321 – Thousand Wings Subjugation (9)

I raised my head up.

Somewhere far away. A swirling cloud of blood rushed behind Ozma, allowing the floating altar to be seen in the distance.

Above it, a dark blue creature of unfathomable size was chained.

“You were there.”

It is very huge.

He seemed to be the source of the cold that filled the ice lake.

He had ice magic and dark magic flowing in harmony. It was evidence of being a demon.

He moved his many chained arms, and his many eyes filled his entire body. All of their eyes looked at me with a mysterious light.

Because he had countless eyes, he seemed to resemble Ozma.

‘That’s right. Seen in The Trial of Sandstone….’

A being surrounded by noise.

A monster that appears in the land of Korea when the evil spirit is resurrected and the destruction of the entire world begins.

A transcendental person who turns back time.

‘Is that the bloody creature that Dorothy talked about?’

The dark red chains that bound the demons were made up of the magic of the evil god Nephid.


That demon shed a large amount of blue-black cold air. They coalesced into little spheres, and they flew through the air at great speed to me.

A cool, powerful chill seeped into me.

Kooung. My heart was beating wildly. As ice magic was restored, the magic circuit struggled.

I looked down at my hands.

I could tell sensuously. Now, I have a new power in my hands.

─ My name is Commandment, Lucifer. According to the contract with Veronica Aslius, I give you strength.

It is not a voice. In my head, the will of Lucifer of the commandment, the demon tribe, is conveyed.

─ It is the power to freeze anything that exists, the [Ice Moon]. As far as your power is concerned, there is nothing that you cannot freeze.

“Is that so?”

The power to freeze anything.

Rating not measurable. The ultimate ice magic, [Ice Moon].

I can feel it. As expected, the uses Veronica used were not the limits of this ice magic.

I was convinced that I could bring out the possibilities of this magic even more.

My eyes turned back to Ozma.

The cold air of the [Ice Emperor] Flowed from my whole body, and a group of stars stood up coldly.


A strange wind noise came from overhead.

In the sky, ice magic swirled and gathered into one place, and a group of white stars rose up in all directions and performed a fierce dance.

A rising moon of lofty ice wrapped in starlight was born. The area of effect was here, around the area.

Several sacred light blue rings entwined with starlight rise behind me. It was the case of the Transcendentalist handed over from Dorothy.


I stretched out three pairs of cold wings and flew towards Ozma.


Me and Ozma’s starlight magic collided, and my coldness engulfed the entire area.

I sensed how to use [Ice Moon].

Time froze. Things that could get in the way of my movements were not frozen.

As it is, he raised his ice magic and poured a 5-star [Freeze Explosion] On Ozma.


[ ───────!!]

Ozma screams incomprehensible to human cognition.

The effect of [Ice Moon] Becomes stronger as it approaches the full moon.

Compared to Veronica, I was able to increase the size of the [Ice Moon] To the first quarter moon. Thanks to this, even after freezing time, he was able to use ice magic up to 5 stars.

Ozma swung his huge arm at me and unleashed a large-scale starlight magic.

I countered Ozma’s magic comparable to star explosions with [Ice Hell] And the Ice Primitive Demon Beast – Diakan. All of my strength was wrapped in starlight magic all at once, and I poured all of that power into Ozma.

Inundation of colorful and brilliant starlight.

Beautiful explosions decorate the area.

I knew that no matter how much I inherited the power of Dorothy, the transcendent, I would be killed by Ozma.

But I couldn’t die. I had to win.

My throat exploded and I endured Ozma’s attack, constantly releasing my mana at full output.

─ ‘Please be my Wizard of Oz.’

The Wizard of Oz who grants Dorothy Gale’s wish.

My thoughts are clearly organized.

The stuffy inside was pierced, and the sad emotions made a certain decision stand upright.

I will become the Wizard of Oz.

Because I like you, Dorothy.

Whee Woo Woo!!

Create a cold sun above your right hand and condense it to the limit with the power of the stars.

It turned into a mass of cold air of unimaginable density, and I held it in my right hand.

It was no different from a very dangerous bomb that was suppressed by near-infinite gravity.

