Chu Xiaoyi thinks that her sister is just a little cuttlefish. She usually looks soft and pollution-free. She spits black water at the critical moment, which is impossible to prevent. Children may be born to do little bad things, but good children should exercise more restraint, and bad children should let go at will.

Chu Xiaoyi is not promising. When he was a child, he secretly watched TV and played computer games. He lied that the school needed to buy teaching aids and fooled a little pocket money. He hasn't reached Chu Xiaoxiao's coffee place yet. He can't help feeling that his sister is very generous to herself at home. If she really wants to fuck him, it's easy to play a wave at will.

Since Chu Xiao is a generous child, others are no longer afraid to talk to her. Everyone watched the clip of "generations of our family". The guests wanted to put forward their views on the affairs of other families. They had a heated discussion for a moment, and it was inevitable that they would also ask Chu Xiao.

"Xiao Xiao, do you know that you are now a life teacher? Many people say you are a little philosopher?"

Chu Xiaoxiao left many "Xiaoyan and Xiaoyu" in our generations, such as the famous sentence "I didn't give you face, you won it by strength", and she fought with her grandmother at the top of the table, and the children fought the old lady. Her witty remarks at home naturally impressed the audience.

Chu Xiaoxiao turned to her brother. She asked suspiciously, "what is a life mentor?"

Chu Xiaoyi never let her get in touch with the praise on the Internet. At this time, she can only explain helplessly: "it is your words that point out the maze for others and make their life better..."

The host joked, "Xiao Xiao, do you want to give us some life guidance on the spot?"

Everyone began to tease Chu Xiaoxiao. In fact, adults said some golden sentences in chicken soup without any response. Only children's ignorant and unintentional words would poke people in the middle. This is the reason why countless netizens pushed her as a "little life mentor".

Chu Xiaoyi doesn't like such praise very much. He has been in the entertainment industry for so long. Naturally, he knows that the higher he wins, the harder he falls. Chu Xiaoxiao is still young, and others have a high tolerance for her. When she grows up, she will pay for her previous words and be caught.

Chu Xiaoyi could not interrupt at this time, but Chu Xiaoxiao was at a loss. She asked inexplicably, "if your life can be guided by me, is it still your life?"

Chu Xiaoxiao is only three and a half years old this year. Although her language talent is very high, there are still many words she can't understand, such as the word "life". This is a very special term. In Chinese, "life" and "life" are different, but in English they are combined into "life". It is like a hazy veil, which is incomprehensible.

In Chu Xiao's eyes, life is like money in a wallet. Everyone spends money in different ways, and there is no saying that she spends money for others. She can't spend money in other people's wallets, let alone guide others' lives.

She shook her head and said sincerely, "if I can guide others' life, that life belongs to me and no longer belongs to you."

Chu Xiaoyuan didn't understand the meaning of "life mentor", but now she thinks the teacher is useless. She can't teach serious things. They are all unreliable.

They just wanted to tease the children, but they were surprised that she answered seriously. Chu Xiaoyi breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the speech. As long as Chu Xiaoxiao didn't leave life suggestions, her words would not be criticized in the future. It can be regarded as nothing to worry about.

There are a large number of guests in the studio. In addition, they have to watch program clips. There are not many speaking parts for each turn. At the end of the recording, the host finally asked all the audience's doubts and said curiously, "Xiao Xiao, why do you know so many foreign languages? We all think you are smart?"

On the Internet, many people are debating whether Chu Xiaoxiao is a child prodigy. The child prodigy school quotes scriptures and rummages around for information and videos. They want to do academic papers for extraordinary children. The non child prodigy school calls friends and crazy examples of their nieces, nieces and friends' children. They firmly believe that Chu Xiaoxiao is a little smart.

Chu Xiaoyi's heart tightened for fear that his sister would be broken. The host's question seemed to hit Chu Xiao's heart, making her straighten up in an instant.

Chu Xiao proudly forked his waist and said proudly, "I'm not smart, but I work hard!"

