In the end, Luo Qingli added a professor's grandson.

    The surname is Li, and the single name is a fan, called Li Fan.

    Because the professor likes a certain historical figure with the character "Fan" in his name, he chose this name for his grandson.

    After adding it, they said they were busy with work, so I went to work after a few chats.

    Luo Qingli looked at the chat page of the two, and she sent four words.

    Four words are good.

    Luo Shuya showed her a photo of Li Fan. The man in the photo is 184 cm tall, has the habit of exercising all year round, is not bald, and has a lot of hair.

    The facial features are neat, and it looks clean and fresh.

    Not particularly handsome, but it looks very comfortable.

    Meeting many of her requirements, Luo Qingli knew that her aunt was carefully choosing a blind date for her.

    But what about her? I don't even want to chat.

    It's past eight o'clock in the evening.

    Li Fan sent a message.

    "Do you have time this weekend?"

    "Can we meet if you have one?"

    Another cute emoji was posted later.

    Luo Qingli stared at these two news, she had time, but she didn't want to meet at all, she didn't even want to say a word.

    Luo Shuya asked her to take the initiative, and sent her a blind date template for men and women, and asked her to chat according to that to increase the understanding between the two.

    Luo Qingli ignored it.

    She also did not reply.

    In about half an hour.

    Li Fan: "Are you busy? If you see the message, please reply to me."

    Luo Qingli: "Should we delete each other?"

    Li Fan: "???"

    Luo Qingli: "It feels like we are not suitable."

    Li Fan: "You haven't seen me, how do you know it's inappropriate?"

    Li Fan: "If you want to meet on weekends, I know there is a good hot pot restaurant, just the two of us, chatting while eating hot pot, and going to the movies at night."

    "If you agree, I'll book a box and buy a movie ticket."

    Luo Qingli hesitated, she didn't reply for a long time, she didn't want to go.

    However, a blind date is the only way she can meet a man.

    On her own, she can't find it.

    Introduced by family members, at least the man's family knows the bottom line.


    Always take the initiative, it's just a blind date.

    If it is not suitable for the first meeting, stop the loss in time, and the next one may be suitable for her.

    With this mentality, Luo Qingli responded well.

    Li Fan said something for a while, just asking her how hard it was to film? Pay attention to your body.

    He said that she grew up watching Luo Qingli's play, and he also said that their whole family grew up watching Luo Qingli.

    Luo Qingli put down the phone after a few perfunctory words.

    She sat on the carpet, leaning half of her face on the sofa, she took the pillow next to her and hugged her in her arms.

    Luo Qingli asked herself over and over again, is she really going to meet Li Fan on Sunday? Eat hot pot and watch a movie together?

    She doesn't want to go, but if she doesn't go, what can she do?

      That's it.

    But she also knew that she was afraid of being known to have such thoughts.

    If she really found a girl to fall in love with, and was known, would she still be happy?

    On the weekend, after Luo Qingli put on makeup, she asked Xiaomei to choose a retro knitted sweater for her, with a plaid skirt underneath. It looked playful and gentle, and she was many years younger.

    After getting her hair done, Luo Qingli asked the driver to take her to the hot pot restaurant she had promised. It was just five o'clock in the afternoon when she got there.

    She and Li Fan made an appointment to meet at 5:10.

    As a result, it was 5:10 and Li Fan had not yet appeared.

    Luo Qingli didn't ask him, but sat on a chair and watched gossip.

    Look at Liang Wanqiu's fans writing fanfiction to Liang Wanqiu and Bo Yanyan, small theater.

    Luo Qingli thinks it looks good.

    She has spent more time online than she has in years combined.

    She saw many, many love stories online.

    Any gender.

    Luo Qingli found that she was almost thirty years old, but she was as sensual as a teenage girl. Every time she read these love stories, she was still sweet.

    At half past five, Luo Qingli sent a message to Li Fan.

    "Are you there yet?"

    Li Fan: "Arrived, how about you? Have you done your makeup?"

    "It's okay, girls always take a long time to clean up when they go out. Don't worry, I will wait for you."

    Luo Qingli: “…”

    Li Fan: "Take your time, I can wait."

    Luo Qingli: "Is it really there?"

    Li Fan: "I'm a little nervous, I'll be there at half past four and have been waiting for you in the box."

    Luo Qingli: "I arrived at five o'clock, why didn't I see you?"

    There is always typing.

