Chu Xiaoxiao felt that his brother was really awkward. His shame was always used in strange places. He always said some inexplicable words, but he hesitated and couldn't open his mouth during practice. The children in the kindergarten dare to read aloud and even shout at the top of their voice occasionally, but Chu Xiaoyi seems to become mute and can't pry open his mouth.

After half of the oral class, Chu Xiaoxiao finally let two older students rest and began to enrich his research materials. She scribbled on the paper to add content to Chu Xiaoyi's student file and add a "strange sense of shame".

She recently set up a file for her brother, and planned to observe and analyze each other as carefully as when studying cat language, and analyze him as a typical case. There are also some basic features written in the front of the file, such as laziness, being good at making excuses, lack of concentration, etc.

Chu Xiaoyi looked around while drinking with a water cup. He wondered, "what's the head of this ugly man?"

A villain is painted in the upper right corner of Chu Xiaoxiao's student file. That's Chu Xiaoyi painted with watercolor as a student's file ID photo. When she saw her brother coming, she immediately picked up the information vigilantly and said, "don't peek."

Chu Xiaoyi only thought she was painting and muttered, "I'm too lazy to see. You're so ugly."

Chu Xiaoyi feels that her sister's paintings are completely abstract art. No wonder she always wants others to help draw and copy newspapers. Her painting skills are obviously not good.

Chu Xiaoxiao said rigorously, "this is realism." she was not angry with her brother's words. Anyway, he slandered himself. She just drew Chu Xiaoyi truthfully.

Chu Xiaoxiao secretly stares at Chu Xiaoyi on guard for fear that he will swing around again and peek at his files. She thought for a moment and simply began to describe it in English words. It was easier than writing in Chinese. She didn't believe that the other party could understand it.

Chu Xiaoyi saw that she was like guarding against thieves. He immediately gave a childish hiss to show that he was not interested. He paced to his brother-in-law's milk and communicated with his classmates when he had time.

My brother-in-law's milk was apologetic and worried: "Xiao Yi, am I disturbing your study? I'm learning slowly. Is it holding you back..."

My brother-in-law's milk is an old man without any culture. She thinks Chu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoyi are better than herself. They have been exposed to English long ago. Only they have no foundation at all. Of course, she didn't know that Chu Xiaoyi was just shy. She was embarrassed to speak English to her elders and mistakenly thought that she was interfering with his progress.

Chu Xiaoyi hurriedly said, "no, no, you're doing well!"

Chu Xiaoyi was ashamed. He felt that his brother-in-law's milk was no worse than himself. He didn't expect the other party to be so modest.

My brother-in-law whispered, "really? I thought you thought it was slow to learn with me, so you wanted to learn separately."

My brother-in-law Nai vaguely knows that Chu Xiaoyi is serious about learning oral English. She learns English one by one. The two are different.

Chu Xiaoyi was most afraid of the old man's emotion card and said, "no, it's good to learn so!"

Chu Xiaoyi didn't dare to mention the division of classes again. Facing his inspirational brother-in-law's milk, he immediately felt like a mallet, and couldn't help but wonder: "brother-in-law's milk, why do you suddenly want to learn English?"

Uncle milk: "in fact, it's not sudden, but I didn't have the opportunity to learn before..."

My brother-in-law has always wanted to learn a foreign language. In the past, people who could speak Russian or English deserve respect. This is a very powerful thing. However, she didn't have the opportunity to study in her childhood. Now she is old and it's difficult to find a suitable counseling class. Fortunately, Chu Xiaoxiao likes to be a little teacher.

Chu Xiaoxiao's teaching method has the characteristics of children, that is, he is bold and, casually speaking, not for the purpose of taking the exam, but for output. She is interested in language by imitating cartoons. She outputs 500 words when she has 500 words. Even the younger brother-in-law with low educational level has no difficulty in listening to her courses. She teaches with children's thinking, which is different from the training institutions.

Chu Xiaoyi was stimulated by his brother-in-law's milk. In the second half of the class, he became brazen and began to talk nonsense. At the beginning, he was not very fluent, so he jumped out words carelessly, and couldn't even string up sentences. Chu Xiao had no opinion.

If he couldn't even jump out the words, Chu Xiao said directly, "it's OK to use his hands."

Chu Xiaoyi always feels that his sister's teaching method is quite unreliable, but if he raises an objection, she will say that it is "body language", which is one of the most common languages in the world.

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." OK, what you say is what you say.

It has to be said that Chu Xiaoyi's way of thinking has indeed changed under today's powerful assault. Now he sees that lunch noodles are "eat noodles". Although all the low-level words pop out of his head, English words obviously beat Chinese words and become his first reaction.

Chu Xiaoxiao is like a little director who commands everywhere. He also arranges a lot of life scenes for Chu Xiaoyi and his brother-in-law's milk, as if he is playing a family game, such as Chu Xiaoyi shopping in the store, his brother-in-law's milk ordering in the restaurant, and so on.

Chu Xiaoyi now understands his uncle's refusal to learn a foreign language. It's not just mental work, but also physical work.

