277 – Excursion (3)

A few months ago, Hwabongguk-Horan.

Miya quickly regained her status as a shrine maiden. The power of the priestess called the blue flame was clear proof that there was no room for denial.

Miya visited the imprisoned Mei. There was a dramatic contrast between the situation of the older sister who had fallen and the younger brother who became the highest authority in Hwabong-guk.

“long time no see. Are you here to laugh?”

Mei’s voice cracked. Because of the many tortures she suffered, not even a speck of vitality could be found in her.

Miya leaned her back next to the prison cell. Because I didn’t want to face May.

No matter how betrayed she was, the opponent was her own sister. I didn’t know if my heart would weaken if I saw your face.

That’s what Miya said.

“My sister will not kill me easily. still… , I will not be able to avoid being treated as subhuman until the day I die. Just as my sister has trampled on this country and its people.”

“Don’t say sh*t, just kill me.”

“Why should I listen to my sister?”

“Kuh. The b*tch who lived only in dreams, surprisingly did not age in vain. Seeing you talk back every now and then.”

There was nothing left for May. She wished death, and hoped that her sister would take her own life.

“Your sister started first.”

“Noisy and just kill it, f*ck!!”

Mei screamed at her throat. Swear words echoed through the prison several times, and after that, only empty silence fell.

“You know what, sister?”


“The person my sister touched. In fact, he was a nameless hero.”

“… What are you talking about, dog b*tch?”

Mei didn’t understand Miya’s words.

“I found out that my sister was desperately looking for an unknown hero. You wondered who it was. … Isaac. It was him. He recently became the king of ice. It is a well-known fact now.”

“You, now that makes sense… ?”

“Really. Am I just going to say something like this?”

“Don’t be rude… .”

Mei bit her teeth and shuddered. Suddenly, laughter broke out. Tears flooded her wide-eyed eyes.

“Do you think I would believe that? I’m not that lucky, I… ? Don’t give a damn… . It’s funny enough, f*ck… . Don’t give a damn… .”

Mei kept swearing, laughing, lowering her head and sobbing.

To think that the person he called a prince, the strong man he wanted to embrace more than anyone else in order to seize the hegemony of this world, was Isaac, who scratched his nerves so much.

The story gnawed at Mei’s spirit, which had already collapsed, like a rat. Her plan had gone completely wrong from the start.

Mei threw up on the truth that made her more miserable.

“then… . How are you, sister? Let’s not see each other again.”

It was a short conversation.

Miya ignored Mei’s cries and left the place escorted by the guards.

The memories of my childhood were still vivid. Miya bit her lip. Mei’s cries cut through her heart like sharp knives.

However, Miya took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

I would never see Young-young again.

* * *

Several faculty members in charge of the field trip program and an escort driver from the Hwabong Bureau took their seats behind the Class A classroom.

The tour students opened the books that had been issued in advance, and Professor Philip started the class.

This time, the tour students will experience Märchen Academy’s A class class. Of course, it would be difficult for them to keep up with the contents of the class.

Maybe so, Professor Philip paid more attention than usual to the explanation. It was a treatment that was considerate of the tour students.


Miya tapped my arm.

Turning my head towards Miya, she scribbled something on the book and slipped it out to me.

[We have a lot to talk about, right? ]

Not a lot.

I’ll have to pay for the favor Miya’s trust and her power.

Well, it’s comprehensible and manly. What can I do though? The evil spirit problem is a serious matter.

After lightly writing the answer in the corner of my book, I showed it to Miya.

[ huh. ]

[Then, could you spare some time next time? ]

Miya showed the part she was covering with her arm. It seemed that he had written it down in advance, expecting me to give an affirmative answer.

‘It’s like school days.’

When I was in school, I used to chat with my friends by exchanging notes with my friends in class.

I felt like I was soaked in nostalgia.

[ OK. ]

After that, I raised my head and met Miya’s eyes. She smiled brightly.

For an innocent person, her smile was like a fox. It’s like a scene from a youth drama.

From reading the psychology, Miya was very kind to me.

“there. Pay attention in class.”

At Professor Phillip’s point, Miya and I turned our heads to the blackboard.

Luce looked sideways and spent her life, but Miya only smiled.

… …

After class, the field trip students followed the faculty.

Before leaving, Miya greeted me with a smile.

“I’ll go, senior Isaac.”

“Uh, yes… .”

There was nothing I could do other than an awkward answer.

