Chu Xiaoxiao hesitated: "but you didn't say you wanted..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "then you will send me later!"

Chu Xiaoxiao thought: "but I have promised to talk to brother Qi next year..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "you see, you see, you just don't have me in your heart!"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "

Chu Xiaoxiao thought she couldn't tell him clearly. She suddenly remembered something and suggested, "well, I'll give you something else. It's probably more useful to you."

Chu Xiaoyi originally wanted to continue to make trouble. When he heard the speech, he stopped and looked satisfied: "it's almost the same... What do you give me? What else do you win?"

Chu Xiaoxiao went back to the house and took out her notebook. She handed the thick notebook to her brother. She said in a righteous way: "I see the notes made in online class. You don't want to read more notes and study."

Chu Xiaoyi: "

Chu Xiaoyi: it feels like you give the children next door a game console, but only give me the three-year simulation of the five-year college entrance examination!

Chu Xiaoxiao painstakingly advised: "in this way, you can find a job by your grades in the future."

Chu Xiaoyi saw her mention the matter again and corrected again: "... Thank you. I'm not unemployed yet. I'm taking a short rest."

After the Spring Festival, the absence of many popular stars in the Spring Festival Gala was like a first signal, the entertainment industry became turbulent, and set off many storms under the double attack of policy and market. Chu Xiaoyi's original crew suddenly defaulted and postponed, and many projects contacted by actors in the circle also had problems one after another. A large number of film and television entertainment companies went bankrupt, which made the people in the circle panic.

Because the industry environment suddenly collapsed, some actors are facing the problem of no work. He Xin and others are also closely watching the industry trend recently in order to plan Chu Xiaoyi's next work.

Chu Xiaoyi was not affected too much by this whirlwind. In addition to yelling off a play, his life was stable. He was still able to contact many projects, but the quality decreased. After all, old companies are watching the current market. No one dares to make big moves rashly. Everyone wants to wait for the new situation.

Chu Xiaoyi simply didn't take the play again. He began to study hard at home during the gap period caused by the crew's breach of contract, but his behavior of staying at home for a long time aroused Chu Xiaoxiao's deep concern.

Chu Xiaoxiao now has to go to school every day. She found that her cheap brother was at home before school and after school. Moreover, she rarely went out from Monday to Sunday. She immediately thought he was on the verge of unemployment!

Chu Xiaoxiao: he finally ushered in this day and had to wait for work at home.

Because the crew project always starts from three months and includes weekends and holidays, Chu Xiaoyi really didn't have too many activities during this period, but occasionally had to run some business. Now he is happy and relaxed. He makes music and learns English every day. However, Chu Xiaoxiao is quite restless.

After dinner, Chu Jiadong watched the news as usual. He switched to the news channel and the hostess on TV broadcast in a straight voice: "according to the data of the Ministry of education, China's college graduates are expected to reach XXX million this year, an increase of XX million compared with the same period last year. Fresh graduates may usher in the 'most difficult employment season'..."

Chu Xiaoxiao originally looked at her iPad. When she heard the news, she immediately raised her head and carefully glanced at Chu Xiaoyi playing with her mobile phone. After she determined that the other party didn't hear the news, she immediately tactfully stopped: "Dad, change the channel."

Chu Jiadong: "yes, what do you want to see..."

Chu Jiadong holds the remote control board. He changes another news channel. This time, the male host broadcasts: "the new regulations affect the film and television industry, cultural and entertainment venture capital..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Dad, let's watch the agriculture channel."

Chu Jiadong: "

Chu Jiadong: "Xiao Xiao is suddenly interested in agriculture?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "no, I just think there are orange trees in my hometown." my brother can't find a job. He can go back to his hometown to plant oranges, which is a way out.

Chu Xiao doesn't quite understand his brother's work. She only knows that he is always busy making money when he doesn't go home. It's a rare rest when he comes home occasionally. It's the first time he has squatted at home for so long. Because the TV is also broadcasting scary industry news recently, and her father and brother have talked, she is more and more convinced that there is a problem with her brother's work, which seems not very optimistic.

Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi asked about their eldest son's career. When they saw that Chu Xiaoyi seemed to have a spectrum, they were relieved. Chu Xiaoxiao didn't know enough about her brother's assets, so she could only express her concern in other ways and offer her omnipotent antidote - learning.

Chu Xiaoxiao took the time to finish the online class. She sorted out a new note and stuffed it to her brother who was unemployed at home. For fear that he would feel depressed and panic when he was alone, she wanted to divert his attention with learning materials.

