295 – Rachnil Subjugation (5)

The final floor of the Iron Sanctuary was a structure similar to that of a king’s throne room.

A creature with the appearance of a child sat on an iron throne made of swords.

Two wobbly legs that do not touch the floor.

It was the iron fairy Lachneel.

Across the road from the doorway to the throne, iron knights with strong power were lined up in an orderly fashion.

A very large space built behind the throne. In the center, iron mana condensed to form a cocoon-like form, exuding a brilliant luster.

The iron mana swirled and was continuously supplied to the cocoon. It was an iron heart in the midst of manufacturing.

On either side of the throne stood two mighty iron knights with mantles flying.

All eyes were on the two female students who forcibly broke through the iron sanctuary.

[I didn’t know that the fairies were in a place like this.]

Rachneel said with a smile.

Dorothy stretched out her index finger at him and shouted.

“Little! What is this! Stop right now!”


“Because it’s scary! Everyone dies!”

[You have no tension… ?]

A cluster of stars rose around Dorothy, making a clear sound.

“No kidding. If we don’t stop, the only answer is to use force?”

[Starlight magic… . Was it that bastard’s family?]


Rachneel covered his mouth as he stared at Dorothy’s starlight magic. But his wide-open eyes couldn’t hide his excitement.

“You’re laughing like you’re having fun… ?”

“Senior Dorothy, hold on a second.”

Kaya passed Dorothy and stepped forward.

Realistically, even if the two female students fought Rachneel, there was no chance of winning. Kaya felt Rachneel’s magical power and judged so coldly.

So, while Lachneel looked down on them and relaxed, Kaya decided to dig up information that might be helpful to Isaac through conversation.

Kaya’s green eyes contained Lachneel.

“Are you an iron fairy? Why are you doing this?”

[Are you a member of the Hwarokcheong? you, what’s your name?]

“This is Kaya Astreans.”

[Okay, Kaya Astreang. I’m bored, so I’ll explain. I plan to establish a new iron nation and establish my own power.]

“Why? What wind blows?”

[Because I want to reach a higher level.]

Rachneel’s fingers pointed toward the ceiling.

“A higher level… ? Are you saying you want to become a being that surpasses fairies?”

[yes. The more my domain of control and the number of my followers increase, the greater the amount of power I can get when I absorb them later.]

Suddenly, Kaya recalled the history of how Sylphia, a fairy of Green Blue, made a contract with humans to rule over a forest in the Duchy of Astreang.

Did the fairy have such a secret?

“You must already be the strongest being, right? If so, what’s the point?”

[Because I’m going to kill Stella.]


Dorothy’s shoulders trembled as the name came into Lachneel’s mouth.

“What are you talking about?”

Dorothy asked in a bloody tone.

Kaya glanced at Dorothy. In Dorothy’s eyes, which seemed to contain the Milky Way, a strong life force was revealed like darkness.

Stella is a star fairy who saved Dorothy from the Land of Oz and gave her the power of starlight.

Among the fairies who are mysterious creatures, it is also the most mysterious fairy.

Stella must have been precious to Dorothy, just as Sylphia, the green-blue fairy, and Kaya were special friends.

So, Kaya could understand Dorothy’s anger.

[Why are you angry? No matter how close they are to Stella, shouldn’t a human take Stella’s side?]

“Then what are you talking about?”

The group of stars became more active.

He was ready to manipulate the physical force at any time to break the iron fairy Lachneel.

Kaya listened to their conversation in silence, tensed.

[Right… . You don’t know. I didn’t know how the world was going these days. I couldn’t figure it out.]

Rachneel pointed to the ceiling.

[Stellar caused a cataclysm, causing damage to you people and to me as well. It seems that most of you humans, who die short lives, had no choice but to forget such old things?]

“A catastrophe? Stella?”

[Stupid. You’re stupid, you guys.]

Lachneel descended from his throne and went to Dorothy and Kaya.

Some of the iron knights changed into magical forms and were sucked into Rachneel. Then, Lachneel’s physique changed to that of a 180cm tall adult man.

The iron mana took the shape of a greatsword in the air. So many greatswords floated around Rachneel.

[Surely, they are a foolish race.]

Rachneel’s voice became thicker.

Hostility crept into Kaya’s eyes.

The green eyes turned red. Kaya smiled and deployed both the blood attribute magic circle and the plant attribute magic circle at the same time.

“Would you mind coming closer? We need to keep our distance, don’t we?”

Kaya, who had changed into an evil person, tilted her head to the side and warned in a voice full of fighting spirit and laughter.