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." have you heard what people say?

Chu Xiaoyi really wants to crazily shake her sister's shoulder and let her have a clear understanding of herself. Don't talk nonsense to ordinary people and deceive the unsuspecting audience. However, as his own brother, he was unable to reveal the truth and felt extremely oppressed for a moment.

Host: "but many parents think Xiao Xiao's foreign language ability is great. They also want their children to learn language. What direction should they work in?"

Chu Xiaoxiao puzzled, "since they like foreign languages, why don't they learn them by themselves? It's not very troublesome for children to learn them?"

Chu Xiaoxiao can guide others to learn a foreign language, but she can't guide others how to train children to learn a foreign language. The former is foreign language knowledge and the latter is educational knowledge. The difference is a little big. Chu Xiao really doesn't understand the thinking logic of adults. She hasn't experienced the expectation of looking forward to her son and daughter. Of course, she doesn't understand the mentality of some parents.

Host: "..." isn't this something parents can't learn?

Others were amused by her words and couldn't help saying, "listen, listen! Xiao Xiao is right. Learn your own foreign language. Don't force the children!"

The host immediately cried and laughed and said, "well, parents and friends with ardent expectations, you can immediately report to the class and learn. Xiao Xiao suggested that you listen, speak and practice more, and don't oppress the children."

The recording in the studio came to an end, and Chu Xiaoxiao also took a group photo with Yang Chang. Of course, Chu Xiaoyi and Yang Chang's grandfather were also in the photo. Chu Xiaoxiao didn't mean to make an enemy of Yang Chang. She was a child until the end. She was neither at the mercy of others nor persecuted more. She behaved fairly.

Chu Xiaoxiao just put the facts on the table, and others will comment on the later things. Chu Xiaoyi saw that Yang Chang was still taking a picture with his sister. She felt that the other party didn't see through the essence of Chu Xiaoxiao's Sesame dumplings. Her appearance was white and tender dumplings, but her filling was the color of black sesame.

When others saw that Chu Xiaoyi didn't refuse to take a group photo, they also asked to take a group photo with her. Of course, they also took Chu Xiaoyi. Chu Xiaoyi seldom took pictures with artists who recorded programs with him before. He was always a business loner. He suddenly felt embarrassed to take graduation photos.

The host gradually understood Chu Xiaoyi's character and joked: "Xiao Xiao, are you tired with your brother?"

Chu Xiao nodded seriously. She sighed deeply like a little adult: "yes, very tired, but who makes him my brother."

Chu Xiaoxiao: my own brother, you have to fly with a hard head!

Seeing that she dared to promise, Chu Xiaoyi was so angry that he wanted to rub her head and said angrily, "I'm very tired..."

Chu Xiaoyi: I'm staring at my sister's program today. My mentality is about to collapse!

When others saw that their brothers and sisters began to hate each other again, they immediately laughed and said goodbye happily in the studio.

In the nanny car, Chu Xiaoxiao has collapsed on the child safety chair. She consumes today's business capacity and can't open her eyes half asleep.

Before Chu Xiaoyi could get on the bus, He Xin stretched out his hand to help Chu Xiaoxiao tie up his seat belt and said with a smile, "Xiao Xiao, otherwise you can do public relations for your brother. I think his career will improve in a year."

He Xin is very pleased today. He feels that Chu Xiaoyi takes photos and chats with others every time he records. It is estimated that his character will gradually improve. Chu Xiaoyi was hurt too deeply in his debut program and avoided his insiders like snakes and scorpions. He can only play in the familiar crew, but this is not a long-term plan.

Chu Xiaoxiao said tired: "no, his work is so boring. I don't want to come anymore..."

Chu Xiaoxiao experienced the recording in the studio and immediately had no interest in the entertainment industry. Although everyone was bright and beautiful in front of the camera, the long waiting and recording made people tired physically and mentally. They had to speak to people they didn't understand, which often left her out of her head.

