Cheap brother usually teases himself with a face full of beating. Chu Xiaoxiao will feel quite upset, but she can't bear to see him depressed at this time. Her feelings with her brother are so complex that they don't like each other, but they don't want each other to fall down.

Chu Xiaoxiao flustered and shook his fingers. He wanted to cheer him up. He whispered: "don't do this. You can act well and sing on TV. Everyone is proud of you!"

Chu Xiaoyi said low, "it's useless for our mother..."

Chu Xiao saw that her brother was going to belittle herself again. She covered her brother's mouth with one hand, hugged his head tightly with the other hand, and cut off the railway: "no! Mom is also very happy!"

Chu Xiaoyi was still depressed. Now she suddenly hugged her head and felt suffocation instead of autism: "

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that his brother was like a stranded fish. He seemed to be dying on the shore, but she couldn't move him back into the water. She had to pour water on him desperately to continue her life.

Chu Xiaoxiao used to praise his brother only in the daily newspaper, but now rainbow fart is like a surging river: "you're still so good-looking, mom will be happy to see you..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: please forgive my exaggeration. It's more important to save my brother first.

Chu Xiaoyi moved away her small hand covering her mouth. His face showed uncertainty. The urn voice urn airway: "... Really?"

Chu Xiaoxiao was racking her brains. She said dryly: "yes, you still go abroad to film, insist on learning and reading, and often come home. Mom is very happy!"

Chu Xiaoyi's body relaxed slightly. He said lazily, "it's really nice to say. How much more praise?"

Chu Xiaoxiao heard this. She mistakenly thought that her brother was rejuvenated. She began to speak freely and advance with an inch. Just about to turn her face and punch him, she looked up and found that he was still not in high mood, but just forced to make fun of him mentally. Her little fists were half out, but she couldn't take them back, and her little face looked confused and disappointed.

Chu Xiaoyi was ready to be beaten. He didn't expect his sister to take back her hand again. For a moment, he was a little stunned: "what's the matter?"

Chu Xiaoxiao found for the first time that her brother was an actor. She was almost deceived by his acting skills. She really thought he had perked up. She has a small plug-in to sense emotions, and she doesn't understand the reason why he forced to activate the atmosphere. She simply hugged his head and comforted him, saying: "snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring

She doesn't know how to make people happy immediately. She can only smooth the hair carefully for her cheap brother like a cat. Maybe it can help him alleviate some?

Chu Xiaoyi noticed that she was careful, and her heart was helpless and sour for a moment. He didn't want to pass on his bad mood to his sister. He just wanted to pretend to be free. He wanted her to turn over this article twice, but he didn't expect her to be so sensitive to other people's emotions.

Chu Xiaoxiao is like a small animal. If you deliberately provoke her at ordinary times, she will ignore you and scoff at you. However, if she finds you sad, depressed and depressed, she will rub around you worried, for fear that you will be autistic for a long time.

Chu Xiaoyi felt that it was not good for her to ask her sister for emotional value. She was still an ignorant child and had no reason to coax him every day. However, she was a little too clever. He thought he was good enough to deceive her.

Chu Xiaoxiao pressed his brother's head and smoothed his hair for a long time. She whispered, "if you're really uncomfortable, or cry out and try?"

Chu Xiaoxiao doesn't understand Chu Xiaoyi's depression. She only knows that his chest is full of sour emotions. Maybe if he releases that feeling, he will feel relaxed and regain his strength.

Chu Xiaoyi said, "men don't cry."

"Boys are also human beings, and human beings will cry." Chu Xiao retorted with wide eyes. She thought about her brother's attitude of saving face and said with relief, "it's like sand falling into a shell. The shell hurts and tears, but when it is opened, it will reveal pearls..."

"You are hiding in the shell, and no one is watching what you do. It's good to open the shell!" Chu Xiaoxiao shook the quilt, and she felt that the quilt was his shell, blocking the external line of sight.

