Town chapter 82: Garden Party 4

Edenstam was stopped by Queen Olivia who sat on the throne looking at the venue. However, no one sees on it favourably.

The man named Edenstam is an eye-catching ent.i.ty for the Dryad n.o.bility. Edenstam is always in the way when someone tries to get close to Queen Olivia. It is Edenstam who actually controls power of the political affairs. It was Edenstam that really received the fondness of Queen Olivia, who never appeared alone.

Edenstam whispered words into Olivia's ears gently. It may seem disrespectful, but such trivial actions have been seen many times by the n.o.bles and they have become accustomed to them.

"Your Majesty, a very rare offering has arrived today. I would like to share it with everyone."

"What is it?"

"They are potatoes."

Olivia smiled, "Well… " She looked like a blooming flower.

But Edenstam had a mysterious look on his face. Olivia looked like she knew about potatoes.

"Cough... No, that emm... was that 'potato'? Well, it's an offering, so let's make sure that everyone gets a taste."

"Haa, I understand. But I have one more thing to ask of Her Majesty."

Well, rethinking in his imagination, Edenstam kept talking.

"What is it?"

"That is— "

Edenstam explained his plan. On the other hand, Olivia had a reluctant expression. When he finally managed to get her consent, Edenstam went to the kitchen. The somewhat boiled potatoes were brought to the venue.


"What is that dish?"

Against expectations, it attracted everyone's interest, even though it was just a simple dish and only boiled. Everyone knew that it was a crop that they had not seen before.

"Now everyone! This served dish is something that someone gave as today's gift! First to relish, Her Majesty, the Queen!"

Edenstam's voice reverberated in the hall and everyone's eyes moved from the potatoes in front of them to Queen Olivia.

"Now, Itadakimasu."

Thin white fingers that were illuminated by the sunlight, Olivia picked up a potato as if she was used to it and brings it to her mouth. The behavior was beautiful, and everyone was in love with it.

"Well... delicious."

What floated was a smile that was very big. It was pure and extreme without hiding any dirty intentions. The viewers felt as if she was an innocent child. But the Queen is not a child. Because she was an adult, the men in this place were incredibly comfortable with her big chest swaying.

"Now, I hope everyone enjoys it!"

Unlike Olivia's previous voice, it was a screaming voice, peculiar like an elderly's that came out of Edenstam's mouth. Everyone who was immersed by Her Majesty the Queen touched the potatoes nearby, frowning evenly. As soon as their eyebrows were raised, they would open their eyes wide.

"Oh, this is pretty good."

"Umm, it's not bad. Wouldn't it be suitable for other dishes as well? It looks good to sandwich it with bread and it looks good."

"You can put it in a stew. Umm, it's not bad."

It was only because they were aristocrats with a high self-esteem that they praised it with comparisons. However, all of them are foodies and it could be said that it was generally well-received even without knowing its true value.

"The name of this crop is 'potato'! It is a new kind of crop that boasts high productivity even in the cold and thin land of the north!"

When Edenstam shouted high, a roar rang through the venue. So far as he heard the remarks, it seemed that it was a.s.sumed to be probably newly discovered in the north and the food situation on the continent may change drastically because of it.

However, it was a gift. The question that arose was from whom was this crop gifted.


Edenstam declared. Who was that? Everyone followed Edenstam's eyes to find out.

A n.o.bleman who only had a calm face among everyone. Everyone thought「I wonder if there was such a guy」and looked at the same person. Then, they remembered that the man was the one who insulted everyone earlier and called himself 'Ujimushi'.

When the eyes of the people in the venue were concentrated on n.o.buhide, Edenstam called out to him once again.

"Baron Fujiwara, please come before Her Majesty the Queen."

There was hesitation in n.o.buhide's face, but that lasted only for a moment. While being stared at by everyone, he walked in front of Olivia. When n.o.buhide kneeled, the area fell silent.

"Baron… Fujiwara."


When Olivia said n.o.buhide's name, it wasn't those two who felt awkward. "No way, Her Majesty favors that man?" Some people had thought that this man was inferior to them, etc., but they remembered the frightening aspect of n.o.buhide's background and shook their heads as if saying "No".

Olivia coughs a little as if to remember and phrase her words.

"It's amazing, this potato."

"Haa, I'm honored to be complimented."

"That is very difficult to say..."

"Please tell me how I can help. I am Her Majesty's r— "

"...I understand. I want you to share this potato so that it can be raised in my territory."

Olivia said very apologetically.

Edenstam was staring at n.o.buhide and Olivia from a slightly lowered position. At that time, Edenstam had an evil smile on his face. If anyone saw him, they would question what he was up to. However, since everyone's attention was directed to the exchange between the Queen and n.o.buhide, no one saw to question him.

'Now, what can you do Polo Company?'

*** You are reading on ***

Edenstam shouted in his mind as he stripped off his facade and showed his hostility toward n.o.buhide. Behind the feelings of victory was absolute confidence. He has the right time, place and people for his strategy. There are no holes.

'Fujiwara will refuse first, but concedes after.'

Edenstam was staring at n.o.buhide's mouth, waiting to hear.

"Sorry— ", "I'm sorry— "

The figure of n.o.buhide speaking those words played in his mind. He was waiting for that moment to scream 'You! Are you going to ignore Her Majesty's request!"

