The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 430: Western Battlefield Heats Up

In the southwest field, Dragov defended the guild with everything he had. Though he out leveled most of the invaders by a great margin, having hundreds of mages and warriors attacking him all at once was still a lot for the Draconic Centipede.

Dragov watched as his health eventually passed the halfway mark under the invaders' siege. Only focusing on defense was the cause of that, but it also kept a majority of the army from rushing into the guild all at once. It allowed the weaker guild members inside the walls the ability to defend properly.

The most annoying thing to Dragov was the lv. 83 knight. She would constantly keep Dragov from slaughtering the army en masse and also remained a threat to the people inside the guild. No matter what, Dragov was committed to killing her and keeping her from entering the guild grounds.

Jeara was struggling hardcore. The centipede's natural armor was astounding, still holding strong against the onslaught of attacks thrown at it. It was mind-boggling to the knight.

However, she was forced to accept that reality. She stayed focused on the task at hand and was helping more and more syndicate members get past the towering centipede.

Looking at the three men not too far away, Jeara was disappointed to see the fight reach a draw.

When she saw a large body of flame fly toward that battle with rocketing speed, Jeara debated rushing back to help. But she was relieved to see that body of flame fly away just as quickly as it had arrived.

Able to focus on her task, Jeara kept Dragov from slaughtering every syndicate member in sight.

That's when another roar filled the air, the roar of yet another beast.

Out of the ground appeared a massive wyrm. It couldn't compare to the centipede, but the arrival of another giant lv. 70 beast wasn't a good sign for the syndicate.

Dragov spotted the wyrm but was unable to speak before the wyrm introduced himself, "Dragov, I'm Dradich. I'm the companion of the human Argyle. I've come to help."

"Great!" The centipede laughed, startling many of the syndicate members. "First, help that dragon!"

Watching the motion of Dragov's head, Dradich turned around to be startled. To see a dragon up close left some fear in Dradich's mind but that dragon was strange and peculiar. It was unlike anything Dradich had seen or heard of.

"Go! Don't waste time!" Dragov roared, startling the wyrm.

Following orders, Dradich rushed through a portion of the army and charged toward the struggling Spectral Dragon.

"Stop that wyrm!" Jeara shouted and jumped toward the newly arrived beast. She didn't want the tide to turn.

But Jeara found herself being blocked and swatted away by Dragov.

When the wyrm arrived, the Spectral Dragon squinted, questioning, "Ally or enemy?"

The giant wyrm lashed out, activating his frost body and throwing himself into the center of the lv. 70's that had been ganging up on Karronteel. As the wyrm scattered that group, he stated, "I'm Dradich. Can you handle the lv. 60's?"

"Yes," replied Karronteel. "With the others distracted, it's only a matter of time until the weak will lose their lives!"

The tag team of Dradich and Karronteel began to wreak havoc on that portion of the invading army.

Seeing the wyrm's arrival and having received his gift, Hadurt started to chuckle maniacally. His sudden giddiness was jarring to Ollan and Vlad but they soon realized why.

Dark energy danced violently around Hadurt, marking his demonization. The look in Hadurt's eyes was excited yet ice-cold. The Berserker finally stated, "I may not have his blessing anymore, but I've got something even better…"

The black sword was instantly returned to Hadurt's storage, confusing Ollan and Vlad. And when Ollan wanted to take advantage of the unarmed former champion, a new weapon appeared in Hadurt's hands, one that forced both Ollan and Vlad to completely reevaluate the fight.

A pitch-black halberd twirled through the air as Hadurt adjusted to his new weapon. "Finally… Let's test it out, shall we?"

No longer holding anything back, Hadurt unleashed hell upon Vlad and Ollan.

The addition of a god's personal weapon changed everything.

Vlad still managed to defend Ollan in their revolving formation, but his large, full-body shield wouldn't be able to hold on for long. He could feel it starting to crack under the pressure of the Demon's God's personal halberd. If they couldn't change something quick, then the battle would be over within a couple of minutes.

Seeing Vlad's struggles, Ollan had to reconsider their plan. With no other options, Ollan backed off and focused on evasion. At the same time, Ollan shouted, "Hadurt, what was it you wanted to--"

"Too late!"

The former champion lunged at the other berserker, chasing Ollan down while Vlad struggled to keep up.

With nowhere to go, Ollan ran into the army and tried to hide himself. However, Hadurt simply followed him everywhere while cleaving through every syndicate member that was within range.

"You had your chance to talk… Now's your chance to die!" Hadurt yelled, frenziedly chasing after Ollan. "Your sacrifice will be enough to push me to lv. 89. Then, you'll always be remembered as a very important person to me, Ollan. So die already!"

Unable to escape Hadurt's gaze, Ollan shouted, "Vlad! Help the army!"

Struggling to watch Ollan run for his life, Vlad nodded and turned back around. With a pained expression, Vlad spotted the best place for his efforts. The guardian rushed to one of the nearer battlefields, the one occupied by the two bodies of flame.

Jack and Bowzer were fighting with tactics in mind. They just wanted to delay them for as long as they could. Both of them understood that defeating that small army wasn't going to happen.

And with a high-level guardian barreling towards them, Jack was at a loss for words.

'Jack… Are you there?'

The unexpected message startled Jack, forcing the hero to back away a bit from the fight.

'Yeah, what--'

'Jack, let me say thank you one last time.'

Utterly perplexed, Jack replied, 'Tralon, what--'

'Thank you, Jack… For everything…'

'Tralon! TRALON!'

All of a sudden, a burst of purple energy erupted in the distant eastern sky. The entire battlefield saw the flash, amazed and confused at the same time.

The ground beneath everyone's feet shook as well, startling everyone further, getting most everyone to pause and reposition themselves. Even Vlad was forced to halt momentarily, almost falling over in his haste across the shaky ground.

Only a moment later the flash ended and the shaking stopped. The battle immediately resumed, thinking nothing of the blast as it was too far away to be of significance in the battle at hand.

Jack, however, quivered. He immediately opened his menu to the skill list but failed to find Tralon listed.

With Jack's flame body motionless, the nearby army targeted him. They prepared more spells and sent more attacks his way as Jack was finally still and not constantly evading their attacks.

That's when they all started to sweat profusely.

The temperature of their battlefield was already quite intense with Jack's powerful flame body and Bowzer's white-hot flame body active. Jack's weaker flames made him an easier target for the warriors, but that changed abruptly.

The temperature of Jack's flames spiked! They went from being red-hot with tinges of white to matching Bowzer's flames. Then… they kept getting hotter… becoming half black and half white.

Jack's eyes weren't visible with the flame body active but all the syndicate members nearby felt the hero's heated gaze burning through their determination.


Finally, Vlad arrived to assist in the killing of the two flame bodies. He charged with his shield in front of him, ready to bash first and kill second.

Bowzer backed away, sensing a massive threat from the guardian. But Bowzer was startled when Jack darted forward to meet the incoming guardian head-on. The fox didn't know what to think or why Jack had suddenly given himself up entirely to rage.

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