Chu Xiaoyi was not aware of her sister's abnormality at the beginning, but he often heard her comfort that "learning is also a way out", and immediately felt a trace of something wrong.

Although Chu Xiao Yi did not float outside, it did not mean his team had no job. He would still keep in touch with his agent and make complaints about him. "My sister seems to think I am unemployed."

He Xin hesitated: "... Isn't it?"

Chu Xiaoyi smiled and said, "if I lose my job, can you still have money?"

Although the entertainment film and television industry has suffered heavy losses, Chu Xiaoyi is at least the top of the pyramid. If he is to be sunk, the middle and lower levels will die.

He Xin: "well, I'll learn from Xiao Xiao. The wording is more rigorous. You should be called unemployed."

Chu Xiaoyi was too lazy to take care of each other's ridicule. He touched his chin and crooked his head: "do you have any work that I can finish sitting at home?"

He Xin: "... No, if you know such a high paying job, please introduce it to me as soon as possible, and I'll leave immediately."

Chu Xiaoyi: "if she wants to continue to think that I am unemployed at home, she has to fill me with information every day..."

He Xin muttered, "then you can join the group? I handed you the project two days ago. You just pouted me."

Chu Xiaoyi: "the script is very general. You can find someone before starting the machine. It's reliable!"

The regular crew should make an appointment with the leading actor in advance. There is no rash way to look everywhere before starting the machine. He Xin knows that Chu Xiaoyi is right. It was impossible to see the project in the past, but now there are few people who have the courage to start the machine, and there is really not much scope for the team to choose.

He Xin: "OK, if you don't want to go, let me think about what you said."

Chu Xiaoyi just mentioned it casually. He didn't take his leisurely words seriously. Unexpectedly, He Xin did things and found "work that can be done even sitting at home" for artists.

In the Yurong platform, Chu Xiaoyi talked confidently to his sister: "I'm promoting an activity called learning season recently, so the next step is to practice at home and lead everyone to learn..."

Chu Xiaoxiao heard her brother's explanation. She couldn't help but show curiosity: "what's the study season?"

"Look at my online publicity. It's very clear." Chu Xiaoyi showed his business microblog to his sister to prove that what he said was not false.

Chu Xiaoxiao has a little knowledge of microblog. She has seen people in Chu Xiaoyi's team study these before. It is written on the microblog that Chu Xiaoyi works with multiple platforms to create a learning season, calling on netizens to strive for further study and lifelong learning. It looks quite positive.

Chu Xiao did not doubt that it was false. She immediately put her heart down, but glanced at the comment area and felt puzzled: "Why are there so many question marks below?"

Chu Xiaoxiao sees a series of "???" below. Naturally, she doesn't understand the connection between the learning season and the question mark. Can netizens send question marks in response to the learning season to represent the spirit of seeking knowledge?

Chu Xiaoyi didn't want her to see twitter fans. He immediately took back his mobile phone and said, "these are not what children should see."

On the Internet, fans have been keeping an eye on the trend of stars recently. Once their idol receives a job, fans will show off everywhere with gongs and drums, so as to prove that the cold environment has no impact on their own love beans and that real gold is not afraid of fire.

Chu Xiaoyi's fans are also happy that he has a job, but why do they always feel that their own painting style is not quite right? Others join the crew and go to variety shows. If Chu Xiaoyi changes to study?

-Yiya-: when I saw this one, I thought I should pay attention to the wrong person??

Lvlv: other people are actively reemployed. If you change, you are going ashore? [doge]

Yitang: brother, you can't earn the hard money to study. It's really not good. Let's join the group. You may be more suitable for manual work.

Magic conch doesn't speak: I doubt that learning season wants to sign Xiao Xiao. What link has a problem? [sweating]

Although the fans worked hard to publicize the learning season, they inevitably held a skeptical attitude in private. Anyone felt that Chu Xiaoyi had nothing to do with the learning season, and even began to desperately give advice to the studio in the hope that the team would find better resources for Chu Xiaoyi.

He Xin simply talked to Chu Xiaoyi, the new learning blogger, and suggested, "do you want to try a 30 minute learning live broadcast? If you don't want to show up recently, fans will question my business ability."

He Xin is hard to say. He also wants Chu Xiao to enter the group for filming, but his own artists don't think it's appropriate.

Chu Xiaoyi muttered, "if I suddenly open the learning live broadcast, I can guess the attitude of those fake fans..."

Chu Xiaoyi can already expect the ridicule of the barrage area. Don't think he doesn't know the ridicule of fans about his study. They don't take it seriously at all.

