298 – Rachnil Subjugation (8)

<Marchen’s Magic Knight> was a difficult game to admit.

When I first faced the iron knight Rachneel in the game, I remember expecting ‘what kind of crazy pattern will this bastard show?’.

yes, this was it


Countless swords rained down at a speed comparable to that of bullets.

Each of them was a greatsword with high magical density, and it was next to impossible for us to break through one by one.

Noah developed an iron wall using iron magic, and I covered it with [Fossil Ice] made of ice and rock magic.

We poured our magic into maintaining that defensive wall from the barrage of greatswords.


Dorothy focused on distorting the physical force in front of the wall to slow down the pouring greatsword.

No matter how much Dorothy did, she couldn’t help the fairy’s greatsword, whose magic density was beyond imagination. It was best to slow down.

Even if the greatsword passed through Dorothy’s obstacles and penetrated my [fossil ice], the greatsword lost its power there and could not penetrate even Noah’s iron wall.

And I repeat [Fossil Ice] restoration. We were taking such a thorough defensive posture.

[Kiki Kiki… !]

Kaya focused on cutting down Lachneel’s vitality by casting blood, plant magic, and [killing grass]. As a result, the laughing sound of [Slaughter Grass] continued to disappear.

The greatsword flying in the air cut down the annoying [killing grass], but Kaya continued to pour aggressive plant magic at Rachneel.

Ian was concentrating his divine power on the window sword. This guy was for one shot.

[Are you going to hide like a coward? Where did the spirit from a moment ago go? Have you already realized your arrogance, human!]

Rachneel let out a laugh as if it were laughable and shouted in an excited voice. It seemed that he was not angry at what happened to me.

“Is it okay to just stay like this?!”

Noah, who was frowning as he poured his magic power, asked in a loud voice.

Even if we relaxed a little, the defense wall would be pierced by Rachneel’s attack, and our bodies would be ripped apart mercilessly by the flying greatswords.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I will last long… !”

Noah’s breathing was rough.

Since he was constantly being absorbed by Rachnil’s iron mana, it must have been at his limit.

It was clear that Rachneel had already noticed.

That’s probably why Rachneel is maintaining the current confrontation. After all, this defense will soon be breached.

“Be patient.”

But the best we could do was this.

“Because there will always be an opportunity to counterattack.”

First of all, I had to hold on and survive.

There is only one condition to defeat Rachneel in the Iron Sanctuary.

In order to meet that condition, I had no choice but to hold out against that bastard for now.

The reason I tried to accumulate as much damage as possible on Rachneel was because the better he was, the stronger his magic would be, putting our defense at a disadvantage.

“Even in this situation… Are you saying there is a way to beat that fairy?”

“I would have said. That I win.”

“… I’ll believe it. Because someone like you would say that.”

Noah nodded, breaking out in a cold sweat.

At that time, I felt the wind blowing in my head and a system window appeared in my field of vision.

[Detected demons nearby!]


Detect demons?

According to the <Merchen’s Magic Knight> scenario, demons did not appear in this part.

That’s why it was obvious which demon appeared.

‘Mephisto… !’

There was only that dog-like pup.

A quick inference followed in my head.

Vuel and Mephisto are allied with each other. And the iron fairy Lachneel appeared early according to Vuel’s will.

Rachneel can’t listen to other people’s orders. Therefore, Vuel must have made a proposal that would appeal to Rachneel.

Vuel is in a position to aim for the Black Stone when the Tianwei Clock takes effect. Right now, there was nothing I could do for Rachneel.


‘Mephisto decided to do something for Rachneel… .’

It was right to think that way.

What risks did Lachneel take in this scenario? That is, they turned humans and fairies into enemies.

Alone, you have to bear the burden of fully taking on that risk. Just like in <Merhen’s Magic Knight>.

If there is a way to minimize that risk and benefit Mephisto as a business partner.

What is it?

‘… Thanatos.’

The final boss of <Merchen’s Magic Knight> 2nd year 2nd semester part, Thanatos of Death.

It’s just making him appear early.

‘If Thanatos becomes a power, Rachneel is also worthy of temptation.’

In the game, Thanatos of death is resurrected at the right time.

From noble mtl dot com

It means that when Mephisto wants it, it wouldn’t be strange if he appeared first. It was for that reason that I assumed the early resurrection of Thanatos during the last vacation.

‘If I’m right, it’s dangerous… .’

If Abyss was already a strong man, Thanatos is a growing monster that grows stronger without end.

Except for certain cases, it is invincible, and Thanatos grows exponentially stronger as time passes.