Chu Xiaoxiao looks at her brother's emotional color and gives advice. Although the tears in reality are transparent, she always feels that the tears are blue. Maybe Chu Xiaoyi burst into tears and the emotional color will improve. Relying on her poor art knowledge, she wanted to paint on the drawing board of emotional color in an attempt to turn her brother into a warm color.

Chu Xiaoyi asked, "aren't you human?"

Chu Xiaoxiao paused for a few seconds. She remembered her existence and hesitated: "if you need it, I can leave here..."

"Are you going to cry? Then I'm leaving? I'm really out?" Chu Xiaoxiao looked back at her brother in the quilt step by step. She didn't know whether to leave him here or not, but his tone showed the meaning of seeing off.

Chu Xiao hesitantly curled up at the corner of the quilt and finally left the quilt to his brother alone. She whirled around the bed anxiously and listened to the movement inside, but she didn't hear any crying. Because the quilt blocked Chu Xiaoyi tightly, she couldn't even see his emotional color, let alone when he could recover.

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't cry. He just didn't want his sister to accompany him to lose. She didn't do anything wrong. This is a problem left over from before she was born. It should be solved by him alone. It's really not her fault.

Chu Xiaoyi returned to normal after coming out of the quilt, but he was completely confused. She suddenly dared not mention the souvenir book again, for fear of causing her cheap brother to wither and shut down, and forcing him into a dark corner.

However, mother Xiao Bi's birthday gift still needs to be prepared. Publisher Chu Xiaoxiao immediately made a bold decision. She came to help her brother cheap complete the production of the first volume!

Chu Xiaoyi's schedule is very busy. He can come back one day to hold meetings and do handicrafts. It's all by squeezing He Xin out of his time. He said today that he couldn't make a souvenir book. Then there will be ghosts when he is free in the next few days. It's estimated that he can't count on it.

Chu Xiao made a quick decision and decided to write a book for his brother. Since he couldn't write happy memories, she would write happy memories of his brother and mother. Of course, as a rigorous writer, she also made a special trip to the "happy memory library of my brother and mother" to consult literature, and planned to start writing after careful material selection.

Chu Xiaoxiao asked his father to pick him up and return to his home in the old city under the banner of visiting his grandmother and others. On the way, she asked curiously, "did mom, dad and brother live here before?"

"Yes, your brother went to school nearby when he was a child." Chu Jiadong thought about it. He thought that there was no little daughter in that memory, and added, "Xiao Xiao can come often after primary school. Anyway, they are all there."

Chu Xiao jumped into his home in the old city and immediately excitedly wanted to find happy memories of his brother and mother, but he got nothing for a long time. The house area in the old urban area is not large. Chu Xiaoyi's former room is now occupied by his little uncle. The curriculum and star stickers when he was studying are still pasted on the wall, and there is a super old calendar hanging next to him, showing a deep sense of the times.

Chu Jiadong talked with his grandmother and brother-in-law in the living room. He didn't notice his daughter's little movements. He just thought she was playing at home.

The little uncle came into the house. He looked at Chu Xiaoxiao, who was inquiring around, and wondered, "what does Xiao Xiao want?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "where is my brother's past?" she knows nothing about her brother's past. Of course, she wants to find some historical materials to study (?).

Little uncle: "it should be in the storeroom. What are you looking for? Do you want to ask Xiao Yi?"

My uncle opened the storeroom and let Chu Xiao look for materials. However, she only found yellowing exercise books, old guitars and old clothes, as well as a pile of messy bits and pieces. Her archaeological trip was not very smooth. Indeed, her blind search was a mess. She really couldn't extract happy memories.

"Xiao Xiao, don't make trouble with your uncle. We'll have dinner later." Chu Jiadong heard an old man and a young man tinkling in the storeroom for a long time. He shouted to stop his little daughter's treasure hunting behavior and went to the kitchen to help his uncle.

