Chu Xiaoxiao once suspected that cheap brother deliberately punished her. He didn't intend to let her earn the money. Otherwise, how could he say such words? He just wants to see her disappointed and defeated, but she will never easily admit defeat!

This is a graphic mathematical problem that needs reasoning. Different numbers are marked around each graph. It is necessary to summarize the law, calculate what numbers each graph represents, and then fill in new numbers in the space through calculation. Although the calculation is very simple, which is basically the kindergarten level, it is difficult to summarize the graphic law.

Chu Xiaoxiao maintained the professional quality of the little teacher and said, "look, there are triangles and circles here, and there are triangles and circles here. Are the numbers next to them regular?"

Chu Xiao Yili said, "what law?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "don't ask me right away. You have to think for yourself first."

Chu Xiao said frankly, "I can't see any regularity."

Chu Xiaoxiao was silent for a moment. She simply changed her way and said patiently: "let's look at the square first. The number next to the square is 24, but the number next to the circle is 5. At present, we don't know the relationship between the square and the circle, but we can list several situations..."

Chu Xiaoyi looked at the abstract graphics and listened to his sister's orderly explanation. Somehow, his brain was dizzy and couldn't grasp the key point at all. He felt that he was too difficult. He didn't have to take the exam for the extraordinary class in primary school. Why did he come to learn math problems?

Chu Xiaoyi: I really lift a stone and hit myself in the foot. It's torture each other.

Chu Xiaoxiao was so thirsty that he looked eagerly at his brother: "do you understand?"

Chu Xiaoyi nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "I see! I'll give you money!" he wanted to get rid of it quickly.

Chu Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief. She changed the number on the figure with a pen and said, "OK, now calculate it again and show me."

Chu Xiaoyi didn't think she was so serious. His sister really had a sense of responsibility. He choked at the new question changed. This time, he didn't even have a ready-made answer. Chu Xiaoyi held the pen and looked at the title. He couldn't help falling into a long silence, like a statue.

Chu Xiaoxiao saw Chu Xiaoyi motionless for several minutes. She hesitated and patted him. She was surprised and said, "are you under all the petrified spells?"

She found that her brother still didn't respond. She simply lifted her wand and said in a high voice, "finish incartatem!"

Chu Xiaoyi finally had a little reaction. He looked innocently at his sister, showed a business fake smile and said dryly, "well... In fact, I don't seem to understand."

"..." Chu Xiao was stunned for a moment. After experiencing the pupil earthquake, she was suspicious, "... Did you mean it? You just don't want me to earn Xiao coins."

Chu Xiaoxiao: I knew you were not kind!

Chu Xiaoyi was very embarrassed: "really not, or I'll give you the money directly?"

Chu Xiaoxiao was silent for a few seconds. She took a deep breath and said solemnly, "sorry, please wait a moment."

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't help but look puzzled when he saw her running out

A moment later, Chu Xiaoxiao's cry came from the yard. She couldn't lose her temper in front of the students. She had to jump out of the door and scream, "ah, ah --"

Chu Xiaoyi was guilty when he listened in the room. He felt that he had really made a fool of himself. He would not only torture his sister, but also destroy himself. He clearly just wanted to deceive his sister to do questions. Why did he come to the point of common pain?

Chu Xiaoxiao has been enjoying the wind and water all the time. She finally fell down on her brother, and her teacher's ideal has repeatedly been strangled in the cradle by him. Fortunately, she was not a child who gave up on herself and gave up halfway. After a short time of recovering her mood, she refreshed herself and decided to go back to meet the challenge!

Chu Xiaoyi saw her return and said anxiously, "are you okay?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "I'm fine."

Chu Xiaoyi carefully tried, "what emotions can you rush at me?"

Chu Xiaoxiao said seriously, "the teacher will not vent his emotions on the students. Let's continue to look at this problem."

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." you'd better vent your emotions on me. I really don't want to see this problem.

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that her brother was a monster devouring time. She wanted to teach him a math problem at the cost of being familiar with the problem. She had to tell him in the simplest and straightforward way, breaking it up and crushing it, and wanted to put it in his mouth like a meal, so that he could learn.

Chu Xiaoxiao will never hesitate to see similar questions. She will see through them all day and feel that she won't love again. Chu Xiaoyi learned this problem ten times hard, and she taught him it took a hundred times hard.

Chu Xiaoyi finally solved the answer alone. He couldn't help crying and said excitedly, "I've done it! I've done it!"

