The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 873: Spokesperson

Found a new force?

Chen Feng paid great attention to Xu Hongzhuang's report. In the past exploration, it was not that human forces were not found. However, most of those forces were invaded and became fragmented. For half a year, Poseidon's hundreds of thousands. Population is the largest force in order discovery.

In addition, the rest are small groups of thousands or even hundreds of people, hiding in some unmanned corners and struggling to survive.

No one wants to enjoy loneliness, so is Chen Feng.

Even though the order now has millions of people, whenever Chen Feng thinks that if there is a big world, maybe only his own team survives, there will be some pressure in his heart.

After all, this world is not just humans, there are countless enemies entangled aside, no matter how strong the order is, it is just fighting alone, which makes people feel a little lonely.

It is for this reason that Chen Feng has not been exploring incessantly, focusing on order and starting to explore the surroundings. Some time ago, there were some petty jokes, but now, Chen Feng has finally caught a big fish.

An alliance power?

The population is conservative at a million or more!

However, this time the exploration department also learned the lessons of the previous failure and did not rush forward to talk. Instead, it returned to the camp and sought the advice of Xu Hongzhuang!

That ’s right, Xu Hongzhuang has taken the position of power. When Chen Feng was absent, certain things can be resolved naturally, but this matter is different now. With millions of people, this is truly equivalent to order, and even Stronger forces, in this case, Xu Hongzhuang did not even dare to act rashly, so he asked Chen Feng's advice.

"I need to hold a meeting. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the key members of all departments must be present." Chen Feng thought for a while and gave an order.

"Yes!" Xu Hongzhuang bowed her head slightly, she cried.

This matter is not trivial, even if Chen Feng has the right to speak up, but the matters involved are too extensive, by the way, he also has to observe those new talents in the order.


Chen Feng personally issued an order, and those who were under his command would not dare to be absent. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, there were 32 key members from various departments, and they filled a whole round table.

The characters that can appear here are all well-known characters. In addition to the group of people who followed on the left and right when Chen Feng rose, many new faces were added.

Among them, there are a total of three people who are at the forefront in various fields. One is the flower-viewing man in the previous life, called Li Yu. As the name implies, a good skin is born. It can be regarded as a beautiful man. I've seen each other, but at that time, Li Yu had already been hollowed out by a woman, even if she was powerful, but she always looked sick, giving a very feminine feeling, but now, the other party is in the law. Under the restraint, she has been born and reborn, not only did not enjoy flower-picking, but also entered the palace of marriage early. She also has a pair of cute twins, which is also a life winner.

And the second place is like a hill, even if the other side is extremely good-looking, even looks a little thick, but the three-meter-high body is still in place, it still gives a very strong sense of oppression, which can't help but let Chen Feng think of the beginning The dead man who killed the mad monster Shan Kui, the other is so powerful, so weird, that at first glance, the heart rises into fear that is difficult to restrain.

Wang Xudong!

However, this young man named Wang Xudong does not know how many times more powerful than Shan Kui. Don't look at each other's arrogance. He always puts the disadvantages on his mouth, but also has the luck of the sky. The ability to awaken is close to that of the orcs. Ordinary people transform into wolves, tigers, and panthers. Once Wang Xudong enters a violent state, he will become a half-human half-elephant!

The nose will even stretch and mutate, becoming more than one meter long, like a whip, and even the concrete wall can be broken at once.

This is also a tyrant. His strength has entered the golden stage early. It seems that in another half year or even shorter, he can enter the legendary stage. At that time, the other party can even beastly become a true armored giant elephant. Not to mention the wall surface, which is a specially built moat door, all of which may burst at once!

The last one looks the ugliest. The other person has two heads, one old and one young. The young one is eighteen years old and looks very energetic. The old one has wrinkled skin, like the eighty-year-old man, especially his eyes are so dull. , Like the gravekeeper in the cemetery, it looks the same, it will make ordinary people feel a sudden cardiac arrest.

Li Sisi, with a good name, can be abandoned from a young age because she is a conjoined baby. She awakened at the end of life, and had a change in one life and two lives. One side will never be young forever ~ ~ while one side is old for decades. It has become the expensive and expensive look of today.

The other side is now serving in the **** camp, and it may be the right hand of His Majesty Wei Xun. It may be that the body has changed suddenly, making the other person's character a bit gloomy. When fighting, they often like to kill and enjoy themselves, and even rank in the dark control list!

The shadows are now the task of order eyes. In addition to monitoring those who are sinful, while secretly investigating those professionals who are on the verge of getting out of control, the reason for this is also to maintain order security and prevent internal problems.

Li Yu, Wang Xudong, and Li Sisi, it can be said that these three are the three newcomers who have been in the limelight during this time. Among them, Li Yu is Lu Wei's confidante and Wang Xudong respects Xu Hongzhuang. The most weird and ugly Li Sisi is led by Wei Xun. The three of Xu Hongzhuang are the elders who followed Chen Feng all the way. There are rivers and lakes where there are people. The three are now in important positions and naturally have many interests.

It is just that the energy of the three is too great. If they tear their faces, they will even have a negative impact on order. In this case, the three such as Li Sisi are more like a reduced version of the fight. After all, everyone It is clear who is behind them.

Shuizhiqing has no fish. Chen Feng naturally knows this. In particular, he also understands that order cannot be the only one. This is why he has to create multiple departments. Now, Xu Hongzhuang, Lu Wei, and Wei Xun stand on one another. , Indirectly forming a perfect balance point.

Order belongs to Chen Feng, and no one can shake it.

"This is the spokesperson chosen by several people?" Chen Feng naturally understood the tricks of Xu Hongzhuang's people. At this time, what he had to do was to copy the school to see if he was worthy of Wei Xun. Few people cultivate!


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