It was one day, about two weeks after the start of the new semester.

The time when the old student council is closed and new students are on the list of candidates for student council president.

When Delfina was thinking to herself that she was preparing for the next election after finishing her student council work.

It was around that time that my younger sister had said that there was something she needed to consult about regarding Yeongji.

“Come in, Delphina.”

“Excuse me, brother.”

If it was related to the territory, there was a high possibility that it would not be good for anyone to hear it, so Delfina and I found a place where we could talk without being noticed by others and gathered in a room.

“Like my older brother’s room in the main house, something feels empty. Still, I thought that my brother’s dormitory room at the academy had something related to his hobby.”

As soon as I entered, it was the younger sister who looked around my room and gave vague impressions, not knowing if it was favorable or not.

“If it’s a hobby, it’s there.”

“Yeah? Are you referring to the magic books on the bookshelf here? It’s just a major book.”

“I have already finished all the knowledge that can be learned at the undergraduate level. Because the things plugged in there are advanced courses that I learn as a hobby.”

“I wonder where the hell is anyone who would call an advanced course in a major subject a hobby?”

“is it.”

But I can’t help it. Collecting things is not my hobby.

If I had to call it a hobby, I could see it as a kind of hobby that I made recently in the north.

Even in my previous life, if I had time, I’d made several crafts for entertainment like fireworks magic.

It would be okay if I make one or two more when I have time.

Come to think of it, was Delfina in a position to point out the dormitory interior to me in the first place?

“It’s nice that it’s a lot cleaner than a dorm room buried in piles of your paperwork.”

“Oh, it can’t be helped. You cannot bring personal employees into the academy dormitory. If I was only in the tee, I wouldn’t be this messy.”

“Although work is a hobby for you, do it in moderation while taking care of your body.”

“I’m still thinking of picking out the big things and gradually reducing them. Mr. Wipe has adapted to the academy faster than I thought, and the current student council work is almost over.

For the time being, the only things left to do are preparing for the next student council president election, the Perdalos Territory planned city planning project, luncheons and tea parties with influential aristocratic ladies, as well as managing personal connections and personal training.”

“I have a lot of work left for the time being… ? Are you resting properly?”

Besides, when the next student council started, it was obvious that I would increase new work without thinking about it again.

It was a schedule that made me wonder if I was sleeping properly.

“… Well, before that, let’s talk about today’s business first!”

Delfina awkwardly turned around and wanted to get back to the main topic, but since it was pitiful to question her too much about this, she pretended to be deceived and nodded.

“What is counseling about the Perdalos estate?”

“Although I’m cautious because I think I might be taking up my older brother’s time again.”


“I thought my brother would have to have a discussion with the representative of the Wintemire Company regarding matters related to the company that will enter Perdalos… .”

Delphina had a strangely sinful look in her eyes and trembled at the end of her words.

“Johnny Winte, the representative of the Wintemire Corporation? Aren’t you closer to Delphine than me?”

“Oh, no. The person you need to meet is someone else.”

“Anyone else?”

“I am the older sister of Johnny Winte, and Sener is Winte… .”

Seneran Winte?

Was there such a person in the original Wintemire Company?

Since he was a person with no memory, at least based on his previous life, he shook his head.

“… He is someone I don’t know.”

“is that so? He is quite famous among merchants.”


“Even though she is a woman, she is a person who is famous for investing very aggressively, or jumping directly into dangerous places if she smells money.

He said that not long ago, he was caught by bandits and almost got into trouble, but fortunately, a nobleman passing by saved him, so he returned safely.”

“… Sorry, I really don’t know.”

As far as I can remember, Johnny’s older sister went missing before he entered the academy.

Could it be that Johnny had two older sisters? Or did something change in this lifetime because of a twist in a place I don’t know about?

Or maybe it’s just that I don’t remember exactly when she went missing.

“Anyway, he’s the one who’s in charge of the guild’s investment money and branch construction, and he said he’d have to meet his older brother if he wanted to establish a branch of the Wintemire Company in Perdalos.”


“He said that in order to establish a new high society branch in the Perdalos territory, he would have to meet Conrad Perdalos, the next head of Perdalos, and make a decision.”

Something, very suspicious.

It may be a bit early to be certain now, but we cannot rule out the possibility that he is a person related to the Dark Church.

Seeing that he insisted on meeting me, the possibility of that increased especially.

Thanks to Seely Willy’s remarks recently, I’ve been able to confirm that my name has spread to some extent among the Dark Church’s executives.

Maybe it’s because I don’t even know if I’m going to be the most disturbing in the future.


“Ah, yes.”

“If my brother doesn’t like it, would it be better to return the refusal?”

I shook my head at Delphina, who looked at me and asked.

“no it’s okay. After hearing it, I am also interested.”

“is that so?”

“So, are Delphina and you together at the meeting? Or is it just me and the three of us, Winte, facing each other?”

“At first, the two of you asked for a face-to-face meeting, but if you feel uncomfortable, I’ll ask you again.”

“No, there is no need to ask. If they asked to meet on a one-on-one basis, it would be right for me to respond.”

Even the demand to meet one-on-one without Delphina or Johnny.

It was a moment when doubt gradually turned into certainty.

“Then I’ll make an appointment within a week. Thank you, brother.”

It was three days ago that I had this conversation with Delphina.

