The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 976: Battle of the Worms

The atrophy is the strongest summoning beast that Chen Feng has mastered since his rebirth. The opponent ’s strength is sky-high, using his opponent ’s tone. If 30% of the power is not available, he will almost kill the bad demons. You must know that the bad demons are also gods, but The gap is undoubtedly revealed at this moment. Even if the inferior monster is horrible, it still looks like a real little girl in the face of the atrophy and has no power to fight back.


If the rule of summoning is exhausted, if Chen Feng is stupid enough to confront the opponent in the past, he will die in less than ten minutes.

However, Chen Feng is not stupid enough to fight against it. In this different dimension, the indigenous people are only a minor problem. After all, here is far from the human world and in another dimension. For Chen Feng, the real confidant is located in In the human world, the Wormland not far from order.

The insect world is extremely vast and possesses its own culture. Chen Feng's investigation alone has more than one epic atmosphere. As for the legendary insect emperor, there are more than twenty, plus millions of insect surges. Of course, Chen Feng did not The French single-handedly destroys this worm world ... but he also doesn't need to do everything himself. Since there are ready-made thugs, why not use them?

Don't look at Chen Feng's actual combat is not as good as some monsters, but he will be familiar with the tactic of "borrowing with a knife".

Saruman's advanced half-step epic, even though it is difficult to take Chen Feng to shuttle space, but it has no reason for himself. What Chen Feng needs to do now is to strike the iron while the heat is on. The atrophy is now in the anger phase. Since he can't wipe out the opponent's Hold your breath, it is better to give the other party a space suitable for venting.

The atrophy is very powerful, especially the halo that can spread death. It is even more frightening. If it is in the human world, even if the order has some rising momentum, once you meet the opponent, you still need to destroy this way!

This is where the epic levels are most scary!

What Chen Feng has to do now is to allow Saruman to make a long-distance shuttle. When he reaches the entrance to the Worm Realm, Chen Feng will release the angry atrophy and let him enter the Worm Realm.

The reason for this is that on the one hand, it completely kills the scourge of the insect world, killing the other person in despair and wandering. For years or even decades, they are afraid to step into the human world. On the other hand, the atrophy is too much. Extreme, he hates all beings, thinks he is above all life, this time is dangerous, regardless of the strength of the other party is epic, but the insects in the worm world are endless. The artillery tactics alone may be able to shrink. Drowned.

Chen Feng expressed his thoughts to Saruman. The latter nodded. To this day, the land still has the golden skull he summoned. Obviously, the other party was not lazy during this time.

The exits of those skeletons who worked hard and complained about the guardian insect world, compared with the previous few times, tens of thousands of bugs poured out from it. For nearly a year, the insect world is extremely stable.

But Chen Feng knows that he hasn't hit him in a real sense. Unless the realm of the insect world really hurts, those bugs will end the dream of occupying humanity!


Dimensional affairs came to an end. There were the Burning Demon and the Bad Demon guarding, and the indigenous people could not find any waves. So Saruman took a flash, and it took only a few seconds to come to the town of insects. Among the islands.

Saruman is now a half-step epic, and it is also a Lich, and his spirit has been strengthened. At this time, he narrowed his eyes and broke through the dimensional restraint. He saw that on the beach edge of the Worm World, there was still gathering A large number of Zerg are on alert and seem to be thinking of launching a second attack on humans.

Even the worm kings who are at the top of the gold are also hovering along the coast, half of their bodies are buried in the soft sea sand, the colorful red and green body and the golden fine sand form an astonishing contrast. From a distance, on the ground As spectacular as the rise of mountains, ordinary people only need to take a look at them, they will be frightened by these dozen giant insects!

These bugs are like the eve of a storm, like waiting for something. Several gold-level bugs before were enough to make order a headache. After all, Chen Feng had not yet promoted the legend at that time, and now, the golden peak alone is enough. A dozen or even twenty. This gap is simply unthinkable.

The other party must have a plan!