    Ten minutes passed.

    Li Fan: "Don't you girls like to be late? You are still a female star, I thought you won't be there until seven or eight o'clock?"

    Luo Qingli frowned, took a photo and sent it.

    "Maybe some girls do show up late, but that's a small percentage. Most girls are on time."

    "We are not suitable, let's delete each other."

    Luo Qingli deleted Li Fan's WeChat without hesitation.

    After that, there is only endless ease in my heart.

    Li Fan sent a friend request to come over, admit his mistake, and apologize.

    For more than half a month, Luo Qingli maintained the frequency of seeing one blind date a day, and by the end of December, she had seen almost twenty.

    Some of the first meeting, the man is gentle and polite, can not pick out a single mistake.

    But she just doesn't like it, she's cold.

    She has always been indifferent, and the man doesn't care, thinking that she has such a temper.

    But Luo Qingli knew that they made her less enthusiastic.

    Luo Shuya felt that she had lost more hair in the past half month than in a year.

    "What kind of one are you looking for?" Seeing Luo Qingli reading the book, Luo Shuya went crazy: "I'm not satisfied with any of them, can you ask for a lower one?"

    Luo Qingli tilted her head, her eyes faint: "Can you find a **** a blind date?"

    Luo Shuya was stunned.

    After a while, she said, "Looking for a girl?"

    Luo Qingli nodded: "Liang Wanqiu and Bo Yanyan can fall in love, and so many people wish them well, why can't I?"

    What Luo Shuya thought.

    It was really broken.

    There are actually a lot of homosexuals in the circle, both men and women, everyone hides it well, but insiders, who do not know.

    Luo Shuya never imagined that her family wanted to find a woman to fall in love with.

    "Yes, many people wish Liang Wanqiu and Bo Yanyan." Luo Shuya finally suppressed her anger: "Why bless them? Ali, don't you really understand?"

    She said fiercely: "You want to find a girl to fall in love with, right, you can, you can find a woman with the identity of Yan Yan, as long as you can find a second Yan Yan, even if If you don't want it, your parents will tie you up and send it to her."

    "Can you find it?" Seeing her biting her lip and her face pale, Luo Shuya couldn't bear it: "They are blessed because it is a thin smoke, if that person is not a thin smoke Smoke, it is revealed that Liang Wanqiu is in love with a woman, do you see if everyone scolds me?"

    Luo Qingli bowed her head.

    Luo Shuya looked at her black hair: "Don't go on a blind date during this time, think about it for yourself, now only I know your thoughts, if your parents find out, they will I'm not as good at talking."

    "If they knew that you had this idea, they would arrange for you to get married immediately. At that time, you will not have the right to choose. Even if you are a bad old man, you have to suffer."

    When the door closed, Luo Shuya slammed the door.

    Luo Qingli looked at her twisted fingers, she understands, she just understands, so she has been working **** a blind date.

    But the inner hurdle cannot be overcome.

    She didn't think about this before, she felt that she was like this all her life. According to the arrangement of her family, she filmed, then got married, had children, and then filmed, and she lived her whole life like this.

    She is also used to this kind of life, but she really wants to come this far.

    She couldn't get past it.

    She can film.

    You can find a man to fall in love, get married, and have children.

    Just thinking about chatting, holding hands, hugging, kissing, and more intimacy.

    She felt disgusted.

    She might as well die, if she really got to that point, she would rather die.

    She didn't even want to pretend.

    Every time she met and chatted with them, she was on pins and needles.

    Luo Qingli thought of Liang Wanqiu.

    "Can you push Xie Ning's WeChat to me?"

    Liang Wanqiu: "Okay, but what do you want her WeChat for?"

    "Want to have friends."

    Liang Wanqiu asked Xie Ning, and after getting Xie Ning's consent, she pushed Xie Ning's WeChat to Luo Qingli.

    Luo Qingli added Xie Ning.

    Xie Ning took the initiative to say hello: "Hello, Mr. Luo."

    Luo Qingli: "Mr. Xie, can I ask a very rash question?"

    Xie Ning: "Yes."

    Luo Qingli: "Which kind of person do you like? Men or women?"

    Xie Ning raised her eyelids, what does this mean?

    Luo Qingli has been out for so many years, and she has never had any love scandals. Everyone says that her family is strictly in charge. In fact, everyone guessed wrong, Luo Qingli actually likes women?

