The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 327: Call From Hurmo

'He wants to join us? But how can we--'

'Hurmot is an old friend of Tralon's too. He knows that Tralon can open a rift and allow Hurmot to join us,' explained Argyle. 'Also, he said he's willing to bargain with you for the entry to the storehouse.'

'With me? Don't you mean with Tralon?" Jack asked.

'No, he said he would bargain with you, Jack. I think he understands that you're like an anomaly and that this was your doing. So, what do you want me to tell him?'

Jack scratched his head and smiled. 'Can I talk with him?'

'He's already waiting for you.' Argyle laughed and passed Jack the already active contact crystal, surprising Jack further.

"Hurmot, what's up?"

"Jack, you don't have to tell me about your affiliation with the Leisure Guild if you don't wish too, but please allow me to join you inside the storehouse. Of course, I'll pay for my entry," Hurmot stated. "Name your price, Jack."

"And what about the stuff inside the storehouse? What if you want something you find in one of the levels or you want to take things from the vault?" Jack questioned, walking away to not be in earshot of the party. "How do you plan to pay me for those things?"

"However you deem sufficient, Jack. At the very least, allow me to enter that place. Even if I can't afford to purchase anything inside. Is that alright with you?"

"What if I'm not after gold or magic items?"

Hurmot chuckled, "Then allow me to offer the support and influence of the Celestial Crane. As the most respected and powerful auction house across Kartonia, I'm sure that has some merit to you."

"I'll be frank with you, Hurmot. I'm not after that for myself, I'm after that for the Leisure Guild. Before I was summoned, I was a former member of the guild during ancient times and I want to help the guild rebuild its lost fame. What can you offer to help that?"

"Rebuilding the Leisure Guild, huh? How about I offer all of my business connections and I'll owe you a favor as a lv. 72 summoner."

"That's not a bad offer, but I had a different thought in mind," stated Jack. "Is it possible for the Celestial Crane to relocate to Trodar?"

"Impossible," Hurmot answered immediately. "The traffic of business is incomparable between Gilga and Federal City. Such an endeavor is practically impossible to survive at the scale that we are as a guild."

"But what if I want to rebuild Gilga into the megacity it once was? What about then?"

"If you could rebuild Gilga to that state… It wouldn't be impossible. But that has no guarantee and would need to be decided in the future," stated Hurmot.

"But Argyle's opening a Gilga branch and he'll be heading it personally, didn't you know? He might even be running for the council this upcoming election."

"What?! You can't be serious?"

"Oh, I'm serious about the Gilga branch. And even if Argyle hasn't fully accepted it yet, I'm confident he'll be entering the election," Jack replied. "But with my current connections and resources, after I join the election we'll only hold five of the eleven council seats."

"Jack, asking me to relocate to Trodar is one thing, and asking me to join you in the election for the council is another."

"Fine, I just thought I'd extend the offer. Since you don't want to bite, then don't be mad when Argyle shows you up again at the next auction," laughed Jack.

"There has to be some sort of agreement we can reach, right Jack?"

"Tell you what, I won't let you enter the storehouse but I can get you something."

"But Jack, I wish to enter and see--"

"If I can bring you a Celestial Crane, how much would you offer me?"

"A Celestial Crane?!" Finally thrown off his game, Hurmot hesitated. "Jack, my offer would depend on the level."

"It would be at least lv. 60. How does that sound?"

"That… I'll let you choose an item from my guild's storehouse."

"Including your restricted storage?"

"... Yes, I'll let you choose an item from our restricted storage with my permission."

"Then I look forward to delivering your crane, Hurmot," chuckled Jack.

Hurmot sighed, "Jack… Is there really no deal we can make for you to allow me into the storehouse?"

"I'm sorry, but there are so many tempting things in here that I would bankrupt you before the auctions," Jack joked. "Even Argyle is struggling to contain himself and he's my father-in-law."

"But having a lv. 72 wouldn't aid you in any way? We're you looking for the favor of a lv. 70 before?"

"Not in that sense, and I doubt you'd be willing to join the Leisure Guild. But I'll keep you in mind should we need another body in the dungeon," replied Jack. "I've got to go now, Hurmot. My new Minokawa just finished talking with some Golden Condors."

"Jack! Wait--"

Laying waste to Hurmot with his words, Jack cut the conversation short and returned to his party.

Phoro was already introducing two gigantic Golden Condors to Argyle and Vixus, who promised to care for them and informed the condors about their intentions. Since the two men wanted the gargantuan beasts to help with business trips and to represent the wealth of their enterprises, both Golden Condors were promised preferential treatment and luxury. This easily persuaded the two condors to join them outside. Beasts as large as them felt even more constricted in the dungeon, so there was no debate needed.

Neither of the beasts received a mutual seal though, as neither man wanted to split EXP with a beast that wasn't going to be joining them on the battlefield.

Once the seal was set, the party climbed onto Argyle's condor while Vixus happily sat atop his. Even the lazy Phoro laid on Argyle's condor, taking the free ride. That's when Jack saw it fit to return Argyle his contact crystal and inform him about Hurmot.

"So he's not joining us but we'll find him a Celestial Crane? I guess that's reasonable."

"Phoro, where will we find the Celestial Cranes?" Jack asked.

The Minokawa didn't even move as he replied, 'Those should be to the south, west of the circle I showed you.'

"Then that's where we're headed!"

The party led the condors and soon found what they were looking for. Traveling by air was much faster, and the Golden Condor's sixth level bloodline proved powerful enough to carry the party with room to spare.

It took some prodding, but Jack managed to convince Phoro to get up and speak with one of the many cranes.

A few minutes later, a small flock of Celestial Cranes followed Phoro back to the party and landed on the condor. 'Um… Jack, all of them want to come with.'

"All of them? What did you say?"

The cranes then nodded in unison as one stepped forward and spoke telepathically, 'Jack, we're all tired of this space. Though we're weaker compared to these other beasts with you, our intellect is only rivaled by the Minokawas. I'm sure there must be some use for us in the outside world.'

Not expecting such an outcome, Jack asked, "If one of you were to be separated from the flock, what would you do?"

'That depends. If they leave of their own will, then we'll be very understanding and support that crane. If it was by force, it would be unacceptable.'

"I made a promise to man outside that I would bring him a Celestial Crane, but not as a slave. That man owns a place called the Celestial Crane and I thought he would like to have the company of such a beast. He'll of course offer you the greatest of care and you'd be pampered in luxury for the most part."

The lead crane looked back to the others and nodded. 'That sounds like a place suitable for all of us. Can we all go there?'

Jack sighed, "Let me contact him and find out."

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