The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1124: Tentative

In a void in the paradise world.

A huge body that can't be described in words is hovering above, but I don't know when there will be a few more figures beside it. The pupil of the strongest in the first place is filled with a breath of death and destruction. The energy of the surrounding space, blood red eye stems squirming around the huge body, looks like secreting some kind of dark red flesh and blood tissue.

It has an indescribable horror eye.

The dark red flesh and blood pipeline with a diameter of more than three meters flickered in the eyes, and the flesh and blood essence that emitted a faint red light was constantly moving.

The blood-red eye was always staring at the distant worm, without any emotion at all. Those worms were nothing in its eyes. For the owner of this eye, he stood at the center of the killing. Only Chen Feng and the three **** dogs deserve attention and attention.

The two giant magic eyes were still, and then large swaths of flesh and blood began to spread on the surface of their bodies.

After the fusion of the huge and immense Roshan, it looks like an oval disgusting dome. The lavender viscous liquid is quickly secreted on the surface of the body, and its thin body envelopes its huge body.


The three **** dogs are still killing wildly. For this monster from the abyss, I just want to complete the task given by Chen Feng as soon as possible, and then be able to leave here in the shortest time.

If it is a general summoner, the **** three-headed dog has already swallowed it directly, because this summoning is completely non-binding.

But Chen Feng is different. In the face of this temporary host, he instinctively felt a sense of fear.

Since it can't resist, it can only bear it, so for the **** three-headed dog, it can only choose to complete the immediate task at the fastest speed, and leave here.


A sharp sound came from the swarm.

"Is the Lord finally here?"

Chen Feng felt a strong breath, but this breath was far from strong enough for him to summon all his helpers.

Is this a temptation?

Chen Feng judged that this was also a kind of temptation by the bugs. Naturally, let the **** three-headed dog play with it.

At this time, the worms that appeared appeared with dark scales all over their bodies, and the scales of their entire bodies were arranged very closely and regularly. Every piece of scale armor has only a large palm

But the densely packed scales had a weird feeling, making people feel scalp tingling.

In particular, the top of his head has a sharp spike of thirty centimeters, which extends from the back of his spine to the forehead.

The most frightening thing is those eyes--

The pupils of the eyes were blood red, and the cold eyes made the whole body cold.

"Is the beetle always an evolutionary creature?" Chen Feng saw this and gave a basic judgment.

This bug defense looks very strong and flexible, and the spikes on the beetle's head and spine look powerful.

Although the worm saw Chen Feng, it did not make an attack because there was an enemy standing in front of it, which was a **** three-headed dog.

"His ~~~"

The bug hissed again, and the three **** dogs on the side realized that the opponent was a strong enemy, so six eyes fixed on the opponent, and then a low roar was issued.

I saw that the **** three-headed dog slowly landed on the ground, and at the same time, the whole body made a sound of "peel-by-peeling". The muscles of the hell-three-headed dog slowly began to bulge, and at the same time, the whole body's bones and bones also made a sound of "cracking." The **** three-headed dog's body, which was more than three meters in height, actually pulled up two meters and became five meters in height. Similarly, its limbs were one size thick.

With a loud roar, the whole body of the **** three-headed dog suddenly turned into a phantom and went directly in front of the worm, and the worm that had been waiting for it suddenly pumped the ground fiercely. The whole body moved away with the help of rebound force.

The one-foot-wide front paw slammed hard at the bug's original location, and "Boom!" Clearly visible space ripples pass a distance of two or three meters with the palm as the center. The entire stony ground within three meters around the center of the palm is completely converted into powder and cut into a half meter depth, while the surrounding tens of meters are cracked. A big gap in seven or eight horrors.

"Explosive power is pretty good." Chen Feng Xianting Ruobu stepped away insects and cracked stones, and made an evaluation of it by the way.

The **** three-headed dog turned his head suddenly, and those six weird eyes stared at the worm.

Worm's cold eyes were still staring at each other, he didn't actively attack.


Hell's three-headed dog noticed a strange breath surging around, and it felt that if it didn't end all of this quickly, it would most likely encounter some unimaginable doom ~ ~ Make a budget in your heart, **** The three-headed dog began its worst attack.

"Hello!" Hell's three-headed dog suddenly kicked on the ground, his whole body soared up into the sky, and then slid across a weird curve and fell down. Head down and rush towards the bug.

The bug's cold eyes stared at the **** three-headed dog, and then the tails, like steel whip, suddenly pulled out--

"Oh!" The screams that shrilled through the air made many bugs scream.

One of the heads of the **** three-headed dog leaned forward, biting the other's tail directly with a large mouth of blood, and the teeth collided with the other's tail. Only a low impact sound was heard, and the teeth of the **** three-headed dog shuddered slightly. Just a moment, and the tail retracted.

In the fighting jail, the teeth in one of the three hell's dogs were loosened, so it can be seen how amazing the worm's defense power has been!

Insects not only have strong defenses, but also have good physical toughness. Hell's three-headed dogs can bite each other's body, and they can even escape quickly.


The sharp pain from the teeth made the Hell's three-headed dog irritated. At this time, it jumped up bravely, showing the momentum of Mount Taishan's top, and toward the bug, one claw patted on the other's back.


The entire worm was directly smashed into the ground, and the stone ground over a hundred meters was completely cracked, and the worm's spine was lined up in a row of dense spikes, and even a sharp thorn was photographed to break open. Then, there was a blood spurt from the corner of the worm's mouth.

The **** three-headed dog is indeed the best among the fierce beasts. Even if the worm has a good strength, when facing the **** three-headed dog, it is still slightly morbid and hate defeat!

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