He Xin pondered for a few seconds and said: "... You really want to study abroad, aren't you kidding us?"

Chu Xiaoyi eyebrows a pick: "of course."

"If you want to tell your fans about it sooner or later, you might as well take preventive shots now..." He Xin thought about his words. He stopped trying to say, "I shouldn't say these words, but have you thought about coming back from studying abroad? Although you said that the studio can cultivate new people, how can your own business transition?"

"Xiao Yi, to tell you the truth, stars and actors are very sensitive. You haven't experienced the pain of not working, but maybe you don't want to be strong by then..." He Xin rarely straightened out his attitude and hesitated. "You always follow the team around you now. Someone does anything for you, but if you go out to study abroad, we can't follow. Do you understand this feeling?"

Chu Xiaoyi has always been a bit stubborn. He Xin has never opposed studying abroad, but it doesn't mean he hasn't been thoughtful. He Xin jumped out with Chu Xiaoyi from the old company and watched the artists become more and more popular and the studio team grow stronger and stronger. They simply follow Chu Xiaoyi all day. They spend more time with him than with their family. They naturally know him quite well.

Can Chu Xiaoyi manage his life thoroughly after going abroad? Can he really get the imagined campus life? After he returned home, he was worried about the decline in popularity and poor resources. Could he hold on psychologically at that time?

He Xin didn't say these words, but it doesn't mean he didn't think about it. If he really easily promised the other party to study abroad, he would really have no feelings and hang high.

Chu Xiaoyi smiled bitterly and said, "I understand that I am an ordinary person when I go abroad, and I am no longer a bright star."

He Xin: "it's hard to wash your hands in a golden basin in martial arts novels, not to mention the day you come back from studying abroad."

Chu Xiaoyi fell silent. Of course, he understood He Xin's concerns. Who can guarantee the future?

He Xin whispered, "I think these three months are just an opportunity. If you really can learn the English results of studying abroad application, we must sincerely bless your studies, but if you don't even have the results of applying for ordinary schools, just forget about studying abroad. You have the right to rest in these three months."

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't buy the channel: "are you more cruel to me than my sister? She didn't force me to learn in three months!?"

He Xin smiled and said, "when you first entered the company, you didn't practice hard for three months in the last festival. Sometimes you even sleep in the company. You just entered the circle and fight like that. Now it's normal to fight again?"

"If you can really fight like you did when you were 18, I may be completely relieved and believe that you can start again wherever you are."

He Xin still remembers the scene when he first met Chu Xiaoyi in the company. At that time, the other party was stubborn, stubborn and sharp. His eyes were full of youthful and frivolous vitality. He looked as if he was not afraid. Nothing could knock him down. He is always alone in the practice room. He doesn't eat, drink and have fun with other newcomers. He also wants to succeed and prove himself to others.

He Xin thought at that time that the new man named Chu Xiaoyi would be angry. He gradually took over the other party's affairs and even left with the other party. Chu Xiaoyi's star path is not open all the way. He has also changed his character after many setbacks and experiences, but he Xin always feels that some essential things have not changed, and there is still a fire in each other's heart.

Chu Xiaoyi was stunned when he heard the speech. He seemed to be recalled by He Xin's words and remembered the years when he was full of sweat and fatigue in the practice room. He couldn't help laughing and joked: "you really don't change your nature. You stared at us to practice and now you stare at me to study."

He Xin: "who let this be my job."

Chu Xiaoyi: "OK, I promise you, just look at the results in three months."

Chu Xiaoyi made a resounding promise to He Xin, but when he hung up the call, his attitude changed. After sweeping away the light and wind, he went straight to Chu Xiaoxiao's room and pleaded loudly: "teacher, now I can only ask you to go out of the mountain and save the students' English grades!"

Chu Xiaoyi: I'm kidding. I have to get results in three months, which can only force me to hold the famous teacher's thigh!

Chu Xiaoxiao was doing her summer homework. Now she is stunned at the speech: "!?"

In the teahouse, the brother and sister's summer special training officially began. Chu Xiaoxiao carefully pasted the summer curriculum on the wall and said, "let's follow this."

Chu Xiaoyi looked at the schedule inexplicably familiar and said unexpectedly, "the schedule you and He Xin made seems to..."

Chu Xiaoxiao shook his mobile phone and explained, "we share a lot of information. When I plan my study schedule, I refer to your previous workload."

He Xin asks Chu Xiaoxiao to supervise artists to work well at home. Chu Xiaoxiao is also happy to contribute to the learning season.

