Liang Shuangqi came suddenly and went in a hurry. One person and one cat left only used glasses and paper cups in the house, and Liang Chen took them home.

When Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi returned, they didn't even know Liang Shuangqi's visit. After having lunch at home, a family of four took medicine and fruit and drove to the community where grandparents lived.

On the bus, Chu Xiaoyi was still terrified and asked, "Mom, are you sure you want to report the ordinary class to Xiao Xiaoyi? There should be no other powerful children in her kindergarten?"

Chu Xiaoyi: what kind of genius attracts physique? Is it true that children also play by stage, and the king matches the king?

Xiao Bi didn't know why, so she replied, "of course it's an ordinary class. The class I told you last time can't apply for the exam until I'm ten years old..."

Chu Xiaoxiao frowned and corrected: "I said that brother Qi Qi met in the counseling class. We just met in the community before, not in a school."

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that his brother had a memory problem. He was like a goldfish. He had already told him the origin of Liang Shuangqi. At that time, he perfunctorily replied, turned his head and forgot the details. She seriously suspected that he had the same problem as his grandmother and was easy to forget things.

Chujiadong said with a smile, "why? Xiao Xiao has made new friends again? It's quite normal. If you take her to the supermarket, she can know others."

Chu Jiadong is not surprised at the children's friendship. The children seem to be unprepared by adults. They can get along well soon when they see their peers, and they don't need special reasons to make friends. The two children may just have a little chat and have a common interest. They can get intimate immediately.

Chu Jiadong drove through the crowded university campus, took a few turns and went downstairs to the family members of the campus. Grandparents are retired professors from universities. Now they go out to travel and visit relatives from time to time. They spend the rest of their lives at home and enjoy their retirement.

Xiao Bi got out of the car. She looked around the newly painted building and said fondly, "I'm surprised she's repainted."

Xiao Bi used to grow up in the yard. The community is full of school teachers and employees. Many of her childhood playmates also worked in the University. The buildings in the yard are quite old, but they are repaired and maintained from time to time, so they still look neat and beautiful.

Chu Jiadong opened the trunk. He took out the gift he had brought and handed it to his eldest son. He told him, "you haven't come for a long time. Carry it upstairs and say hello to your grandparents first."

Chu Xiaoyi touched his nose, hurriedly took the fruit and medicine, and replied with a guilty conscience: "Oh..."

Chu Xiaoyi really hasn't seen his grandparents for a long time, and doesn't know how his parents explain it. He felt more and more that he was like an ignorant mallet in the past five years. He could only be a tool person to pick up things at this time and force the sheep to mend.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the things in his brother's hand. Chu Jiadong rubbed her head: "do Xiao Xiao remember here? I had to hold you last time?"

Chu Xiao is only three and a half years old now. She doesn't have a deep memory of the first two years. Children change every day, and it's different after a little two months. She had few memories of her swaddling clothes, so she could only search hard in her mind and hesitated: "Grandpa seems to have many small pots and bowls and still cook on small plates."

Chu Xiaoyi thought about it in a daze. "Make complaints about Grandpa's tea set," he said.

Grandpa Xiao Jitong is obsessed with tea tasting and has to write two strokes of calligraphy when he has nothing to do. He has the style of an old literati. He has a full set of special tea sets. Every time he makes tea, he has a sense of ceremony, which makes it foggy and overflowing with tea fragrance. Unfortunately, in Chu Xiaoxiao's eyes, he just uses a small table to make hot water - fancy.

A family of four came to the door carrying things, and the photographers followed. Chu Xiaoyi was arranged to take the lead because he didn't show up for too long and had to say something first. He rang the doorbell with a nervous mood. A moment later, he saw grandma Lu Suman's face and hurriedly said, "grandma..."

Before Chu Xiaoyi could finish, grandma Lu Suman had excitedly pressed his hand and enthusiastically hugged him into the house: "ouch, my grandson, our big star finally came back from work..."

Chu Xiaoyi didn't have to explain anything at all. The enthusiastic Lu Suman handed out the steps. She took the family to the house and shouted, "Lao Xiao! Lao Xiao is coming out!"

Grandpa Xiao Ji hurried over with him. The house was filled with a happy atmosphere and looked lively.

Lu Suman is a hearty and warm little old lady. She also didn't miss her greetings to her granddaughter. She touched Chu Xiaoxiao's small face of glutinous rice and asked, "Xiao Xiao, do you remember grandma? Do you remember grandma?"

Chu Xiaoxiao faced her grandmother's extreme love. She didn't dare to move. The chicken pecked the rice and said, "remember..."

Xiao Bi came in and changed her shoes. She asked, "Mom, when did you come back from my brother?"

"Just two weeks ago!" grandma Lu Suman found the black camera squatting in the corner and was too busy to pull each other up. She was surprised. "Young man, what are you doing squatting? Why are you sitting in a chair?"

Xiao Bi and others informed the program recording in advance, but it was obvious that grandma was not clear about the process. Lu Suman felt that the cameras were also visiting guests and could not squat in the corner.