Rachneel stopped with a surprised face.

[Great. Kaya Astreans… , Are you embracing all that power? As if he had been blessed with life. It’s a terrible talent.]

“Thank you for the compliment, but I have no intention of being close to you.]

[Well, understand. I wanted to tell the truth to that Stella’s family. you want to hear it too right?]

Lachneel met Dorothy’s eyes.

[Do you know the criteria Stella determines her followers?]

“I don’t know. Just, Stella is just my benefactor. saved me… .”

[Why did I save you? While the country of Oz slaughtered countless humans, what was I doing to save you?]

“… … .”

I was actually guessing.

I tried to avert my gaze, but I tried to hold on thinking of Isaac.

Dorothy had already been given a lot of clues.

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[Isn’t that fun?]

Rachneel grinned.

“Senior Dorothy, don’t listen to such talk. If we only uncover the purpose of that fairy… .”

“Kaya. Thank you, but this sister should listen.”

“uh? for a moment… !”

Dorothy smiled at Kaya, then took a few steps towards Rachneel before stopping.

“say. The standard by which Stella determines her family. The reason why you made me your second member.”

[Don’t you already know? no… , Do you want to be sure of me?]

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

[okay. I’ll tell you.]

Rachneel smiled broadly and revealed the truth.

[Stella’s criterion for determining her followers is ‘whether they have the qualities of a transcendental person’.]

“… … .”

[The birth of a transcendental person causes a huge wave. Stella’s first descendant, Ozma, became a Transcendentalist while alive. Eventually, a terrifying cataclysm struck the world.]

The story of the disappearance of Stella’s first family and all kinds of disasters like strong earthquakes and tsunamis has been an old oral tradition.

At that time, the world turned upside down, and many people lost their lives.

In front of the truth conveyed by the fairy, Kaya swallowed dryly.

[Where is Ozma? what is her end? How did it go?]

“… Have you become a transcendent?”

[Yes, I became a transcendent person in this world. Stella had a plan. That bastard had to make that woman a Transcendent when Ozma was alive.]

“What is the reason?”

[I don’t even know that. If you chase the stars, you will find out.]

Rachneel’s eyes became fierce.

[I’m not interested in Stella’s plans. I just need to know that the cataclysm Stella caused has damaged my realm. ‘Stella is a damn bastard’, that’s all you need to know. But Stella’s baby is already out of the category of a fairy.]

“What do you mean, that?”

[This is not something you will understand.]

Rachneel thought ah and remembered something.

[Oh, right. one person. There was a pretty interesting guy here. I can’t stop talking about him.]


[A boy with blue hair. He was strong for a human.]

Dorothy and Kaya opened their eyes.

It must have been the story of Isaac.

The air seemed to be swelling like a bomb about to explode. The two female students showed signs of attacking Rachneel at any moment.

[Well, it must be obvious. did you guys notice The huge existence that dwells inside that boy.]

Rachneel shouted, stretching his arms out to the side.


“What do you mean… ?”

In contrast to Kaya, who was perplexed at not understanding Rachneel’s words, Dorothy had to feel the confusion with her mouth hanging open.

“Ozma… ?”

Dorothy remembered the unknown monster with countless eyes she had seen in Isaac’s essence.

Inside Stella’s unknown plans, Stella’s first family member.

A living transcendent was born, and as a result, countless human lives were lost.

Ozma, a transcendental being who was finally born in this world.

She took Isaac’s essence as her abode.

A shadow fell over Dorothy’s face. Complex emotions took over her.

why? why?

[Ah, that boy must not know! The fact that the responsibility for the trampling of a large number of lives lies within you!]

“That has nothing to do with him!”

[What are you talking about? Ozma and the boy are the same now? In my eyes, that b*tch is that guy. In the first place, isn’t that what you said?]

“what… ?”

[Stella’s family. Why are you trying to turn your eyes away from the truth?]

Lachneel giggled at Dorothy.

[Did you already know? You are a being that will be a catastrophe if you are alive. One day I will be like the first member of the family. It will bring about an unimaginably great disaster.]

At Academy Square, when Dorothy’s starlight magic was about to run out of control.

Dorothy and Kaya recalled the time when the original kings had appeared and prepared to attack her.

Kaya hurriedly shouted.

“Senior Dorothy! don’t listen! It’s a mothership!”

[You must die. You are the one who should die for everyone.]

One after another, Dorothy’s mind flashed like a panorama of the transcendent forces she had realized.

