The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 555: Jack“s Reappearance in Kartonia

"Wow… Your ambition knows no bounds."

"Thanks." Jack nodded and let out a sigh of relief. "But does that mean--"

"No, such a strategy isn't a wrong one. It will, however, force them to act all the quicker. I'm sure you'll leave the others speechless. Considering what you're planning to do next, you'll leave the entire world in awe," added Daruun. "Pull this off and you'll win Churstin nd more."

"Worst-case scenario, I'd only accept border nations, like Korten or Talrania. Anything not currently attached to Trodar would be at a disadvantage during invasions and we don't need to spread troops unnecessarily."

"Are you two going to explain this to me or not?" Duorda glared at the other two, getting them to chuckle as he mentioned, "If you don't want to tell me what you learned, Jack, that's fine. I'm sure I'll find out soon."

"Let's get going." Jack stood up and bowed to Daruun. "Thanks, Gramps. I can't wait to see how the rest of the world will react to this."

"Best of luck. And don't bite off more than you can chew, at least not all at once," joked Daruun.

"Until next time, Master Daruun." Duorda bowed as well, going lower and showing his respect more formally.

As Jack led Duorda through the doorway, Daruun sighed and shook his head. He mumbled to himself, "Of course Jack would try something so radical… At least, it'll be entertaining."


Silence filled the open-aired conference hall. All eyes were on the leisure gods sitting beside Vixus. Everyone wanted to know how they would rebuttal Halmut's valid argument.

"Would you mind repeating that? It seems I missed the question."

A new voice rang out from the heavens, startling everyone present. The king of Churstin and his people looked upward with anticipation for the arrival of another god. Halmut did the same, only he was curious why the voice was unfamiliar to him, yet clearly from a god.

To the shock of everyone present, Vixus and the leisure gods all arose and took a formal bow. Vixus loudly stated, "Guild Master Jack, we're glad you managed to join us in time for the conference."

Everyone let loose a sigh, either of relief or disappointment, after learning the truth of who it was. Only, once Jack casually descended from the clouds, he did so without the aid of any transformations or magic. This caught everyone off guard, especially Halmut who was clenching his fists beneath the table.

"So you're Jack?" asked Halmut, acting calm and unfazed as he watched Jack's descent. "I've heard a lot about you. It seems you're not entirely incapable."

"You're one to talk!"

Another voice rang out from the heavens, one that no one could recognize. But they weren't left in suspense for long as a second figure descended alongside Jack, slightly behind him.

No one recognized his voice, but Halmut would never forget the skeletal figure's appearance. While the crowd gasped in shock from seeing a skeleton beside Jack, Halmut couldn't contain himself as a small moment of shock leaked out of his facial expression before his calm face returned.

"It seems you recognize my assistant," stated Jack, almost catching Halmut off guard again. "After my ascension to godhood, Duorda here officially became my assistant, something that you never managed to achieve, Halmut."


"Instead, you had to get saved by Skaryn!" Duorda shouted, jarring the entire conference hall.


"Don't act high and mighty to me. I almost killed you once, don't make me do it again while Skaryn's unable to save you!"

Duorda's taunts left everyone floored, even Moranti who already knew of the story and recognized the skeleton personally as well. He didn't know that Duorda was so daring, considering how Duorda wasn't a god when they faced the skeleton so long ago. What was most shocking of all was Jack's statement about Duorda becoming his assistant. Though Moranti didn't know what would come after defeating Duorda, Moranti knew that the current set of circumstances meant only one thing. That Jack had challenged and defeated Duorda instead of sneaking past him, something that Moranti hadn't expected to happen.

Halmut stood from his seat and glared heavily at the two figures now touching down at the center of the stage. "You have no right to mock me! You're merely lv. 90 while I'm lv. 99. What gives you the right to tarnish my reputation? Give me one reason I shouldn't kill you where you stand?"

"I gave him the right," stated Jack, unflinching and confident.

"You? A newly ascended god?" Halmut laughed, "Don't mock me, boy. Or you might end up dead. If Moranti weren't here, then I'd have already--"

"Then I challenge you to a duel."

That casual sentence floored everyone. Whether they were a god or a mortal, no one expected anyone apart from Moranti to dare attempt such a feat, let alone do it so nonchalantly and without reason.

"I challenge you," repeated Jack. "All you'll have to do is knock me out or debilitate me. Should I get killed by accident, then it'll be my fault and Moranti will only recover my corpse for revival."

Booming laughter echoed across the region as Halmut couldn't contain himself anymore. "You're joking! What a sense of humor! Even Moranti wouldn't claim such a--"

"My victory will be determined by the same conditions," Jack continued, unfazed by the laughter. "If I can debilitate you or render you unconscious, then I win. You can even bring Tralbok here so he can resuscitate you."

Sensing Jack's unparalleled confidence, Halmut gradually grew more emotionless. "You can't be serious? There's no reason for such a farce as I would clearly win and there's no point should you be allowed to revive afterward. I decline."

"Then how does Churstin feel now?" Jack asked, looking to the men sitting behind the table with the Churstin flag. "Joining Trodar is what I'd recommend. Knowing Halmut, he probably offered protection from dragons or something ridiculous as such. But couldn't that also be seen as occupying Churstin to keep you in line with his plans and false motives? Wouldn't your allegiance to Halmut eventually turn to his dictatorship over you?"

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