Chu Xiaoxiao got nothing. She couldn't help sighing, looked at the blank memorial book in front of her, and lay on the table without soul. She looked around tired and suddenly found that grandma on the sofa was confused and distracted from Fang Zheng. She didn't know what she was thinking.

Grandma can't hear her voice now and often can't speak. She won't have long to sleep. She has been half asleep and half awake, just like an unconscious baby in swaddling clothes. Her eyes have been a little cloudy, but her eyes are confused and naive. She always lives quietly in her own world.

"Grandma! Grandma!" Chu Xiaoxiao didn't want to give up. She waved her hand desperately in an attempt to attract the old lady's attention. "I want to be a souvenir book for my brother and mother. Does grandma have any material?"

The old lady was attracted by Chu Xiaoxiao's little hand. She slowly looked at the little girl and looked at each other blankly.

Chu Xiao simply picked up the souvenir book on the table. She looked forward to it and said patiently, "grandma, look at this! I want to do this!"

The old lady looked blankly at the souvenir book and stared at the souvenir book with immature handwriting for a long time.

Chu Xiao held her breath and looked forward to grandma's response. However, after a long wait, she only saw grandma grinning, and the other party was immersed in her own daze.

Chu Xiao was immediately disappointed. She used to communicate with her grandmother the same way. Grandma occasionally grins, but she is also like an unconscious baby who doesn't know what others are talking about.

"Xiao Xiao washed his hands and ate." Chu Jiadong got out of the kitchen. He went to the sofa and picked up his grandmother. He said with a smile, "come on, I'll take my mother to dinner."

Grandma Chu Zhen needs help when she walks now. She can't walk a few steps by herself. She also needs a wheelchair for long-distance movement. Chu Jiadong held her mother as usual. She seemed a little tired on the way. Suddenly, she reached out and leaned against the passing drawer and gasped gently.

Chujiadong said with a smile, "are you tired? Let's have a rest."

Chu Jiadong waited patiently for his mother to have a rest. He wanted to help her move to the dining table, but found that the other party grabbed the drawer door handle and stood in place. He thought his mother was distracted again. He carefully wanted to break off her hand and advised, "Mom, have dinner, let's go to the table..."

Chu Jiadong finally coaxed grandma away. Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the drawer, but her heart moved. She suddenly had a wonderful hunch and slipped to the drawer to check. She struggled to pull the drawer, but the old wooden drawer didn't move. It seemed to be tightly stuck, and she was panting with fatigue.

Fortunately, my brother-in-law milk came to the rescue site in time. She obviously had great strength and pulled the drawer open at once, revealing the cowhide envelopes and sundries!

"Wow, what a big gray, Xiao Xiao, go and wash your hands!" looking at the flying dust, she immediately frowned and waved to drive away these evil elves.

Chu Xiaoxiao couldn't wait to open the cowhide envelope. She found a pile of thick photos inside. The dates on the outside of the cowhide envelope were different. She looked at the faces in the picture and recognized her mother Xiao Bi accurately. The others had to distinguish for a while.

On the way home, Chu Xiao happily returned home with a full load. She thought her confused human research diary had made great progress. She actually picked out her brother's past!

Chu Jiadong smiled and sighed while driving seriously: "I really found a lot of things today. Xiao Xiao, don't lose the small black films. Those are films."

Chu Xiao held a long black piece. She shook it curiously: "what's this for?"

Chu Jiadong: "you can take it to develop photos, but now it's stored electronically. It's basically useless."

These are the photography methods of Chu Xiaoyi in her childhood. Chu Xiaoyi hasn't seen film since she was born. She is a generation who came into contact with iPad at a young age and has no concept of previous electronic products.

The cowhide envelopes in the drawer are all filled with photos. The date outside seems to be the release time of the photo studio. Many photos are older than Chu Xiaoxiao. Adults have forgotten the past. Now they turn to old photos and express feelings frequently. The past has become beautiful under the filter of years. Chu Jiadong and others provide rich materials for Chu Xiaoxiao.

