Chu Jiadong was stunned for a few seconds when he heard the speech. He subconsciously glanced at the mobile phone on the table and immediately understood what his eldest son was talking about. He smiled awkwardly, rubbed his hands uneasily, and whispered, "I'll just have a look..."

Chu Jiadong has the habit of turning over Chu Xiaoyi's news. Unexpectedly, he was caught by the leader and was a little overwhelmed.

Chu Xiaoyi was both angry and funny: "what kind of microblog do you go to? I can't see that you are very fashionable. You can find abbreviations?"

Chu Xiaoyi certainly knew that his father was searching for his true meaning. The other party was caring about himself in this way, but he didn't expect that Chu Jiadong would directly search "cxy". Normal people will turn over the star square in the microblog. Basically, only the people in the rice circle understand the mystery and find the sunspot gathering place.

Chu Xiaoyi: it's the old Jianghu. You can find the black powder leader!

Seeing that the eldest son was not furious, Chu Jiadong hurriedly said, "no, no, I'll see the good and bad..."

Chu Xiaoyi advised: "don't read those microblogs in the future. You'll be in a bad mood after reading them."

Chu Jiadong: "no, I have a good attitude. I don't care about those who only curse. If there is a misunderstanding, explain it..."

Chu Xiaoyi cried and laughed: "how can you explain to netizens?"

"Don't worry, I didn't tell you my true identity!" Chu Jiadong vowed, "they don't know you, so they misunderstood you. Of course I have to explain. Believe it or not, it's their business, and it's mine."

Chu Xiaoyi was stunned for a moment. He always thought his father didn't know him at all, but he didn't expect that the other party would say "they don't know you" one day. His heart softened and felt that his father's actions were funny and lovely?

Seeing that the eldest son was still calm, Chu Jiadong said earnestly: "I know you don't want to explain, because you are still young in the circle and always want to make some achievements, you can naturally be recognized. But your efforts need time to be fulfilled. Before that, you should be smooth and exquisite, otherwise you will suffer a lot."

"No matter what you can do, some people only care about your attitude. I've seen many of your interviews. Sometimes you love to be more serious. Being more serious means caring, and caring means losing."

Chu Xiao heard that his speech was like being struck by thunder. He looked at his talking father and suddenly remembered he Xin's suggestions to himself. He Xin said that he "doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back". He is a desperate Saburo at work, but he is always in a mess in interviews, and his communication ability seriously hinders his business ability.

Chu Xiaoyi's acting skills, singing and dancing in the same period are excellent (although that's the case in his sister's eyes), but every time he gets into trouble because of his own gaffe, he is seized of the opportunity and blackened. His own black spots are actually quite limited. His only weakness is his high school education. However, it is not a great crime to catch a large number of stars with low education.

He Xin is a person in the entertainment circle, but Chu Jiadong, as a complete layman, is really surprised to give accurate advice. Chu Xiaoyi was surprised and said, "why do you say that?"

Chu Jiadong said with a smile, "I've had your stage before. After graduating from college, I was assigned to the unit, and then I came up with the cadres in the unit. Others naturally didn't like it. At that time, the old workers couldn't be cadres for many years, but the hairy boy was airborne to become a leader. Who would be comfortable?"

"You can't fight with such people. There are always people who can't climb up and want to drag others into the water. Even if others talk about your moral unworthiness, just laugh off your face. Do what you should do in private, and even retreat occasionally to let future generations judge you."

Chu Jiadong is a person who has experienced many historical points. Their generation had turbulence and prosperity, and their understanding of the world has been restructured many times, which is different from Chu Xiaoyi and Chu Xiaoxiao today. At that time, the old people in the unit looked at Chu Jiadong who graduated from college. They just felt that it was a little boy who became a cadre after two years of study. They didn't look at him at all.

When Chu Jiadong first worked, he really couldn't immediately understand the situation of the unit. Not only were his subordinates older than himself, but they were even more experienced, but they had less education than him. Chu Jiadong can't provoke a veteran, but also ask each other for advice.

Of course, Chu Jiadong soon surpassed these old people. On the surface, he looked honest and had no temper. In fact, he was like a duck swimming. The duck fins rowed desperately under the water, leaving the others behind.

In those days, no one could say whether qualification was important or education was important. Chu Jiadong worked in his unit and resigned to start a company. He took many risks at the time node and faced all kinds of criticism. Of course, he learned valuable blood and tears from it.

Chu Xiaoyi had a wonderful feeling when he listened to his father share his life experience for the first time. He seemed to have never had a good communication with his father, and couldn't help saying, "but they always say a lot of ugly things..."

Chu Xiaoyi can't describe "cyber violence", but can only use more euphemistic words.

