Bo Yanyan walked to the stairs and saw Liang Wanqiu, who was lying on the sofa and playing with her mobile phone. She seemed to be afraid of the cold, and she was covered with a goose-yellow silk quilt.

    Seeing the thin smoke, Liang Wanqiu raised her hand and said hello: "Have you finished your homework?"

    The expression is normal, the eyes are clean and magnanimous, as if nothing has been done.

    Good acting. Bo Yanyan boasted in her heart that she was so calm that it would make her wonder if the person she was chatting with just now was Liang Wanqiu.

    Thin Yanyan shook her head: "Not yet, I'm thirsty, come down and pour a glass of boiling water."

    Liang Wanqiu lowered her head and continued to look at the phone screen.

    Bo Yanyan went to the corner of the restaurant and poured a glass of boiling water, and when she went upstairs with the water glass, she glanced at Liang Wanqiu again, she had turned over, lying on her side lazily On the sofa, his long black hair was a bit messy, covering most of his delicate face.

    The thin smoke drew her eyes back.

    Upstairs, when she got to the bedroom, she closed the door, sat down at the desk, took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Ji Chang.

    "Have you ever cosplayed with your girlfriend?"

    Ji Chang guessed that he was also very busy today, so he replied quickly: "I played, what's wrong?"

    "It's just a little fun between lovers."

    She admitted it generously, Thin Yanyan thought for a moment: "It's okay."

    Ji Chang didn't understand why she asked this, and she didn't know how the relationship between Bo Yanyan and Liang Wanqiu had progressed. After thinking about it, she still didn't ask.

    Liang Wanqiu searched a lot of girls' chat records with her boyfriend. After reading it, she didn't learn anything, so she could only give up and search Li Shaochen's news.

    The news was filmed a few days ago. Li Shaochen attended a business event, and Bai Yueguang Zhao Shiran, who followed him, was interviewed by a reporter and asked if they were dating.

    Li Shaochen turned his head to look at the woman next to him with affection, but Zhao Shiran said that he was just a friend, and Li Shaochen's eyes became cold.

    The male protagonist is a licking dog who has been licking Bai Yueguang for eight years.

    This is the same as the plot in the book, Liang Wanqiu is slightly helpless, when will these two be locked together.

    I was about to put down the phone when Luo Qingli sent a message to Liang Wanqiu on WeChat.

    Luo Qingli: "I have nothing to do, I made a dish at home."


    Liang Wanqiu looked at it several times before she recognized what this lump was? It's eggs.

    She and Luo Qingli haven't seen each other for a long time. The last time they met, they were filming in the film and television city. Luo Qingli finished filming first. She left the film and television city early, and after returning to the imperial capital to rest for a while, she began to film her next scene. a play.

    It is a modern drama. The filming location is in the imperial capital. They have been on the crew for several months. The two are very busy and rarely chat on WeChat.

    As for Liang Wanqiu, she has not gone back once since she left the imperial capital in June to go to the Studio City.

    Liang Wanqiu calculated it, and it is estimated that in mid-March, after the drama is completed, he can return to the imperial capital.

    Liang Wanqiu: "Didn't you put the oil? Where's your nanny?"

    There was no reply from Luo Qingli, Liang Wanqiu waited for a while, searched for a video teaching omelette and sent it, just sent it out, and saw Luo Qingli sent a photo.


    Luo Qingli: "I have nothing to do these days, so I want to learn how to cook."

    Liang Wanqiu: "Don't you go out to pay New Year's greetings?"

    Luo Qingli: "I quarreled with my family, and they were locked at home for reflection."

    Liang Wanqiu: "...???"

    Luo Qingli did not reply again.

    Liang Wanqiu didn't know what happened to her either. She met Luo Qingli too little. Regarding Luo Qingli's character, she guessed from Luo Qingli's previous news. , Luo Qingli didn't tell her everything, she hid everything in her heart and needed people to guess.

    Liang Wanqiu doesn't like to guess, she likes to be told directly that she is too lazy to guess, so Liang Wanqiu prefers to be with Chen Sanshui or Lin Su.

    Chen Sanshui has no scheming, good and bad are shown on her face, and she is in a bad mood. She asks Liang Wanqiu to directly explain the reason for her bad mood.

    In this way, Liang Wanqiu can comfort her directly.

    Lin Su knew exactly what she wanted. Facing Liang Wanqiu, she directly said that she had no bad thoughts about Liang Wanqiu, so Liang Wanqiu liked to deal with her.

    Liang Wanqiu waited for more than half an hour, it was already twelve o'clock, and Luo Qingli hadn't replied yet.

    Liang Wanqiu sent her a message on WeChat.

    "What's the reason for the quarrel?"

    "I can't help you unless you tell me."

    "How can you solve the problem if you don't say it?"

    "If you hold it in your heart, you will suffocate yourself."

    After putting down the phone, Liang Wanqiu looked at her grandmother and asked if she was hungry? Do you want to go to the hot dish now?


    Grandma was a little hungry at this time, so she said yes.

    Liang Wanqiu took her mobile phone to the kitchen. During the cooking process, she occasionally glanced at her mobile phone and unlocked it to see if she had received any news.