Brother Chu brother looked at the baby's photo of his cheap brother. She had a look of make complaints about her face. "He was wrinkled when he was little, and he was not looking good at all."

Chu Jiadong said weakly, "Xiao Xiao, you're not good-looking just born..." he has stored the baby photos of his little daughter, but she hasn't seen them herself.

Chu Xiaoxiao then became much easier. As long as she picked up a photo and asked "what is this", the three adults would rack their brains. They tried hard to recall the details according to the date and solve her confusion. As a human cub, she seemed to open the door to a new world. She felt that her brother and she were living on two planets.

She doesn't know what MP3 is, and her cell phone, not to mention the four big pieces suddenly mentioned by the old man. She listened to the adult's explanation in a fog, like passers-by who accidentally entered the rice circle. She didn't understand their slang at all. Fortunately, her induction ability is OK. If she doesn't understand, delete all of them first, leaving only the part of her brother and mother.

Chu Xiaoxiao finally completed the first volume of the commemorative book. She was afraid that her mother would find herself publishing a book for her brother. She also deliberately imitated the voice of her brother, hoping to confuse the false with the true.

On Xiao Bi's birthday, Chu Jiadong decided to have a good meal at home. He also specially wanted to leave his gifts at the end and let his eldest son and little daughter express their wishes first. Xiao Bi looked at the reunion of the family of four. The gentle smile on her face didn't disappear. She looked satisfied.

Chu Xiaoyi returned dusty. He finally didn't miss his mother's birthday. He walked to Xiao Bi with his sister and began the gift giving process.

Chu Xiaoxiao stole a glance at her brother. She coughed deliberately and said solemnly, "I made a souvenir book with my brother and gave it to my mother."

Xiao Bi smiled and said softly, "OK, thank you!"

The next second, Chu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoyi took out the commemorative book at the same time. The only difference was that she had two copies and he had only one.

Both brother and sister looked at each other in a daze and shock. Chu Xiao trembled and said, "you, you clearly say..."

Chu Xiaoyi was also confused and forced: "how can you have two volumes?"

Chu Xiaoxiao was completely stunned by the coquettish operation of his cheap brother. He clearly said that he couldn't make a souvenir book. She was afraid that he couldn't make it by opening the skylight, so she made up a book for him and made it again for a long time!?

Chu Xiaoyi wants to pierce Chu Xiaoyi with a laser like line of sight. She is like an unreliable team member in group work. She never knows what the other party will do. He has no concept of communication progress at all. She was afraid to ask her brother about the commemorative book, so she didn't dare to take the initiative to open her mouth. She didn't think of a hundred secrets.

Chu Xiaoyi is also a little embarrassed. He really can't think of happy memories, but he thinks carefully. Maybe the pain is also memorable. He has always avoided the trauma. He always feels that the days are getting better now, and there is no need to mention the pain of the past, but he doesn't want that the unbroken abscess can never be cured.

He will be very sour and painful when he recalls the past, but if he doesn't see through it thoroughly, the dark memory will be meaningless and will only leave a dark effect. His souvenir book has nothing to do with happiness, but more reflection and self blame. He looked at his 15 or 16 years old with a 25-year-old eye, and suddenly realized many things he didn't understand at that time.

When he was fifteen or sixteen, he felt that the whole world was sorry for himself. He could only see that his parents were bad to him, but he would not do so again when he was twenty-five. He had touched the boundary of adult ability.

He noticed all the difficulties in the outside world. He found that everyone is an ordinary person, including his parents. He has been thinking about these recently. He didn't finish the album until this morning, so he forgot to inform his sister.

Xiao Bi saw her children staring at each other in amazement. Her face showed doubt: "what's the matter?"

Chu Xiaoxiao reacted very quickly. She immediately picked up the watercolor pen on the table, changed the "Volume I" in her hand into "Volume II", and said, "sorry, there is a problem with the cover design, which has been handled now."

