The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1334: Human nature is hard to find

Feng Hangyuan looked down at Wei Xun, with countless emotions flashing in his turbid eyes. He had regrets, excitement, joy, and pain. He was not always a person who expressed emotions, but his eyes entwined at this time, but Betrayed by its restless heart!

Do not!

For a moment, it suddenly didn't want to kill Wei Xun, and they fought with each other. The original Feng Hangyuan's body was on the verge of fragmentation. The monster needed a brand-new boarding body, and Wei Xun had proved his strength with facts.

His excitement comes from obtaining a precious corpse. If he can kill each other, he will not have to sleep for a while, but will devour the survivors of the entire city as soon as possible and complete his own promotion ceremony!

Wei Xun has just swallowed the elixir from the life of the legendary strongman, and has recovered most of his energy, but even so, in the face of Feng Hangyuan, he did not dare to be slack, and the other party has human thinking and monsters. A negligence may die with hate!

Feng Hangyuan moved.

The savage roar of the other party, a dehumanizing look, did not neglect under the hand, the fearless heart rushed out of infinite power, and the countless tentacles swayed enough to smash a real mountain giant into pieces.


Wei Xun gritted his teeth. Although he swallowed the elixir, he wouldn't bump into the other person because he can see that the other person has completely lost his humanity. At this time, he must suppress himself with momentum and make himself one. With a corpse.

Wei Xong roared, and the darkness began to overflow, and at the same time, a **** halo permeated.


The rage-like tentacles that smashed against the bamboo blasted on the black fog that Wesson condensed into a sphere, and the breath of breath erupted in a short time. At the next moment, the black fog that Wesson condensed turned out like a dry field, "Kerala" Cracked!

Wei Xun did not endure the attack blindly. While the tentacles were affixed to it, the black mist turned into countless mouths, with sharp teeth in the mouth, tearing on the tentacles, tearing all of them.

The fierce collision caused Wei Xun to be impacted tens of meters directly, and Feng Hangyuan also paid a small price for this. More than a dozen tentacles were torn by the mouth of the black mist, but Feng Hangyuan did not seem to feel a little bit. Painful, still attacking.

The monster has no pain at all. For it, those are just some of the original strength of the boarding life, even if it is exhausted, it does not matter, because it will soon be able to obtain a new corpse for easy manipulation.

And watching his defense was broken, Wei Xun's mind burst into countless thunders. Under the anger and anger, fine bloodshots appeared in his eyes. The murderous intention diffused by the anger and the crown made the air around him. All crackled!

He felt deeply that he was shrouded in death!

The other party seems to have found some clues, and found that his body is just a metamorphosis of energy. The other party seems to be beating himself, but actually feels the energy and finds the direction of the body.

Can't let the other party find themselves!

Wei Xun knows that once he finds himself, he will even do everything to kill himself, as Feng Hangyuan is crazy now!

After so many years of experience, in addition, Wei Xun was still the Minister of the Blood Warfare Department. No big wind and waves have been encountered. It can be said that when the monster in Feng Hangyuan had a plan, he noticed a strange place.

The other party seems to be killing himself and then using his own body to complete the reincarnation ceremony.

Once the opponent's conspiracy is made successful, he will become Feng Hangyuan's inhuman and ghostless ghost.

"I don't want you to succeed!" Wei Xun roared, and the whole body was filled with a dark atmosphere. As soon as the "swish" sounded like a rocket, he attacked Feng Hangyuan with a row of mountains and rivers. The best way to destroy the opponent's plan There is only one, and that is to kill the opposition!

Suddenly, Weixun's dark mist turned into a beast again, not a beast, but a bloodthirsty monster with a dragon's head, a giant elephant's body, a lion's limbs and an eagle's wings.


The monster's mouth was even a giant python, and the two eyes were scarlet, revealing boundless hatred, really evil spirits!

Many professionals have already rushed over when they noticed the energy fluctuations. They stood aside, and there was a dignity in their eyes. They could not imagine, when, Shibaocheng had such two strange-looking strong men.

They have suffered a lot of malicious doomsday, just like a mountain that is about to collapse. They can't stand a little twists and turns. They don't want disaster to land on this land, but ... who can stop it? What about everything?

Willing to kill the enemy, unable to return to heaven.

This is their most authentic portrayal right now. Although they really want to contribute to the stone castle city, but the strong is right in front of them, but none of them stand up, not because they do n’t have the courage, but they know that even now In the past, it was just like a group of ants attacking humans.

In the end, when humans step on their feet, countless ants will die, turning into patties, and slumped on the ground.

Their fate is long doomed. This is the end. Without fists, even if they are on the side of truth, they are not qualified to discuss revenge!

At this time, they only have one wish ~ ~ It is these two looks that are not human, and the existence that cannot be linked to the stronghold of the stone castle city is killed because of both losses!

They didn't know at all that Wei Xun, a person from thousands of miles away, was fighting for them. If Wei Xun had come here under the orders of Chen Feng, once Feng Hangyuan had completed his promotion today, all of them would die.

Not only professionals, but ordinary soldiers, men, women, and even children, will become monsters' sacrificial opponents. The temperament of monsters is inexplicable. They descended on this land and have long regarded humans as pigs and dogs. Those who have wisdom A human who has a family and masters emotions is, in his eyes, just a source of energy for himself.

From the moment Feng Hangyuan met the other party, this was a conspiracy, a conspiracy against Stone Castle. Although it didn't have much wisdom, it knew the ambitions of human beings. It was relying on Feng Hangyuan's ambitions to eat away each other's soul step by step. With the spirit, let the other side swallow themselves down, while the monster himself completed an unusual nest nest dove.

The monster has never considered it. After occupying the human body, he treats it as his own home. In his view, human beings are the most selfish creatures. It does not believe in human loyalty because it wants Only one thing is done. For those people who need to take precautions everywhere, the best thing to do is to kill everything!

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