The discomfort was intense. It’s because it’s the same as Mei.

Strictly speaking, Miya had more kind eyes. If Mei was a strong woman, Miya was like a dog with droopy eyes.

“Ah, senior Luce.”

“… … ?”

At first, Miya approached Luce and smiled brightly. The eyes of the students, including myself, and of Taryn Bartan, a field trip student, were focused on the two women.

“You’ve been staring at me ever since.”

The air has settled. did you know

Luce glared coldly at Miya, showing her wariness. Considering the atmosphere in the classroom just before, Miya’s words could be interpreted as if they were quarreling.

However, Miya’s behavior exceeded my expectations.


Miya laughed and grabbed Luce’s hand.

The students’ mouths fell open. It was the same with Luce who frowned and panicked.

“You wanted to talk to me?”

“… … ?”

“If it’s someone as pretty as Luce, it’s an honor for me. I won’t be able to see you for a few months, but I hope we get to know each other in the meantime!”

Miya’s sparkling eyes were innocence itself.

Luce’s cold gaze that she received throughout class was just an expression of interest in her.

“what… ?”

Luce looked bewildered, not knowing what to do with the type of person she was meeting for the first time.

It was truly a hard counter to Luce.

From noble mtl dot com

“Then see you later, senior Luce!”

Miya greeted with a kind eye smile and followed the faculty out of the classroom. In succession, Professor Phillip also ran out of the classroom with quick steps as if he were running away.

Luce trembled with her shoulder still holding the hand that was being held. Such a dazzling light source was similar to the light of the sun appearing in front of a vampire in a fantasy to the gloomy Luce.

“… oh my god.”

A classroom surrounded by silence.

Only Ciel’s exclamation could be heard distinctly.

* * *

‘Ji, are you serious… ?’

Taryn Bartan broke into a cold sweat as she glanced sideways at Miya, who was walking with her.

I wanted to ask if what I said to Luce was sincere. But instinct took care of it. It was a sensitive issue no matter who saw it.

Recalling the bloody atmosphere in the classroom from before, there was no doubt that Miya was fighting against Luce. It was because there was no way he could not notice Luce’s life, which was so obvious.

However, Miya was smiling leisurely like a person who is not worried about everything in the world. This is rather frightening… !

“Mr. Taryn, do you have something to say?”

“oh… !”

Noticing Tarin’s gaze, Miya asked without hesitation. Surprised, Taryn hurriedly brought up the topic.

“That, over there, Miko… Were you acquainted with senior Isaac?”

This was also a curious question.

Miya shook her head.

“It’s the first time we’ve seen each other.”

“yes? Even though it’s their first time meeting, they seem friendly… . It’s like the fact that I sat right next to you.”

“Because you are my benefactor.”


Tarin didn’t know what it was, but he could make a rough guess.

“Is it related to the public trust case that the professor mentioned earlier?”

“yes. There were some circumstances on this side, but thanks to Isaac sunbaenim, it worked out well. He me… , You saved me.”

If it wasn’t for Isaac’s help, he wouldn’t be here.

‘He saved me?’

Was it an incident in which even a person with a tremendous position like Miya was threatened?

Tarin, who only led a low-class life, could not even guess how spectacular the incident was.

“It seems that there were complicated circumstances… .”

“Yes, it was.”

“… … .”

Taryn didn’t bother to tell me what had happened. It was because Miya seemed reluctant to talk about the incident further.

The field trip students followed the faculty and left the Orphin Hall, and then headed to the place where the next schedule was.

“… … !”

At some point, goose bumps ran through Miya’s body.

The cause was an adult male walking from the other side. Miya noticed him and narrowed her eyes.

Neat robe, brown hair.

He and Miya passed each other.

Miya slightly turned her head back and glanced sideways at the adult man’s back. Her eyes turned blue, then returned to normal.

“What is that person… ?”

Miya speaks quietly so that no one can hear.

Miya’s mysterious sense of perception made her feel a strong sense of alienation from the adult man she just passed by.

Miya couldn’t clearly distinguish the identity of that sense of difference, but she was sure of one thing.

That man was no ordinary human being.

“… … .”

I was worried, but since I couldn’t see the evil energy emitted by creatures like demons, I decided to move on.

This is the most prestigious academy in the kingdom. It wouldn’t be strange if there were one or two unusual people.

“Miss? What do you see?”


At Tarin’s question, Miya smiled and shook her head.

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