    Liang Wanqiu went upstairs to ask Bo Yanyan to eat, and after Bo Yanyan came down, she put some dishes on the table, poured a glass of hot milk for one person, and poured half of it for grandma glass of boiling water.

    During dinner, Liang's mother sent a video call, Liang Wanqiu said hello to the people over there, paid New Year's greetings, and then sent a few red envelopes to the relatives group.

    Liang Wanqiu added a lot of groups, the family group was just her and her parents, and later a family group was established. She and her parents also had a thin smoke, and then there were several family groups, her mother's Relatives on the side, relatives on her father's side, and those cousins ​​and sisters, etc.

    There are dozens of people in a family group, and they basically don’t chat at ordinary times.

    At one point, Luo Qingli still had no message sent.

    Liang Wanqiu sent another message: "Have you eaten yet? Are you still busy? Or hide and cry secretly?"

    Grandma was calling her to dinner and said the food was cold.

    Liang Wanqiu sighed, put the phone on the sofa, walked over slowly, and sat down beside the thin smoke.

    Thin Yanyan glanced at her, then looked at the hot milk in the glass. After she took a sip from the glass, she saw that Liang Wanqiu hadn't moved his chopsticks.

    Thin smoke asked curiously: "What's wrong? Sister."

    Liang Wanqiu shook her head: "It's fine." She took a braised chicken leg and put it in the thin smoke bowl: "Let's eat."

    Pause for a few seconds and ask, "How much homework is left unfinished?"

    Thin smoke and smoke replied: "There are still thirty papers."

    Grandma said next to her: "There are so many, the children are really hard now."

    Liang Wanqiu originally planned to take her grandmother and Bo Yanyan to see a movie after dinner. Thinking that Bo Yanyan still had so much homework, she could only give up and not go anywhere. Let the thin smoke stay at home and do homework.

    After eating, Liang Wanqiu went to the small garden outside and squatted under a grapefruit tree to call Luo Qingli.

    After four calls, someone finally answered.

    No one speaks there.

    Liang Wanqiu looked up at the sky, the sky was foggy, and it was estimated that it was going to rain again.

    "Have you eaten yet?" She held the mobile phone in one hand and the weeds that had just sprout in the other. Even during the New Year, you could faintly see the shadow of the arrival of spring.

    "Not yet, I can't eat it." Luo Qingli's voice was muffled: "They all went out, I am the only one at home, I want to cook, but I can't do it well."

    "Is there anything to eat at home? You eat some snacks to cushion your stomach."

    "Yes, I don't want to eat." Luo Qingli is still the same: "I want to sleep, I'm hanging up."

    Liang Wanqiu was helpless and wiped her right hand on her trousers. After wiping off the drop of water, she rubbed her temple, only to feel a sudden pain in her temple.

    "Luo Qingli, has anyone ever said that you are a boring gourd? There are so many things that you are still holding back in your heart, you want me to coax you, but don't tell me what happened? I'm not that great. , can't guess what you're thinking?"

    Luo Qingli was silent, and she burst into tears there.

    Being the New Year's Eve, Liang Wanqiu didn't want to do this. She softened her tone: "Why did you quarrel with your family? Which one did you quarrel with? I'll scold them for you."

    Luo Qingli sniffed: "I didn't quarrel, I just didn't want to go out with them for New Year's greetings, they got angry."

    Young people don't like New Year's greetings, it's normal, Liang Wanqiu didn't go to New Year's greetings.

    "Really?" Liang Wanqiu didn't quite believe it.

    After a while, Luo Qingli said, "Are you following my aunt's Weibo?"

    She knew that Liang Wanqiu didn't pay attention, so Liang Wanqiu followed her Weibo, her studio Weibo and her aunt's Weibo, Liang Wanqiu did not follow.

    Liang Wanqiu touched his forehead: "No."

    Luo Qingli hung up the phone.

    Liang Wanqiu checked the call time, called for six minutes, and then said a few words.

    She logged into Weibo and searched Luo Shuya's Weibo account. Luo Shuya has a lot of Weibo fans, several million, basically Luo Qingli's fans.

    Luo Qingli doesn’t post Weibo very often. There are some things that are not suitable for her to post Weibo. At this time, she needs her agent to explain, so Luo Shuya needs to explain.

    Liang Wanqiu looked at Luo Shuya's latest Weibo.

    Luo Shuya V: What kind of brother-in-law do you like? You can say it in the comments.

    There are hundreds of thousands of comments, this Weibo was posted the day before yesterday, and Luo Shuya pinned this Weibo.

    Liang Wanqiu blinked, so this is why Luo Qingli quarreled with her family?


    Luo Qingli's grandparents are all professors from Qingbei, and her parents and aunts are also highly educated, both with master's or doctoral degrees.

    Liang Wanqiu had thought before that if Luo Qingli was looking for a partner, she would not look for an insider. Even if the insider was a professional, but the cultural score was not high, she would be viewed by the Luo family. I don't know, I think everyone in the circle is a jerk.

    So, Luo Qingli should be looking for someone from a scholarly family. The family may not have a lot of money, but it must be a Kochi family.

    The author has something to say:


    Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of Thestral;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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