The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 128: The Zuran Border

High in the sky, a massive bird soared above the clouds. Had anyone seen it, people would've stopped and stared, wondering if it were a good or a bad omen. However, that bird was uninterested in anything other than flying freely. What bird wouldn't after being left in a cage since it had hatched?

'Jack, We've already passed Baltwood and we'll be near the Zuran border by nightfall. We'll probably have to stop them to let Ayden rest for the night,' said Rydel telepathically. They were grateful for their telepathic link, otherwise communicating while flying at such high speeds would be impossible.

Jack nodded and agreed, 'That's fine, just set up camp a couple of kilometers outside of the city. We don't want wandering eyes. Plus, I want a map of the Zuran Empire.'

After another hour of traveling, Rydel had the roc descend into a thick part of the forest. Rydel began setting up his tent and Jack walked to town with his mask in place.

As a middle-aged man, Jack was able to avoid prying eyes and was mostly left alone. Other than the occasional street vendor trying to sell something, no one spared him a second glance. Only after finding a general goods shop did Jack stop.

He quickly entered and began looking around, appearing inconspicuous. When the clerk was finished talking with a customer, Jack approached him and asked, "Sir, do you have a map of the Zuran Empire by chance?"

"Hmm… Let me double-check," answered the clerk. The shop owner was an old man with a round belly. He was cheerful and pleasant to talk to, making him good at his job. After a few minutes of checking his backroom, the clerk returned with a piece of parchment in his hand. "Here you go, son. That'll be three gold coins."

"Thank you kindly." Jack quickly placed three gold coins on the counter and reached for the rolled-up map.

Just as he was about to grab it, another hand quickly snatched it from the clerk's grasp.

Jack frowned. "Hey, I bought the map fair and square. Hand it over!"

"I also need a map, so I'll take this one and you can wait for the clerk to fetch another," stated the young man who now held the map.

"Then buy another one, that's mine and I've already paid for it," replied Jack, stepping toward the young man.

"Young man, that's the last map I have and this kind sir has already purchased it. I'm afraid that it's already his," said the merchant, not daring to be unfair.

"Fine, since it's your last one I'll offer you five gold instead." Another five gold coins appeared on the counter as if Jack's previous payment was null and void.

"I'm sorry, but it's already his. I wouldn't dare sell something that's not mine." The clerk remained respectful and pushed the five gold toward the young man, refusing to budge.

"Well, if you won't take it, then give it to him. I'm now buying off of him, and he's gained a whole two gold profit. That must be a lot for someone like you," stated the young man, not caring how arrogant he was.

Jack's face was ugly, he wasn't happy to be taunted and belittled for such a measly map. However, Jack knew that he needed a new map for the Zuran Empire. Without one, their trip would only be more difficult and less likely to succeed.

"I don't need gold, I need that map. It's mine, so give it here!" Jack raised his voice and held out his hand in wait for what was rightfully his.

The young man grunted, "You don't know a good deal when you see one. Here, take ten gold. That's more than enough!" After dropping a small coin purse on the floor, the young man started walking toward the door.

Though he tried to leave, the young man was stopped again by Jack, who blocked his way. "You still haven't given me what's mine, boy. Do you want to cause a scene?"

"You, stop me? You don't know who you're dealing with!" In his anger, the young man retrieved a rapier from his storage ring. "Out of my way peasant, or you'll taste the swordsmanship of the Treall family."

When the young man announced his background, the other shoppers and the clerk stepped back. Had they known that the young man was a member of the Treall family, he would have been gifted the map instead of having to argue over it with an unknown traveler.

"Young master, I'm so sorry we didn't recognize you. Please, take the map as a gift. Don't cause any harm to my clients. Kind sir, I'm sure you can understand," pled the shopkeeper, hoping the middle-age man understood how imposing the young man's background was.

Jack showed a wry smile. "You're only lv. 14 and you dare throw around your weight in front of me? Hand me the map before I have to knock you down a peg and teach you a lesson."

"Huh?!" everyone was aghast. They didn't know what to think. Surely the middle-age man was stronger based on what he said, but how could the man stand against the Treall family as a whole?

"You!" No longer having any patience, the young man lunged forward with his rapier. Aiming for Jack's chest with his fastest strike, it seemed like the middle-age man wouldn't be able to avoid injury, even if he won the map in the end.

"Hmph!" As the blade neared him, Jack easily sidestepped and used the young man's momentum to launch the young man over Jack's shoulder and into the wooden floor.


Dust and debris filled the air as the young man was lodged into the broken floor, groaning in pain.

"He… What did he do?" Most people were too low-leveled to clearly see what Jack had done, but the shop keeper did.

"I'll only take what's mine." Jack crouched down and took the map from the young man's hand and promptly exited the shop.

"Young master, what happened?"

A few shouts rang out through the air as Jack passed through the door. There were two men in light armor, one of which was stepping toward the door.

Jack moved aside and didn't bother with the guard, but he only made it a few steps before he was called out.

"That's him! He attacked me by surprise and stole the map I just purchased!"

Jack turned around to see the young man pointing at him from behind the guard who had just entered.

"Sir, you'll be coming with us," stated the guard who hadn't entered the shop as he placed himself in front of Jack.

Squinting in anger, Jack looked at the guard and said, "Sir, there's a misunderstanding. I purchased this map and he wrongfully took it from me and wouldn't return it. He then pulled out a rapier and threatened to attack me. Should I have just let him kill me when he was clearly in the wrong?"

"Still, you'll be coming with us. You've hurt the young master and that's a crime of its own." By then, the other guard was behind Jack, effectively flanking him in case of an emergency.

A long sigh left Jack's mouth. He glanced at the shopkeeper and the other customers, but none of them spoke up for him. Jack started to realize that the Treall family may not be a regular noble family, but a stuck-up clan who thought they could terrorize anyone weaker than them.

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Do you have a problem with that?" asked the guard with his hand on his sword.

Jack shrugged his shoulders and smiled. He could easily read that both of the guards were lv. 20 and lv. 21, which was above average within the town.

"No I don't have a problem, but it appears you have a problem with me. For that reason, I may have to teach you a lesson. Streng is king, not nobility!"

"Have it your way!" Both guards drew their swords and lunged at JAck between them.

With a shake of his head, two swords appeared in Jack's hands as he parried both strikes. "Is that all you've got? This may be a short lesson."

The guards grunted and continued swinging their swords, trying to work in sync with each other. On the side, the young man had a cold smile as he watched Jack get double-teamed. "Just kill him! I'd like to know what else he has since the old man has such nice swords!"

"I guess you'll have to learn the hard way. Remember, there will always be someone stronger than you, especially when you least expect it." Jack waved off the guards' attacks and forced them back, creating some distance as he started muttering some archaic words.

Before the guards knew it, the temperature had risen and one of Jack's swords had disappeared. Instead, that entire arm had caught fire, and it was growing!

"Flame Burst!"

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