[Hangbing Hell]’S law team followed me.

I pierced through the starlight magic and flew towards Ozma again.

* * * * * * * * * *

Title : [Cruel Fairy Tale Academy RPG Marchen’s Magic Knight] Developer Special Interview

Channel Name: Hicks

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[Hello, welcome to Marchen Academy.]

[I am Aletsch, who is in charge of development at Hicks, the place where Was developed.]

[Creation is another imitation.]

[The We created is also the same.]

[ Is a fiction, and Ian Fairytale’s adventure story is a lie.]

[He is simply the main character in the game because he is simply a key role.]

[And Is a message.]

[It was created by imitating another world created by the Creator in order to defeat the traitor, the evil spirit.]

[This is the best we can do.]

[If we cannot stop the evil spirits, there will be no future for mankind.]

[Please defeat the evil spirit.]


[Please safely graduate from Merhen Academy.]

* * * * * * * * * *


A dazzling explosion drove Ozma away.

It swallowed up even the bloody cloud and the aurora, and knocked down the huge door that split the ice lake.

I watched the dazzling brilliance in silence.

With Chara!

Suddenly, Ozuma’s starlight magic resonated with me, and a space of pure white light filled my vision.

It became dramatically quiet. Even without the [Ice Moon] Effect, it felt like time had stopped.

“… Uh?”

Soon, an old kingdom whose name was not even left came into sight.

There was a young princess who acted cute to look pretty to the king. The king, with a full beard, smiled broadly and hugged the princess.

One day, the demon king Nephid appeared and threatened the world, and the princess was gifted with the power of starlight and was given the mission of a warrior.

The sword of light was handed to the princess. Her god bless was with her.

Although fearful, the princess set out on her journey with the king’s support to protect her people.

Gathering strong colleagues and defeating the cursed demons, he finally succeeded in sealing even the demon king Nephid.

But there was no happy ending.

The princess who overused her starlight magic became a transcendental being, and catastrophes struck the world.

The cataclysm engulfed everything. The companions who ventured with the princess, the kingdom, and the world.

That’s why the records lost during the catastrophe could not be found.

The princess had to shed tears of blood as her heart was torn by guilt at the fact that the people she wanted to protect died because of her.

“…… ?”

Her Suddenly, she saw a little girl hugging her knees and holding her head down, crying profusely.

The child wept bitterly, repeatedly trying to steal her unstoppable tears.

Just before her, I understood the child’s life.

She felt that child, her pain, her emotions that she had been embracing throughout her life, and she accepted them all.

She walked slowly towards the child and she stood in front of him.


The child, Ozma, raised her head and looked up at me with her sad face.

“A lot… It must have been hard.”

At my word, Ozma sniffed at her and nodded her head.

“Yes… , it was hard…. It was so hard…. She can’t even die alone, it’s been too hard….”

“… I see.”

That calm answer was the least sympathy I could give Ozma.

“Let me ask you one question. The other day, when Dorothy became a Transcendentalist… , Why did you block it?”

At the time of 「Alice Subjugation」, The original kings were wary of Dorothy’s runaway.

The runaway was the process of becoming a transcendental person, using the abuse of starlight magic as a trigger.

But when I returned after defeating the abyss, Dorothy’s runaway magic calmed down like a lie.

Ozma must have helped.

“Of course….”

Ozma’s answer was so clear that I had my eyes wide open.

“Because it would be so sad if this happened….”

It was sympathy.

He felt a deep sympathy for Dorothy, who was trying to be like him.

That’s why Ozma put Dorothy’s magic to rest, telling her not to become like herself.

Ozma stopped her crying and lowered her head.

“I am tired now…. I wanted to finish everything.”

“… Huh.”

“I’m sorry for having a bad heart…. I had no ill feelings toward you. You were just being used…. There was no other way to calm my anger. I felt so resentful of Stella for making me like this….”

“… ….”

“I’m fine now…. ‘Cause I didn’t know you’d beat me It’s okay to end like this.”

Ozma barely smiled at her face, which hadn’t stopped crying.

The child’s form turned into a beautiful starlight powder, and she quietly disappeared.

