The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 862: Target

The delicious thing in the evil devil's mouth is the seven-meter-long Cyclops?

This joke is a bit big!

The monster that appeared in front of Chen Feng's eyes was a mixture of some negative emotions, not to mention its huge size, coupled with the huge tentacles on his body, it gave people an illusion of entering a horror movie.


A howling cold wind passed by.

"call out!"

At the same time, a burst of empty sounds appeared instantly.

This sound is so small that it is hard for most people to find out, because the sound of this empty sound is hidden in the wind.

Sneak attack!

There wasn't even any sign, the monster in front of him started to attack!

Chen Feng had felt something wrong earlier, so that his nerves were always in a tight state. At this time, his heart was cold, but his brain was extremely clear. This was an outbreak when facing death, and his body was extremely fast. Respond and fall down.

one second……

A sound like the sound of a broken line, Chen Feng could see clearly, the monster raised several flesh limbs, and threw it directly on Saruman's body!

The subsequent scene was scary, and I saw Saruman, who was still standing in the place before, and his flesh fell off piece by piece, even the intestines were dragged to the ground, the blood smell was terrible!

One second? Do not! In only half a second, they were cut into pieces of meat, and they could not die anymore.

Witnessing Saruman's tragic death with his own eyes, Chen Feng's eyes filled with a wave of waves, he could not think about it, and suddenly made a sound of "cracking". In the next second, a fireball condensed in the palm of the hand and projected toward the monster in front. past!

But the monsters were totally different and took the blow!

Is Saruman dead?

Chen Feng's brain fell into a moment's bewilderment, but the next second, he discovered the clues. The corpses stacked on the ground were obviously not a legendary strong man, but a common body.

-Corpse replacement surgery!

There was a creep in the concrete not far away, and then, Saruman's figure appeared in front.

In the realm of Saruman, he had already mastered some magical self-protection ability. When the monster just struck, it immediately found a corpse as a stand-in, and he successfully escaped a few meters away.

Some monsters are different. The opponent does not respond like an ordinary beast when attacking. Instead, he fights directly without any pause.

This is a monster that really dominates the killing!

The blow did not succeed, and did not let the monster in front of him give up. At this time, the flesh of his body was twisted vertically, like a beast, with his hands and feet touching the ground.

The original horrible giant's body was located in the center, and the limbs protruding from the abdomen and waist replaced the limbs. At this time, it took steps, and its speed and explosive power got the most violent explosion in a short time!

A swoop, the sprint of the monster carrier piercing the sky is like a meteorite from the vast universe, ferociously rushing towards the hidden night!

in front!

It knows that its enemy is ahead!

The other party is a real hunter!

Chen Feng knows that the battlefield is changing rapidly. The first second is a hunter, and the next second may become a prey. Just like now, Chen Feng originally came as a hunter, but now the position has changed amazingly!

Be careful!

Chen Feng finally knew why he always felt a little uneasy, but it was too late to know the answer.

In addition to the restlessness, there was a touch of surprise. Until now, Chen Feng was still unable to be implicated in the deliciousness of the opponent's bad demons.

On the other hand, at this time, a small layer of excitement permeated the small face, and even a gurgling noise was heard in the throat. Its appearance began to be profiled. The original cute face instantly became stiff and tight like a puppet. Then, its body began to swell, and it took almost a few seconds to become a huge mountain of meat!

The flesh and blood in Roshan is constantly tumbling, and from time to time there are arms and skulls protruding from it, the real form of inferior demons, or the final appearance of gods!

The bad demon trembled, as if jumped by the five thunder bomber, and his body dared up, not dodging, obviously, it was obvious to use pure physical strength to resist the opponent.

This brutal move is by no means easy.

The evil devil twisted his body, and the bones made a rattling noise!

"call out!"

A flesh cut through the shadows and drew it up.


There was a loud noise, and it was the fierce and explosive speed of the flesh that collided with the evil demon. The horrible sound was deafening, and it was huge and shocking!


The bad demon groaned, his face was sore, his body couldn't withstand such a huge force, and he dropped directly and fell down, falling hard!

At this time, the appearance of the bad demon was a bit miserable, and the flutter of the flesh was even stronger than the flame whip grasped by Chen Feng.

The bad demon is covered with blood, but the eyes are filled with extremely crazy colors, even a cruel smile grinning at the corners of his mouth.

As close as it was just now, it smelled the energy that attracted the other person!

where is it?

The evil demon's eyes searched and looked, and finally his eyes locked on the head of the Cyclops. The head seemed to have undergone some kind of stitching, and there was an obvious scar around the Tianling Cap. Inside, the evil devil felt that he was The energy of excitement.

"Master ... delicious ... there!" The evil demon knew he was not alone ~ ~ At this time, he stretched out his finger and pointed away at the monster's head!

At the same time, Chen Feng put his gaze on the other person's head, and he also saw the sutured wound, which was the delicious food that let the evil spirits dream about him?

"sword of eternity!"

Chen Feng spread his palm, and a long sword appeared in his hand. He held the handle and then threw it towards the chest of the opponent like a javelin!

Sharp whistling!

In the monster's angry roar, Chen Feng hit the chest of the Cyclops!

The scorching endless sword protruded from the darkness, stabbed directly into the monster's chest, cold, and the disregard of death attacked the opponent's body without mercy.

As if a hammer was hitting the opponent's body heavily, the monster moaned, and the whole body stepped back a few steps, giving the feeling of a late old man.

The sub-artifact can inflict continuous damage to the enemy in a certain sense. This is a weapon that recognizes the Lord. It is like Chen Feng holding the sword handle for the first time and feeling burns. At this time, the endless sword penetrates the monster's chest and will Its body causes no small load!

However, at this time, the monster didn't mean to give up. It spurred the flesh limb around the waist, and it was wrapped around the sword body of the endless sword all at once. Under the high-temperature burning, the flesh limb turned black. The monster's long-distorted face was already visible at this time.


There was a sound of harsh friction, and under Chen Feng's surprised eyes, the flesh limbs pulled the endless sword out of the Cyclops' chest. At this time, the flesh limbs had been completely necrotic and paralyzed because of the terrible burning, Can no longer be used as a weapon!


The giant who lost his flesh shook his body, like a patient who had collapsed on a hospital bed for more than ten years, a bit awkward ... stood up!

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