The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1366: fatal

Just when Chen Feng had just killed the raging demons, Wei Xun, who was far away in order, also started a new dynamic. https: //

Wei Xun's face was heavy, like an iron object, so that everyone present at the scene felt an unusually cold breath.

It is the only word they can think of at this time.


Wei Xun didn't want to wait and didn't have time to wait. After a moment, he spoke and ordered, and then, a powerful professional rushed out beside him, the figure suddenly moved forward, and his body suddenly reflected a real chill.

Despair is the only emotion left in everyone's hearts now.

They panicked, dazed, and even some people even urinated their pants. For ordinary people, they undoubtedly have more powerful power, but in front of professionals, they are humble like ants.

Time seemed to stop at this moment.

Death is their inevitable end.

But at this moment, a blood-red figure burst out from afar like a ghost!

The professional originally thought that things were under control, and his vigilance inevitably declined somewhat. Now, in the face of this ghostly figure, he can't avoid it, and can only fight with his fists. His right foot was resting directly on his chest, causing him to fall back suddenly, a very miserable look!

"Huh? The demon was knocked down!"

"Who saved us? Is it your own?"

"It must be your own, look at their clothes!"

The soldiers in the reserve department saw the professional being kicked, and they screamed ecstatically. This kind of complex emotions contain too much sadness, joy, disappointment, excitement, and sadness, like a twine. Curls are entangled together, and they growl, pain, growl, and scream for more than just victory, but more of the endless resentment!

Unlike a few people who roared madly, then more than a dozen figures came before the soldiers in the reserve.

Those people wore some scarlet jerseys of the same style. They were male and female, they were thin and fat, and their weapons were different. But one thing they are completely similar to is the temperament of iron and blood that each of them emits.

It was a cold after a lot of killing. They looked up, and the pride that spread to their whole body was released without hiding, but it made people feel right!

Entering the **** warfare department has just begun, but if you want to truly get dignity, you can only be truly elite.

And these people are the best among the best!

More than a dozen elites stood together. It stands to reason that they are destined to attract everyone's attention, but in fact, at this time everyone's attention fell on a young man behind them.

There is a person in the world who has a certain charm by nature. Even though he is still unknown and unknown to anyone at all, he still cannot hide the temperament of the other person.

That was the young man in the crowd. He stood there, and the whole world was his own.

The long black hair fluttered in the wind, the flawless face was beautiful and beautiful, a pair of monster-like silver eyes like the water of the river under the moon, clear and deep, crimson crescent crooked between the eyebrows The mark lined the whole face with a bit of nobility and publicity.

There was no negative emotion on his face, blindness, and no excitement at all for defeating an elite.

His cold is different from Wei Xun's deliberate cold for his own protection. His cold is more like a kind of numbness, numbness to life, numbness to death, and numbness to all things in the world!

He is like a puppet deprived of all emotions by the gods, and it seems incompatible with this world.

"what's your name?"


Just as Wei Xun slowly raised his head and saw the other party, the young man spoke slowly.


To others, this may just be a title to describe the grudges, but in the reserve list, this is a legendary character.

"I'm going to challenge!" Ghost said, his body shrouded in a temperament that was so cold in his bones, he looked at Wei Xun calmly and said.


"Because I want to prove myself."

The ghost does not want to live in the end. He was fortunate to be awakened and was appointed to the reserve department in order to be able to stand out one day. Now, he has persisted for too long. His true strength has exceeded some elite As a professional, he has to prove himself, not only by relying on sneak attacks, but also by confrontation, he will not feel the slightest fear.

The doomsday that can be written as a tragic history book makes the ghost's heart more and more closed.

By chance, he entered the preparation department.

No matter the talent, magic or just, just after entering the reserve department, he showed amazing talent.

For Wei Xun, the ghost has always been grateful. For Wei Xun, he killed from day to night and from northeast to south.

Although he felt tired occasionally, when he thought that everything was given by Wei Xun, he was full of energy.

He hopes that he can show his value!

Therefore, he extremely hoped that he could quickly enter his confidant position and help Wei Xun to do great work in this end.

Although he was a cold-blooded, numb butcher, his brain was fine.

The crowd around them was all dumbfounded at this moment.

Incomprehensible, shocked, ridiculed, gloating countless kinds of eyes are derived from the bottom of my heart.

They were just shocked and afraid just like a dog. At this moment, they couldn't control their hearts!

They couldn't think of it, it surprised the ghost! This lunatic who has never shown a smile to anyone is the strongest in the preparation department.

"Is he really crazy?"

"It seems that this is really close to ten, but it shouldn't be. The other party obviously has such a powerful force. How can you say that you are crazy?"

"Hey! What else? Isn't it just forcing yourself to make yourself like this?"

At this moment, their eyes changed again, and the eyes of the ghost turned from the previous jealousy to pity.

In their minds, maybe the ghost will turn into an unconscious body in the next second.

"What if I say rejection?" Wei Xun looked at his right hand behind him, but said only a few words.

The ghost reached into his pocket, took out two unusually bright pills, and threw them at Wei Xun.

Wei Xun reached out and caught it in his hand, looking blankly at the ghost.

This pill has some energy on it.

Although the quality of the pill is not very good, it cannot be denied, but it is full of energy of life!

The ghost was silent.

This made Wei Xun a little dissatisfied, he said seriously, "What does this mean ..."

"In addition to my extremely fast speed, I also awakened other abilities. This is one of them. I can make pharmaceutical pills through some herbs!"

As if he hadn't said such a long sentence in a long time, the ghost's voice was slightly trembling.

This time changing Wilson was silent.

