The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1093: Retire

Chapter 1094 Retirement

Ge Da stayed in the same place. He lowered his head, and looked at his brother so stupidly, with an unbelievable expression.

My brother died?

No matter how cold-blooded Ge Ge is, or how perverted and killer he is in the eyes of others, he always has an identity with conscience, which is his brother's identity.

Doom is a big dye tank. Some people are crazy because their consciousness has completely fallen into darkness. The reason Ge Da insists to this day is because of the existence of his brother. It is precisely because of the existence of the other party that he still keeps an eye on the doom The only point of affection and humanity.

But now, his brother is dead, but it is impossible to betray his brother with his support until now, but now, his brother has died in front of himself like this, which is hard for Ge Da to accept. For a time, his head A dull, a feeling of almost exploding.

"You killed my brother!"

Ge Da turned his head, a pair of eyes shot directly at Chen Feng like a flash of lightning.

Chen Feng nodded. When he was close to Ge Er, he already felt that someone was approaching quickly, so he used his mental strength to directly press Ge Er. This is like a dragon using Long Wei against a mouse. In the same way, Ge Er, who was originally mentally impaired, was scared to death in this case even without a chance to respond!

"I am going to kill you!"

At this time, Ge Da's reason had been completely destroyed. At this time, he stepped forward, picked up the long knife falling from his feet, exhausted all his strength, and lost it towards Chen Feng!

The power of this thrown knife is very large, not even weaker than a cannonball. Unlike Ge Er, Ge Da ’s awakening power is about power, and after the promotion of the legend, this strong power has also changed. With the shaking of force, the blade made a deafening popping sound, and even had an irony smell that air and the blade were rubbing fiercely.

It can be seen how powerful Ge Da's shot is!

collapse! When the sword hit in the air, Ge Da made a long howl. This time, instead of picking up the blade, he used his palm as a knife and slashed forward vigorously!

At this time, a blade of the blade really appeared in the empty space. When the blade of the blade was shocked, he looked towards Chen Feng's head. It was unavoidable. The speed was too fast. Turn your body and resist this fatal blow with your back strength.

Even so, the clothes turned into artifacts also caused a ripple, as if a stone was thrown into the water, spreading around.

"This guy deserves to be the leader of the creation of the Brotherhood, and his strength is really horrible." Chen Feng felt the shock of his back and could not help praise Ge Da.

However, Chen Feng already has experience in fighting with numerous powerful enemies. Seeing Ge Da's one-handed move, he knew that the other party was not a ubiquitous generation, not just relying on extraterrestrial creatures, but he had a true ability.

To deal with such a master, the general legendary strongman is not an opponent at all, because Ge Da has a certain martial arts foundation, which reminds Chen Feng of Xu Hongzhuang. Both are like this, and they have certain martial arts skills. After hammering pity, he was out of control and became an unimaginable powerhouse.

However, Chen Feng is not an ordinary legend master, but a real epic powerhouse. In the face of Ge Da's counterattack, he started to counterattack again.

Chen Feng wants to play with each other and experiment. Where is his limit when he does not call?

At the same time, Chen Feng also grabbed a long knife that had been dropped by the guard before, and did not even dodge. Suddenly, a large green shadow broke out, and the huge power of the knife instantly broke Ge Da void. Condensed illusion.

At the same time, the rescue troops brought by Ge Da also came along. Before that, Ge Dahu was so eager that he rushed over at the first time. At this time, the following reinforcements also arrived. These people were wearing iron armor and had no Half of human emotion, no doubt these six masters are also unwise!

"Go to death!"

Having just suffered a big blow from Ge, Chen Feng was full of annoyance, and these unwise people are undoubtedly the best targets for venting his anger. I saw him raise his arms and speed exceeded the limit, just like cutting a water bottle with a sharp knife. At this time, Chen Feng's palm swept across the chests of these six people at once.

At the same time, the sharp iron armor did not have any resistance at all in Chen Feng's hands. The six masters who followed Ge Da were all cut off! How terrible it is!