"Grandma, it's someone else's job. You have to do this..." Chu Xiaoyi explained awkwardly. "In fact, you can't see the camera."

Lu Suman: "what job doesn't allow you to sit? Besides, how can people so big be invisible?"

The black cameras also didn't expect that the old lady was so warm-hearted that they had to force them to sit down and there was no way to refuse. Finally, Lu Suman finally stepped back and found small stools for the cameras, allowing them to sit in the corner without forcing them to sit at the same table with a family of six.

Chu Xiao saw that the chaos had finally subsided. She sat in her small chair and commented, "grandma has an occupational disease. She arranged everyone clearly."

Chu Xiaoxiao: Photography uncles are like kindergarten children. Let them sit down and take a nap. There can be no resistance.

Grandpa Xiao Jitong was making tea. When he heard this, he couldn't help laughing and praised: "Xiao Xiao is right. You should not allow grandma to arrange. Grandma will turn against you!"

As soon as Lu Suman had finished arranging the cameras, she suddenly turned around and asked, "Lao Xiao, what are you talking about? Did you call me?"

Xiao Ji lowered her head in a hurry and said angrily, "Hey, no..."

Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bixian greet Xiao Jitong's body. When Lu Suman sits back at the tea table, the topic center changes instantly. Lu Suman said brightly, "Xiao Yi, should you find a girlfriend? You are 23 years old this year?"

Chu Xiaoyi just swallowed a mouthful of hot tea. He almost choked out. He quickly declined and said, "grandma, I still want to be busy with my work first, and when I have a successful career..."

Lu Suman clapped his hands and said, "don't you have a successful career now? You didn't get married right away. First talk to your girlfriend for two years!"

Xiao Bi said, "Mom, Xiao Yi is still young..."

Lu Suman disagreed: "where are you still young? Xiao Yi has worked for several years. Now the times are different. If we were married and had children in our times, you would have Xiao Yi now?"

"..." Chu Xiaoyi felt suffocated. He suddenly felt that it was good not to go home in the first five years to avoid countless similar accountability.

Chu Xiaoxiao said, "grandma, my brother's condition is too poor to find a girlfriend."

Chu Xiaoyi felt that his sister was so cute for the first time. He couldn't help echoing: "yes, grandma, I have no room, no car, no education, and no one can see me..."

When Lu Suman heard the speech, she immediately showed a sad look. As soon as she grasped Chu Xiaoyi's hand, she said plausibly: "don't belittle yourself. My grandson is handsome and excellent. He is still a great star. How can no one see it? No one can compare with my grandson..."

Grandpa Xiao Ji accosted, "so Xiao Xiao will find a big star in the future?"

Lu Suman was furious: "fart! Xiao Xiao can't find actors. He has to be a teacher or a civil servant!"

Chu Xiao blinked. She always felt something was wrong. She looked strange and said, "grandma, your statement is so contradictory. It's completely two standards..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "... That's called double standard."

As a well-known double standard grandmother in China, Lu Suman's grandson Chu Xiaoyi is very good in her eyes. He is a big star attracting much attention. She can't wait for the fairy in the sky to match him. However, if chuxiao, his granddaughter, gets mixed up with the stars in the entertainment industry, Lu Suman will instantly be furious and upset. He feels that the other party is good for nothing except his face and doesn't deserve his granddaughter!

Even if Chu Xiaoxiao is only three and a half years old now, she still has a long time to talk about friends, and Lu Suman can think very far.

——Grandma is the type of old lady I am most afraid of. She always thinks that if you don't listen to her, she can unscrew your spirit cap.

——Chu Xiaoyi: grandma, in fact, I'm the actor in your mouth.

——Too bad, too bad, cxy in the eyes of the family is completely unable to find a wife's bad image, the family is simply black [OK]

Chu Xiaoyi can hardly sit and stand at the tea table. No one can shut up the matchmaking old lady, let alone her grandmother. Xiao bigang started with a few words of advice, but now she can't hold her mother down at all. Chu Jiadong and Xiao Ji, as male comrades outside the situation, tacitly shut up for fear of being shot innocently.

Fortunately, Chu Xiao resolved the impasse in time. She looked down at the tea in the small cup, showed a distressed look, and whispered, "it's a little bitter..."

Grandpa Xiao Ji made good tea with good mellow aroma. However, the child's taste is quite simple. It's not sweet or good to drink.

Xiao Jitong patiently explained: "Xiao Xiao, this is good tea. You should taste it carefully on the tip of your tongue..."

"Taste you big head ghost!" Lu Suman was distracted by his granddaughter's words and suggested, "grandma, will you add milk, honey and some diced fruit?"

Chu Xiao's eyes lit up when she heard the speech. She immediately nodded and looked forward to it.

Xiao Jitong frowned disapprovingly and muttered, "tea Saint Lu Yu once said that your way of tasting tea is like water in a ditch..."

Lu Suman: "shut up."

Xiao Jitong: "

Regardless of whether others were drinking or not, Lu Suman poured out the amount of tea needed for milk tea with a pot, which made Xiao Jitong regret to pat his legs and sigh: "you can soak it in the back. It tastes best at this time. You have to add milk to her!"