There were many people who don't think pleasantly about n.o.buhide. A trench between the rising n.o.bleman n.o.buhide and the legitimate n.o.bles was already formed. It seemed to be settled by Romatto's words earlier, but no one was actually convinced and many of the aristocratic people would have acc.u.mulated resentment.

Even so, it was impossible for a lord to monopolize a new crop. Edenstam thought that many n.o.bles would agree with him.

'Now, say it quickly!'

n.o.buhide opened his mouth as if he was following Edenstam's voice. As soon as the air that pa.s.sed through the lungs shook the vocal cords and made a sound from n.o.buhide's mouth, Edenstam also took a deep breath to raise his voice of rebuke. And then—

"Yes, I understand. Let's share the potatoes."


To n.o.buhide's unexpected words, Edenstam swallowed the air in his mouth and uttered a word that no one understood. 'What is it?' And all eyes inside the venue turned towards Edenstam.

"N— No, I'm sorry for the coughing."

Edenstam blushed shyly, but his chest was full of confusion.

'What did this guy just say!? This guy said "I understand"!!'

Edenstam couldn't understand. It is not something that merchants usually do, accepting such a request easily. No, even if merchants are not involved, for a Baron, it is a foolish act to reduce the wealth of their territory and to spread such a treasure.

I think it wasn't just Edenstam. Olivia, who also knew the plan, asked again for confirmation.

"I'm sorry. Are you sure you want to do this again?"

"Yes, I´ll offer the potatoes. Of course, free of charge."

The word of approval came out of n.o.buhide's mouth again. Edenstam was surprised again, but this time it wasn't overwhelming. Furthermore, thinking again, 'No, this is also all right'.

The process is different, but the results were the same. There is nothing to say if n.o.buhide is willing to serve the country. Rather, Edenstam thought that n.o.buhide made 'a tribute to the country with allegiance' and apologized in his heart that he was mistaken. But the story didn't end there.

n.o.buhide left the dais after receiving Olivia's thanks.

A high-cla.s.s n.o.bleman from the Igor Empire called out to him. "Can potatoes also be given to our country?"

What a fool, Edenstam thought. He laughed at the point that they asked but he thought that the Igor Empire n.o.bles were going to play around and weren't serious. However, his idea was off by a lot.

"Yes, sure."

n.o.buhide accepted the strange request. The Igor Empire aristocrat, who wanted the potatoes, as well as Edenstam, had a confused face. However, the reality is that n.o.buhide promised to provide potatoes to the Igorian n.o.ble. If that's true then people from other countries wouldn't be left behind.

"In that case, to our country also."


"Ah, and our country."


n.o.buhide kept answering, as if the tap was turned on, the guests from all over the world who wanted potatoes. A potato bargain sale. In this situation, the value of the potatoes would be lost. Naturally, Edenstam, who was trying to h.o.a.rd the benefits, was stunned.

"Wh… Wh… What are you doing with your own crops… ?"

But Edenstam's voice does not reach n.o.buhide, because he was inundated with the guests from other countries as well as Dryad Kingdom´s n.o.bles. Everyone wanted n.o.buhide's potatoes.

Anyway, even if Edenstam took some action here, it would no longer be helpful. To make a promise with someone from another country unilaterally at the Garden Party is too formal. Thus, Edenstam's plan succeeded in some ways, but failed in some ways as well.

On the other side, the fact that everyone wanted potatoes meant that one of those good looking senior aristocrats who wanted potatoes lowered his face. An aristocrat with the good face, spoke to n.o.buhide without any shame.

"If... If possible, I would also like to have potatoes in my territory… "


"Ah, that's not good."


It was an unexpected answer from n.o.buhide. The aristocrat with the good face muttered in a dumb voice, opened his mouth like a fish, and his face hardened for a few seconds.

"No, I don't want to share potatoes with you."

"Such! Y— You! Is there any reason why you are doing such a thing, such as giving potatoes to others, but not giving them to me?"

Desperation. Anyway, this good-looking n.o.ble, in fact, is the Lord located just south of Fujiwara's territory and his name is Teddy Ernander. His physical condition is bad and he wanted to send a subst.i.tute on his behalf here today, but he still came.

His territory is better than Fujiwara's territory, but it is cold and severe. In other words, potatoes could be treasures in Teddy's territory. So what would happen if the people of other provinces get potatoes and he couldn't get them for his territory? The consequences would be heavy and it would be inevitable that his seat might also be aimed at by someone else.

"Don't be silly… "

Teddy cursed with his dirty mouth. Those who followed behind him were those who, like Teddy, made fun of n.o.buhide. They wanted potatoes, but they couldn't ask n.o.buhide to forgive their own behavior. Therefore, Teddy's agony was just a good opportunity. Everyone became united, trying to win the potatoes by being unreasonable— by forcing him.

"Huu, I understand. So, let's add a condition."

n.o.buhide saw that it was unavoidable before long and conceded early. On the other hand, those who were complaining about this were relieved and smug.

However, Teddy couldn't help but feel uncomfortable by seeing the joyful colors behind n.o.buhide's eyes. And that foreboding was right. n.o.buhide took a bottle of wine from the desk and poured it into an empty cup and—

"Come on, everyone here, do this. Please drink it with the nose at once. If you could show me the aristocratic manners you were talking about, I'll give you the potatoes."

That's the man named n.o.buhide Fujiwara. He was as narrow-minded as the other 'senior' aristocrats.

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