"When did you exchange your contact information?" Chu Xiaoyi looked subtle. Looking at the dense schedule, he really had the illusion of dreaming back to the trainee period and forced his respect. "Aren't I afraid you're tired? The time is so full, and it's hard for you to teach me."

Chu Xiao's innocence and innocence: "no, I have fixed working hours. I'll get off work smoothly on time. You don't have to worry about me."

Chu Xiaoxiao: I'm sure I won't work overtime, but I'll give you a pile of homework!

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." do you know how to protect your own rights and interests?

Chu Xiaoyi and Chu Xiaoxiao live a regular life in the summer vacation. They answer questions and exchange English in the morning, have dinner with Xiao Bi who also has the summer vacation at noon, and study by themselves in the afternoon. Chu Xiaoyi watches online classes, Chu Xiaoxiao does his homework, and they have free time in the evening. After dinner, Chu Xiaoyi continued to study or make music, while Chu Xiaoxiao flipped through idle books to expand some extracurricular knowledge.

Chu Xiaoyi wants to regain the sense of struggle he Xin said. He also consciously stays away from Internet news. You know, he didn't have time to surf the Internet before his debut. He doesn't come out in the practice room every day. He gradually adapted to the full and peaceful study life, and he really had a feeling of returning to youth.

They sit and study in the teahouse and have a fixed rest. Chu Xiaoyi stretched out his stiff body. He looked at his sister opposite and suddenly sighed and said with emotion: "it's really like the sprint of the college entrance examination. It's estimated that it's the same when you take the college entrance examination at the age of 18."

Chu Xiao looked at her brother in surprise. She didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Chu Xiaoyi suddenly remembered something. He immediately corrected, "Oh, I'm sorry, you don't seem to be admitted to college at the age of 18. We're different."

Chu Xiaoxiao is going to take an examination of the extraordinary class in middle school in the fourth grade of primary school. Her learning career is obviously different from that of ordinary people. She may have graduated from college at the age of 18.

Chu Xiaoyi thought about it. He suddenly felt sad from his heart and sighed, "God, if you are eighteen, what do I have to look like?"

Chu Xiaoyi didn't realize it before. Now he is thinking very carefully and is terrified about the passing years.

Chu Xiao didn't think about this in the past, but when she thought she was 18, her brother was 38, and she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. She said, "you won't be old."

Chu Xiaoyi joked leisurely: "you won't say I'm three and a half years old again? People will be old, and you'll be old sooner or later. Maybe I'll have white hair."

Chu Xiao was immediately unhappy. She was both wronged and uncomfortable to argue: "just don't get old, you won't get old, I won't get old, and my family won't get old!"

Chu Xiaoxiao doesn't understand the sour mood in her heart. Anyway, she just can't accept that her family will grow old. She simply insists that the people around her will not grow old.

Chu Xiaoyi only regarded her as childish. He was amused by her unreasonable: "nonsense..."

Chu Xiaoxiao said in a loud voice, "I'm not talking nonsense! Because I'm a wizard with magic, I've enchanted everyone in my family, so everyone won't grow old!"

"If you keep learning every day and make new changes and progress every day, whether you are 30, 40, 50 or 60, you are still young. Even if you are older, you can't be counted as getting older!" Chu Xiaoyue said that she was more confident. She was like persuading her brother and herself to cut the railway, "But if you don't make progress every day and your life doesn't change any more, then you are an old man at the age of 18, and the magic will fail!"

"That's right! Getting old doesn't depend on age. As long as my magic is still there, everyone won't get old!" Chu Xiaoxiao successfully explained herself. She expelled a little sour in her heart and said righteously, "grandma can distinguish us. She makes new progress every day, so she doesn't get old!"

Chu Xiaoxiao's attitude is quite stubborn. She finished her words like a fireball, which makes her feel more comfortable. She can't accept the topic of aging. She always feels that it has the color of sadness and separation, but the future life should be shining. Why is it getting worse?

Chu Xiaoyi didn't expect that she would talk a lot like a bird, showing a stunned look for a moment. He watched Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly jump out of her seat, and she ran into the house without knowing what to do, just like a fleeing rabbit.

Chu Xiaoyi hurriedly said, "wait, where are you going? You have to study!?"

A moment later, Chu Xiaoxiao returned to the teahouse with her magic wand. She waved at Chu Xiaoyi with a serious gesture, muttered a string of spells, and said seriously, "I have cast a spell again for you now. This magic is that as long as you feel that you are not old, you will never grow old."

Her eyes were bright and she said, "unless you feel old one day, my magic will not fail for ten thousand years, so from today on, you can't think you're old!"

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