The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1234: warder

Gloomy area.

A barren place, full of rich toxins. In the past, even the lowest living creatures such as worms and goblins would not patronize here.

But today, a strange **** light suddenly appeared, and this light can be seen by people far away. The brilliance only lasted for a short time, and then in this dead place, a deep crack appeared, and the crack was not bottomed out, and the wailing noise was heard in it, like It was shivering as hell.

Erwin has returned to the auction, and her subordinates passed the news to her as soon as possible.

"Did you start the second round so quickly?"

Erwin glanced at the magical secret message passed over and murmured: "This turmoil is many times stronger than before. It is the believers of the God of Slaughter that have joined together the layers of the dark area!"

By this time, all the dark elves in the dark area knew one thing, that was, the **** of slaughter had declared war without any hidden!

It may be because of nature.

The favorite thing of the God of Slaughter is conquest. From the day he was born and became the divine residence, he will be in aggression and battle for nearly 300 days in a year!

Erwin has integrated the dark elves. After returning to the dark area, she issued a warning to all leaders. Although Rose did not pay attention to the killings of her men, it also meant that in the past, many dark The elves will bleed for the site. Even if they have the same skin color, no dark elves will show mercy during the battle.

The dark elves abandoned the old way of governing all elves with an elven king, and replaced the parliamentary group consisting of the heads of several powerful families in each city to lead the people. Only the strongest sacrifice or samurai in the family can become the patriarch.

It is interesting that every dark elf family must beware of other families, because the dark elf's way of life is quite cruel. They believe that what is not seen is not evil, and it often happens that a family annexes or kills other families because of its superiority. They will be acknowledged for their cleanliness. If they are found, what is waiting for them is the common punishment of other families, summoning the demons in the abyssal demon domain to directly kill the family that launched the attack.

In this regard, Rose not only did not stop, and even gave the winner some attractive rewards!

The Dark Elves worked hard to improve their social status and status in Rolce's eyes. If such efforts meant killing, it would be great.

But now it is different. Compared with the previous internal killings, at this time, as the God of Slaughter declares war completely, this means that the dark area has entered a level war. The war is as terrible as any demon and Bloody battle between the devil!

The dark elves were united, and just as the dark elves' troops were gathering, Erwin took a team of elite scouts and rushed towards the rift in the distance!

Confidante knows one after another!

This is what Erwin learned in the human world. At this time, the cracks opened. Although the legion of the God of Slaughter has not really arrived, as one of the leaders of the dark elves here, Erwin is obliged to check there. Happening.

Erwin passed through a thorny plateau.

Appearing before him was a weird jungle. It is said to be weird because there are a lot of monster corpses here, as well as some dead skeletons.

Everything in front of him told Erwin that a battle had taken place here, and it happened not so long ago. To Erwin's surprise, those enemies who appeared suddenly had a meal first.

Believers of the God of Slaughter include the wolves, the other is a keen speed and a keen sense of smell, and the other is a natural scout.

The wolves saw all living things, including their own people, as food. Everything is driven by hunger. Money and magic cannot move them. Only appetite is the only motivation. The wolves have no feelings for other races. They just want to get a share of 羹 from others. The wolves will be with you but never suffer together. The length of time he has worked with you depends entirely on your ability Strong, whether to feed him enough

Erwin turned over the corpse and found that the original pale bones had dense black spots on it. This was a phenomenon of poisoning. Erwin analyzed and found that it was most likely a group of wolves assassins!

Gnoll Assassin: Assassins are usually small wolves, who rarely exceed 6 and a half feet in height and have relatively dark skin in the tribe. They are tacticians and fire support units in the Gnoll Troops. They usually use poison arrows as weapons. Most of the venom on the arrows is taken from spiders.

Erwin stared at the other corpse, the flesh and blood of the other person was corroded, as if he had been attacked by some kind of spell before his death!

Things got a little tricky!

Erwin's gaze became gloomy. From the dead body, Erwin found some clues, not only the werewolf assassins, but this time, there were even some werewolf watchmen!

Gnoll Watcher: The natural magic of Gnoll Watcher is born, not to mention the tribe. Even the Gnoll cannot understand the source of this power, so the watchman is both the object of fear and the Envious object.

No matter what tribe ~ ~, these magical creatures always have more or less purple hair. Perhaps this magic ability is not divine, because from the look of the watchman, they try not to wear any additional armor to avoid affecting their spell ability.

Watchmen don't like melee combat, they use magic to strengthen the barbarian's ability or directly attack the opponent. They also have a unique ability to gradually cause fear in the enemies around them.

Watchers are very rare among the gnolls. Often a thousand wolves were born before a watcher could be born.

The God of Slaughter's seriousness in the dark area exceeded Erwin's prediction. The opponent even dispatched this rare army, and this was just a team of scouts.

"Everyone enters emergency readiness!"

Erwin raised her hand and ordered her men to enter a defensive state. At the same time, she gazed ahead. Although she had night vision ability, at this moment, she didn't know if it was an illusion or a psychological effect. She just felt that her eyes were dark and not bright. Also ... there is no hope!

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