Thinking of this, Saruman no longer hesitated, holding up the bone scepter, a light blue light flickered around the Worm World.

Suddenly, all the giant worms in the insect world were shaken, and they all raised their heads from the beach and looked at the sea in front of them!

Those weak bugs are also tense and nervous, buzzing constantly!

The worms felt murderous, they began to growl and growl, and the other party apparently remembered Saruman's breath, and they vowed that the guy who blocked them from expanding would be swallowed up!


Saruman smiled suddenly, folded his hands to form a moon, and suddenly gave out an extremely bright light!

The intense moonlight is like the glaze of melting snowfields, which instantly covers the whole world, and everything within 100 meters is swallowed by incandescence.

This black is not pure darkness, but a kind of despair that devours everything, but even so, there is still a bright light that makes people feel painful!

Even if most of the bugs are liquid crystal compound eyes, there are a lot of bugs at the moment that make the eyes hurt a lot with strong light, the light ones are dizzy, and the heavy ones are directly damaged by the eye structure and blind forever!

As for the dozen or so gold worms, half of them were slightly weaker and dazzled by the strong light, as if there were countless small stars flashing in front of them.


This is not the first time Saruman has seen such an evil scene. Numerous insects are entwined and dense, making people feel very uncomfortable.


The worms that did not blindly screamed with anger.

This **** undead is here again!

Some time ago, this guy also came here to release the plague and took away the lives of tens of thousands of fellow citizens. At that time, Saruman was hunted down by the real strong in the insect world. If it had not been prepared, Saruman would have been very good. May not be able to escape from the paradise.

According to Saruman, this Worm World is simply a natural research institute. In the absence of experimental products, it can go to the Worm World to find the experimental items that it needs.


The bugs are so familiar with the rancid smell, they vowed to let the undead come back forever!

In the fury, five or six legendary giant worms attacked Saruman in unison, and in the air, they were suddenly filled with storms, poison clouds, lightning balls, and acid waterfalls!


These attacks are still too bad after all. Not to mention that Saru is now a half-step epic, it is said that it has been a long-time invasion of the worm world, so that Saruman's attack on worms is extremely familiar.


Dragging a blust of wind, Saruman had broken through the line of insect tide army on the beach, and then continued at a super high speed. Fly towards the crater in the center of Worm Island.

All the worms that were not blind around were crazy, and the howling sounded into one piece, wishing to frustrate Saruman.

But just when these bugs wanted to chase Saruman and siege it around the insect island in one fell swoop--


Saruman whispered in his heart, and then a crack opened, a cold breath, and he was thrown into the worm world.

The worms noticed a strangeness, because they also felt some terrible breath began to spread beside them, but at this time, they had no choice.

The insect world did not anticipate what Chen Feng expected. They were planning something. When Saruman came over, they completely tore up their skins. The insect world was preparing for the counter-attack order!

Therefore, this is a disciplined and planned reunion of insects. Within a few minutes, the powerful men gathered around, and the six legendary insect emperors began to make a final death blow. Or open the eight-lobed mouthpiece like a cannibal flower, spit out a stream of highly toxic acid like a lasing cannon, or stretch the body like a five-pointed star, and the dense yellow bulging eyes on the surface of the body exude. There was a strong corpse smell, forming a series of stench bombs, or some giant insects, flying like a python in the water and a sky dragon, carried an unstoppable impact force, and slammed forward without fear.

The dust was rolling, the waves were rough, the yellow sea sand on the coast was stunned into the air, and the vigilant 100,000 bugs, like the locusts, rushed towards Saruman regardless of their body.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, I don't know who it was, and started to attack Saruman!

Among them, there are also many advanced bloodlines. Those bugs who profess to be fighting races immediately screamed and swelled with violent winds, and then they majesticly killed Saruman in the mid-air on the coast ... ...

Saruman said something in his mouth, and did not find a way to summon the atrophy. Instead, he used his own strength to run up and down this land.


