Chu Xiaoyi eats with his face. He always goes all the way in front of the opposite sex. Unexpectedly, one day he will ask for nothing in the hands of his sister. The little girl can't hide her emotions on her face. Although she behaves very vaguely, she still shows a faint impatience. She obviously doesn't want to communicate too much with Chu Xiaoyi.

Chu Xiaoyi: Oh, roar, is this going to bring down the horse?

Chu Xiaoyi was not angry at the rejection of his cheap sister. Instead, he thought this was the normal reaction. It was hard to have a good face for anyone who jumped out of thin air. Chu Xiao Xiao Qima is different from He Xin. She obviously doesn't adapt to the existence of her new brother, and there is resistance all over her.

Both sides are like forest beasts fighting for the lead. The battle is imminent!

Chu Xiaoyi accidentally put his hot face on his cold ass and lost unexpectedly in the first battle. He immediately changed his tactics and observed his sister in an all-round way. The so-called know yourself and know the enemy and win every battle. Since his sister has no sense of the goodwill he first released, he will naturally fight back.

At dinner, the people prepared quite rich dishes for Chu Xiaoyi, who came home, and put the table full. Xiao BiWen said in a voice, "try it quickly. Don't you like pork with plum dishes best?"

Chu Xiaoyi tasted a chopstick and immediately praised it: "it's delicious."

Xiao Bi: "that's good. Your father is not busy in vain."

Chu Xiaoyi was surprised: "did my father burn it?"

Chu Xiaoyi didn't expect that his father would cook. He showed an expression of disbelief and looked at the Chu family building sitting directly opposite.

The little uncle smiled and said, "he cooked all the dishes!"

Chu Xiaoyi's heart is no less than stormy waves. He knows that his father's character is gradually getting better, but he really didn't expect Chu Jiadong to go on the road of family husband, which is very different from what he said in his childhood.

Chu Jiadong did not dare to meet his eldest son's eyes. He bowed his head embarrassed and replied vaguely: "eat vegetables, eat vegetables..."

Grandma Chu Zhen slowly scooped rice with a spoon, but her eyes stuck tightly to Chu Xiaoyi opposite, and suddenly said, "Xiao -"

Chu Xiaoyi used to live with his grandmother for a long time. He subconsciously replied, "Alas, grandma."

The old lady tilted her head and looked at Chu Xiaoyi. Then she grinned. Her smile infected the whole table and made everyone happy.

"Mom smiled. Alas, you recognize Xiao Yi, don't you?"

"She still remembers people and her grandson..."

The table was filled with a hilarious atmosphere, but Chu Xiaoyi noticed the silence of the little thing opposite. She ate quietly and cleverly, her long eyelashes drooped slightly, and seemed indifferent to the surrounding atmosphere. Chu Xiaoxiao neither cried nor showed unhappiness. She seemed to live in her own world, like a reserved and silent doll.

Chu Xiaoyi originally wanted to fight back against her pig barking theory, but at this time, he was inexplicably soft hearted and had no intention to quarrel with her again. He knows that he has been wandering outside for many years, and once he comes home, his parents will pay too much attention to him. After all, Chu Xiaoyi hasn't come back for a long time. He will leave soon after the Spring Festival. It can be said that the gathering is one day less.

Chu Xiaoyi is really not interested in his cheap sister, but he is the person who understands Chu Xiaoxiao's mentality most. Who makes them fear for their parents' love and have the same worry about gain and loss. In the final analysis, he felt that she separated her parents' love, and she also felt that he separated her parents' love.

Chu Xiaoyi saw that the little thing had not been involved. He simply took a green vegetable in front of chopsticks, stretched his arm and handed it to the other party's bowl, saying, "Xiao Xiao, eat more green vegetables."

Chu Jiadong was about to agree. He was stunned when he saw the dishes brought by Chu Xiaoyi. Chu Xiaoyi likes fried lily with celery, but Chu Xiaoxiao is quite disgusted with celery. Chu Jiadong specially placed this dish in front of his eldest son, which was just the farthest from his youngest daughter. Unexpectedly, he came out thousands of miles to deliver the dish.

Chu Xiaoxiao silently looked at the celery in the bowl. She suspected that her brother was deliberately framed and chose the dishes she hated most.

Chu Xiaoyi was kind enough to do bad things. He didn't expect to brush off his sister's favor at one stroke, which made a worse impression in Chu Xiaoyi's heart.

Seeing Chu Xiao motionless, Chu Jiadong neither wanted to embarrass his eldest son nor let his little daughter suffer alive. For a moment, he was in a dilemma and secretly said, "otherwise, dad will help you eat it?"

Chu Xiaoxiao ignores her father's whisper. She eats the celery one by one, showing the momentum of biting off the spoon, which makes Chu Jiadong quite uneasy.

Chu Xiaoxiao swallowed the annoying vegetables in a few mouthfuls. She slowly put down her spoon and said in a soft voice, "my brother seems to have a cough. Let's boil him a side medicine with my uncle's milk."

My brother-in-law's milk was suddenly named and immediately said with concern: "really? Does Xiao Yi have a sore throat?"

Chu Xiaoyi was a little confused for a moment. He was really ill, but it was harmless for a long time. He didn't know how to see it. He quickly stopped and said, "it's all right. It's just a common cold. I've already taken medicine."

Brother-in-law's milk: "I'll boil you a side medicine. It's really hard work..."

