouth. Momentarily――.


Polif was watched and stared at. The words were so heavy that something resonated in my heart. It may have been a long time event. Another elf reached out, but the response remains the same. For them, it was a long time ago that they showed such a reaction.

"......So I didn't get an answer to my previous question"

"This was the reason I came here. I just came to tell you elves is to get under my rule. Because you are in my territory, it is natural"

An obvious complaint comes from the beautiful face of Polif.

"Even if you rule over us, there will be no further gains. Here we cant expect the grace of the earth and the heavens will only give us hardships"

"Don't worry. I will hand over potato seeds to you. As I said earlier, potatoes are good for this place. The food problem should be much better. Furthermore,  I'm not going to take taxes so much that you starve. What is tax in the first place? It's not a biting charge, is it? The lord receives the tax and uses that tax to manage the people's well-being. It is only a tipping point such as the exploitation of the tax so that it is not able to live. I will do the job for you to receive taxes."

I said this, but I don't expect any taxes from the elves. However, it is not known if there are beastmen everywhere before, and it is likely not to be thought very well externally at present by knowing the existence of the different races but not taking the tax. It is too special to live in the territory of the beastmen now. If I don't keep taxes at least, I might be hit hard by the country and other lords. I also have the appearance of a lord in this country.

In addition, there is also a reason to want to attach a link to the elves as my territory will develop in the future. Depending on the number of elves, it may be a supplement for a population of 10,000.

And one more thing. In the future, in the worst case, I might be confronting the country. At that time, I was worried that the wolf tribe would not be enough.

"You want us to believe your words? Humans have only driven us out."

"There is no right to refuse. If you don't like it, get out of my territory. But isn't it too late to see if what I'm saying is true?"

To my words, Poliff thought silently. Looking at Polif who thinks firmly, the elves next to him say something. Before long, the mouth of Polif opened.



The elf next to Polif shouted his name

"There is no other way"

"But how are you going to explain it to the other tribes!"

What about me? Then I noticed the catch. It is the words ‘other tribe’. It sounds like they live with a tribe other than elves.

"I can only explain it as it is."

"......They're gonna kill you."

"Huh, they're not stupid. We should give priority to the prosperity of the clan over the temporary feelings."

"You underestimate the resentment from other people of our race. Their resentment is much deeper than us who have a relationship with humans like we do today."

I stopped their talk by saying "Wait". Four jewel-like eyes turn to me.

"What other clans? Elves are elves."

"......In addition to us elves, there are also different races."

"Hey!" Said the other elf. But Polif continues his words, ignoring it.

"We all live together to live. We come here to sell firewood because elves are the closest to humans because of the look"

When I heard that, I lost my words. In a place that was once called the cursed land, I created a town, where the beastmen lived across the tribal borders and holding hands together. Just as the situation is different, the beastmen lived close to each other in this harsh land.

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