“Isaac, thank you for ending me…. You must be happy.”

Finally, Ozma’s appearance completely disappeared, leaving the beautiful star core that formed her center.

She walked forward and picked it up. That was Ozma’s strength.

Because I am not suitable for starlight magic, I will not be able to fully use Ozma’s power, but I will be able to use the rest of the starlight power as mine.

But I couldn’t be happier.

I lowered my head. Her shoulders trembled slightly.

After staring at the star’s core for a while, I grabbed it tightly and broke it, absorbing Ozma’s power.

“… Queue!”

From noble mtl dot com

In an instant, a great agony came over me.

She embraced Dorothy’s power and even absorbed Ozma’s power, so her body couldn’t stand it.

I felt like I was about to lose my mind at any moment from the feeling that my whole body was breaking. The magic power of the starlight that swirled around my body violently bit my body, my flesh bursting and red blood gushing out.

I screamed and endured. If I give up and lose my strength, my body will completely collapse.

Just a little bit, just hold on a little bit. You just have to hold on until this power calms down.

“Ahhh… !!”

Just like that, I returned to reality.

The last clash of powerful magic with Ozma created a small black hole.

As the ice lake distorted and a large amount of water began to be sucked into the black hole in an instant, cold magic quickly rushed in and consumed the black hole.

It happened in an instant.

In the aftermath, the water of the icy lake, which had soared high, settled down, creating powerful waves, and clear rain poured down for a while.

I got hit by the rain in the air with three pairs of wings outstretched.

I reverse-summoned the iron gate where Diakan was, and came down and took off my wings.

“Ah, evil… !! Aww!!”

Fell down into the lake screaming. His whole body was shattered and blood splattered.

But I persevered. I was able to endure this kind of pain.

How much time has passed since then? Gradually, the starlight’s magic faded away.

My whole body was covered in blood before I knew it.

“Ha ha ha….”

I caught my breath and slowly raised my body. Until the end, blood dripped from his eyes, nostrils, and mouth into the icy lake.

Inside her body, Dorothy and Ozma’s starlight magic was quietly harmonizing and revolving.

If you do something wrong, your body could collapse at any time, but you had to maintain this state until you got out of the underworld.

To get out, you have to deal with the king, and you have to use Dorothy’s strength in front of the rift.

I even took a breath, and there was a thick silence. It was painful because all parts of her body had exploded, but it was tolerable.

Sweet. I was wiping the blood from my face with the sleeve of my clothes.



I heard footsteps approaching me as someone stepped on the icy lake.

I turned my head back and looked at the approaching person.

A woman in a black suit that doesn’t match this place.

Her face was familiar.


She greeted me politely.

She knew it was a kalpa. I felt a strong sense of incongruity and alienation in her seemingly normal-looking face.

[This is Alets, the developer of the game company Hicks.]

“Ah… , is it you?”

Aletz, the development director.

No, it was Stella, the fairy of the stars.

[We apologize for appearing in this way. Because I want to talk to you.]

Her heart boiled. I couldn’t figure out how to explain this feeling.

My feet moved. By the time she came to her senses, she had already hit the ground.


I grabbed Stella’s head and used [Freeze Explosion] Imbued with starlight magic.

The cold shockwave accurately broke Stella’s head and spread in a straight line.


The ice lake parted and the water gushed out on both sides.

“What mug did you come with?”

After asking so coldly, Stella, her head exploding, stepped back from her.

Starlight rose and Stella’s head regenerated. Of course she knew she wouldn’t die to this extent.

This attack was just a threat.

She respectfully bowed her upper body.

[I ask for forgiveness. About using you and not being able to help.]

“… ….”

[In the underworld, an absolute divine law has been established so that I cannot do anything for you. That kind of thing is very conservative and sensitive, especially for people like me. You may die.]

Pyeongwang or Stellar. It seemed that the spirit of law-abiding was really strong.

Stella lifted her upper body.

Her eyes weren’t smiling at all, but the corners of her mouth were raised. She had a very strange smile.

[Then, Mr. Han Seong-ho, would you like to talk to me?]

Silently, she let out a deep breath, calming her mana.

I wanted to hear the whole truth.

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