The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1120: Foreign domain

Just when Chen Feng made up his mind to attack Silver City, he recruited horses and plundered other creatures.

At this time, the form of the sea was complex, far beyond anyone's imagination.

At this time, not far from Silver City, on the sea leading to the towering road, there was a fleet of more than 20 large ships, violently moving forward.

The previous ship was a ship larger than the aircraft carrier, with a black body. The strange thing is that the hull was not flat at all, undulating, like countless heads surging, staring for a long time, people could not help but condense. There is even a strong nausea between the brows.

In addition to the strange appearance, the majestic Qiqi seems to condense on the top of the ship into a mass of intangible and intangible gas fields that are invisible to the naked eye. It turns over and over and makes the sensitive mutant sea beasts in the ocean. Evil spirits did not dare to approach.

This ship is not built by modern craftsmanship at all.

This boat looks like it doesn't know what material it is made of, but just reveals an indescribable breath, which makes people frown, a feeling that can't compete with it.

The innumerable breath surging on the hull was like a monster hiding in the dark mist, which made people dare not approach half a step. No one knew where the ship came from, but the Silver City Brotherhood Ge Da is like magic, but just overnight, he put it into the port.

Of course, with the exception of this miraculous ship, thousands of people have disappeared in the city for no reason. No one knows where those people are going or where they are hiding? It was just that the suffering people of the future were discussed the day before, as if the world had evaporated, and all traces were lost instantly.

[Domain Number]

This is the name of this warship. The high-level officials knew how some of the missing people went, but no one named it because the birth of this warship was originally aimed at the enemy and order.

On the extraterritorial name, every five meters, there is a naked warrior, who is motionless, like a doll, without any expression or emotion.

These soldiers are superimposed and there are thousands of people, and the most unbearable is that on such a huge battleship, the breathing and heartbeat of each soldier are the same. If someone closes his eyes and listens to The breathing and heartbeat of more than a thousand people will feel that there are not thousands in front of them, but a giant like a giant. Because there are thousands of breaths and thousands of heartbeats, they are exactly the same and merge into one.

Not only are big ships like this, the people who follow the dozens of ships around it are exactly the same in terms of breathing, heartbeat or frequency. Dozens of ships together are just like dozens of giants operating at sea.

"President, these dead men are really powerful. They are all mighty and powerful, and their will is like iron and steel. More importantly, their personal breathing and heartbeat are exactly the same. Thousands of people are like one. Such a soldier, I am basically Never seen it. "

Above the main ship, Lin Tong said to Ge Da, not in the tone of flattery, but really expressing his astonishment.

"Lin Ye, I have found someone to confirm that the person who killed my brother is not someone else, it is the leader of the order, Chen Feng! The hatred of killing the brother has to be reported. Anyone involved in this matter, I will make it pay!"

Lin Ye's face did not know what his expression was. He naturally heard that Ge Da hated himself. On that day, things were very simple. Even though Lin Ye was involved in the battle, he had to say that he did not use all his energy that day, which caused Ge Ersheng died, but in this case, the Brotherhood and Dragon Gate have a common enemy, that is order. Even if Ge Da now remembers to hate himself, Chen Feng is in front of him, no matter what, he will not Torn skin.

Then again, even if there is no such thing, taking Ge Da as a person, once the order is destroyed, the Brotherhood and Dragon Gate will never be as calm as they are now.

Lin Ying ignored the words of Ge Da, and at the same time, his eyes looked up. From his sensitive spirit, he could "see" the vaguely dark-colored monster sitting on it. It is completely composed of fog. If the fog has already disappeared between the heavens and the earth, it will run up and straight into the sky, even if it is any violent wind in the sky, it will be difficult to blow away.

"These people are ruthless and unwise, and naturally they will not be afraid of the word death. I really do n’t know exactly what your Majesty ’s extraterrestrial creatures are. Not only do you give so many manipulated slaves, but when you learn that After the order went to war, I came up with a way to sacrifice these dozens of flesh and blood warships with thousands of flesh and blood. "

Lin Ying stood on the deck of the ship and stepped on it gently. A strange scene appeared, and the hard-looking deck was sunken, just like touching his stomach with his hand ~ ~ It was refreshing. crack.

Lin Ye didn't care about the lives of those thousands of people, but just lamented that Ge was so lucky that he had received the loyalty of the strong.

"However, this time we raided again, I was afraid that the crisis was heavy and unpredictable." Lin Yiran looked at the ship, looked back, and looked at Ge Da aside.

"That's not necessarily true. This time I brought the most powerful group of slaves. In addition, our two armies secretly hit the road in order to hide their eyes and eyes. Even with the order patrol on the road, , You can defeat it completely without leaving any trace! "

Ge Da lost his loved ones. , His face is white, and there is blood mist between his eyes. Between his hands and feet, there is a vicious atmosphere.

"Unfortunately, the Ge Er brothers couldn't come here. With him and us, the grasp was much bigger." Lin Yiran sighed.

"Huh! You do n’t want cats to cry and rat false mercy. If it weren't for you that day ... forget it, what's the use of saying that, what we have to do now is to defeat the order first, and the rest to say!"

Ge Da snorted and seemed very dissatisfied.

"This is nature." Lin Yi smiled slightly, did not mind Ge Da's sneer, and then said: "I naturally know who our enemies are now. You can see with your own eyes that Chen Feng killed Ge Er, and my shadow The dragon also lost his trace, and he didn't know where he was hiding. New and old resentments naturally need to be reported together! "

"Then I still want to thank you ..."

Ge Dayin's voice was somber, and a pair of eyes rested on Lin Mao, and he didn't say a word for a while, so Lin Wei was weird and couldn't help getting his hair out, and then said, "Then let's talk about how to do it once. Solve order! "

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