Chu Jiadong: "it's normal, because I want to deliberately disgust you. My old unit can't open people up to now. You have to bear it. Look up and don't look down. You're talking online now. We even said it face to face at that time!"

Chu Xiaoyi showed a thoughtful look. He had never heard of his father's difficulties or experiences in the past. Chu Jiadong never shares his troubles with his children. He just runs around quietly to support his family. He is a traditional and typical father. His way of expressing love is very simple. He thinks that making money can make his family live well. He has no concept of communication.

"Of course, you can also listen to some words..." Chu Jiadong hesitated for a long time and whispered, "Xiao Yi, otherwise you'd better go to college."

Chu Jiadong certainly saw the sunspots attacking Chu Xiaoyi's education, which was also his heart knot for a long time.

Chu Xiaoyi's tenderness was smashed by this remark in an instant. He pressed the unhappiness in his heart and didn't want to destroy the harmonious atmosphere. He said in a stuffy voice: "no, it doesn't work for me."

Chu Jiadong was not aware of the change in his eldest son's look and said, "how can it be small? I saw many stars go to the film academy and go on a hot search during the art examination?"

Chu Jiadong doesn't expect his eldest son to have a high degree, but he always feels that he should have college experience, even an art school.

Chu Xiaoyi was a little upset: "I'm a high school freshman. I'm 23 years old. What university do I want to go to?"

Chu Xiaoyi really doesn't understand his father's persistence in academic qualifications. Some child stars like to flaunt themselves with their art test results. Many people rarely take classes after entering school and spend a long time filming outside. In that case, why does he have to get a university diploma?

Chu Xiaoyi can imagine how miserable he will be ridiculed by online sunspots if he re enters the University. It's simply a smile.

Chu Jiadong frowned slightly: "what's the matter with you when you're 23? You're still so young. Some people go to college in their thirties and forties!"

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't sit down. He suddenly stood up and wanted to go back to his room. He said coldly, "I don't take the test. Who likes it?"

Chu Jiadong: "I'm really for you. If you have one..."

Chu Xiaoyi had gone out for a few steps. When he heard this, he was completely blown up. He turned his head and said angrily, "you're not good for me, but you can't get through your face! You always care about it!"

Chu Jiadong was also angry: "who said that!"

Chu Xiaoyi said angrily, "if you were good for me, why didn't you say that? If you were good for me, you wouldn't agree when filling in the college entrance examination? If you were good for me, you would live without discussion..."

Chu Xiaoyi glanced at the surprised little thing in the corner. She took off her headphones in doubt, as if she didn't know what had happened. He took a deep breath and didn't want to leave a psychological shadow on his young sister. He simply swallowed his words back, tried to calm down his chaotic mood, and decided to turn around and leave directly.

Chu Jiadong stopped him and said, "the past is the past, now is the present..."

Chu Xiaoyi sneered: "because you know now that I won't go to the major you choose, just step back and become a degree? Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Chu Jiadong: "I don't mean that!"

When the father and son mentioned the contradiction many years ago, they gradually took a few threads of anger and openly began to choke. Chu Xiaoxiao completely didn't understand the anger of a fool's father and son. She was just watching a foreign language video. The two people who had a good communication made a lot of noise, just like the sworn enemies on the battlefield.

"Don't be noisy -" the little girl's childish voice broke the tense atmosphere, "quiet!"

The father and son calmed down a little. Chu Xiaoyi turned his head and saw that Chu Xiaoxiao was already standing on the sofa. She put her hands on her hips discontentedly. Obviously, she was very angry. She said in a high voice, "if you're in kindergarten like this, you'll be persuaded back by the teacher in two days! If you can't talk well, you'll have a loud voice!"

Chu Xiaoxiao also rarely spoke at such a high volume. She wanted to show a serious and powerful appearance, but standing on the sofa was not as tall as her father and son, but like a serious dwarf. Chu Xiaoyi and Chu Jiadong looked at the angry little glutinous rice group on the sofa. They suddenly lost their temper and became silent together.

In the study, Xiao Bi heard the voice of the dispute. She hurried over and frowned, "what's the matter?"

Chu Xiaoxiao took the lead in complaining and said, "Mom, I also want to buy a big horn and make a loud noise in their ears!"

Chu Xiaoxiao then coughed. She just shouted too loudly. Now her throat is uncomfortable and tears are coming out of her cough. Chu Jiadong was a little flustered. He poured Chu Xiao a cup of warm water and asked her to drink it quickly.

"Xiao Yi, come with me." Xiao Bi called Chu Xiao Yi and ran into Chu Jiadong's eyes. She said faintly, "stay honest with me."

Chu Xiaoxiao and Chu Jiadong stay in the living room, while Chu Xiaoyi follows her mother Xiao Bi to the study. Xiao Bi motioned her eldest son to close the study door and said calmly, "tell me, why did you quarrel just now?"

