The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 974: Grieving

There was a very uncomfortable breath in the air, and it was uncomfortable like smelling poisonous gas. Even Chen Feng frowned slightly, and a large amount of skin was covered with goose bumps.

He possesses a demon body, which is already intoxicated by all poisons, not to mention the poisonous gas, which is oral so-called rich and highly toxic, and there will be nothing at all, but at this time, Chen Feng just sucked some of the vegetation ’s decay Gas, the body reacts unknowingly.

You should know that you are a real half-step epic, without any moisture, but even so, your body's resistance is reduced, and long-term smoking will even affect your life.

Chen Feng is so powerful that it is difficult to resist such aggression, let alone ordinary people. Once these toxins spread outward, it is no exaggeration to say that the entire order may collapse and be destroyed.

This is the power of the epic, this is the power of the evil!

At this time, Chen Feng finally understood why the gods would seal or kill these children who originally had their own bloodlines. Without killing each other, their believers would be killed one day sooner or later.


This is an enemy that bothers God.

The surrounding land was stained, and a stench peculiar to decay was swept from the atrophy, making the air turbid.

Chen Feng and the atrophy looked at each other, but saw that the **** of evil radiated a completely descriptive gaze, he spit out a long tongue, licked his throat, made a funny laugh, his voice was extremely hoarse, so As if the throat was torn:

"It hurts ... I hurt ... my body hurts ... Everyone is going to die, I want everyone to be buried for me."

Suddenly, his eyes trembled fiercely, and he screamed in amazement:

"I'm so hurt, can you help me? Please ... help me ..."

The atrophied man said something unintelligible, and Chen Feng finally received the message from the summoning rule.

The shrinking man, whose age of birth is unknown, has been sealed for hundreds of years. Perhaps his father who was born a **** wanted to kill this shame, so he would use the most extreme torture to torture each other.

Divine immortality is immortal, but the damage of hundreds of years has already made the other person mentally sensitive. Even now that he is out of trouble, the soul is already accustomed to the previous damage, and every day is trying to find ways to heal this pain.

Prior to this, his strength had even reached the demigod realm, but because of hundreds of years of imprisonment, his weak strength fell sharply and fell to the epic level.


The atrophy is a heartbroken person who, in order to achieve his purpose, devotes all his efforts to studying all kinds of inhumane injunctions, playing with countless fresh lives in the applause, and the number of people who died in his hands was tens of thousands, and the lives that died of him It is impossible to imagine.

"Oh, I don't think I can heal you ..." Chen Feng thought for a while and said, "This is a horrible character. Don't look at the demanding look now, but the innate destruction power makes the gods jealous." .

"Is there no way to cure it? Then you lend me your body, okay? Let me occupy your body, I hurt, this body hurts ..."

"Huh?" Chen Feng frowned slightly, he just felt that the other's fox tail was finally exposed.

The fact is the same. How can a **** who has existed for countless years show dependence on himself?

The atrophy has been emphasizing his own pain. He has endured pain unthinkable by others and has been destroyed for hundreds of years, making him extremely disgusted with his body.

However, in the information obtained by Chen Feng, the soul of the other party has been sealed in the extremely ugly body in front of him forever.

The oracles will not let the atrophy have any possibility of escape. Even if the gods cannot kill the true iniquity, they can be punished by some means.

The atrophy will endure this pain, without end, it will continue like this.

And this is perhaps another reason for his hatred of the world. He has never been treated with the gentleness he deserves, and naturally he does not understand what it means to be compassionate.

"Save me ... can't you really save me?" The atrophy is still making his last insistence. He stared at Chen Feng. Although he didn't speak, the voice reached Chen Feng's mind.

"No." Chen Feng insisted on his answer, and he was not ready to give hope to the atrophy.

The atrophy began to sneer, the half-meter-long disgusting tongue licked on his face, saliva was everywhere, and his jawbone was convex, his eyes were sunken, like a skull, looking like The most terrible evil in the world

At this moment, the atrophy's face was twisted and embarrassed. In the presence of life, everything was like dead leaves, which could be turned into ashes in an instant.

"Dare you yell at the master?"

The bad demon sensed the atrophy's killing, and his eyes were no longer full of curiosity. Instead, he lifted his neck and shook his head, and a large amount of dragon breath came out from its body whistling ~ ~ everywhere There was a strong wind and violent breath, and I did not know how terrible the wind was, and the surrounding area was suddenly shrouded in death.

At this moment, Chen Feng didn't say anything to stop. He had the rules of summoning. If necessary, he could naturally send the atrophy back to the abyss. Before that, he wanted to see how powerful the other party was!

The atrophy took a deep breath and shivered violently while standing in place. His trembling was not because of fear, but because of his conviction that he was overly resentful to such evenly matched beasts.

The power to destroy the earth, the strange and tricky action, is like the smell of a tsunami. The various characteristics of the other person can not be forgotten in the atrophy's heart, mind, or even every inch of the flesh.

"Why aren't you suffering? Why can you survive in this world? Why? Why is it all?"

"I want your body. Give me your body. It hurts so much. I can't stand it ... I ... don't stand it anymore!"

The atrophy smiled at the bad demon who was slumping towards him.

Laughter is great and very happy.

It's just that the voice is unusually hoarse, an indescribable despair.

One thing he couldn't bear was why the bad devil could become like human beings, but he had to bear the pain already!

The atrophy feels a familiar breath in the bad demon, yes, that's the breath of gods!

In front of this little girl, the little girl who looks no different from human beings, is even the same as herself!

Why do you have to suffer this pain, and it can do it?

The strong injustice makes the atrophy angry. At this moment, He vowed to let the other person suffer his own pain!


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