133 – The price of a life in vain


How many times have you seen dazzling sights?

Angel’s merciless bombardment changed the terrain itself.

Could it be that there are no artifacts to speak of?

Manus felt a serious shortage of mana.

Class 5 magic, class 4 magic, and even unfinished but class 6 magic.

I felt like my whole body was in disrepair when I used magic that others would only see once in my life.

Breathing heavily, I waited for the self-healing effect.

‘I still don’t have enough. I must be more diligent.’

One of the most important things for a wizard is, of course, the total amount of mana.

No matter what it was, in the end, it was important how many powerful magics could be used.

The fishy taste continued to rise in my mouth.

My whole body screamed, and a terrible sense of exhaustion and drowsiness came over me.

A situation where it is hard to breathe.

Albion hurriedly tried to cast a recovery spell, but there was no way it would work.

In the end, even familiars borrowed the power of their masters to use magic.


“Manus. are you okay? just that… … .”

“An apostle?”

Alano came to me in a hurry and cast a healing spell on me.

The muscles that used to scream have recovered to some extent.

However, magic cannot be used anymore.

Still, it would have dealt a heavy blow.

maybe killed

“Have you done it?”

But Alano said words he shouldn’t have uttered.

Thinking that it could not be, Manus raised his head and looked ahead.

Only a huge pit remained where the magic swept away.

It was seen procrastinating in a sunken place.


A long flash approached Manus.

I hurriedly pushed Alano away and caught the flash with my body.

I gritted my teeth and held back a moan at the pain I felt for the first time in my life.

I’ve been stabbed and beaten, but I’ve never burned my flesh.

‘I never got hurt on Earth, but-.’


Unknowingly, I swallowed a moan.

The already immature body was further damaged.

As I was kneeling down, I heard an eerie voice.

“It was quite. human. I have no choice but to admit it.”

“Sah, are you alive?!”

“Everyone prepare to attack!”

Realizing that he was still alive, the party cast their magic.

However, the apostle slowly approached, blocking all attacks with a barrier.

This was the first pattern that Manus had ever seen.

Am I going crazy?

Or was it a hidden power?

It was an unfinished power, but it was magic of the 6th class.

Do you live with it?

‘That kind of stamina correction for the early boss? That’s ridiculous.’

I barely got myself up.

Alano, who had bounced off, reattached and used recovery magic.

Those who watched Manus suffer continued casting magic, but all to no avail.

The apostle pointed to Manus and said.

He wasn’t in perfect condition either, but at least one.

I promised to take you with my comrade.

“If you take the strongest, your sense of loss will increase. Receive the grace bestowed by the god of death.”


The apostle abandoned his body and turned into flame.

Guillermo and Melanie stood in his way, but the flame passed them disembodied.


Cursed flames engulfed Manus’ body.

[Death’s Companion]

The terrible pain, the burning feeling to the soul, was fleeting.

The body that had been standing noblely collapsed powerlessly.

A body that has died black.

A formless conquest.

“… … What’s this?”

“uh? uh huh-?”

“No eh eh eh eh-!”

sharp scream.

A voice filled with despair rang out.

The apostle disappeared without a trace, and the loot remained in his place.

It happened in an instant, and it was unmanageable.

People in shock cried out.

Cale’s eyes turned red.

A wild rage tried to devour her whole body.


At that moment, a strange thing happened.

The only shiny part of the body that had turned black was shining.


The artifact I received earlier caused a bright light.

The black hair regained its luster.

The pure white flesh grew out, and the uniform unfolded without wrinkles.

The closed eyes opened, and the blue eyes immersed themselves in the sky.

“… … senior?”

The first thing I looked at was Cale, who was holding back tears.

She carefully groped Manus’ face.

It was a hand full of dust, but I didn’t think it was dirty for some reason.

Cale asked again, carefully touching his face.

The tears that had been forming before I knew it were running down my cheeks.

“Oh, it’s okay, right? Aren’t you dead?”


He showed me a bracelet that had been split in half.

An artifact received as a gift from the emperor.

It was regrettable that it had already been used, but thanks to it, the apostle’s desperate efforts were put to nothing.

Others breathed a sigh of relief.

Cale was even hugged by Manus and shed tears.

How should I react?

In the end, Manus comforted Cale’s shoulder.

“Really, I almost fell. Did you know everything?”

“The final outburst was something I didn’t expect.”

At Nia’s question, I could only explain that I was just lucky.

Unknown patterns have been added, and existing patterns have also been strengthened.

The future battles will be even more difficult.

‘Don’t be vigilant, this is it.’

You have a reason to be as strong as possible.

Why should we actively interfere with them?

Anyway, the battle ended safely.

【Battle End】

<First Apostle: Mattia>

<Everyone’s level has risen.>

<Kale: 45 / Anais: 45 / Pearson: 41 / Melanie: 43 / Alano: 47 / Nia: 48 / Guillermo: 46>

<The level of the Familiar has risen.>

<Albion: 38 / Phoenix: 20>

<Clear Area 1>


When the party woke up, they were in the lobby of the tower.