In addition to the unwise, there are many real high-level members of the Brotherhood who have wisdom. These people are far from a menacing appearance, but after seeing Chen Feng ’s actions, they backed up and settled on the spot.

Although they are loyal to Geda, they will not rush to death in the face of irresistible forces.

"Who the **** are you? Why did you come to Silver City to kill my brother?" After seeing that his moves were cracked, Ge Da recovered his calmness, but his eyes turned red. Seeing that, he could seep at any time. Blood appeared, and Chen Feng was asked.


Chen Feng didn't speak, but skillfully slashed a knife, Ge Da hurriedly evaded, and jumped back hard, which avoided the fatal blow, but even so, his chest was still marked with a bloodstain, and there was a lot of blood. Beads flowed on the ground, but the recovery power of the legendary master was very horrible, just as it is now, in just a few seconds, Ge Da's chest was completely recovered, and there was no more blood flowing out.

Ge Da actually hid in the past, this time also showed his powerful skills.

"If you kill my people, you will naturally have to pay for the debts and blood. I originally thought of killing Ge Er to collect some interest, but I didn't expect that you even came to give people away. You said, I will kill you or not kill you?" Chen Feng looked at Ge Da, an expression that was determined by the other party.

However, although Chen Feng said so, he never thought about killing Ge Da now. Silver City is different from order. There are two forces in the past. In the past, the two forces are equal, and no one is convinced. This is on the battlefield. Shang will also be a huge hidden danger.

Killing Ge Er is just to give Silver City a disincentive and create some emotions for the Brotherhood. However, if Ge Da is killed now, the Dragon Gate will certainly swallow the Brotherhood, although with the power of order now, There is no fear at all of Silver City, but if Silver City merges into one, it will be a shame for Chen Feng that many things cannot be fought like before.

Therefore, what Chen Feng wants to do now is to plant a timid seed in Ge Da's heart. As for his life, let the other party enjoy some more time!

Chen Feng didn't say a word, just when he saw Ge Da's eyes fluttered, I don't know what he was thinking, the surrounding energy changed again!


A dull growl came.

Chen Feng looked up at the sky and saw a huge shadow covering his whole body!

A dragon!

It has long been heard that there are two forces in Silver City. In addition to the Brotherhood, the only remaining name is Dragon Gate, and now, in order to block themselves, the Dragon Gate leader has also rushed into it. Dragons, if Chen Feng did not admit wrong, this is a red copper dragon!

Chen Feng has an abyss. When he needs it, he can obtain the knowledge he wants through the abyss. The Red Copper Dragon is not a product of this world. Therefore, this is a creature from another dimension.

Red Copper Dragon

Dragon (earth series)

These dragons like to stay in the warm mountains.

At the time of birth, the scales of the red copper dragon showed a reddish brown with metallic luster. With age, the scales become more detailed and more copper-colored, giving off a soft and warm sheen in youth. The scales of very old red dragons will have some green. The Copper Dragon's pupils gradually fade with age, and at the end the eyes look like glowing turquoise.

Red Copper Dragons appreciate wit and wit, and usually don't hurt creatures who can tell jokes, funny stories or puzzles they have never heard before. The Red Copper Dragon will soon be annoyed by creatures that cannot understand its joke or its humorous tricks. They like to laugh at and tease these opponents into surrender or make stupid moves.

The angry Red Copper Dragon likes to use fossil mud to put opponents in trouble. The Red Copper Dragon will push trapped opponents into the mud or grab them and fly to the sky. The Red Copper Dragon will try to draw flying enemies into the narrow rocky canyon, where it can use its spider ability and make opponents hit the stone wall.

Compared to the red dragons and black dragons that Chen Feng encountered before, the red copper dragons are more like being in a good camp. They rarely hurt passersby and like to live in dry, rocky highlands or mountains. They build nests in narrow caves and cover the entrance. The Red Copper Dragon will build a complex labyrinth in the nest and leave an entrance at the top.

