The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1197: Blood Sacrifice Succubus

The girl has experienced the most painful energy in the world. It can be said that her spirit has already collapsed. If she is allowed to continue like this, she will become a madman completely even if she does not die!

This is the ugly face of the doomsday!

Without legal constraints, those who fall into the dark show brutal means several times stronger than beasts and zombies!

"If you want revenge, then you have to end these people's lives!" At this time, Chen Feng said lightly.

At the same time, people gathered around them. These people recognized the identities of the professionals. They were surprised at a time. They couldn't believe that the powerful professionals of the past were now kneeling sadly like dogs. On the ground.

Many people held their breath at this moment, and Chen Feng actually asked the girl to end the lives of those professionals? !!

For today's doomsday, it's just heaven and earth!

"But ... I, I won't kill, I just want to die" ... please, I just want to die now I want to die now I don't think of those shameful memories anymore, so painful, really painful ... "

The next second, the girl shook her head quickly, apparently she had been destroyed by everything she had encountered before, and she had no courage to even the most basic revenge!

It is regrettable that the girl did not have the courage to end the lives of these enemies who gave her nightmares. She shook her head vigorously. Her last wish was not only the death of the other party, but also that she would die, so as to end all these tragic memories.

In memory, she is still that sweet little princess. If there is no apocalypse, her life will be rewritten.

Girl fantasy, all this is just a dream you dreamed of, as long as you wake up, you will return to the classroom, where there are boys you admire, as well as all your own fantasy and expectations about the future!

"I will fulfill this wish for you. As for death, do it yourself!"

Chen Feng, expressionless, pointed to the blade that rolled down, the weapon originally belonged to the golden peak strong.

The girl raised her head in a panic and glanced at Chen Feng, like a drowning man holding the survival straw tightly, picking up her weapon in a precious place.

She raised her weapon in trembling, and brought the blade to her neck with a crying cavity. She could clearly feel the coldness around her neck. There was a crying cavity in her voice, and a deep relief:

"I'm no longer clean. I hate them and I hate why I didn't leave with my parents. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I will bless your benefactor with my life!"

As soon as the girl's voice fell, tears couldn't stop flowing, she pressed her lips slightly, and took a deep breath to look at the opposite enemy, and finally cast her eyes on her body.

She still has nostalgia ... but everything can't be turned back!


You must die, and only if you die, you can forget everything and get relief from that disgusting memory!

The girl's mind was determined, and her slightly whitening right hand did not hesitate to pinch the blade to her heart, decisively and resolutely, as if it was not a flesh heart, but a fruit!

But at this moment, Chen Feng's slightly cold voice reappeared in the other's ear.

"In this world ... there are many more women than you ..."

The girl froze for a moment and stopped temporarily. She blinked her eyes confusedly and looked at Chen Feng puzzledly.

"Women, destined to be a disadvantaged group in the last days ... You can be liberated today, but there are also tens of millions of women today, trapped in the hands of gangsters, as if being slashed like fish! You can feel that A breath of despair? "


The girl's skin that was completely exposed to the air shone with goosebumps, and she snorted softly, apparently not quite understanding what Chen Feng said.

"Do you know? If it weren't for me, there would still be many innocent people bullied like you, and those who are bullied have no courage to face it all, just like you now!"

"Well ... so ..."

The girl wriggled her lips and nodded subconsciously. The woman was really pitiful. She was deeply touched, especially the beautiful-looking and unprotected woman, which would definitely be reduced to a man's plaything.

"You always say that you have no choice. You can't compete with such a mob by your own strength. But, if I can give you the power you want? Do you have the courage to kill these mobs?"


The girl was stunned, and a gleam of light bloomed from her dead eyes, but soon faded. She smiled wryly and shook her head:

"Don't tease me, what is a professional? What am I? If I have power, I will not be where I am today ..."

For the girl, everything Chen Feng said was simply unrealistic, because she was just a mortal body!

"Others may not do it, but I can!"

At this time, Chen Feng took a step forward, and the momentum that appeared instantly made the girl unable to say a word!

"But I have a requirement. In exchange for strength, I need you to end the lives of these people yourself. Not only that, from now on, you will also stand on the front line of rights protection and become a beacon for all the weak in the city. In other words, are you ready to be a savior? "

"Me, professional? Savior? How is that possible!"

When the girl heard Chen Feng's words, the whole person seemed to be smashed with a heavy hammer, and her mouth was so open that she was the boss. In her mind, the professionals are all high above them, with prestige, not only life is worry-free, It also has transcendental power, and even the army guarding the city must look at their faces and act!

What's more, there is the savior mentioned in Chen Feng's mouth!

If anyone can live and want to die, the benefactor is right. There are many poor people like himself. They should wake up and seize this rare opportunity to rise completely!

Thinking of the past and the future, the girl nodded her lips firmly and nodded her head and said, "I want revenge! I want to be a savior who protects women!"

"Now that you think about it ~ ~ I will reinvent you!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng grabbed his arm, and suddenly a succubus appeared in the void. This succubus was so beautiful that ordinary people couldn't extricate themselves at first glance. What's more, this succubus's strength turned out to be a legendary rank. However, the other party seemed extremely crazy at this time, and she wanted to get rid of Chen Feng's control. Unfortunately, her strength was only a legendary rank. Compared with Chen Feng, she was a little weaker.

This succubus was prepared by Chen Feng for the Burning Demon. Today, it finally comes in handy!

Blood sacrifice!

The body of the succubus instantly turned into a mist of blood, and then Chen Feng waved his arm, and this mist of blood shrouded the girl. After a moment, the girl's body shrouded in blood mist shook, and the whole person's temperament was restored The essence changes, because her vitality is replenished extremely quickly, but after only half an hour, she is even more fierce than the boxers in the underground underground market!

And a few minutes later, her strength rose steadily, and the bronze, silver, and gold ranks finally turned into legendary powers!

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