The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 507: Sterfen Challenges Naparn

With the two most powerful dragons dueling in the sky, no one dared to look away. This was especially true when Moranti suddenly reappeared high above Halmut with a newfound level of strength.

Watching the incredible scythe attack take on Halmut's most powerful breath attack was beyond belief. Even for the spectating gods, they were blinded momentarily by the ensuing explosion. Then, the two dragons did it again at close range to startle them all the more.

It was at that moment that Naparn disappeared.

While watching the battle overhead, Naparn was furious. He knew there was a gap between himself and Moranti but Naparn didn't want to believe the difference was so vast. And the harsh truth was now in front of the whole world to witness.

To Naparn, seeing those colliding attacks was enough to wound his heart and pride. It was something that could fuel his training and growth, giving him a definite target to aim for.

Once the first attack blinded everyone present, the second attack only rocked their senses further. As the second flash of so many warring energies dwindled away, the gods and mortals below were left speechless. And Naparn felt a hand briefly touch his back while a pulse of spatial energy was hidden within the overwhelming aftereffects of the draconic duel above.

This gave Naparn no time to shout or warn the others about his sudden ambush and hid his teleportation perfectly.

That hand instantly left Naparn's back as Naparn, still in his hybrid form, covered his body in magma while showing his rage. The Magma Dragon snarled and glared at the man who had teleported him away.

But before Naparn said anything, that man smiled and waved his arm. A gigantic illusory barrier was created to cover more than a kilometer.

Naparn took a moment to assess his situation and momentarily quell his anger. Instantly recognizing the endless sea below, Naparn questioned, "Why bring me here, Sterfen? Don't you need--"

"Now, no one will see us," stated the God of Secrets, answering Naparn without letting the dragon continue his questioning. "And now, no one will see your demise."

Tilting his head to the side, Naparn asked, "You think you can kill me alone? In a face-to-face match? When did the Assassin God become so noble as to face me while I'm not sleeping?"

"Threatening you is one thing, but I'm going to enjoy this too much to kill you so quickly…" sighed Sterfen. "Try all you want. While in this space, no one will hear or see us. Not even Eedaj can find us here. So, if you happen to kill me, no one will know until it's too late for me."

"Then let me thank--"

"And now I can kill you while Halmut and the others have no chance of stopping me," Sterfen continued.

"Such confidence from a coward too afraid to show his level."

"Why is that cowardice? Whether you admit it or not, you're terrified by the fact I hide my level. But since this is where you die, I wouldn't mind showing you. That is if you're not too afraid to learn the truth."

Naparn eyed his opponent, unsure of what to say next.

The cloak around Sterfen suddenly vanished and a faint illusory energy faded out of his body. "There. You should feel honored as the first person from this world to ever see my stats."

The Molten God scoffed, not proud at all. But he was a bit surprised to see through Sterfen for once. "Only lv. 96 and you're so cocky?"

"Is that all you noticed?" Sterfen chuckled, preparing to put his cloak back on.

Not saying more, Naparn paid more attention to the rest of the information available to his eyes. It was an opportunity that would never come again. And though Naparn grew more confident in facing Sterfen after seeing Sterfen's level, Naparn wasn't too confident in his ability to keep Sterfen from running away.

However, Naparn was soon hung up on something. He was unable to look past Sterfen's last name.

"Accrutya? What kind of name is that?"

Sterfen chuckled, "A name that doesn't originate in Kartonia. I'll tell you that much as a going-away present."

"What nonsense is that logic?!" shouted Naparn.

"Shout all you want but now there's no escape for you, Naparn. Now… I can finally quench this bloodlust!"

Eyeing Sterfen, Naparn increased the temperature around them. "And how do you plan to do that?"

"Simple. I'll kill you. That will finally let Luna feel some relief and Jack will gain some of the best EXP he's ever received because of you," reasoned Sterfen, not hiding his confidence.

"Then come at me!"

Smiling coldly, Sterfen sighed, "Since you asked for it… I guess I'll oblige."

The Assassin God vanished, as he always did. But Naparn's response was to flood everywhere with fire energy in order to sense the heat of Sterfen's body. It took a few seconds, but Naparn finally smiled and hurled magma into the air. "There you are!"

The stream of lava never connected with Sterfen but he did avoid the attack while reappearing. "Not bad… That's definitely one of the best strategies yet to deter my invisibility. It can't compare to Halmut, who can see through it on occasion, but it's dependable in its own right."

"If you praise it so much, then why hasn't your confidence changed at all?" asked Naparn, standing confident and undeterred as well.

"I'll show you one of the many reasons I love my son. Not only has he done some incredible things but he's also allowed me and my wife to be closer than ever. Aren't you curious why I can suddenly wield water magic? I'm sure you haven't forgotten so soon."

Naparn's stare grew more malicious, as if he wanted to burn Sterfen to ashes with a glare alone.

"Well, let me show you…" Sterfen chuckled, smiling as he felt grateful to both Jack and Lunara.

All of a sudden, water energy burst out of Sterfen's body with the force of a geyser. The Assassin God proudly stood as his form started to shift. Blue scales spread across his skin and web claws formed from his hands and feet. Sterfen kept himself from growing two new heads but allowed his neck to elongate as a tail grew out from behind him.

Speechless, Naparn was utterly perplexed by the sight.

"For Lunara, this is the same as her common hybrid form. For me, it only appears thanks to a skill that Jack has, a skill that I've gained after making a pact with him," explained Sterfen.

"You formed a pact with a mortal?! Are you insane?!" Naparn berated.

Sterfen laughed again, "You call this form crazy? Now's the time to finally test its strength, so don't die too quickly on me."

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