In order to block Thanatos’ attack, you need to pour powerful magic, but he swallows the magic and uses it as his own nourishment.

However, there is no other way to block his attacks.

In the end, if Thanatos was left alone, the future would be hopeless.

Mephisto’s most threatening enemy, me and the child of light, Ian, are captured in the fairy sanctuary, and now is the right time to resurrect Thanatos.

‘white… , request.’

It all depends on White.

If White didn’t summon the fairies as soon as possible, the situation would spiral out of control.

Meanwhile, outside the Iron Sanctuary.

The silver mana flowed slowly through the Old Deck, forming a sea of iron.

Debris of buildings and structures were floating around.

The Iron Sea had a strong pressure to crush what it ate, so most of the things that were adrift were in poor condition.

Dupendorf’s four corps commanders landed on a relatively intact structure.

“There would have been no significant damage. Be nervous.”

The 1st Corps Commander Baekho Suin and Dorhan spoke in a solemn voice.

The ice magic cast by Erich, the commander of the 4th Corps, was only for the purpose of sending Mephisto flying.

Mephisto will still be alive.


Before long, a grotesque figure jumped out of the watery sea and landed lightly on top of the wreckage.

The legionnaires took a combat stance at the creature in unison.

[As expected, this body is not good… . I wonder if I fell weak.]

Mephisto grabs the back of the neck and stretches while turning the neck.

Because of falling into the sea of iron, her body was deformed.

Half of his face was severely distorted, with one eyeball protruding intact. Arms and torsos were twisted or ripped off.

If he were a normal human, he would have died instantly.

[Are you followers of Ice Festival?]

“I’m dying.”


Azabel Silverwolf, the commander of the 3rd Corps, and Karius Alsab, the bald head of the 2nd Corps, leaped towards Mephisto.

Azabel held a silver ax in both hands, Parahon.

Karius wielded a long weapon wrapped in cold air, but Mephisto jumped high and avoided their attack.

Mephisto landed on the roof of a nearby building.

[I’m sorry. If you say it so harshly, no matter how much I get hurt?]

Mephisto puts both hands with twisted fingers on his chest, closes his eyes, and speaks plaintively.

Feeling dumbfounded, Azabel spat and spat.

[By the way, shall we remind you of one fact?]

Mephisto turned his head to the side and looked at the iron castle stretching high.

[The Ice Emperor you serve is now captured by the Iron Fairy, right?]

“So what?”

[Then, did I really come alone with such a genius chance?]

“hahahaha, what bullsh*t… !”

It was the time when the corps commanders were about to launch an attack towards Mephisto.

In an instant, deafening tinnitus rang and the hairs on their skin stood upright.

A chilling sensation ran down his spine. Both of their eyes opened wide at the same time, without saying who said first.

Everyone’s gaze swung in the same direction. From far away, unbelievable magic power was gushing out and spreading across the world.

[…] You are finally here. I was waiting.]

For a while, a silence came over the world.

The rumble, the cry of a street animal resonates in the heads of mankind.


very far away In the wilderness once swept by the Floating Island, a huge amount of verdant magic gushed out, causing a massive magical explosion.

Even here, in the distant Old Deck, the explosion was clearly visible, and the roar was distinctly audible.

Not only the four commanders of Dupendorf’s corps, but everyone else felt the same way.

That… Dangerous.

“Did the damn demon wake up to something absurd… ?”

Facing Azabel, who was in shock, Mephisto put her hands behind her back and answered politely.

[Bingje is a very strong and dangerous person. The power he possesses is absurdity itself. overwhelming! To deal with such a human, shouldn’t I also bring someone as powerful as that?]

The pressure of magical power became clear.

The ground trembled, and the iron sea raged furiously.

Something huge and overwhelming rose up in the storm of verdant magic.

It was a wizard wearing huge skull armor. The lower body extending below the abdomen is the body of a snake of a size beyond imagination.

The creature’s massive arm gripped a staggering magic wand overflowing with terrifying energy.


The magic of death and extinction bloomed brilliantly in the creature’s eyes, tinged with dark green.

The corps commanders and the evacuated people, Emperor Carlos and Merlin Astreans, looked at the monster and shuddered. The driving survival instinct was originally a law that was difficult to control according to my will.

Everyone had to have the same sentiment.

Those demons can’t win.

[Welcome, Thanatos!]

Mephisto spread his arms wide and shouted in a laughing voice.


Death Thanatos.

The fierce roar of the top level demons rang the heavens and earth.

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