The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 471: A Decisive Nigh

"Really?! You've got yourself a deal!"

Leodoro's heart sank past his stomach and into his intestines. He was a man led by both logic and pride, but pride was always the bigger motivator for him.

"Doesn't Trodar have a slew of gods? Is there some way that we could bring one here to--"

"Do you think we have the ability to order gods around? Just because they're in Trodar and they've joined the Leisure Guild doesn't mean we can order them around. They're still deities far stronger than even Karronteel," stated Rydel. "We can, however, buy you some time to think and gather your people."

"Okay… Then give me some time to think…"

"Oh, know that Trodar doesn't have kings, so that means you would become a council head," Trax added, making sure Rydel didn't leave anything out.

"No royalty…"

The king was silent for the rest of the ride as Tridon couldn't stop admiring Karronteel, as well as Ayden who had grown much stronger and larger since the time Tridon caught the roc.

When they reached the border, they landed and gathered the army to set up camp. As there was no telling when the next skirmish would be, everyone was on their toes, ready to defend or attack at a moment's notice.

At the rear of the camp, the party had their own tent set up. They kept the flap open in order to let Karronteel join their conversations from outside.

"Are you seriously lv. 48? Weren't you under lv. 30 last time?!" Tridon asked, struggling to believe he had been surpassed so easily.

"I'm lv. 48 and Ayden is lv. 50," mentioned Rydel. "Maynard has me beat though since he's lv. 50 and his Thunder Cat is lv. 49."

"And I'm lv. 52," Trax stated, making sure his recognition was given. "I may not have a beast, but that's only because I've yet to meet one suitable to fight beside me."

"Trax, help me out!" Maynard shouted as he rushed out of the tent.

"Help you with what?"

"I want to test my skills. I'm still struggling to phase my blade properly, so I need ya to help me," clarified the samurai.

"Oh… just don't cut me by accident like last time."

Those two started their typical practice routine. One focused on the application of his unique phasing ability while the other sharpened his sword skills against a master. Though Trax was a ninja and could be called a master of many weapons, his skills with a single weapon weren't as developed as true masters, like Maynard with swords or Rydel with bows.

"What level is he?" Tridon asked Rydel.

The hinter shrugged, "Ask him and find out. I'm not sure after the battle."

Given the okay, Tridon also stepped out and approached Karronteel. "Do you mind if I ask your level?"

"Lv. 77. Those weaklings made for decent fodder, but they're too weak to grind now that I've grown stronger," answered the dragon, sensing Tridon's natural curiosity and praise for his species.

Time passed slowly for everyone there. Noon passed and became evening, later becoming night as the sun disappeared from the horizon.

Tridon was still full of questions and praise for Karronteel, who proudly answered and relayed prehistoric tales about his people.

Maynard and Trax were still training due to Maynard's determination to master his phasing skill. He could phase it through things but had no control compared to Jin, who had managed to cut only the skin of Maynard's leg, avoiding muscles, bones, and even the clothes covering the leg. Until he had such control, Maynard would never give up.

Rydel had taken a nap and rested. He prepared for the other mission that Eedaj had assigned him. But before that, he paid a visit to King Leodoro.

Knocking on the wooden post, Rydel asked, "Can I come in?"

"Of course…"

Walking in, Rydel was surprised to find Leodoro sitting together with his wife. "Is she…"

"Yes, she's expecting," King Leodoro answered, relieving Rydel of needing to ask such an awkward question.

"So, have you reached a decision?" Rydel asked.

The king swallowed some saliva and sighed. "I… I would like to try my hand at defending the kingdom. I've already sent messengers to the other nations that defected prior. Once I get a response, I might learn of a possible way out of this."

"I admire your persistence, but what if there is no other way?

"Then… Can I ask you to take my wife to Trodar?" Both Rydel and the queen were caught off guard by Leodoro's words. "Then, at least I know that she and my child will be safe…"

"Leo! You can't--"

"After this war, I'll send for your return. Alright?" Placing his hand on her cheek, Leodoro caressed her face with his thumb. "Alright?"

"..." She didn't want to answer, but she knew her husband too well. She understood that he couldn't make such a decisive move without planning or thinking it through. That's the way he always was.

"Alright?" Leodoro asked again, placing his other hand on the bump of her belly.

"... A-Alright…" The queen sniffled and threw her arms around her stubborn, thick-headed husband. "You better come to your senses soon… We'll need you."

"Of course…" Looking back to Rydel, Leodoro pled, "Please, take care of my wife."

"That much I can do without worry," stated Rydel, not tarnishing the king's pride. "She should hurry and join Tridon so she won't get left behind."

"Thank you, Rydel… Thank you…"

Leaving the teary-eyed couple alone in the tent, Rydel heaved a long sigh. Rydel then walked back to his tent, finding the others still going at it. Rather than join them, Rydel climbed onto Ayden and flew away into the dark, night sky.


Sitting around a table, many men were quietly waiting for the final seat to be filled at the head of the table. A few more silent minutes passed until the flap of the massive tent opened up for the final arrival.

All the other men rose to their feet and bowed. They promptly waited for that man to take a seat before returning to their own.

"Master Tyres, we'd like to apologize for forcing you to sully your hands against that dragon," the man just beside the head of the table stated loudly.

"It's of no consequence. Since I did nothing but slap him, the gods of Trodar won't be riled up," Tyres explained, allowing the other men to feel some relief. "There still may be a chance of a god coming to face me, though. Seeing as those reinforcements came from nowhere, a god may have tagged along as well."


"Should that be true, I'll handle the other deity, rest assured. But as for the war, that's something that I shouldn't get involved in. That would only lead to the other gods attacking you while I'm away, hence immortals aren't allowed to massacre mortals," stated Tyres.

"Then allow us to reorganize ourselves," stated that man beside Tyres. "We'll be ready for that dragon and the others now that we know not to hold anything back. Since they've revealed their trump card, we shall reveal the one you graciously gifted us."

"It wasn't I but my fellow holy god, Kylon that gifted you those beasts," Tyres corrected.

"Thanks to both you and Kylon, we'll claim victory and resume our rightful place in the continent!" shouted the man.

"Emperor, please remain calm. This is only the first step toward greatness. There's much more to come afterwards. And given your drive and passion, I'm sure that I or any other holy god would be proud to have you serving under us."

"Thank you, Master Tyres!" The Zuran Emperor stood and bowed again to Tyres, truly touched by those words. "For you and the holy gods, the Zuran Empire will stand proudly."

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