Xiao Bi said with a smile, "the medicine boiled with my uncle's milk is very useful and nourishing."

Chu Xiaoyi: "no, no, no, I don't drink traditional Chinese Medicine..."

Brother-in-law's milk: "it's not traditional Chinese medicine. You should make up the soup. I'll cook it for you later!"

Chu Xiao saw that the plan worked. She wanted to raise the tail of the little devil and show a shallow look of pride.

Chu Jiadong didn't notice his little daughter's expression. Instead, he gently touched her head and praised: "Xiao Xiao cares about his brother's body."

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." then I really thank her and ask her to care less.

After dinner, Chu Xiaoyi looked at the black tonic soup made by his brother-in-law's milk. He smelled the strong taste of medicinal materials, revealing a complex and exclusive look.

Seeing him holding the bowl rigidly, my brother-in-law carefully said, "Xiao Yi, don't you like it?"

"No, no, just a little hot..." Chu Xiaoyi certainly didn't like the soup, but he couldn't refuse the old man's kindness. My uncle's milk is now in her sixties. She worked hard for a long time. He said he had to drink everything.

Chu Xiaoyi had a hard time drinking the soup. He didn't dare to let the soup stay in his mouth. He poured it down in one breath, and his back was sweating.

True, special, Yao, bitter.

Chu Jiadong applauded and taught Chu Xiaoxiao: "Xiao Xiao, you see how hard my brother can bear. It's not like you have to toss around for a long time every time you drink soup."

Chu Xiaoxiao clapped his little hand and said, "well, my brother is really powerful. It's good to drink more."

My brother-in-law's milk smiled and blossomed: "then I'll cook some more tomorrow?"

Chu Xiaoyi was too bitter to speak. When he heard the speech, he waved his hand again and again to stop the considerate old man.

After the miserable meal, others began to clean up the dishes and chopsticks on the table, leaving only brother and sister floating around in the living room.

Chu Xiaoyi completely saw through the little thing's hostility to himself and said bluntly, "you did it on purpose? Where did I offend you?"

Chu Xiaoyi touched his nose. After drinking the medicine soup, he was really effective. His blocked nose began to breathe. However, considering the bad taste of the soup, he will never try again. Although Chu Xiaoyi had all kinds of discontent in his heart, he vowed that he had character. At least he didn't vent his anger and retaliate on the child, let alone his own sister.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't bother to mention that he forced herself to eat celery. She was looking down at the iPad, smelling the speech, glanced up at him, and looked at Chu Xiaoyi carefully again.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't know what she was looking at. He subconsciously touched his face and asked, "what's the matter?"

"You are so hypocritical." Chu Xiaoxiao looked at his gray blue heart. She slowly took back her sight and said with great boredom, "obviously I hate you, but I have to pretend."

This is the most intolerable thing of Chu Xiaoyi. Because of her special ability, no one can deceive her at will, so Chu Xiaoyi is particularly clumsy.

Chu Xiaoyi was stunned. He didn't expect that the perception of small things was so strong that he could clearly understand the emotions of adults and use the word "hypocrisy". He didn't know Chu Xiaoxiao's ability. He just thought it was a child's intuition and was speechless for a moment. He could not accuse Chu Xiao, because she was right and her disgust was reasonable.

Since he doesn't like her, how can she like him?

Chu Xiaoyi looked at the straight little girl. His tight string slowly loosened and no longer maintained the appearance of polite sunshine in front of his elders. After he came home, he was also under great pressure. His family tried their best to entertain him warmly. They observed his eyes in everything, but made him feel like a visiting guest and dare not relax at all.

Chu Xiaoyi: it's all about going home for the new year with a business attitude.

Chu Xiaoyi was punctured by Chu Xiaoxiao on the spot. He simply sat down next to her and said, "what are you looking at? Looking at the pig again?"

Chu Xiaoxiao is now the only one who knows his true feelings. He immediately stops pretending and speaks casually.

Chu Xiao saw that he suddenly came together, and immediately moved to the corner with vigilance and disgust, holding his beloved iPad tightly. She looked up and down at Chu Xiaoyi, and a trace of confusion appeared on her face. She found that the other party's emotional color brightened a little?

Chu Xiaoyi's heart is now dark blue, but there is no misty gray, it seems a little clear.

Chu Xiaoxiao: this man is so strange. Are you happy to be scolded?

Chu Xiao really didn't understand each other's brain circuits and muttered, "don't you care."

Chu Xiaoyi turned a blind eye to the little thing's cold face. He pointed to the pig on the picture and asked, "is this page?"

Chuxiaoxiao: "this is George."

Chu Xiaoyi was angry with her: "what's the difference? Aren't they all pigs?"

Chu Xiaoxiao silently gave an example: "your name is Chu Xiaoyi, and my name is Chu Xiaoxiao. Don't we also differ from each other?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "Oh, your vocabulary is rich enough. Who is heaven and who is earth?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "you are heaven, you are earth."

Before Chu Xiaoyi could react, Chu Xiaoyi turned his eyes impolitely and said solemnly, "I'm a normal human being. Don't pull me if you want to be heaven and earth."

"..." Chu Xiaoyi looked at her vivid little expression and always felt that "refuse to bind" was written on her face, which was both angry and funny for a moment.

Chu Xiaoyi: I'm afraid this little man has become a Jing?

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