⁎ ⁎ ⁎

The weekend three days after that day.

Delphina and I arrived slightly earlier than the appointed time and were waiting for the two of us.

Delfina is going to leave after confirming that I and Seneran will meet with Johnny.

Originally, I was going to come out just in time for the appointment, but Delfina said that it would give a good impression if I came out a little earlier, and I was half-forced.

Since they always have to meet a lot of people, merchants who lead busy lives are very time-sensitive.

If, for some reason, the other party finished the previous schedule quickly and arrived at the meeting place a little early, and we are waiting for you to come first.

Saving time in an unexpected part will make the other party feel grateful, which will help induce a positive reaction from the other party at the negotiating table.

That was Delphina’s theory, so I just nodded, saying I knew.

It wasn’t my personality to live so tiredly watching others notice.

Still, it’s a request from my younger sister, so I can’t ruin it just because I’m wrong.

At a time when I wasn’t sure if Seneran was related to the Dark Church or not, I thought there was nothing wrong with making a bad first impression.

That’s why I was talking with Delphina 30 minutes earlier than the scheduled time.


“Yes, brother.”

“Isn’t the reason Seneran Winte wanted to meet me was because I was the next head of Perdalos?”

“That’s it.”

“But you’re Delphina, Perdalos’ next go-to. Don’t you think something is strange?”

Delphina looked up at me with a puzzled expression.

“Is that the sound again, brother?”

“I am right.”

“As I said before, I’m not brazen enough to beat my older brother and aim for the next family head.

All I want is the revival of Perdalos, where I was born and raised, and as long as our family can solidify its position as a full-fledged viscount family, that is enough.”

“Wouldn’t it be okay because that’s the mindset that the head of Perdalos should have? I really think Delphina and you are better suited to the position of head of Perdalos than I am.

In the first place, meeting today is part of your plan to develop Perdalos. I think it’s rather strange that you, who are giving all your strength to the land and family, can’t inherit the family head.”

“… Does my brother really want me to succeed Perdalos?”

“I’ve been serious since the first time I brought up this story.”

“… … .”

After hearing my words, Delfina, who seemed to be a little worried, fell into thought.

Are you now slowly taking what I said as a serious story rather than a joke?

“Say it any time. If you want, I can tell my parents that I am giving up the inheritance right now.”

“… Let’s talk about that later, brother.”

“OK got it.”

Even in my opinion, the issue was not light enough to be concluded at Academy Square, so I finished the story in an appropriate line.

After that, I spent the rest of my time talking about Perdalos’s matches and life at the academy.

After talking for a long time, 30 minutes passed and it was 2:00 PM, the original appointment time.

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Johnny and his sister still didn’t show up at the rendezvous.

“Aren’t you coming?”

“… You are a little late.”

“Aren’t we misunderstanding the meeting place?”

“It can’t be. There is only one central square of the academy, and we talked about additional benches where there is a fountain.”

“Hmm, is that so?”

“For now, let’s wait a little longer.”

As merchants who are sensitive to time, it was correct to assume that there were almost no cases of being late for an appointment.

There was a good chance that something unexpected happened by chance on the day I and Delphina were supposed to meet.

With the intention of waiting a little more leisurely, I talked with Delphina a little more on the bench in the square.

About 20 minutes after we started talking. Finally, a person from the Wintemire Company appeared.

The problem was that of the two people who had originally planned to meet at the meeting place, only one was Johnny.

“Heo Eok, Ki, I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, Heo Eok, Lady Delphina, Prince Conrad… .”

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Johnny was gasping for breath as he bowed his head at us, probably because he was running fast, breathing heavily.

Feeling something strange, I spoke to him first.

“It’s okay since I didn’t wait very long, but is the sister who was supposed to come with me still coming?”

“Who, who is your sister… . Now, something happened… .”

“… … .”

“Maybe it would be difficult to talk today, Heo Eok, I came to tell you the story… .”

“Something happened?”

“Whew, that, yes… .”

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Johnny, who seemed to have finally caught his breath, corrected his posture and bowed his head in a quiet manner to sort out what he was saying.

“I have nothing to say even if I open my mouth about being late for the appointment time and about having to break through the schedule without saying anything in advance.

But really, circumstances have arisen where my sister cannot be seated, so I have no choice but to postpone today’s schedule to a later date.”

“I heard that Mr. Seneran is entrusted with investment rights, but do you not have a representative to represent her in this situation?”

“Actually, the agent was also in a hurry to deal with the sudden situation… .”

“Or is there no power of attorney who has delegated her rights? If necessary, I will go to the Wintemire store myself.”

“… Even my father can’t afford to see anyone right now.”

“… … .”

Seeing Johnny’s way of evasive expressions, it wasn’t too hard to notice the odd reaction from him unless you’re an idiot.

It was the same for Delphina, who was listening to the story next to me.

“Mr. Johnny.”

“Yes, Lady Delphina.”

“Has anything happened to Miss Seneran Winte, Johnny’s sister?”

“… … .”

“As long as the schedule we’ve been waiting for has failed, I think both me and my brother deserve to hear this much, Mr. Johnny.”

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Johnny hesitated about what to say at Delphina’s question, and finally opened his heavy mouth after his sister questioned him once more.

“… My sister, has been kidnapped.”

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