Chu Xiaoyi really didn't expect Chu Jiadong to play very well.

Chu Jiadong was unable to play at the beginning, and gradually became more and more comfortable. He frequently threw three-point balls, which made Chu Xiao cheer happily. He is different from Chu Xiaoyi's playing method. He will not run and attack all the time, but win points with accurate shooting skills.

Chu Xiaoyi is a little confused. He suddenly feels that his family is hiding dragons and crouching tigers. Chu Xiaoxiao's Russian is reasonable. How can even Chu Jiadong become a basketball expert?

In Chu Xiaoyi's eyes, his father Chu Jiadong is boring and headstrong. He seems to have no special hobbies, but he has to boast about himself from time to time and belittle other people's interests to show his insights. Chu Xiaoyi used to like playing guitar, but Chu Jiadong belittled it to nothing, so that Chu Xiaoyi never had the idea to share with his father again.

Everything is inferior, but reading is high. This is the truth of Chu Jiadong. The hobby of Hu Shao in Chu Xiao Yihua is mostly useless in his father's eyes. He is just an accomplice in delaying his academic performance.

Therefore, Chu Xiaoyi has never played ball with his father in the past, and who let him play is not directly helpful to his study.

Chu Xiaoxiao shouted excitedly at the edge of the court: "Dad, come on, Dad!"

The score of the two accidentally bit very tight. Chu Xiaoyi repeatedly attacked without results, and was calmly swam away by Chu Jiadong. They are quite involved on the court, constantly running around and jumping up, which can be described as hearty.

As the sky darkened, the surrounding scene gradually became invisible, and it was obvious that night was coming. Chu Xiaoyi desperately wanted to win or lose, but Chu Jiadong smiled and waved his hand: "no, I'm too tired, I'm tired..."

Chu Xiaoxiao saw the two stop in the court. She hurried over and glanced proudly at Chu Xiaoyi. Chu Xiaoyi doesn't know where there are so many expressions on her little face. She can look at people with white eyes.

Chu Xiaoyi and his father did not decide the outcome, and finally ended up with the exhaustion of Chu Jiadong's physical strength. However, Chu Xiao thinks that his father has won a great victory. Look at his father's bearing. He has good ball skills and doesn't show disorderly. Look at his smelly brother, he has to drag him to heaven if he can play!

The street lights were on and the three went home together. Father and son have just had a fierce competition. Now the atmosphere is not too tight. At least they can say two words to each other. While dribbling, Chu Xiaoyi walked home and said in a stuffy voice, "I didn't know you could play?"

Chu Jiadong: "I liked playing ball in college."

Chu Xiaoyi's mood is very subtle. He thinks his father is a school of reading and never engages in sports hobbies.

Chu Xiao borrowed her father to kill her brother. She proudly raised her small chin: "there are people outside, and there are days outside. You don't know there are many things."

Chu Xiaoyi saw that she was a successful person. He was afraid that his hands were dirty and it was not easy to rub her head. He could only be angry and funny: "it's not that you can play. What's your strength? You can't even beat the ball. Don't be arrogant when you can play?"

Chu Xiaoxiao glanced at him disdainfully, shook his head and said, "towering genius disdains a beaten path. It sees regions hitherto unexplored."

Chu Xiaoyi: "??"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "I speak English this time. You should be able to understand it?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." I can't quarrel with my sister because of my poor foreign language these days!

Chu Jiadong saw his eldest son's face full of grievances and smiled to persuade him to make peace: "well, well, Xiao Xiao has Xiao's road, brother has brother's road, you all have different good roads..."

Chu Xiaoyi, as an illiterate in English listening, feels isolated and can't continue to talk. He simply turned off the topic and muttered, "in fact, I can play for a while."

Chu Xiaoyi hasn't enjoyed himself yet. He can't help feeling sorry and disappointed. He doesn't know when he will play next time, and it's estimated that his opponent will be difficult to be his father again.

Chu Jiadong: "no, no, I'm bored today."

"Your strength was not very good before. When you hit me, it was called..." Chu Xiaoyi's voice suddenly stopped. When he realized what was slipping out of his mouth, he wanted to hit himself on the spot. He felt that He Xin's worry was very correct. He always couldn't control himself and said inappropriate words.

After Chu Xiaoyi returned home, he had deliberately restrained a lot and tried to keep the sun up in front of his family, but the happy moment after exercise made him relax and lose his tense state. He didn't mean to be sarcastic, but his words poured out naturally when they came to his mouth, which was impossible to prevent.

Sure enough, Chu Jiadong obviously heard Xiao Yi's words clearly. He showed his hasty and wavering eyes and seemed at a loss. His lips opened slightly and moved gently, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't make any sound.

Under the street lamp, Chu Xiaoyi suddenly found that her father's hair was a little gray. She felt a little uncomfortable and inexplicably sad in her heart. He expected his father to be as energetic and confident as he used to be, so that he could resist each other righteously, just as he wanted to do in his childhood.

But he couldn't do that. Chu Jiadong was getting old before he could prove anything.

Chu Xiaoyi is full of blood waiting for a fair struggle, but his father has long lost his fighting power. Before he defeated, the other party raised his flag and surrendered, leaving him endless suffocation. He can't fight his father again, but what's his past?

As time went by, he was no longer able to say what he had resented and wronged.

Once the right time is missed, it no longer has the meaning to talk.

Chu Xiaoyi knew that he had made a mistake. He just hoped that Chu Xiaoxiao didn't hear clearly. He hurried and said casually: "I don't exercise enough. Run twice with the ball and go back!"

Chu Xiaoyi changed the topic, pretended to be nothing and ran to break the short impasse. He didn't dare to look back for fear of bumping into Chu Jiadong's careful eyes.