    Xie Ning thought of Luo Qingli's two assistants, which one is it? Or both?

    Xie Ning: "I only like my grandma."

    Luo Qingli understood and was rejected.

    "Sorry to bother you."

    Xie Ning: "Mr. Luo, I just want to make money, I'm not interested in dating."

    She thought Luo Qingli might have something to say about her.

    Xie Ning: "I will not love anyone except my grandma."

    Liang Wanqiu saw the screenshot of the chat between her and Luo Qingli that Xie Ning sent to her.

    Xie Ning: "I know it's normal for girls to fall in love with girls, aren't you? I don't discriminate against you, but I really have no interest in love, I just want to make money."

    Liang Wanqiu glanced at it: "I'm sorry, please keep today's affairs secret, I'm really sorry."

    Xie Ning: "Don't worry, I won't say it, I just want you to persuade her, don't do this in the future, if the others she finds are exposed and extorted, what will she do? "

    Liang Wanqiu chatted with Xie Ning, and she directly sent the screenshot of Xie Ning to Luo Qingli.

    "Are you crazy?"

    "Can this kind of thing be said?"

    Luo Qingli: "I know she is your friend, and if she can be your friend, her character will not be bad. Except for her, I didn't find anyone else."

    Liang Wanqiu sighed: "You like girls too?"

    Luo Qingli: "Well, I didn't think about it before, but recently I found out on a blind date."

    Liang Wanqiu didn't know what to say.

    "Then why are you looking for Xie Ning?"

    Luo Qingli: "She's your friend, I'll ask."

    Liang Wanqiu: "There is something about Xie Ning on the Internet. Before you look for her, you should search and find out her basic information. She is not suitable for you."

    Liang Wanqiu: "You are looking for someone who will love you and make you happy all the time."

    She thought of Lin Su.

    If Lin Su had also been to the variety show "Xanadu", wouldn't everything be different?

    She had an issue and Luo Qingli thought she made her happy.

    But if Lin Su also participated, she would only be more attentive and make Luo Qingli happier.

    Liang Wanqiu: "If you really want to find a girl to fall in love with, it will be very stressful. Your aunt is in charge of your team. A lot of pressure, are you sure? It's going to be tough."

    Luo Qingli: "My aunt said the same."

    Liang Wanqiu: "Then think about it first, and then wait until you figure out what you want? Can you tell me later? It's fine not to."

    Liang Wanqiu thought of Luo Qingli's parents, if they knew that her daughter was gay, Luo Qingli would be scolded lightly, fearing that her parents would kill her.


    They only love themselves and only care about their own face.

    Luo Qingli's parents are such people.

    Luo Qingli: "Then where do I go to meet girls, who are just like me."

    Liang Wanqiu knew Bo Yanyan when he went out to eat.

    But what about her? Her circle is even smaller than Liang Wanqiu's.

    Luo Qingli: "If I solve the trouble that my family will cause, can you and Xiaotao introduce girls to me? Does Xiaotao have friends who like girls like her?"

    Liang Wanqiu: "Let's talk about this later. If you really have this heart, you should shut down your parents first, otherwise you will hurt others."

    Liang Wanqiu: "I really like someone, I don't want to see her sad, and I don't want to cause her trouble. Even if she sheds a few tears, you will feel distressed."

    Liang Wanqiu did not dare to tell Lin Su about this. If she told Lin Su, Lin Su would probably come over and find Luo Qingli.

    At that time, Lin Su was the one who suffered the most damage.

    If you don't get someone you like, you will lose your career.

    Luo Qingli did not reply.

    Liang Wanqiu didn't care, but it was a surprise.

    She asked Lin Su: "What are you doing?"

    Lin Su: "In Jincheng, we will record a variety show tomorrow."

     Her variety show is not over yet.

    Liang Wanqiu: "Luo Qingli is on a blind date recently, did you know?"

    Lin Su: "I know."

    She is in Luo Qingli's old fan group, and many people know about Luo Qingli's blind date.

    The fans are happy, they all want their favorite sister to choose a brother-in-law they also like.

    Liang Wanqiu didn't know what to say, she was silent.

    Lin Su: "Actually, I know it's impossible for me and her, but I just don't want to leave regrets for myself. Now she can know that there is a person named Lin Su in this world."

    The author has something to say:


    Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: one for your peace of mind;

    Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of Chaoming; 20 bottles of Luoluo Qingqiu; 1 bottle of Xinxin;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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