Red copper dragons are persevering hunters, and they consider proper exercise as important as food. The red copper dragon eats everything, including metal ore. However, their favorite foods are mutant scorpions and other large poisonous creatures. Echinococcus's digestive system can safely release toxins, but toxins injected into the blood from outside the body still affect them. As the red copper dragon often inhabits the hills adjacent to the red dragon's lair, the conflict between the two is inevitable.

But at this time, the red copper dragon suspended above his head was not destined to be friendly, because from the moment the other party appeared, he put all his attention on his body.

Of course, as a metal dragon with the largest body size, the strongest strength, and the most fierce dragon's breath, the red copper dragon has the inherent arrogance of all dragons.

When there is no battle, the red copper dragon will not hurt its prey, but when exposed to its own food, it will also expose its killing nature. They like to destroy their enemies one by one. Kill the weakest enemies first, then kill the targets one by one, and finally leave the enemy with only one light pole commander. Therefore, when dealing with bronze dragons, the weakest person is the most dangerous.

But now it is different. In front of the Red Copper Dragon, there is only Chen Feng as a goal. Lin Ying has issued a new order. No matter what the price is, Chen Feng must stay here!

I only saw its huge body dive down, and instead of plunging down and attacking Chen Feng with sharp claws, he took a deep breath in the air, and then sprayed a mud out of his mouth!

— "Shadow Shuttle!"

Chen Feng's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Even though he already has epic power, he has suffered some damage from his physical rivalry with the enemy. During the heyday, Chen Feng was confident of the breath of the Red Copper Dragon, but now if he is hit, it will inevitably be affected. .

And just as Chen Feng was dodging, there was a roar suddenly in the sky: "Ge Da, this is the orderly Chen Feng. Kill him, but leave him here anyway!"

It's Lin Yan's voice!

Compared to Ge Da, Lin Ying spent a lot of money to buy information about the high-level of the order, and among them, Chen Feng, the true leader of the order, is the most expensive!

The shadow dragon has been out of contact for a whole week. From this situation, it seems that his dragon is more fierce and fierce. Even if he does not die, because the fair contract between each other has not ended, the situation is still a little less optimistic and the order is too much. It was terrible that even the hiding method of the shadow dragon was discovered. Perhaps the order has put some pressure on it. Therefore, after seeing Chen Feng actually came to Silver City, Lin Ying was like drinking a liter of stimulant and vowed to Leave it here!

The red copper dragon's huge body chased it from the rear. Although it was a little surprised that the cunning enemy ran away, it didn't care about it as a dragon. Because it is an adult red copper dragon, adulthood means that it is strong and amazingly powerful, and it also means that it can continuously use the breath of the dragon breath.

The mud-filled dragon breath spit on the enemy, and even the stone giant will be blocked. In a sense, the Red Copper Dragon has the ability to seal the enemy!

Chen Feng used the shadow shuttle to appear a few hundred meters away. However, just after he appeared, the red copper dragon appeared again. The dragon had the sight of exploration, so he found his own trace!

The breathing sound of the dragon came from behind him ~ ~ The speed on the ground can never be faster than flying. Chen Feng felt the power of the rich earth element from the back, and then a dragon breath sent him Shrouded in mud!

Still couldn't hide away.

The Copper Breath Dragon's Breathing Spout is nearly twice the coverage of other dragons, and the mud they spew can last for half a minute.

The huge size gives the Abythosaurus even more amazing vital capacity.

Ge Da has now held his breath, and he has a transparent blade in his hand. When the dragon's breath is over, he cuts off Chen Feng's head with one stroke. At the same time, Lin Ying and many silver city masters also appeared. They obeyed the orders of their leaders and brought out all the housekeeping skills. When Chen Feng showed up, he attacked and baptized each other with thousands of attacks.

The thick fog dispersed ...

The ground was covered with mud, but everyone searched carefully, and after searching countless times, they came to a conclusion that Chen Feng ... disappeared?

(End of this chapter)

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