The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1135: Strong alliance

Taming the Emperor!

Chen Feng looked at the Bug Emperor who was bending over in front of his eyes. At this time, the original tense spirit finally relaxed a bit.

Hassan ...

"Is this your name?" Chen Feng asked.

"Yes, the owner. I didn't have a name, but I know that the owner's world calls each other by name, so I chose such a name for myself."

Hassan's voice is a bit unspirited, like a serious illness. After all, in terms of it, both the body and the spirit have suffered great pain. However, even if the spirit is not good, the attitude is Surprisingly mild, not feeling half smooth.

After all, this worm emperor is a strong man who has survived for hundreds of years, especially after devouring some human beings. The control of the human heart is no less than that of a true ambitionist. Even if there are many unwillingness in his heart, he will not show it to himself. Increase trouble.

Chen Feng looked at the other side, because Hasan's mind had been placed in the soul-impossible curse, and he would naturally not treat the other side as an enemy.

As for Saruman's epic realm of only half a step, whether or not Hasan could be controlled, Chen Feng didn't worry too much.

Yes, if it is a single soul-cursing spell, Chen Feng may have some doubts, but when the spell was just cast, Saruman cast a full ten minutes, that is to say, it was not only a ban imposed on Hassan. Soul curse, but as many as a dozen times, or even dozens of times, this soul-killing curse is like an explosive. Once it explodes, it will cause the undead to fight each other. Imagine that more than hundreds of undead are in Ha Sang's mind kills each other, even if Hasan is powerful, but the ending is only destroyed by the soul of the undead, this one can go!

Hasan also knew this, so he did not hesitate to loyal to Chen Feng.

As in the situation just now, Hasan knew that if he persisted, the outcome would most likely become abnormally miserable.

As for ...

Whether Hassan would pray to the so-called King of Thousands of Worms, Chen Feng would not know, but as a leader of the order to judge, Hassan has a very small chance of praying.

At this time, if Xu Hongzhuang and Wei Xun confessed to themselves that they were controlled by the strong in Silver City, even if Chen Feng had released those restrictions, they would still have to worry about whether the other party ’s ability had passed. Maybe retired, replaced by newcomers.

Conspiracy theory prevails no matter in which dimension, the worm emperor has a life span of hundreds of years. Coupled with its high position, there are countless worm kings and emperors. Insufficient ability, just need to replace it, this is not a problem at all.

Because Chen Feng is a human, and he has not encountered real betrayal in this life, he has kept a pure land in terms of human nature, but the worms are worms. Their eyes only have food and benefits. Therefore, they have a showdown to the king of worms. After that, it is very likely that there will be two fate.

The first is that the King of Bugs has lifted Hassan ’s soul-control spell, but since then, because of his weak ability to handle things, not only has His Majesty a lot of dead and injured, but he is also controlled by the enemy, so he will be stranded, refrigerated, and gradually retreat here. On the stage of the Worm World.

The second is that the King of Thousands of Worms was furious, killing Hassan directly, and then promoting the new King of Worms.

In this way, no matter which option is not suitable for Hasan's development, therefore, even if it is for his own selfish desire, Hasan will definitely not have the possibility of praying and begging to the king of insects!

Of course, Chen Feng has always been extremely cautious in his work. Although Hasan is loyal to himself, he is different from the summoned beast that has signed a contract with the inferior demon. Therefore, he is naturally treated differently. At critical moments, he can completely abandon the other party.

"Master, I have also been watching the outside world for a while. I heard that you are going to fight with other forces. At that time, you can fully disclose the location of the place to me. Although I cannot open a long crack, I can open it through strength. A small crack, when millions of bug soldiers will be swept away, helping the master to siege the city! "

While Chen Feng was thinking alone, Hassan's voice came again, but Chen Feng's attention to Hasan's attention was instantaneous.

Help yourself to siege the city?

Chen Feng sneered in the heart, countless bugs poured out from the Worm World, and when the battle was over, the crack would also close. Hasan had epic power, and even the Emperor of this land. Those bugs naturally obeyed each other's orders and would not look around Proliferation, but even so, the bugs that remain in Silver City will take root and slowly reproduce. Rather than helping Chen Feng, it is better to find a way back for themselves. The Emperor Emperor in disguise can gain a foothold in the human world.

Will Chen Feng agree with the other party's proposal?

of course not!

Yes, bugs are the best cannon fodder. Even if there are Ge Da and Longmen leaders in Silver City, they will fall into the wind in the face of a tsunami-like insect attack. At that time, Chen Feng will attack again without any effort. Capture Silver City.

However, Chen Feng didn't want to do this. He was a wicked man. That's right. Evil is in front of him, but people are also stubborn and upright.

Chen Feng has always believed that non-ethnic people have different hearts. Once the worms are released, this can indeed accelerate the destruction of Silver City, but it increases the death rate of ordinary residents. He has seen those worms in the worm world, crazy and bloodthirsty. The world opens over Silver City. Even if it finally wins, millions of people will lose one-third or even more. This is something Chen Feng does not want to see.

The morality of the human race is set aside without saying that the number of believers sought by Chen Feng has sharply decreased ~ ~ Even if they seize Silver City, it is worth more. After all, for Chen Feng, compared to Silver City, the talent in it What he wants most!

Chen Feng glanced at Hassan and said, "I have my own arrangements for this matter. If you need me, I will naturally call ahead of time."

Hasan heard Chen Feng's displeased emotions, his body curled up, and he became more Vino, murmured: "It is ... the master ..."

Chen Fengju looked down at this worm emperor named Hasan, but he felt that no one epic master could peep at it. A little worm had such insight and thought when he completed the epic stage. I have to say that the creator is really magical and powerful ... … It ’s amazing!

"The battle is imminent, you prepare a batch of worm meat for the soldiers to eat, and kill and remove the shells before me, just keep the essence."

There are hundreds of millions of bugs in the worm world, and Chen Feng naturally makes good use of them.


Hassan now had no choice at all, so he answered without hesitation.

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