He Xin: "let your brother give you a salary. Today's reward should be given to you."

Chu Xiao muttered, "forget it, he's so poor. Uncle, you can give him more money."

Chu Xiaoyi still remembers that Chu Xiaoyi's salary will be exploited by He Xin and the company. Although she has a very cold attitude towards her brother, she privately hopes that he can be promoted and raised.

He Xin: "

He Xin: "he gave me money, not me?"

He Xin knew that he had been discredited by Chu Xiaoyi and portrayed as an unforgivable bad man. Naturally, he was full of fog.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "isn't my brother managed by the company? His salary is not opened by the company?"

He Xin hesitated: "... Xiao Xiao, we have set up a studio for a long time. Even if there is a company, he opened it?"

He Xin did work with Chu Xiaoyi before. He was later dug out by the other party and set up a studio with Chu Xiaoyi. At that time, Chu Xiaoyi had a hard time with his old boss. It was a miracle that he could bring He Xin out. Everyone thought he wanted to paste.

If Chu Xiaoyi didn't have a personal studio, how could he release himself and speak freely, which had long been photographed by the brokerage company. He now has many job gangs on the Internet. It is also because he is engaged in a studio and lacks the capital support of large companies behind the scenes. He is exposed to all kinds of explosion-proof by the company, which is a common problem of small free workshops.

He Xin didn't unify his caliber with Chu Xiaoyi. Naturally, he didn't know the other party's behavior of cheating children. Instead, he touched his nose and said fondly: "you remind me of my past. The studio has been nearly two years..."

Chu Xiaoxiao woke up in an instant when she heard the speech. She subtly felt a little wrong and said vigilantly, "how much can my brother earn?"

He Xin: "the environment is different every year. It's hard to say..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "how much has he earned recently?"

He Xin: "recently? Recently, it's the endorsement just signed last week... What are you doing about this?"

Chu Xiao immediately showed her curious baby's eyes. She begged softly: "I want to know."

He Xin's face hesitated. He was stared at by Chu Xiao's bright little eyes. In an instant, he no longer had the power to refuse. Chu Xiaoxiao asked for advice in various ways and finally defeated He Xin. He was willing to disclose a little.

He Xinwei: "I'll give you a number, and you'll take it as if I didn't say it, okay?"

According to the truth, He Xin can't disclose the artist's income to others, but he is in front of the artist's sister, and Chu Xiaoyi feels that protecting her sister is more important than protecting herself. He Xin is now in a dilemma. He feels it's not good to offend either side. Doing wrong is the end of beheading. Chu Xiaoxiao didn't have a deep concept of money, so He Xin decided to fool the past with his hands.

He Xin quickly compared the numbers and stressed, "Xiao Xiao can't tell others."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "one thousand yuan?"

As soon as He Xin's eyes floated, he said vaguely: "... Say less zeros." he didn't tell me how many zeros there were.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "!?"

According to Chu Xiaoxiao's understanding of Chinese, she speculates that she must not only say one zero less, two zeros less is 100000 yuan, three zeros less is 1 million yuan, four zeros less... She doesn't dare to think of four zeros less. It's just a endorsement. She thinks her cheap brother doesn't deserve it!

After Chu Xiaoxiao learned the truth, her state of mind collapsed a little and felt deeply deceived.

Chu Xiaoxiao: how much it hurts my young heart!?

After Chu Xiaoyi returned to the car, he saw the little thing with tight lips and silent. He immediately raised an ominous premonition and looked suspiciously at the co pilot: "He Xin, what did you tell her?"

Chu Xiaoyi: Why did she look at me with the eyes of class enemies?


Update a little later tomorrow, not necessarily at 12:00~

Some small partners in the comment area may not understand. He Xin gestures "1000" according to the habit in the circle, suggesting that it is 1000 (10000), but Xiao Xiao thinks he means 1000 yuan, and then He Xin says she says less than a few zeros_ (: з」 ∠)_

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