Chu Xiaoyi: with my own efforts, I finally took a step closer to genius.

Chu Xiaoxiao got Xiao coins for teaching. As a child who has not yet entered the society, she sighed with her soul for the first time: "it's hard to make money."

Chu Xiaoxiao: it's hard for people to live. How can they be so tired?

Although Chu Xiaoyi was badly beaten in guiding his sister to do questions, he felt it was necessary for her to stick to it. It didn't matter that he made some sacrifices in order to make Chu Xiaoxiao enter primary school smoothly. Fortunately, Chu Xiaoyi does teach and master one problem. As long as she can teach Chu Xiaoyi, she will basically brush the proficiency of this problem.

Chu Xiaoxiao was not stupid. She felt that teaching her brother to do questions was delicious and bad. She immediately proposed to raise the price, and the lion said, "it takes a lot of time to teach you, and my class fee must rise."

Chu Xiaoyi questioned: "wait, but your expenses have gone too far. How can you turn up ten times?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "inflation, Grandpa said that a dime could buy a lot of things. What do you think we can buy for a dime now?"

Chu Xiaoyi nodded and said happily, "OK, I accept your course price increase."

Chu Xiaoxiao was stunned. She felt that it was not like her brother's usual attitude. She had to know that she could harvest all his Xiao coins after the price rise.

Chu Xiaoyi's chicken thief was dying. He stretched out his wrist and shook. A Golden Snitch Necklace dangled in front of Chu Xiaoxiao, making her sit up. He sighed and said seriously, "no way, I can't afford classes. It seems that the price of new materials has to rise again."

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't expect him to be so cunning. She didn't dare to channel: "how can you have materials!"

Chu Xiaoyi showed a wily smile and said treacherously, "how can you finish the strategic reserve resources in one wave? Since inflation, new materials should be turned up ten times."

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at him with a confused face. She couldn't help asking her soul: "... Why can't you give some of your intelligence in this field to mathematics?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: if you're better at math, I don't need to raise the price!

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." pierce your heart, old sister.

Chu Xiaoyi really can't understand Chu Xiaoyi. Although his mathematics is terrible, turning numbers into money is another thing. It's a completely different difference. Chu Xiaoyi's math problems were a mess, but he actually began to study discounts, saving money and luxury tax rebates, which was immediately clear!

Chu Xiaoxiao was completely confused. What kind of creature is an adult with a copper smell? They are like a mixture of contradictions, making people unable to understand their brain circuits.

Chu Xiaoyi coughed twice and tried to win respect. He forcibly changed the topic: "Chu Xiaoxiao, are you sure you want to fight a trade war with me? If you announce inflation, our ious will no longer be worth money."

Chu Xiaoyi spent very little money on learning English. Now Chu Xiaoxiao says that the overall rise in prices means that he can easily pay off his debts, and Chu Xiaoxiao's containment means continue to become less.

Chu Xiaoxiao thought about it and finally gave up the price rise. Now she must first keep the dominant position of Xiaoxiao coin. If she changes and adjusts rashly, Xiaoxiao coin will have a credit crisis and may be replaced by the new currency. If Chu Xiaoyi returns to barter or establishes a new monetary system, it will be bad for her.

Chu Xiao asked the way: "well, let's discuss the time fee after class again."

Chu Xiaoxiao finally made a new adjustment, and the class fee remained unchanged, but Chu Xiaoyi could buy math courses only if she helped her wash her raincoat. She now wants to use "Xiao coins + labor" to resist risks. It's not safe for her brother to pay Xiao coins. He still has to work.

Make complaints about how long her little brain is, Chu Xiaoyi can't help but Tucao: "I think you are quite suitable for selling luxury goods, and learn to place goods learned without teacher."

Luxury stores will require guests to buy a pile of messy silk scarves and sunglasses, and then sell the most popular things. They are not qualified to buy without distribution. Chu Xiaoyi fights with her sister every day and finds that she is really a clever ghost. She says one thing after another.

Of course, for their respective economic development, the two sides still make some concessions and finally reach negotiations.

Although Chu Xiao's teaching career has been frustrated many times, she has also encountered many happy things. The potato seedlings in the yard are full of sunshine and drizzle, and finally bear a string of fruits to usher in a bumper harvest. Yang Yin takes Chu Xiaoxiao and Liang Shuangqi to dig out the potatoes and rearrange the opened land.

