The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 563: Oosam“s Theory About Lyrun

High above the rest of the world, the holy gods turned legendary gods lounged within Olympic Chateau. Apart from Kylon, each god was present, including the many newly ascended draconic gods. Those new gods included three Storm Dragons aided by either Torian or Tralbok, three Quake Dragons aided by Grixor, and four Flood Dragons aided by either Kylon or Lyrun. While those ten new dragon gods were lv. 90, Torian and Grixor happily reached lv. 98, Tralbok and Lyrun were now lv. 97, and Kylon was lv. 96. The overall strength of the legendary gods had increased drastically within a matter of days.

All the new gods were in their human forms, something that only a few had learned to create before godhood, enjoying the viewing table to watch Halmut's battle against Jack. Most of the other gods were there also, and they were glad to have joined the younger gods. Now they could witness Jack's unexpected ascension and startling strength and skills.

Only five gods were missing. Halmut was obviously in Churstin while Kylon was already stationed in her home within the ruins of Kustram. Perchet was relaxing within his chamber, as he wasn't one to talk much and could clearly hear everything the other gods said about the show they were watching.

Lyrun and Oosam were nowhere to be found, but that didn't matter so long as they remained within the limits of Olympic Chateau.

The two gods were lounging in the open-aired pavilion not too far from the others in the conference room. However, an illusory barrier was placed around them, the same style of barrier that Sterfen had used to conceal his battle with Naparn.

"Considering the barrier, I assume you want to discuss something serious?" Lyrun asked with a chuckle, lying down on a comfortable futon.

Oosam nodded and smiled. "I can't get anything past you, can I?"

"So, what is it? Are you doing Tralbok's dirty work again?"

"In a way, yes…" sighed Oosam. "But I'm tired of slaving away for him. Sadly, my responsibilities only increased after joining you holy gods. Now--"

"Correction, we're the legendary gods now."

"Right… Sorry, I wanted to forget such an egotistical title." Oosam corrected himself, "After joining you legendary gods, Tralbok's influence over us former chaotic gods has only increased. Now, Halmut treats him as a sub-leader over us and expects us to act according to his wishes within reason."

"So what has Tralbok asked of you this time and why does it involve me?" asked Lyrun.

"With Halmut's permission, Tralbok is ordering me to mentally scan all the gods for signs of treachery. I've only three people left to cover."

"Me, Perchet, and Kylon?"

"Yeah…" sighed Oosam. "I couldn't bring myself to confront Perchet, not without finding a more natural situation to greet him."

"He is quite cold, so I can understand that," added Lyrun. "But I'm sure Perchet wouldn't be against a mental scan. He may not like how things have become, but deep down he's quite loyal."

"And what about the incident of the past?"

"Oh, that? Perchet and Naparn weren't exactly on good terms in the first place, so when Naparn was abusing Kori, Perchet was against it. Perchet was also against forcing Lunara to join the war as he felt it would change how the subordinate gods would be treated in the future," explained Lyrun. "In a way, he was right to worry. Now, we subordinate gods don't have much say in what we do or don't do."

Oosam chuckled and rolled his eyes, "Well, I'm with him there."

"So, you want to scan my mind, even though I was the first god that Halmut ever assisted in ascending and have been his loyal aid ever since?"

"Tralbok won't have it any other way. If I don't, then Tralbok will turn the blame on me and get Halmut to act out. Even if Halmut doesn't touch you, I can't say the same thing about me, knowing how Tralbok likes to twist the facts in his favor."

"Then, if I refuse, you'll be reprimanded by both Tralbok and Halmut? How harsh… Why not just lie about it?"

"I could do that I guess… Does that mean you won't allow me to scan your mind?"

Shaking his head slowly, Lyrun replied, "Sorry, Oosam, but that's not something I can agree to. Growing up with Eedaj has always made me hesitant to anything involving mind-reading. Why else would I wear this?"

Oosam noticed the ring Lyrun showed off, sighing, "I get it… I don't like doing the dirty work anyway. But can I ask you something personal, since we're already inside the barrier?"

"Sure, but don't expect an answer if I don't like the question."

"If you are hiding something or are planning to act against Halmut in the end, can you count me in?"

Taken aback, Lyrun blinked and broke out in laughter. "You do realize what you just admitted to, right?"

"Yes. I just admitted that I'm willing to betray Halmut, the very thing that Tralbok is asking me to search for. But who said I would out myself."

"Then why would you--"

"Apart from Sterfen, you're the most calculative person I know," stated Oosam. "You're the type that has always hidden your true feelings in order to complete what was asked of you. It's how you were raised. You act the same way to Halmut, but I can only imagine you're also the more infuriated at how Halmut has changed his ways throughout the years."

Lifting an eyebrow, Lyrun listened carefully to Oosam.

Glad to see how Lyrun didn't stop him, Oosam continued, "If there is anyone within the holy gods that would dare rebel to such an extent, I'm almost certain it would be you. But I also know that you would never do something like that openly. You've always preferred working in secret and organizing such efforts from the sidelines so you wouldn't get caught. It was you that kept Moranti informed, right?"

Smiling and rubbing his forehead in thought, Lyrun chuckled, "So, that's how you figured it out."

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