The first thing that caught my eye was the changed atmosphere in the lobby.

Instead of a dark tower, it has changed to a fairly bright one.

District 2.

It was [Garden of the Void].

The party looked around the lobby.

Among them, Nia looked at the golden watch and said.

“Look at this. Time has increased.”

“Oh, that’s right.”

“Looks like you can navigate twelve hours now. Can you stay for quite a while?”

twelve hours.

Half a day was a great time.

The schedule, which had no choice but to go up little by little, could be drastically increased.

It can also save you a lot of time getting equipment.

Zone 2 where an unknown enemy awaits.

No one was excited to go upstairs.

they remembered

“Even on top of this… … There must be incredibly strong enemies, right?”


“Honestly, what would have happened without Manus-senpai?”

Everyone shut up.

If it were them, would they have endured that gigantic flame?

Maybe someone lost their life.

Manus did not dare to tell the hidden truth to those who had a sense of crisis.

As long as Albion exists, there will be no worries about losing your life.

In order to do that, I must raise Albion alone in the tower.

I looked at them while hiding a secret.

Here, you need to stimulate your sense of improvement to motivate yourself to go up.

If fear feeds you and you stop climbing, you will stop growing.

“Are you planning to stop here?”

“No way.”

Surprisingly, Guillermo, who was still, answered immediately.

He said, gripping his newly acquired shield.

“The higher you go, the stronger you will become. It’s dangerous, but I know it’s a great place for training.”

As if promising something, his eyes were full of enthusiasm.

A gaze that does not know who he is thinking of or what goal he has set.

The passion to go there was felt by the entire party.

“I will climb alone. It will make you stronger little by little.”

“My juniors say that, but as a senior, I can’t lose. This sister will protect you, so don’t worry too much.”

Nia smiled with her golden eyes shining.

She glanced at Manus.

Is the reason why he is so strong, because he knows the existence of the tower in advance?

Or is it because of that strong heart?

My head was complicated.

All of the things I had prepared so far were tangled up in my thoughts.

“A scary person can leave. Participation is free.”

Manus also opened his mouth.

How could he speak so calmly even though he was in danger of death?

Everyone quietly listened to him.

Words soon convey will.

If I could understand even a little of his will, I would be able to overcome my fear and climb.

Everyone’s eyes were shining brightly.

“If you withdraw now, you will be frightened of the unknown that you will encounter countless times in the future.”

Manus spoke quietly and forcefully.

The lips that sprout, the eyes that scan the surroundings, and the powerfully curved eyebrows represent his will.

It is a promise to send to yourself.

The unknown outside of knowledge and experience came as a strong fear to modern people.

‘I will be able to become stronger only if I get rid of that fear.’

“If we get scared when we are still young, it will play a big part in our future lives.”

“… … .”

That was right.

Manus is also considering the influence of the tower.

There was a calm ripple in everyone’s heart.

Because I couldn’t dare to count the deep and wide thoughts.

It’s like, isn’t it like a parent who cares for them?

As a grown adult would tell you, Manus muttered calmly.

“I believe that the experience here will remove our fears even when we grow up.”

His words left a deep impression.

The scent of horses drifting in the air passed through the party.

[Check for interference.]

[A little courage and hope dwell in everyone’s hearts.]

[On the journey ahead, there will be many times when colleagues will make bold choices.]

[Reward: The speed of absorbing mana is slightly increased.]

[Coworkers’ EXP boost +10%]

“-It’s hard to refute because it’s so wordy. It was a wonderful speech.”

Nia answered skillfully.

Manus smiled and straightened his clothes.

After a fierce battle, the crumpled clothes were annoying.

Have I really come to think and act like an aristocrat?

The party who saw it looked down on Conquest without even realizing it.

Crumpled and tanned clothes here and there.

“For now, let’s go back today. Everyone has suffered.”

“Ugh, have you just taken one step? If we conquer completely, won’t we become very strong? Hi-Hi.”

Pearson’s bright words saved the atmosphere.

A clamor, a chattering sound rang out brightly.

The group hurriedly came out of the tower.

I saw the entrance back to reality.

When everyone was walking casually, Manus and Alano stopped walking.

A small figure standing idly by the entrance.

A boy blankly looking up at the tower.

“That child… … .”

“Seniors, can you see that child?”

Another amazing thing happened.

Clearly, the boy who should only be seen by Alano and Manus was visible to Cale.

And that wasn’t all.


“who are you?”

The boy hesitated and backed away from the countless stares he suddenly received.

Then he turned around and ran away back to reality.

how did this happen

Curiosity came into everyone’s eyes.

what is that boy

Alano and Manus were conscious.

The boy’s presence was clearly recognized by everyone in this erosion zone.

“Manus. Did you see it?”


Maybe, I thought that the power might increase by one more.

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