Chu Xiaoyi hesitated and said: "... What is this middle volume?"

Chu Xiaoyi: does Xueba change his mind when he does his homework and suddenly add content?

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't want to show her stuffing in front of her mother. She desperately winked at her brother and flustered, "this is your happy memory. Don't you remember?"

Chu Xiaoyi didn't understand the little thing's eye signals at all. Instead, he was quite surprised and questioned, "where do I have happy memories?"

Chu Xiao saw that he was stubborn. She collapsed and jumped in place twice. She felt that she had no tacit understanding with her brother, like an angry pinball.

Chu Xiaoyi looked at her like a crazy little rabbit kicking his legs. He became more and more suspicious: "what is the middle volume you made?"

Chu Xiaoxiao heard him explode directly and exposed that the middle volume was made by her. Finally, he fell down on the sofa dejectedly and powerlessly. He really couldn't bring his brother. She collapsed without soul and fell into self abandonment, like a withered flower.

Xiao Bi looked at her little daughter's performance and couldn't help laughing. She said gently, "let's take a look at the middle volume first."

Chu Xiaoxiao doesn't want to watch the middle volume. She is still autistic in the corner. Chu Xiaoyi and Xiao Bi looked at it curiously, while Chu Jiadong watched from a distance. They appreciated the contents of the memorial book.

Chu Xiaoyi's eyes followed the page. He looked at the familiar old photos in the middle volume and exclaimed, "where did this come from?"

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't remember his childhood. He looked at the little boy in the picture, who was familiar and strange. He didn't react for a long time. He looked at his baby photo and had the same evaluation as his sister. He frowned and said, "how wrinkled it is. It's not good-looking at all."

Chu Jiadong said weakly again, "Xiao Yi, you are just born, but you are not good-looking..."

Xiao Bi smiled at the corners of her mouth and said gently, "you two were beautiful when you were born. Some children were like little monkeys when they were born."

Chu Xiaoyi looked at the memorial book in a daze. The first volume he made was related to his sadness, reflection and repentance. The second volume made by his sister was really his happy memory, but he was about to forget. These memories are usually like sinking at the bottom of the water. They will turn over to the surface only when heavy stones fall, otherwise there will be no trace.

Of course, there are still many misinterpretations of Chu Xiaoyi in the memorial book. Chu Xiaoyi hugged his sister who planted mushrooms in the corner. He pointed to the text next to the photo, smiled and said, "come on, explain to me what this sentence means?"

This is a picture of Chu Xiaoyi at the gate of primary school. The picture text is "today I'm going to primary school. My handsome shocked the school". This line of Chinese is still crooked, and Chu Xiaoxiao's English is OK, but when she meets Chinese characters with many strokes, her control decreases.

Chu Xiao blinked and said, "this is your own words. How can I explain it?"

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't help pinching her small face. He was angry and funny and said, "when did I say such stupid words?"

Chu Xiaoyi: you took the lead in spreading rumors. Am I so naive?

Chu Xiao murmured in a muffled voice, "you always talk like this..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: what I imitate is the essence. You dare not admit it?

Chu Xiaoxiao thinks his ghostwriter is infallible. He used to say to her "your brother is super handsome, you don't understand" and "your brother has too many fans, you don't understand". She thinks that her brother is narcissistic and complacent, and she doesn't think her writing is suspected of breaking people's design.

Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi were made to laugh by their brothers and sisters. Xiao Bi suddenly sighed: "in fact, Xiao Xiao didn't write wrong. When you came back from primary school on your first day, you suddenly said to me, 'Mom, I think I'm the best looking person in the whole school', which amused your grandmother at that time."

Chu Jiadong echoed: "yes, I've heard of it, too."

Chu Xiaoyi was shocked. It was hard to believe that he still had such brazen years: "!?"

Chu Xiaoxiao was supported by her parents. She immediately jumped up from her brother's arms, looked up and stood on the sofa, raised her chin seriously, and said seriously, "please don't doubt my research ability. I'm very rigorous and have access to literature for reference!"