In **** battles, the soldier's awakener is lower than the auxiliary professional, which means that once used properly, the auxiliary professional is likely to bring real doomsday to the world!

"Do you think I would agree? All of my blood fighting units are elite. Even if you want to compete with them, you can meet them on the street, but here is the army. Once you miss, there is no second possibility!

"So what?" The ghost asked.

"What?" Wei Xun's brow was already a little dignified, and at this moment he clearly felt the surrounding environment and some minor changes had taken place.

Ghosts are complex in emotions but so numb, and Wei Xun wanted to sneer but forcibly held back: "So what? Have you thought about your family?"

The ghost fell into hesitation and said, "I have no family!"

"So, please give me a chance to challenge. I don't want to waste time here! I'm going to start!"

After all, the ghost did not wait for Wei Xun to speak, and his eyes locked on several princes.




On the vast land, a piece of chaotic bone cracking sound spread far away. In the chaos, the ghost seemed unusually embarrassed at this time, and the ghost kept breathing heavily, but his gaze was still firm. His most terrifying battle in months.

"You dare to ask again and again? I think you are impatient!"

At this moment, the elite crowd suddenly stood up, the other party was tall and tall, and the standard Chinese character face obviously had good hard qigong.

"Please, please let me prove myself!"

The ghost roared and roared, squeezing the last strength in the body, and heading for the convenience of preparing to kill!

Wei Xun didn't know what to say now, but nodded: "Ryoko, play with him."

"Relief, adults!"

Ryoko was challenged by the fighters in the preparation department, which made him feel like a dream. The explosive explosive energy spread violently in his body. At this moment, he had already squeezed the last trace of power in the body and tried to use this blow Defeat the ghost!

Although the two of them are only bronze peaks, and one is only a golden rank, at this moment, it still gives people the illusion of a peak duel.

In the face of this violent collision, the ghost took a deep breath, and the blood-red arm slammed into Liangzi fiercely.


The fierce bombardment came out, as if the two cars collided together, letting the remaining soldiers of the reserve camp suddenly forget their breath.

At this moment, almost everyone's eyes were widened, and they wanted to see the results in front of them.

The wind blew, the dust finally dispersed, but when I saw the blood-stained battlefield, Ryoko actually fell to the ground, but the ghost rode in front of his 'chest', raising his fists in anger and hitting it fiercely like crazy. Ryoko's face.

Lost? !!

Was it as simple as that? !!

Seemingly simple bombardment, but it contains the extreme anger in the ghost's heart. At this moment, his fist like a hammer does not leave a trace of strength, he has only one purpose, to defeat Ryoko!



These fists smashed into Ryoko's face. If it was replaced by ordinary people who have been smashed to death, but after the ability awakens, Ryoko is not an existence that ordinary people can understand at all, so he is not dead yet!

Another punch slammed into Ryoko's cheek, causing him to spit out blood, and the blood was still mixed with broken broken teeth!

"Abominable, how could I lose to this bastard, I am the elite!" The badly wounded snarled in the bottom of his heart, Tong Ling's big eyes were filled with bloodshots, and angry blood was sprayed from his nostrils. When the heart was horizontal, he stretched out his hands and attacked the ghost's neck with a stunned look, watching the sophisticated movements and strong explosive power. If this is compacted, the ghost's neck will definitely be crushed!

This blow is a Yang attack. If the ghost does not let go, the two will inevitably be killed by each other, and this is the tradition of the Blood War Department.

Even at the last minute, he will not fail lightly, but will stick to his teeth.

However, at this moment, the ghost also suddenly forgot his own life. He glared at the other party, without any extra words, directly raised his fist and smashed into Ryoko!

"No one is my opponent. There is no failure in your dictionary. There is no failure in my dictionary. No one can offend me, no one, no one!" The ghost yelled loudly, and the flesh that was previously blasted is here Flesh and blood was blurred for a moment, but even so, the ghost's face was still full of decisive taste.

Obviously, the ghost is about to reach its limit. For some reason, the radon on the other side has become so terrible. If he really lets it go, he seems to really kill the senior.

At this point, it is very likely that during the transformation process, the ghost planned some unseen things, so there were some abnormal changes in personality.

But even if he is clearly bound by the spirit, but even so, the ghost has not stepped back. In his heart, this person must be defeated today!


"Peng Peng!"

Several noises.

Ghosts and Ryoko entangled again, and a few minutes later, the blood was gushing from their half-open mouths, obliterating their difficult voice into an indistinguishable blur.

"Give me to death!" Although Ghost's mouth was filled with blood, his movements did not stop at all ~ ~ He was like a tireless machine, took a deep breath, and launched a difficult attack on Ryoko attack.

It can be said that whether it is the elite of the blood battle department or the decisive reserve camp fighters in front of them, they are all Wei Xun's babies. Once carefully cultivated, the other party is likely to have strength not less than their own!

When Wei Xun changed his mind, there was always an outdated day. Before that, he might as well call some confidantes. Only when he truly filled the world can he be considered a firm foothold in this world.

Thinking of this, Wei Xun directly shocked the two with his strength, then looked down at them and said, "Adult is now heading to the abyss, in order to explore the true meaning of power!"

"And what are you doing? Why kill each other for a so-called title!"

"From today on, any fighting or fighting in the barracks will be detained for at least ten days!"

Having said that, Wei Xun glanced at the ghost and said, "Your voice is too unique. Did you learn it yourself?"

The ghost originally had no half alert for Wei Xun, but nodded and said forcefully, "Yes, Lord, this is indeed a villain who has worked hard to learn after a while!"

Abyss Summoner

Abyss Summoner

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