The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 420: Jack“s Instant Return

"I'm sorry, but it seems like you've utterly failed to overestimate us. For that, you'll pay dearly."

Not fully convinced, Thyron began to laugh as well. "Oh, I can't wait to see how you deal with the true invasion. I'll tell you now, we've got lv. 80's back there, something you can't handle even if all of you were there to defend."

Hearing that, Argyle, Vixus, and Tralon all started to laugh together.

Before Thyron could speak again, a louder and larger explosion happened again from the back of the Leisure Guild. This time, though, it was large enough for all of those at the front of the guild to see over the top of the main building. And as the rubble cleared, a colossal, serpentine figure was left behind for all to see.

"It's a good thing we're not back there," added Tralon. "We would only get in the way of the heavy hitters."

Thyron swallowed some saliva, finally starting to waver in his confidence.


Gathered around a bonfire, dozens of goblins danced and passed booze to the guests of honor. They had thrown together a makeshift festival to celebrate the return of their long-lost deity and the friendship of the Leisure Guild.

Those two guests of honor were seated comfortably and drank together as the midnight hour had passed.

They drank, hardly affected by the alcohol thanks to their levels. And since Jack understood how busy he would be the next day, he wasn't drinking anywhere near as much as the Goblin God beside him.

'Jack, we're under attack!'

An alarmed voice screamed into Jack's mind, instantly sobering the hero. Before Jack could ask for more information, Tralon continued, 'Pestro arrived and… and they've attacked Dragov's courtyard!'

'I'm on my way now with Rikko,' stated Jack, jumping to his feet and startling the goblins with his sudden seriousness. 'Don't hold back anything.'

'We'll be waiting.'

Jack immediately contacted Dragov, stating, 'Dragov, go wild! No need to hide anymore, just protect the guild and the city.'

'With my life, Jack.' Though the centipede's words were quite solemn, Dragov's voice was filled with excitement and eagerness.

After speaking with Dragov, Jack contacted Bowzer. 'Bowzer, you can go wild outside of the city. Just don't get in over your head, okay?'


"Nephew Legend, something wrong?" Rikko asked.

"Shh!" Not answering Rikko just yet, Jack contacted one more person. 'Hadurt, you don't need to hide your identity. Just kill and slaughter.'

'Finally! Something exciting!' Hadurt laughed

'Also, I have a present for you. I'll come find you on the battlefield,' added Jack.

'Oh? Then it must be good! I'll be waiting!'

Finished with that, Jack turned to Rikko and stated, "Look, Uncle Rikko, I'm sorry to cut the celebration short but you and I have to go."

"What about goblins?" asked Rikko. "What happen?"

"Pestro and the syndicate are at the Leisure Guild right now. And considering that Pestro is there to keep Eedaj busy, I can only assume the worst. Most likely, they've brought out all their big guns this time, possibly even more than when they invaded Federal City."

"Ok, so we go now? We get goblins later?"

"Exactly," replied Jack. "We'll bring the goblins over after the invasion. For now, I'll teleport us back to the guild."

Taking out a teleportation scroll, Jack extended his other hand to Rikko. Jack didn't want to waste his scroll but he'd rather not waste forty percent of his mana just to arrive in the middle of a heated battle.

"Okay, but Rikko no help."

"What?! Why?!"

The Goblin God started to chuckle. "Uncle Rikko no help defend. Uncle Rikko help Eedaj…"

Hearing that, Jack gave Rikko a strange look. He wanted to see through the goblin's intentions but understood that it would never be so simple after what he previously experienced with Rikko.

"What are you up to, Uncle Rikko?"

"Rikko not sure. But if Rikko lucky, Rikko have best steal ever!"

Sighing and squishing his face with the palm of his hand, Jack stated, "Just… be sure to help, okay?"

"Rikko offer special help," chuckled Rikko with a smile.


When Rikko finally took Jack's hand, both of them were taken away in a flash of light.


"What was that?!" Eliza shouted as she heard an explosion from the back of the restricted area.

Eliza ran out of the bedroom to find the others in the center of the courtyard. Maura had already taken out her Cetus and Daliea had already taken out Mooldrat as well. Lina was the most confused and the only one not yet alert.

With Mooldrat at her side, Daliea stated, "Someone must've attacked the back wall. That's the only logical explanation."

Not wanting to be left out, Eliza took out her dryad and called for Ayden to hurry over.

"Why would someone attack?" Lina asked.

Maura patted the girl on the head, answering, "Because some people don't like what Jack is doing. They probably want to stop him before he gets stronger."

"And what are those clouds? Oh, that's a big birdie!"

Lina pointed to the massive fiend flying through the sky, not recognizing it. At the same time, the other women all recognized Eedaj following that flying beast. That marked that foe as a godly being, proving that this invasion was not something they should underestimate.

Then, another explosion sounded from the back of the Leisure Guild. But this one dwarfed the prior and hurled rubble everywhere. As Dragov's behemoth body emerged from the rubble, the women all readied themselves for the worst.

Just when they were ready to leave and join the fray, an abrupt flash of light filled the courtyard. It left the women nervous and fearful until they recognized one of the two figures left behind from the light.

"Jack! What's--"

"The syndicate is attacking and they made sure to bring a god to keep Eedaj busy," Jack immediately started to explain the situation, not changing his straight face. "The main entrance has also been breached but I'm guessing the true forces will be attacking from the rear. Hadurt, Dragov, and Bowzer are already on the move but I'll be joining them shortly."

"And what about us?" asked Maura.

"Given your current strength, I think it's best to hide inside the guild," answered Jack. "I'm sure some forces will manage to slip into the guild, so I want you all to work with the rest of the party, Phoro, and the remaining beholders to defend the inside of the guild. Can you do that?"

The women would be against not joining the battle but they were also glad that Jack cared about them enough to keep them out of the bloody battlefield outside of the city.

With determination, Lina asked, "Big Bro, I want to fight!"

"You will, Lina--"

"I want to full power!" shouted the teenage girl. "Can I, please?"

Jack laughed and patted Lina on the head. "Sure, you can go all out. Okay? Just make sure to listen to everyone and be careful. If they say not to fight, then what do you do?"

"Then I don't fight!" answered Lina, smiling and giggling to no longer fight in her human form.

"Then… I'll be off."

"Who's that?" asked Eliza, pointing to the blue goblin with a finger up his nose.

"Oh, this is Uncle Rikko, the God of Trickery," introduced Jack. "He'll be joining Eedaj shortly, but I'm sure he's got some scheme itching inside his long nose."

Rikko burst out in laughter as he started to itch his nostril more passionately. "Nephew Legend understand!" But just when Jack was expecting Rikko to dance in thought, the Goblin God disappeared before their very eyes. With Rikko's insane bursts of speed, he managed to disappear into the darkness of the night.

"Then, I'll leave the guild grounds in your hands. Call Rydel and the others right away." Jack wrapped all the women in his arms for a group hug. "Should you need me, just say so. And Mooldrat, keep them safe at all costs."

"Of course, Jack. I'll forfeit my life before I allow Daliea or your other wives to fall in battle."

"Good… I'll see you soon. Tell me if you need help!" Jack shouted as he bolted out the front door, not wanting to waste another second.

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