In Xiao Jitong's opinion, adding messy things to tea will destroy the original good taste and become a sweet drink.

Lu Suman raised his chin and said proudly, "what I want is the best, otherwise it's not rare to make milk tea for my granddaughter!"

Xiao Jitong: "

Before long, Chu Xiaoxiao got her grandmother's milk tea. She took a sip of the ditch water her grandfather said and sighed comfortably. She was only short of "really fragrant". If you ignore grandpa's sad eyes, it's really a pleasant tea time.

After tea time, Xiao Ji had to practice calligraphy as a routine. He spread out pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table to attract Chu Xiaoxiao's attention in an instant. On the other side, the remaining four people were looking through the photo album. Lu Suman also introduced excitedly: "Xiao Yi, this is when your father first came home..."

In the yellowing photos, Chu Jiadong is still Wenjun's boy, but his smile is a little naive. He and Xiao Bi stand on the same sides of Xiao Ji, looking quite harmonious.

Chu Jiadong showed an embarrassed smile: "this was a long time ago."

Lu Suman: "you two were not well at that time. You came to eat at home. It happened that you wanted to take pictures downstairs."

Chu Xiaoyi looked at the photo strangely, looked at Chu Jiadong again, and said, "Dad, you were very handsome when you were young?"

Chu Jiadong patted his belly and said, "Hey, it's also very handsome now..."

Xiao Bi smiled and pushed her husband: "I dare say."

Chu Xiaoyi turned over the old photos of his grandmother's house. He felt more and more magical. The parents in the photos were about the same age as himself. They were still young and energetic. He used to have only the memory of his parents when they were parents, but he saw the side of his parents when they were children at his grandmother's house.

They will also travel in fashionable and beautiful clothes of that era, walk and study in the sunny university campus, and have unique and moving youth memories. They don't have to go out every day to make money and work, and they won't go home. They have to deal with endless housework and chores. They live in the same brilliance and delicacy.

"Xiao Yi was born at this time. Your grandmother and I took you to Tiananmen to take photos." Lu Suman looked nostalgic. "Now she doesn't remember me. Jane was great in those days."

Chu Xiaoyi looks at the smiling grandmother and grandmother in the photo, as well as the ignorant young self. It's hard to avoid feeling a little. Chu Xiaoxiao may not have seen his sober grandmother, but he still remembers his neat and energetic grandmother and the good memories of the old man when he took him.

Brother and sister integrate into the family at different time points. They also have their own gains and losses. They can't tell whether they have or miss in their respective time.

Chu Xiaoyi turned to the end of the album and suggested, "take Xiao Xiao to take photos another day? Here's a picture of her?"

Lu Suman: "there are, but they are all in the mobile phone. I don't know how to do it?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "but there is no family photo?" of course, this also has his problem. Where does he get the family photo if he doesn't go home.

Chu Jiadong: "yes, pick another day to shoot!"

Lu Suman: "Xiao Yi should hurry up to get married and have children. At that time, she will be living together for four generations. How lively the photos are!"

Chu Xiaoyi stared in surprise and dared not set the channel: "... Grandma, how can we talk about this topic again?"

Chu Xiaoyi was really about to collapse. He felt that the old man's hint was pervasive and caught him off guard. Even if he explained to his grandmother that his job was not suitable for love and marriage, the old man disdained it and took it seriously.

Lu Suman: "what work still cares about this? Are you an underground party?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." he really has to be as cautious as the underground party in terms of emotion.

——Grandma echoed from beginning to end, grasping the first essence of urging marriage!

——A family of four, Xiao Yi is the ugliest.

——Mom and Dad were very good-looking when they were young. In fact, mom is also good-looking now, but there are few lenses.

——When a single dog cxy is loved by his parents and forced to marry, he will cry when he hears it and be sad when he sees it?

Chu Xiaoyi was really afraid of his grandmother. He quickly found an excuse to get away and said he wanted to see his grandfather and Chu Xiaoxiao. Grandpa Xiao Jitong was practicing calligraphy with Chu Xiao. He prepared his brush and ink and invited his granddaughter to write.

Chu Xiao is not tall enough now. She stands on the chair, with a small hand supporting the table and a small hand holding the brush, just like a stretching kitten, looking up to write brush words seriously.

Chu Xiaoyi saw her little hand holding a pen trembling and drawing a crooked cross on the paper, like an ugly caterpillar. For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Xiao Ji praised in a loud voice: "OK! We Xiao Xiao's horizontal work has the style of contemporary Wang Xizhi! It's really well written!"

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." I'm afraid it's not Wang Xizhi who leaps over the level to touch porcelain? Can't hold the coffin of the master?

Chu Xiaoyi thinks that grandpa is a professor in the Department of literature. Why does the other party close his eyes and blow like a pink head in a rice circle, irresponsibly blowing rainbow farts at his sister.


I apologize for grandma's "actor" remarks. This is a very inappropriate statement, but it is indeed the original words of the old people around me. Yes, even for the elderly who have received higher education, the brand left on them is different due to different times. As the real material, it will not be changed.

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