The time of Sunday soon disappeared. Chu Xiaoyi was too lazy to open his mouth on his way home for fear of accidentally speaking a foreign language. Chu Xiaoxiao held her iPad well. She asked quite seriously, "do you want to continue to report after you have experienced the oral listening class?"

Chu Xiaoyi was quite surprised: "so I can quit halfway?" he knew his sister's character very well. Unexpectedly, she could give him a chance to quit.

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded: "you are different from my brother-in-law's milk. You can also choose an outside English class. If you don't trust my ability, it's time to go out and report to the class."

Chu Xiao just began to resist the professor's brother. She found that his thinking was very different from her own in the daily newspaper. She was really not sure. My brother-in-law's milk is a very obedient student. He can do whatever he is asked to do, but Chu Xiaoyi is too jumping and noisy. He has to question the teacher if he has nothing to do. He often shows distrust of the teacher.

Chu Xiaoxiao has never met such students, which belongs to the blind spot of her teaching career and is definitely a great challenge.

Chu Xiaoyi always had a crazy fight with his sister. He was very angry. At this time, he said dryly: "... Your service attitude is very good?"

Chu Xiaoyi was a little embarrassed when he asked him abnormally instead of stabbing his heart and mending his knife. Now think about it, it was he who bothered little things to teach oral English. It's really unreasonable to point out her courses. In fact, she doesn't care about it.

Chu Xiaoxiao handed him a form, which was a course satisfaction table drawn with a watercolor pen, and said, "you can reflect your opinions on it and decide whether to continue learning."

Crooked, you can't make complaints about Chu's style, he can't help speaking out of Tucao, and take the pen in her hand, and set five stars for her teaching, and then return the form. "Well, you've taught very well, and I'll continue to learn."

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded knowingly. She took back her questionnaire and secretly added an "emotional encouraging" to Chu Xiaoyi's student file. According to her current observation, Chu Xiaoyi is easily inspired by emotion. He has no feeling for criticism. It seems that he should teach students according to their aptitude in the future.

Chu Xiaoxiao perfected the file, and she righteously extended her hand to him: "OK, please pay the following course fees first. The audition is over."

Chu Xiaoyi: "

Chu Xiaoyi: "... You don't seem to have said anything about paying?"

Chu Xiao blinked: "do you still need to say this?"

Chu Xiaoyi looked at her face and said, "do you want to default? Of course you have to pay for class. You actually want to take overlord class". He couldn't cry and laugh properly: "OK, how much do you want? I'll be slaughtered by you. You can make a direct offer!"

Chu Xiaoyi: at least it's an intensive class for supernormal children. It's not a loss for you. It's money.

Chu Xiaoyi is confident and confident. As a flow student with strong gold absorption ability, he can't even afford his sister's oral English class. Chu Xiaoxiao has the ability to ask for tens of millions. It's not that he can't afford it!

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't make an offer immediately. She took out the 100 yuan bill with blue watercolor strokes and said solemnly, "please pay in this currency."

Chu Xiaoyi fixed her eyes and immediately recognized the familiar banknotes. He saw that she took out her family's toy coins and collapsed and said, "I don't have this kind of money!"

Chu Xiaoyi: I thought I was rich, but I fell on it again and couldn't take out toy coins!

Chu Xiaomen said, "then write an IOU. When I need someone to work, you can come and help me."

Chu Xiaoxiao has begun to plan to ask her brother to help her brush her raincoat, draw hand newspaper, complete strange manual homework, etc. since her brother asked her to work, she also wants her brother to work.

Chu Xiaoyi was both angry and funny. He couldn't help but expose him and said: "... Have you planned for a long time?" he shouldn't underestimate his sister's intelligence. Now it's no use for her to take RMB. Sure enough, she came up with a way that is more beneficial to her.

Chu Xiaoxiao created "Xiao coins" in his family to circulate as money and harvest others freely. Chu Xiaoyi can't earn Xiao coins now. He can only be forced to sign an IOU, accept the unequal treaty, and deeply realize that whoever dominates the monetary system is strong enough.

Chu Xiaoyi usually doesn't feel so much about watching so many international news. He is awakened by his sister at home and feels the pain. He suddenly feels that the country's economic development is very important, so he can have a voice in the world.

Because Chu Xiaoyi guessed that she would have to sell a lot of labor in the future, she simply began to squeeze Chu Xiaoxiao and desperately asked her, "tell me about this, I don't understand."

Chu Xiaoyi: at least you have to pay a painful price. How can you get back to this.

Chu Xiaoxiao was not afraid of his questions. She was afraid that he would not learn. She noticed the change of his brother's attitude and secretly added a "money" to the student file. Cheap brother is still easily stimulated by money. Once he pays expensive tuition fees, he immediately ignites his ambition not to waste.

Of course, Chu Xiaoyi didn't find her small movements. He didn't know that he had become a large observed animal, and his every move was recorded.

Chu Xiaoxiao's two-week assault class soon ended. Chu Xiaoyi didn't know what he had learned, so he got on the plane and went abroad at a loss. In the cabin, He Xin looked at Chu Xiaoyi who was knitting a manual knot and wondered, "what are you doing?"