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." what kind of literature can I consult after you study!?

The dinner was completely spent in a happy atmosphere. Chu Xiaoyi never expected that she had so many black childhood histories. All of them were exposed by the old photos found by her sister. Xiao Bi and Chu Jiadong were even precious.

Every time Chu Xiaoxiao heard something stupid about her brother, she would glance at him proudly and hint with her eyes that her academic research ability was super strong and there was absolutely no element of fraud.

Chu Xiaoyi once wanted to find a crack to drill in. Listening to the childlike version of Yiyan, he was only angry and secretly sighed why he was so stupid. However, Xiao Bi seems to be in a good mood. She is very happy all the way. She rarely rises and says a lot of past events.

After the lively birthday dinner, Chu Jiadong went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Chu Xiaoxiao also slipped back to the room to rest. Only Xiao Bi and Chu Xiaoyi stayed in the living room. Chu Xiaoyi secretly looked at his mother who turned over the memorial album. He felt that there were not so many happy things in his first album. I'm afraid it would be much more sad.

However, Xiao bi was very calm when reading. She turned over the three commemorative books with a smile and carefully put them aside. She looked stable. She has never had the stage of great joy and anger. She is always a gentle and quiet person.

Chu Xiaoyi pondered for a few seconds and suddenly said, "Mom, can I help you?"

Xiao bi was stunned when she heard the speech. She hesitated for a moment and said with a light smile, "well... In fact, you don't have to do anything for me."

Chu Xiaoyi lowered his eyes slightly. He moved his eyes aside with a guilty conscience. Finally, he couldn't help asking: "... Why did you want to give birth to me at that time?"

This is Chu Xiaoyi's doubt for a long time. If he knows the reason why his mother gave birth to him, he can know what the other party wants and find out the needs in Xiao Bi's heart.

Facing her eldest son's question, Xiao Bi thought carefully for a moment and replied, "because your father and I thought it was a very magical thing."

Chu Xiaoyi said blankly, "is it magic?"

Xiao Bi said with a smile: "yes, we will disappear in the world one day, but you and Xiao Xiao will live with our traces. You may be similar to us or completely different from us. Isn't it amazing?"

"So you don't have to help me do anything, your existence will help us a lot." Xiao Bi looked at the top, and she thought, "you may not understand this feeling now. You can really experience it only when you have your own children. We seem to be the same, but also completely different, which can only be described by magic."

Chu Xiaoyi really didn't understand his mother's statement. He hung his head and lost his way: "but I used to make you angry."

Xiao Bi shook her head. She said gently, "Xiao Yi, although you and Xiao Xiao are not copies of me and your father, most of the characteristics are derived from us. Sometimes I recall a lot of previous things and reflect on how I got along with you at that time..."

"Xiao Xiao is good at expressing and outgoing. In fact, some of them come from your father. I often wonder if your character is with me, so it makes you more sensitive. If my character is better, will you become easier and better at communicating with others now?"

Xiao Bi lowered her head slightly. She had been thinking about the root causes of the contradictions in the past and whether she had made mistakes in the growth of her eldest son. She is always introverted, which may imperceptibly infect her son and have a catalytic effect on him.

Chu Xiaoyi heard his mother belittle himself. He immediately had a sour nose and whispered, "Mom, you're good enough."

Xiao Bi is already a perfect model mother. Chu Xiaoyi can't put forward any more requirements for her. Naturally, she doesn't want to see her depressed.

Xiao Bi sighed when she heard the speech. She smiled relieved and comforted: "then you are good enough, and you should believe it."

"Xiao Yi, if you think I'm good enough, you must be good enough. Since we are mother and son, you should firmly believe in this." her eyes showed a soft light and looked at her eldest son gently and firmly, which made Chu Xiaoyi a little stunned.

They have the same but different shadows, just like a magic and changing mirror, with parents and children on both sides of the mirror.

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