Saruman also knew the call, and at this moment, it summoned a black bone dragon with a skin!

In addition to bone dragons, there are countless undead creatures, skeletons, zombies and wraiths.

This bone dragon, covered with fine mesh dragon scales, has short forelimbs, and a dragon tail with hooks. At this time, the other party dives straight down, first spit poison against a "worm emperor", burns the insect emperor squeak, but leaves at the end. At that time, a worm emperor suddenly stunned from the ground, and by the way with a poisoned tail needle severely pierced the bone dragon's spinal flesh, injected with paralytic toxin madly ...

Bone dragon is already considered undead, but this toxin may be too terrible. After being injected, the bone dragon's speed slowed down significantly.

The number advantage of the Zerg is really terrifying.

Just as Bone Dragon was about to fly into the sky again, all of a sudden, the two feet were the size of a car, soaring like a tumor, covered with disgusting redness and swelling, and a giant insect like a fly rushed towards it buzzingly .

This is also a kind of bug, but it can blast the enemy with itself in a blasting manner. The lethality is not inferior to the full blow of the legendary master!

Bone Dragon didn't know all this. When he saw two ugly bugs blocking the way, he flung the dragon's tail impatiently and hit the body of those two bugs with the whistling wind ...

Immediately, the two worms broke into bones, and the bloated and swollen chest and abdomen exuded thick and red **** disgusting fluid. But the next moment, the two slumped wastes bloomed with the energy to destroy the world, and then they exploded and set off. There was a little mushroom cloud ...

At this time, the bone dragon screamed screamingly, the entire stout dragon tail was blown off, and the blood was shocking. Even its body was full of blood holes, and a longan was blinded!

Bone dragons are undead, so naturally they don't feel the pain, but one thing is that the undead loved their bodies very much, and this may be their last pride!

Don't look at the bloated and ugly bugs, but their lifelong mission and energy are used for "self-explosion", and the glory of life blooms at the moment of death. Therefore, their "self-explosion" is extremely terrible and can cross the gap between realms. It also makes sense to wreck the bone dragon.

Seeing that the bone dragon was seriously injured and stiff, a legendary insect emperor next to it swelled and straightened his body, just like the tsunami engulfed the city, and flung towards the bone dragon in a mighty manner. The bone dragon was wrapped tightly, and then, numerous steel-thorn-like worm legs penetrated into the bone dragon's body in this way, and immediately let its intestines puncture ...

Tightly entangled by a legendary worm emperor, the kind of pain is no less than a thousand swords, even if the bone dragon does not involve a painful problem ~ ~, but its dignity is greatly damaged.

But there is no way.

This is a pre-planned gathering of the insect world. I do n’t know how many horrible insect emperors are engulfed around. Rao is a dragon who has hard and unmatched dragon scales. The poor bone dragon was stirred and cut by countless insect legs, dripping flesh and blood fluttered down and down, and in many parts, only the white bones were left ...

Her Majesty Saruman was considered a master of the undead, and thus died tragically in the Worm World.

In contrast, Saruman didn't show any distress at this time, and the pair was still calm to the extreme. The next second, it made the same action as Chen Feng, stretched out his hands, and then said in a low voice: "Call!"

Saruman and Chen Feng have completed a certain agreement. The existence that Saruman now calls is the summoning beast that Chen Feng already has!

Throughout the coast, the sand was flying and flesh and blood splashed. Broken limbs and scales are scattered everywhere, and the roar, whistling, and mourning of the Zerg and the undead converge into a tragic symphony.

Endless destruction magic. Corrosive venom, giant worms explode, fangs and teeth, weird parasites. All kinds of attack methods have caused a lot of casualties on the battlefield ...

But overall, the bug was a little better, and just when Saruman was about to be submerged, a small, helpless figure set foot on this land.

The atrophy, like amnesia, completely forgot Saruman, but some eager and timid looking at the bug in front of him, said softly, "Can you give me your body?"

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