The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 2 Chapter 810: Son of darkness

It smelled like an open grave, full of decaying smell on it, which made Chen Feng suspect that the other party was an undead, but in the known cognition, no one has ever grown into this appearance.

Chen Feng closed his eyes and promoted the legend. He can do some divination in the meditation. Of course, the content of divination must be traceable. At this time, Chen Feng tried to divinate some information about the summoned beast.

Soon, some tedious knowledge gathered in Chen Feng's mind.

Son of darkness.

They don't have a fixed name, and [Son of Darkness] is the collective name of other creatures for them.

They are hidden in large dark forests, mixed with trees-an incomplete survey shows that the children of darkness tend to appear in temperate or subtropical regions. But the children of darkness don't live in the same area, staying at most for a few years at a time.

The children of darkness usually act alone. They feed on the bodily fluids and internal organs of the unfortunately caught prey. Normally, the children of darkness wait immobile for their prey. After eating, they will quickly reach another site for the next hunt. There are some cases where the dark sons track or hunt down the victims, maybe they are just hungry or controlled.

The children of darkness are often called to preside over certain ceremonies;

In addition to this time, the Son of Darkness will spend a lot of time on torture and torture as a pastime, seeking sleazy joy from the suffering of other creatures.

And this is why, the breath on the other side can make people feel irritable, the child of darkness will absorb the pain of other creatures, and turn it into a special kind of energy, which will form a special aura to affect it. The perception of the surrounding intelligent beings.

In addition to the weird breath, the appearance of the child of darkness is also a bit uncomfortable. On the other side, there are countless, infinite, dense worms. Those worms are gray-purple, and the limbs, face, and even the top of the head are all worms. Covered.

At this time, the child of darkness was standing on the water surface, and the water surface under his feet caused huge water waves. That is because countless worms swayed the body underneath, causing this area destined to be calm.

"Son of Darkness." Chen Feng read the other's name and sifted through his mind. He had never seen such a creature in the abyss.


Not completely ugly, but nausea and palpitations. This is a creature that can make people feel abnormally sullen at first glance. Whether it is breath or appearance, the word destined to be incompatible with life is incompatible.

"Son of darkness?"

Chen Feng murmured again, judging from the name, it is not difficult to judge that the other party might be the child of a certain creature. Chen Feng couldn't help wondering what kind of existence could actually be born of this kind of thing?

The Son of Darkness does not look like a creature at all, but it is a nightmare that exists in the mind. They appear on this land in an absolutely distorted posture. There is no specific shape, no specific communication, and it can only bring the most to human beings. Primitive fear and discomfort.

During the long calling ceremony, Chen Feng can be sure that the son of darkness is the most distorted and disgusting of all the calling animals.

The ugly appearance of the other party can even be compared with the inferior demon before metamorphosis, but at that time, the inferior demon had touched the edge of some iniquity, naturally it would seem out of place with everything in this world, and the child of darkness brought the same This feeling.

Incompatible, as if it were not the world at all, nor was it an abyss.

"What the **** did I call?" Chen Feng frowned, and the only explanation was that the Son of Darkness might be on a plane trip, and the other party came from a weird and absurd world. When he entered the abyss, he was summoned by himself.

Weird and absurd.

Chen Feng was curious about the land from which the other party came from. It was difficult for him to imagine whether there were still monsters as different as the other party?

Think about it, how terrifying it is that the creatures of the entire world are like this not recognized by the world. Not to mention ordinary people, even if the golden strong accidentally falls into it, it will surely become a madman in a short time. After all, such a creature cannot be accepted by human thinking.

"Master ... what the **** is this?"

Suddenly there was a scent of fragrance, and I saw Fura with a pair of cat ears standing in front of Chen Feng. This master of boxing, who was not afraid of heaven, was slightly dazed in his eyes at this time. Has the monster never met? But I have never seen such a life form that feels so difficult.

This is more like a nightmare than a nightmare.

Chen Feng shook his head: "To be honest, I don't know what the other party is. Now I can only guess that the other party is from a completely unknown dimension. Its hometown is not an abyss. It may be on a trip or somewhere. It ’s a special sacrifice, and that ’s why I call it here. ”

At this time, the worms on the son of darkness were still excited and wriggling ~ ~ You can see a pair of vicious, numb eyes in the eye sockets, it seems to resent Chen Feng calling himself here.

For the summoner, it may not be particularly strange to be hated by his summoned beast. The other party originally had a free identity, but now, like a slave sold to the landlord's house, he suddenly loses his freedom. How can this be Make the sold party happy?

If it ’s just a poor peasant, it ’s nothing, but the monster has legendary strength. It was originally a rich man. But at this time, the family was deprived of their possessions and their freedom was restricted. They became a pet for someone. Anger appeared.

However, Chen Feng was not worried at all, and each other had completed the contract. Whether in name or fact, the other party became a summoning beast instead of Chimera.

Understanding the summoning beast is a task that the summoner must master, and making the summoning be obedient is also a necessary skill for the summoner.

No matter where the other person comes from? What weird look is, as long as the other party can feel the pain, Chen Feng will meet the other party "be obedient!" In the shortest time.

As a summoner, Chen Feng's principle of judging good and bad has always been pure strength. Even if a dragon is summoned, as long as the bronze level is also a waste, on the other hand, even if the child of darkness looks absurd, the opponent has legendary strength. This is enough.

Between strength and face value, Chen Feng undoubtedly stood in front of the option.

"Son of darkness?" Chen Feng thought of the other person's name for the third time, then thought for a while, and condensed, "Very good!"

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