Even in the dark past that was like mud, even when he was dying on a floating island and was about to activate the 9-star starlight magic [Supernova Explosion], the power of reverse divergence, by giving his life.

Dorothy was determined to shine.

However, the fact that self-survival is the trigger of a cataclysm makes even the attitude of life that tried to shine with all its might overshadowed.

It was a fact that was hard for people to accept.

“It’s nonsense… ! You’re harming people… !”

[Me and that Stella’s family are not in the same position. I originally intended to force a lot of sacrifices. In the long run, it might be to your humanity’s benefit not to leave Stella with a suspicious back in the first place.]

“you… !”

[Hey, isn’t that expression worth seeing? How does it feel to face the truth? How does it feel when the questions that have been circulating in your head become clear?]

Dorothy’s face darkened.

Rachneel smiled and approached her.

[Tell me, that heartbreaking feeling you feel when you realize that you are a being that must die… !]

It was then.


The hard floor was smashed and pieces of iron scattered.

At the same time, a blue-silver haired man broke through the floor and grabbed Lachneel’s face with one hand.

Lachneel’s eyes widened.


Isaac, the blue-silver-haired boy, said coldly.

The enemy’s murderous eye aimed at Rachneel. An intense blast of murderous cold emanated from the hand that gripped Rachneel’s face.

“Chairman… ?”


Dorothy and Kaya are stunned.

[uh… ?]

Rachneel couldn’t understand. For some reason, Isaac’s ice elemental magic was being eaten by himself as a fairy.

It was because the unique attribute [Night Blade] was encased in Isaac’s magical power.

While the floor was regenerating in an instant, several large swords floating in the air aimed at Isaac.

Isaac didn’t care, and stuck Rachneel’s head into the reclaimed ground.



Along with the explosion, the floor, which boasts tremendous hardness, caved in and cracked.

It was an incredible monstrosity.

Isaac had cross veins growing on his forehead. In contrast to the rage welling up inside him, his mind was calculating magic formulas at breakneck speed.

The 7 ice magic circles built in the air shot 7-star ice elemental magic, [Ice Lightning], at the several greatswords that were aiming at Isaac.

Quagga Gaga River!!!

The intense cold air shot like a lightning bolt split into several branches, shattering the greatswords all at once, and causing a ferocious explosion.

“You shouldn’t have developed such a strong barrier, right? You couldn’t even detect my magical power.”



Isaac continuously cast [Freeze Blast] on Rachneel’s face, who held onto him tightly as he spoke.

The ground was twisted and a strong cold wind swirled around.

Rachneel’s savagely distorted face was swept away by a constant burst of blue explosions. No one had time to check his expression.

[This bastard… !]

Rachneel grabbed Isaac’s arm and tried to struggle, but Isaac’s ice magic poured into Rachneel’s arm as well.

The iron knights and numerous great swords aimed at Isaac at once, but Isaac resisted by pouring [Frost Reaper] and [Ice Lightning] nonstop.

High concentrations of powerful mana collided with each other, and shockwaves continued to spread.

Even fairies are creatures. Lachneel also had a brain capable of thinking, and had a body structure capable of life activities.

Now that Rachneel is flustered, Isaac intends to do as much damage as possible before he can come to his senses.

I couldn’t be careless even for a moment.

The moment you allow even one attack, you will be fatally wounded.

“Senior Dorothy! Kaya!”

Ian and Noah came up the stairs and joined them.

The doctor agreed that they should all silently help Isaac.

Quagga River!!!


A sword strike of divine power, a baptism of dozens of blades made of iron magic, a wave of starlight, and a storm of blood raged at Lachneel’s servants and weapons.

Rachneel’s greatswords bounced off, and the iron knights took a defensive posture.

In the meantime, Isaac frantically slammed high-intensity ice elemental magic to break Rachneel’s iron body.

“Who has to die?”

The veins in Isaac’s eyes rose red.

The pounding in his chest made his cold voice quiver.

[Move… ! Ah!]


Rachneel’s furious voice was drowned out by the roar of [Freeze Blast].

An iron audience room that has turned into a freezer. In the ferocious cracking noise caused by the collision of ice magic and iron magic.

Isaac lowered his head and glared at Rachneel.

Cold anger and murderous intent resided in his bloodshot eyes.

“It is you who must die, Rachneel.”

To Isaac, Dorothy was an existence that must live.

No matter what anyone says, no matter what the world does.

Isaac couldn’t accept Dorothy’s death.

“You risk my life to kill me.”

The fierce ice magic eventually caused cracks in Rachneel’s body.

For the first time, Rachneel felt a creepy feeling from humans.

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