Chu Xiaoyi hears the familiar prologue, and his memory jumps to childhood. Every time he had an argument with his father, his mother would listen to him alone and want to know what he thought. Xiao Bi sometimes patiently persuades Chu Jiadong and sometimes confronts each other fiercely. Their contradictions and disputes always revolve around Chu Xiaoyi.

Chu Xiaoyi remembers that once after he was beaten, his always gentle and elegant mother threw herself on her father and shouted in a sharp voice, "Chu Jiadong, can't live this day? Can't you live this day?"

She was so angry that her face turned red that she wanted to tear Chu Jiadong to pieces. Since then, Chu Jiadong has never hit Chu Xiaoyi again.

Chu Xiaoyi lowered her eyes and said, "nothing..."

Chu Xiaoyi has always been weak in the face of her mother. In fact, she has never done anything wrong. More often, she is caught between her father and son and is forced to get involved in disputes. There is no contradiction between Xiao Bi and Chu Jiadong living alone, and there is no contradiction between Xiao Bi and Chu Xiaoyi living alone. It happens that the three people keep fighting together.

Xiao Bi said slowly, "I can guess what you're arguing about. If it's a volunteer for the college entrance examination, you said when you left home that as long as we don't care about you, all the old accounts will be settled. I can't care about your father's compensation mentality, but I did what you want."

When Chu Xiaoyi left home, he couldn't wait to escape from his family and yearn for an independent life. Xiao Bi finally agreed and gave her eldest son a deposit, which was his lucky money for many years.

Xiao Bi: "I asked if you would like to repeat it. You rejected me at that time. I really don't know what else I can do for you?"

Chu Xiaoyi lowered a little ashamed and listened to his mother without saying a word. He did say that he would not dwell on the past and take the moment when he left home as a new beginning. It's really boring to turn over the old accounts now.

"If it's Xiao Xiao's business, we didn't discuss it with you in advance. I'm really very sorry." Xiao Bi explained, "I had a physical problem a few years ago, so I went to the hospital for ring removal surgery, but I didn't expect to have Xiao Xiao."

Chu Xiaoyi looked at his mother a little stunned. He didn't even know that she had had an operation. He was more and more ashamed in his heart. He has been deliberately avoiding the news at home, even ignoring his mother's physical condition.

Xiao Bi didn't plan to have a second child. After she gave birth to Chu Xiaoyi, the doctor hinted that she might no longer have children. However, family planning was still advocated at that time, so Xiao Bi had no regrets. She just thought this was life. The arrival of the little daughter may also be a fate. No one expected this to happen, and she was very healthy in the mother.

"At that time, you closed the recording in the program, and we couldn't contact you. There was really no way. Your father didn't want Xiao Xiao. He had completely lost his confidence as a father and always felt that he didn't have the ability to do well..." Xiao Bi paused for a few seconds and said frankly, "I decided to give birth to Xiao Xiao Xiao. I wanted to save your father and myself. I'm really sorry."

Two years before Chu Xiaoyi left home, his family also had a bad time, just like a lifeless ice cave. Chu Jiadong's self-confidence was destroyed overnight. He fell into endless remorse and guilt, and even had no chance to atone. Xiao bi was calm on the surface, but in fact she was on the verge of collapse. She didn't know where to go.

Chu Xiaoyi leaves the house mercilessly, but Xiao Bi and Chu Jiadong are still trapped in the shadow of the past and haven't come out yet. Xiao Bi really couldn't stand the dead life, so she decided to accept the unexpected Chu Xiao. If she doesn't take a turn for the better, she may not be able to hold on. How bad can she be?

Chu Xiaoyi felt sad and bitter at the bottom of her heart and said, "Mom, you don't have to be sorry. I'm sorry for you..."

Chu Xiaoyi was ashamed in front of his mother. He was not qualified to accuse Xiao Bi. She had done everything her mother could do.

When Chu Jiadong was making money outside, Xiao Bi not only had to teach at school, but also went home to do housework and take care of the young Chu Xiaoyi. Regardless of Chu Jiadong's opposition, she listened to her eldest son and sent him to the music interest class. She never criticized Chu Xiaoyi's academic achievements, only told him to know his future choices, and even helped him persuade Chu Jiadong.

What else can Chu Xiaoyi ask her? Ask her to divorce her father?

Chu Xiaoyi is convinced that if he doesn't exist, maybe his parents won't quarrel with each other. He is the starting point of parents' contradiction, the source of parents' aging, and the unstable factor of the family. He didn't have his sister's extraordinary talent or her understanding. He just brought the disaster of dispute to the family.

