The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1086: consciousness

I understand all the criticisms, but Liang Xin also needs to eat, add a pirated copy, and recover later.

"Well ... until her realm is in the previous step, it is very likely that this will will continue to escalate. At that time, she will be an arrow, and arrows will be her, and people will be united with arrows. Earn a lot, not only conquered a spiritual descent with the blood of the Red Dragon, but also an savvy consciousness, spiritual descent, it really is a group of jealous people, let alone say, there are wormspeakers And a god-assisted god-giver like a cook. "

Yang Shuo murmured to himself, without any panic because of the situation on the battlefield.

It can be said that this small-scale battle was not seen by him at all. This is the power of the battle group. The blue-eyed white dragon and the **** dog are similar to meat shields. Qiaoqiao looks like an assassin. Long-range attacks, and the little queen and her little ants can be used as logistics personnel.


Unconsciously, Yang Shuo had already pulled up such a powerful team, but the only regret was that his team did not have a nurse, which is what is usually called a therapist.

As long as you add another therapist, Yang Shuo, this battle group can explore some ruins.

For the journey of this world, Yang Shuo has just begun. In the back, there are many wonderful relics waiting for his exploration.

Compared with those relics, both the preparatory camp and the heart-eating camp here are small witches, not to mention others, the array of summons that Yang Shuo relied on are all obtained from one relic.

Not only that, after studying some incomplete ruins, Yang Shuo even realized a lot of special callings.

For example, known as absolute defense ... Rosenmen.

Summon Earth Element ... Shou Shouhe.

Eyes can be placed on the owl for illusion.

These strange abilities were discovered by Yang Shuo while exploring the ruins. However, other powers are still lacking today, and he cannot support these abilities.

Only after entering the high order of his destiny and even the legend, he can truly use these abilities. By then, his attack methods will greatly increase, and he will not be in trouble because of the death and exhaustion of the demon.


A burst of drink brought Yang Shuo back to reality.

See you. At this time, Ibu chanted the purifying word of weeping, and the nuclear energy in her hand radiated a dazzling light. Immediately, it was shining on her jade carved face, shining with dazzling beauty. It was so beautiful. There is even a touch of sacredness.

Soon, a magma-like fire was burning in her hands, blowing Ibra's clothes, hunting and hunting, and her long red hair floated away. Instead of feeling messy, she gave people a This wild and unique mood.



Under this look, Yang Shuo couldn't help but look at it.

Unstoppable, his heart fluttered and fluttered. His eyes were a little blurred, and the tip of his tongue couldn't help licking his lips. The most horrible thing was, his expression was very calm, which indicates that Yang Shuo at this time The action he did was not even clear to him.

The eternal will cannot be viewed with normal eyes.

After all, that Dragon Soul affected some of Yang Shuo ’s mood, so that at this time, he did n’t know that Yang Shuo was tainted and had evil desires, but in the process of getting along slowly, he had a long time for this. He had already had a greedy possessiveness for the coquettish girl with fox ears.

Extremely weird to say.

In the face of this offensive, instead of evading, the blaster met the difficulties, but just as it ran, its body was slowly expanding, and its face was stricken with it, and its bloodshot eyes were full of destruction. Suddenly, white smoke was sprayed into the nostrils, and the corner of his mouth could not be suppressed, and the smirk like a beast gradually enlarged!

"It's going to explode ?! No! Why is this!" Yang Shuo's eyes widened in amazement, not understanding why the burster didn't play the card at all, how could he explode as soon as he came up!

"Run! Get out of the way!"

At this moment, Yang Shuo frowned and snarled at Ibrahim in a hurry.

Ibrahim's response was not slow. After witnessing the weird performance of the blaster, she noticed. At this time, she even integrated the spirit and spirit, her pupils suddenly contracted, and she evaded behind with a very fast speed. .


That is, shortly after Ibrahim fled, the detonator's body was torn directly, and the deafening explosion sound left a large pit full of two meters directly on the ground. The instantaneous blasting force disregarded the same kind or not. The zombies were smashed into pieces, and their bodies were lying motionless on the ground like a rag. And the corrosive liquid is also extremely terrifying, falling green on the ground, and emits a strange sound of "嗤嗤". Waiting for a few seconds, the sprayed concrete floor turned black!


This guy blew himself up!

Yang Shuo looked at the huge pit in front of him in amazement. It stands to reason that the burster also has a high-level capability of nuclear transformation, and his whole strength has not even exploded, but now, it has been directly blasted. This ... This is simply counterintuitive.

Just when Yang Shuo was thinking, a unique power came from a distance.

"this is……"

Suddenly Yang Shuo's eyes widened. Not only did the blue-eyed white dragon and **** dog warn the surroundings, even he himself made a call gesture in his hands.

Just wait for the critical moment to summon the demon to fight.

"Hey ~ Hey!"

After the extremely depressed atmosphere, followed by heavy footsteps ~ ~ stepping on the ground, like a giant beast in the jungle, let people imagine the illusion of a behemoth. .

"It's a heart-stealer!" Yang Shuo's face was dignified, and he turned to glance at Ibrahim, and saw that the latter was also a guard on his face, and the transparent stones were ready for the enemy.

At this time, the ordinary zombies in the field were basically cleared up, and the rest did not pose any threat. But Yang Shuo and his team did not have the heart to take their own victory. Instead, they stood close to each other, forming a **** situation, because they knew that there would be a fierce battle facing them.

This evil and absolutely cold atmosphere makes their breathing seem to be frozen and depressed.

As the footsteps got closer, Yang Shuo also vaguely saw the figure of the mysterious man.


The culprit who stepped on the loud sound was a corpse eater, but this one's body became more burly than what Yang Shuo had seen before. Standing barefooted like a giant tower, Yang Shuo ’s pupils are shrinking, and two giants are bald,

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