Under the dim light of the street lamp, the father and daughter watched Chu Xiaoyi run away, and fell silent for a moment. A moment later, Chu Xiaoxiao took the lead in raising her head. She looked at her quiet father and asked, "Dad, have you beaten your brother before?"

The little daughter's eyes were like bright gemstones, trembling with Yingying light. There was a trace of hesitation and expectation in the bottom of her eyes, as if she wanted him to deny it.

Chu Jiadong confessed with a bitter smile: "yes."

Chu Xiaoyi thought that Chu Xiaoyi made a slip of the tongue, but he didn't expect his gentle father to admit it. She suddenly opened her eyes in disbelief and said, "why?"

In Chu Xiao's eyes, except for some special occupations and extreme situations, it is unjust for anyone to commit violence against others. She couldn't understand why her father beat her brother, especially if they belonged to the same family. How could they be rough?

Chu Xiaoxiao was quite injured. She looked at her father with disappointment and showed a look of disapproval.

Chu Jiadong can only squat down and communicate with his little daughter. He said helplessly: "because when your brother was born, his father was also a father for the first time, so he did a lot of wrong things..."

Chu Xiaoxiao was surprised and said, "didn't your father teach you how to be a father?" Chu Xiaoxiao didn't see her grandfather. When she was born, there was only grandma at home.

Chu Jiadong smiled in embarrassment: "I'm afraid the method grandpa used to teach his father doesn't apply to his brother."

Chu Jiadong really can't explain to his little daughter that his father beat himself harder. In the era of "filial sons under sticks", no one would think that adults can't beat children. Now he can understand his father's hard work for himself, but if he tells the truth, I'm afraid it will only discredit Chu Xiaoxiao's impression of her grandfather.

Chu Xiaoxiao put her hands around her chest. Hearing her father's fault, she distressed to analyze it for him: "then you really made a big mistake. Did you apologize to your brother?"

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that his brother was really naughty and unpromising, but his father went too far and made mistakes.

Chu Jiadong: "yes, but Xiao Xiao should also understand that apology and forgiveness are two different things. Not every apology can be accepted."

Chu Xiaoxiao's little face showed confusion. She didn't understand what her father said.

Chu Jiadong and airway: "so Xiao Xiao don't blame his brother and don't hate his brother. Because of his brother's existence, his father can be more experienced and get along with Xiao Xiao equally; because of his existence, his father began to understand his brother's ideas and know how wrong he was."

"You are all indispensable treasures for Dad, but Dad will never be a full score dad. He can only continue to be a better and better dad."

Chu Jiadong had a quarrel with his eldest son. When he took his little daughter, he carefully avoided many mistakes. The younger daughter has shown great talent since she was young. She always explains her views in an elegant manner, which makes Chu Jiadong feel more guilty when facing her eldest son.

Chu Xiaoxiao is a smart child, even more powerful than adults. She never feels different from her elders. But Chu Xiaoyi used to be an ordinary child. He can't prove anything in the short term. I'm afraid he's very sad in the face of pressure?

Chu Xiaoxiao was dissatisfied. She would quote scriptures to refute, but Chu Xiaoyi was not brilliant when she was young, so she had to swallow everything silently and wrongly.

As an adult, Chu Jiadong has no ability to refute his intelligent little daughter, but he really feels that he has dealt a heavy blow to his eldest son. Chu Xiaoxiao didn't use his talent to suppress his family, but he used to suppress the young Chu Xiaoyi with the power of adults.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't understand why things were so complicated. She couldn't think of an idea for the moment. She had to follow her father home first.

At home, Chu Xiaoxiao held the iPad but was not interested. She thought about her father and brother and sighed helplessly.

Next to the little uncle found her distracted and said, "Xiao Xiao, if you don't want to see a pig, don't look. Come and eat fruit with your uncle!"

My uncle is cutting the orange and dividing it into juicy pieces. Chu Xiao nestled at the table and suddenly said, "little uncle, will your father beat you?"

The little uncle didn't know her troubles and said casually, "yes."

Chu Xiao was shocked. Unexpectedly, his little uncle was beaten too. He hurriedly said, "why do you want to beat you?"

My little uncle used to live in the countryside. He was also asked at this time. He didn't respond for a long time: "no, no why? I was so hungry once that I ate the dried radish dried by my neighbor and was beaten by your grandfather?"

In fact, the little uncle can't explain why. He was beaten too many times before, and only remembered some of the reasons for being beaten.

Chu Xiaoxiao was surprised and said, "why doesn't he reason with you?"

"Children sometimes don't have a memory. Besides, it's not a big deal for old people to beat small ones!" the little uncle's tone is quite casual. After all, he is now an old man in his sixties. He doesn't care about the beating he received in his childhood.

Chu Xiaoxiao immediately took his seat and said, "of course it's a big deal. Why can you play small?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: as the youngest in my family, I was the first to raise an objection!

The little uncle hurriedly said, "Xiao Xiao is so sensible that he will not be beaten. Those who are not sensible will be beaten..."

Chu Xiao argued: "this is wrong. Grandma is not sensible now, so she can't be beaten!"

Little uncle: "..." seems very reasonable?

My uncle doesn't know why cutting oranges is a century problem. He obviously just wants to eat fruit simply, but he goes around in a muddle. He and his family's young seriously broke for a long time, unable to explain why "it doesn't matter if Zuzu beats uncle", but "there is a problem if Uncle beats Xiao", and he was confused for a moment.

Facing the repeated questioning of small things, my uncle had to apply for off-site help and humbly shouted my uncle's milk: "chun'er, chun'er, you explain to Xiao Xiao, I don't understand..."

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