Children can't choose their parents, and parents can't choose their children. If Chu Xiaoyi is a parent now, does he want a sister like child more? She will not make trouble everywhere. She will always be clever and lovely, and has a brighter future.

Xiao Bi looked at her eldest son in pain. She was also uncomfortable, but she still poured out a trace of resentment: "Xiao Yi, you said your father would only make money and never look back at home, but what are you doing now?"

"Why don't you always want to look back at us?"

Chu Xiaoyi didn't want to go home for five years. Xiao Bi said she didn't care at all. That's impossible. She still doesn't know what she did wrong, so she can come to this step. Chu Jiadong may owe something to her son, but she has really done everything and fell into a complete loss.

She is a mother, but she is also a person and will have her own emotions. She can't wait in place and let herself live for her son forever.

Chu Xiao Yiwen said that if he was slapped in the head, he always wanted to make achievements and prove himself to his parents, but he forgot his past wishes. In fact, he doesn't need his father to earn much money. He just hopes that the other party can go home and have a good communication with himself.

He doesn't like what his father used to do, but now he is copying his father's old way.

The fierce contradiction finally subsided in the study.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't know what his mother and brother had talked about. When they came out of the house, they seemed to be in a sad mood. Chu Xiaoxiao looked at her brother's blue heart. It seemed that she understood the meaning of this color for the first time. It was not only his resistance to her, but actually his resistance to everything in the family.

He has no way to integrate well into his family. He can only resist everything and even resist himself. It was the sad color of the sea. He floated around alone on the sea, but he clumsily didn't know how to land.

The next two days were calm, and adults no longer mentioned the contradictions of that day. Perhaps they wanted to create a good family atmosphere in front of Chu Xiao. Chu Xiaoyi's holiday is finally over. He also wants to go back to work and say goodbye to his parents at home.

Chu Jiadong hesitated for a long time and said, "call home if you have something."

Although Chu Xiaoyi rarely takes the initiative to contact his family, Chu Jiadong will say this every time.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't know how to answer. He finally had to hug his parents to avoid the topic. He looked at the little thing hiding behind his father's leg and smiled helplessly: "don't you show it?"

Chu Xiaoxiao stared at him in silence. Chu Xiaoyi didn't force her to hold her. He smiled and waved goodbye to his family.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at her brother who had left. She suddenly rushed out of the house and provoked her mother's exclamation: "Xiao Xiao!"

In the community, Chu Xiaoxiao caught up with Chu Xiaoyi and said, "will you come back?"

Chu Xiaoyi's current mood is too complex for her to interpret immediately, but she always feels that if she lets him go now, he won't go home again.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't expect her to rush out of the house. He was stunned for a few seconds and said hoarsely, "can I come back?"

This is Chu Xiaoyi's hesitation in recent days. He doesn't know how his existence can help his family. Even his work will be scolded with his family. He occasionally felt that if Chu Xiao had a first child, maybe his parents didn't have to worry at all, and naturally they would have ordinary happiness.

Chu Xiaoxiao was silent for a few seconds. She hung her eyes uneasily and said anxiously, "but you're so stupid. Where can you go?"

Chu Xiaoyi's heart was soft. He suddenly remembered something. He took out a familiar red envelope from his bag and said, "I almost forgot one thing..."

"Your brother actually makes a lot of money outside. He doesn't want you to send a red envelope." Chu Xiaoyi handed the red envelope to Chu Xiaoxiao and said with a smile, "happy Spring Festival."

Chu Xiaoxiao took the red envelope. She found that the money in it suddenly increased, which seemed to be several times the original. She showed a very complicated look and wanted to return it. She said seriously, "don't talk nonsense!"

Chu Xiaoyi looked at the unexpected response: "

Chu Xiaoyi: "... No, I'm not talking nonsense?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "don't boast in vain, will you live a simple life?" she really doesn't know why cheap brother wants face so much. Before leaving home, she has to fight a swollen face and look fat, which reminds her of the other party's purchase of expensive grapes.

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." I tell the truth these days, but nobody believes it?

Chu Xiaoyi angrily stuffed the red envelope into her arms and pushed the suitcase to chase He Xin: "all right, all right, don't be angry with me..."

Seeing that he was leaving, Chu Xiao repeated, "will you come back?"

Her eyes glowed as if waiting for a promise.

Chu Xiaoyi had a hard time answering. He hesitated for a long time and suggested, "if you miss me every day, I can try to get back more?"

Chu Xiaoyi: if my sister is coquettish and has to let herself come back, I can reluctantly agree.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "

Chu Xiaoxiao thought hard, as if measuring the possibility of things. A moment later, she waved goodbye to her brother, never mentioned the plan again, and calmly said, "bye!"

Chu Xiaoyi: "??"


All the heavy parts pass, and then it gets better

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