He Xin didn't expect that his artists still have a hobby of making handicrafts, which doesn't match his character?

Chu Xiaoyi: "I'm working." he has to work to pay off his debts.

He Xin: "what kind of wind is this?

Chu Xiaoyi has no confidence in his oral ability. He still has translators in his team. At the same time, he ran out to do experiments as soon as he checked in an overseas hotel. He wore a mask and hat, went shopping alone in foreign convenience stores, ordered food in restaurants, and even chatted with the street boss for more than ten minutes. No one questioned his oral English!

Chu Xiaoyi was once poor in words when chatting with the old man. He even began to dance, and the other party could understand!

"I can speak English, but someone can understand it. I don't think anyone can understand it!" Chu Xiaoyi, as an English mute for many years, excitedly went back to the hotel to make a video for his sister, with an unspeakable excitement. He didn't expect others to understand. It's an incredible thing.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't quite understand his excitement and whispered: "... I'm also a person. I can understand what you say at home."

Chu Xiaoyi: "it's different. I didn't expect foreigners to understand my spoken English!"

Chu Xiaoxiao questioned: "but haven't you written English songs?" since he has so little confidence in his English, why did he write English lyrics at the beginning?

Chu Xiao said frankly, "that's an English song written for the Chinese people."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "; what is this leisurely language?

Chu Xiaoyi is still immersed in joy. He thought it was a little fun to learn English with his sister. Now it seems that the practical effect is far better than that of similar courses, and there is nothing wrong with "body language". Chu Xiaoxiao only reacts when his reflection arc is too long and people arrive overseas. She can only congratulate him several times.

Chu Xiaoxiao hung up the video without soul. He thought the matter could stop. Unexpectedly, he received a video from his brother in the evening. There was time difference between the two. Chu Xiaoyi was about to meet someone. He was worried again: "what should I do? I woke up and had no confidence. Suddenly I felt I couldn't do it!"

Chu Xiaoyi's mood was in bursts. Occasionally, he was full of self-confidence and guilty. He completely forgot Professor Chu Xiaoyi's things. When he had just finished the experiment, he was ecstatic. Now he slept and lost his mind. He suddenly calmed down.

Facing the nervous students who were going to the examination room, Chu Xiaoxiao imitated the tone of the TV series and said helplessly, "as a teacher, there is only one last move to teach you. Learn another sentence from me."

Chu Xiaoyi is now in a hurry to seek medical treatment. He is not easy to expose his true feelings to others. He can only be full of hope for his sister: "teacher, speak quickly!"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "'could you speak Chinese ', that's the last move." she doesn't know what else to teach. It's really not good. Her brother asks the other party to speak Chinese. She really can't control his self-confidence and on-the-spot play.

Chu Xiaoyi: "what's this called?

Chu Xiaoxiao cut off the video after saying that. She had spent all her money to help in a limited time, but Chu Xiaoyi always had to bite the bullet when her master led her into the door and practiced in person. She can teach him oral English, but emotion control is another course.

Chu Xiaoyi saw that Chu Xiaoxiao's black screen collapsed in an instant, and her words were very toxic. She immediately brainwashed his mind and lingered all the way. On the set, Chu Xiaoyi closely followed He Xin into the house. He didn't show a penny on his face. His actual heartbeat was about to burst, and he completely lost his ability of language organization.

Before the audition, everyone shook hands and greeted warmly. The director and producer were all foreigners. Everyone talked to each other in a friendly way. Chu Xiaoyi was too tight. When he shook hands with the producer, he just wanted to say hello, but his mouth was cold and said, "could you speak Chinese?"

The producer looked at Chu Xiaoyi with confused eyes. Chu Xiaoyi pretended to be calm and looked at the producer. The atmosphere was quiet and subtle for a moment.

For a moment, Chu Xiaoyi wanted to buy a ticket and escape home. Chu Xiaoxiao said a spell. He was absolutely controlled by her magic! It's completely obsessive!

A moment later, the blonde producer exclaimed, "yes."

He smiled friendly, shook hands with Chu Xiaoyi and said, "I can."

Chu Xiaoyi: "!?"

Chu Xiaoyi successfully got the role after the audition. The producer said he appreciated Chu Xiaoyi's character. He always thought that Chinese actors were introverted and quiet, but Chu Xiaoyi seemed to have his own special aura, which made people feel calm and relaxed.

The producer said that the first time he met someone who asked him to speak Chinese, in fact, he held back this big move for a long time, but he never had a chance to play it. He thinks Chu Xiaoyi is quite suitable for this role. The other party has similarities with the character to some extent.

It has to be said that Chu Xiaoyi finally won the victory through the combination technique "Yi style loading force + Xiao style spell".

The good news that Chu Xiaoyi got the role was sent back to China, which also made the family very happy. He planned to celebrate after he returned.

Chu Xiaoxiao was also happy for the rebellious. She sat on the sofa and continued to improve the student files. She thought that her initial judgment on her brother was indeed right. It seems that her innovative plan in teaching is OK. This is a successful case of teaching students according to their aptitude.

Chu Xiaoxiao: brother cheap really has a talent for being cheeky and talking nonsense.

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