The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 501: Jin“s Curiosity Unsatiated

The following day after the transport of Frostburn City, Gilga was abuzz yet again. Never had anything like that happened before yet now both capital cities along with their markets were able to trade directly without any middlemen. On top of that, both the Fat Goose and Celestial Crane started officially selling elven merchandise within the guild's public market. A couple of the first elven merchants opened up shop in the guild market as well.

Thanks to the new connections of the teleportation circles throughout Trodar, people were flooding into Gilga yet again as word spread faster than wildfire.

As the rest of the world was in awe of the incredible availability of so many diverse goods, the key figures of the Leisure Guild thought nothing of the matter. Vixus and Kims were busy getting all territory matters in order while Kaldor was evaluating Zariff as the upcoming treasurer, waiting for his chance to enter Earthen Keep with Hadurt.

The gods lounged at the moment, each in their private courtyards. But a few were still coming in and out of the strategy room, only they too were relaxing during that short time of momentary peace.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Of course I am!" Jin shouted.

Sterfen shrugged and smiled. "Don't get me wrong, it makes sense. I just thought you're impatient for strength would make you rush off and ascend already."

"But then I'd lose this chance to grow with Jack's blessing!" argued Jin, smiling widely. "If anything, I must thank Halmut the next time I see him. I can only imagine what may happen to my strength after Jack helps me ascend."

"Well, he is my son. It only makes sense for him to be so great," joked Sterfen.

"By the way, how did you kill Sybin? She wields fire, wind, nature, dark, and holy magic, but you only wield illusion magic. Please, teach me."

"It was pretty simple. I stabbed her through the neck. Nothing more, nothing less," answered Sterfen.

"But how did you sneak up on her?!" shouted Jin. "Come on, tell me! After Jack helps me, maybe I'll finally be able to use magic and cast invisibility like you, so I must learn all I can."

"Aren't you a bit too excited?" asked Sterfen, sinking deeper into the comfy couch.

"Oh, and what level are you anyway?!"

Sterfen sighed, "I think… that's enough for now."

"Sterfen, I'm your ally. At least tell me so we can run combination attacks where I draw them in and you go for the kill…" reasoned Jin, standing up from the table and trying his best to get an answer out of the God of Secrets.

"I don't need that, though," Sterfen respond, chuckling to himself. Jin was about to say more but Sterfen's voice whispered into his ear, "See?"

Turning his head around and almost giving himself whiplash, Jin felt each individual strand of hair on the back of his neck stand up. He shrank back into the chair and found nothing behind him. But Jin was absolutely certain that Sterfen was indeed behind him, at least for that brief moment.

"Is something wrong?" Sterfen asked from across the room.

"N-no…" Jin's confidence was shattered momentarily. But his drive to train reached another all-time high, as he now understood that his sensory abilities were too weak to even compare with Sterfen's.

"You heard about Reinolt, right?" Sterfen asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah… Its citizens were spared after Leodoro turned himself in," Jin answered. "I guess that military victory we gave him was enough for them to keep Leodoro alive."

"After that battle, Leodoro was seen as a hero by his people and that view was magnified after Leodoro accepted imprisonment in exchange for the people to not be enslaved," explained Sterfen. "Some complain that we didn't offer them enough help or the same chance we gave Aazoon. What do you think about that?"

Jin raised his eyebrow and scratched the side of his face. "In a way they're right, but could Leodoro have pulled off what Wilheim did? I doubt it… But, in retrospect, people will always complain when things don't go their way."

"Good, you're still the wise God of Discipline after all!"

"Hey! If we were the same level, I bet I could take you one on one!" stated Jin, puffing out his chest.

Sterfen smiled and poured himself some wine off of the side table. "Who said we're at different levels?"

"So you're lv. 91?!" Jin exclaimed, jumping back out of his seat.

"No…" commented Sterfen, sipping his wine.

"Then what level are--"

"Jin, that's enough. There's a reason I prefer to speak about the secrets of others and not mine," stated Sterfen. "Trust me, it's better this way."

"Come on, Sterfen! I'm your ally, your friend!"

"Jin, not even my wife knows my level. In fact, she doesn't even know my origin story," Sterfen added. "Feel free to ask her all you want."

Getting off the couch, Sterfen finished his glass of wine and patted Jin on the back. "Anyways, I promised Lina that I would help her train. If you're looking for Lunara, you'll find her on the Ice Floor of the storehouse."


"Good luck on your hunt for my backstory!" Sterfen shouted as he exited the room and waved at Jin with his back turned.

Eedaj walked in as Sterfen exited, but they didn't exchange any words. But Jin came up with a new scheme as soon as Eedaj walked in. "Eedaj! You're just the man I was looking for!"

Blinking, Eedaj looked Jin in the eye. Suddenly, Eedaj burst into laughter and sighed, "Sorry… I can't help but laugh."

"And why's that?!" Jin shouted, knowing that Eedaj had just read his mind.

Eedaj replied, "Because what you're seeking doesn't exist."

"What do you mean?! Everyone comes from somewhere, so that means there's a story about Sterfen growing up, right?!"

"Wrong," answered the Mind God. "As far as I know, anything in Sterfen's past that occurred before he gained attention for pursuing Lunara is as good as nonexistent. There are no records of him or his origin anywhere to be found."

"Impossible!" Jin argued. "Don't tell me that when you can just--"

"No, I can't read his mind."

"What…" Jin was dumbstruck by Eedaj's jarring statement. "But… you can read everyone's mind, even Halmut's or Skaryn's!"

"True, all except for his," stated Eedaj. "I'm not sure why or how, but my mental capabilities have no access to anything within his mind. Only on rare occasions where he allows me in can I enter his thoughts. But even then I can only access a portion of his mind. That's why I suggested he assume the title 'God of Secrets' back then. Because, to even me, Sterfen holds the most secrets of all."

"But… he can't be the only one like that… There's never been any case like that before?!" Jin shouted his question, not wanting to accept that Sterfen was even more capable than he had assumed.

"Hmm… After ascending, the only other person that's been unreadable is Daruun, who's mental capabilities far outshine my own."

Jin dragged his hand across his face. "Really… Only Daruun, but that doesn't count!"

"Well, that's the truth. Just deal with it. Who knows? Maybe, if we're lucky, one day we'll get to learn more about him. I'm sure Jack will find a way to learn the truth--"

"Jack! I'll have Jack look into it once he's back!" Nodding, Jin agreed with himself, "Yeah… that's what we'll do. Jack can always find a way, especially with his upgraded system…"

While Jin got sidetracked and started to ramble about everything he'll do after Jack aids Jin's ascension, Eedaj found the open wine on the side table and casually poured himself a drink using his telekinesis, doing the same to sip the wine bit-by-bit.

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