Chu Xiao said strangely, "brother Qi Qi, do you want to write a composition today?"

Liang Shuangqi showed helplessness: "no, the teacher said I was more suitable for writing novels than writing compositions."

After Liang Shuangqi handed in his summer vacation composition, he didn't have anything to do. On the contrary, Liang Chen was called. The Chinese teacher seriously discussed with Liang's father and hoped that the other party could give guidance to Liang Shuangqi's Chinese at home. Fortunately, Liang Shuangqi began to write proposition compositions in the new semester. He didn't have to make them up like he did in the summer vacation, saving a lot of brain cells.

Yang Yin divided the potatoes and looked at Liang Shuangqi: "do you want to take some home?"

The potatoes were planted at Chu Xiaoxiao's house, so she didn't have to carry them. Yang Yin often harvests potatoes in the countryside. She doesn't have the excitement of her brothers and sisters. Naturally, she doesn't plan to take the potatoes back.

Liang Shuangqi thought for a moment and suggested, "let's take them with us on the day of class and eat them together!"

Chu Xiaoxiao and Yang Yin had no opinion on his suggestion. Yang Yin did not dig all the potatoes. She took part of the results and decided to cook them on the day of class and take them to the training institution.

A few days later, Chu Xiaoxiao and Liang Shuangqi ate new potatoes at noon. Yang Yin washed and cut the potatoes they planted into pieces and made them into delicious food similar to potato horn. The appearance is a little crispy, but the interior is soft, waxy and delicious. She heated it a little in the microwave and then brought it out to share. The potato chips are delicious just dipped in salt.

The three were happily eating in the tea room, but a small head suddenly appeared behind the door. Chen Guangsu looked furtively behind the door.

Yang Yin saw the familiar little boy and said tentatively, "do you want to eat?"

Chen Guangshu often wandered back and forth during the three people's meals, which made Yang Yin and Liang Shuangqi familiar with him. At least he cheated on eating and drinking so many times. Yang Yin's food is delicious. After eating bean paste cakes, Chen Guangsu never forgets it. If he has nothing to do, he will come and peek. It happens that Yang Yin always brings more.

Yang Yin uses a disposable paper cup to give Chen Guang some potato horn, sprinkles salt for him, and hands it to the other party. Chen Guangsu took the paper cup with satisfaction. He seemed to hum a few words, but people couldn't hear the content clearly. Then he ran away.

Liang Shuangqi said discontentedly, "he came to eat and drink again without even saying thank you."

Yang Yin said gently, "he should have said it?" after all, Chen Guangsu was twisting for a long time, as if he were muttering something.

Liang Shuangqi: "where did he say thank you? Anyway, I didn't understand what he was saying. Xiao Xiao mastered so many languages. Did you understand what language he spoke?"

Liang Shuangqi is a civilized and polite child. He always feels that Chen Guangsu is bullying his big sister with a good temper. Obviously, neither he nor Chu Xiaoxiao will do so. The other party obviously doesn't care about Yang Yin.

Chu Xiao was eating potato horn slowly. Unexpectedly, the ball kicked at her feet in an instant. She said blankly and frankly, "I'm sorry, I wasn't listening just now..."

Chu Xiao was very embarrassed. She threw herself into eating. She didn't notice Chen Guangsu's arrival at all. Naturally, she couldn't answer. When she is happy, she is very focused. She patronizes and pulls the potato horn in her lunch box. She is completely out of the chat environment and can't keep up with the rhythm.

Yang Yin couldn't cry and smile: "anyway, it's just a small thing, and he's Xiao Xiao's classmate. It's no harm to give him."

Yang Yin always shares food with her brother and sister, so she doesn't care about Chen Guangsu's words and deeds. She thinks it's just a small matter.

Liang Shuangqi: "but it's no good. We make him fat, but we can't roast him and eat him."

Liang Shuangqi thinks that watering potatoes can at least eat potatoes. Feeding potatoes to Chen Guangsu is really useless. It's a loss making business at all.

Yang Yin had a hard time answering, but Chu Xiaoxiao finally reacted. She joined the topic discussion and said seriously, "it's good."

Liang Shuangqi: "what are the benefits?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "baked potatoes can stop him from crying suddenly."

Chu Xiaoxiao thinks that Chen Guangsu is better than Chu Xiaoyi. Chen Guangsu can use food to shut him up. Chu Xiaoyi can't even block his food. He can make a noise on the sofa, thunder and don't rain for a long time.

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