Chu Xiaoxiao and Mei Li suddenly established a deep friendship. They discussed with indignation for a long time at the dinner table. They spoke so fast that Dustin couldn't translate. This may be the feelings of the little sisters. Once they have a common hostile goal, they will immediately stand on the United Front.

Mei Li understands Chu Xiaoxiao's mood very much. If someone says to her face that her brother is bad, she will pick up a baseball bat and swing each other. Chu Xiaoxiao used to be introverted, quiet and quite low-key. Now she is suddenly angry and outspoken, which is more in line with Mei Li's impression of Oriental people. She thinks that children may have to use Chinese Kung Fu.

Merry: of course, magic is OK.

Chu Xiaoyi and Dustin, as adults after work, have a much calmer reaction. Dustin has to work hard to translate from English to English. He breaks down his sisters' gossip with a huge vocabulary into simple English and explains it to Chu Xiaoyi, such as Avada Sohn.

Chu Xiaoyi has read Harry Potter, but unfortunately he doesn't know the English versions of various spells, which makes him like a Muggle at the dinner table. He thinks the magic world should also be globalized. Why can't wizards speak Chinese?

The waiter served the dishes one after another. Chu Xiaoyi finally pressed Chu Xiaoxiao and stopped: "all right, all right, eat. I think you're tired of talking all the time."

Chu Xiaoyi: it's similar to continuous rap at the concert.

The two little girls finally stopped. Melly was hungry all day and began to eat happily. During the dinner, Chu Xiaoyi and Dustin also talked about life. They were surprised to learn that Dustin was still reading.

Chu Xiaoyi always thought that his friend had been working wholeheartedly. He was surprised: "but what are you studying?" he didn't know much about foreign performance colleges. Now he wants to come to Dustin to play computer in the crew. He may be doing college homework.

"Philosophy." Dustin sighed helplessly, "but I may not be able to graduate and even finish my homework."

Chu Xiaoyi said in surprise, "I thought you would learn acting?"

Dustin blinked blankly: "what's there to learn? We've all played so many plays, so we'd better learn something different."

Chu Xiaoyi feels that Dustin's way of thinking is different from that in China. Domestic stars basically get together in art colleges, but Dustin feels that he has been able to learn acting skills in the crew and should do something different in college.

This is also the tangle of Chu Xiaoyi. He believes that it is meaningless to study in a performance academy or conservatory in China. He can use his own resources to study privately. If he is only employed for mixed literature, there is no need to go. Dustin's words opened the door to a new world for him. He didn't expect an actor to study philosophy.

Chu Xiaoyi: "why did you want to learn this?"

Dustin sighed: "the role I contacted at that time was related to philosophy. I felt so cool after the performance, so I applied to the philosophy department. Finally, I found that the play was a play and I was me..."

Dustin frowned when he thought of his schoolwork. He couldn't even finish reading the literature, let alone handing in his homework. Recently, he was thinking about the delay, and he was about to think of baldness.

Chu Xiaoyi thought that Dustin died entirely by himself. What was written in the script must be the elite of the philosophy department. The other party took a role seriously and mistakenly thought he really understood philosophy. He was quite speechless: "you can really make trouble for yourself."

After a short depression, Dustin cheered up and said, "what does it matter? Even if I didn't graduate in the end, I actually felt it. This is life experience. You know, our life is not only work, but also campus experience is very important and very happy."

Chu Xiao and Xiao Yuan had a stuffy meal. When she heard the speech, she looked up and agreed, "school really makes people happy."

Dustin was echoed, and he was excited: "Yeah, yeah!"

Mei Li hesitated and muttered, "if the school doesn't have to study, it really makes people happy..."

Chu Xiaoyi make complaints about it: "your happiness may not be the same."

Chu Xiaoyi: my sister's happiness is Xueba's happiness, and your happiness is pleasure in hardship.

However, Dustin's open-minded attitude is infected with Chu Xiaoyi. Chu Xiaoyi actually thinks it's good to learn something else. In fact, he has gradually touched his bottleneck recently, and it's difficult to feel rapid improvement. His acting skills and musical strength have made rapid progress in the early stage. As long as he relies on resources and famous teachers, he can make progress in techniques at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, once you have learned all the techniques, you have to feel it when you go up. Director Chen is Chu Xiaoyi's bole, who taught him many acting things, but director Chen also said frankly that "when you finish learning these, you will continue to learn in life, and I can't teach you life".

Art creation needs life, but Chu Xiaoyi still doesn't know what life is. He is like a social animal who works overtime continuously. He doesn't even have a chance to breathe. Where can he experience life? The elders always have an unfathomable look. They are like masters in martial arts novels. They let young people understand themselves, but some people can't understand it all their life.

Chu Xiaoyi is now like a person in a vacuum. From the moment he chose to work, his living environment has been firmly surrounded, and it is difficult to have new scenery. However, he is still hovering on the boundary line and doesn't know whether to go out. The outside may be bright, or it may be doomed. It may be better or worse than now. No one knows.

The four finished their meal happily and said goodbye at the gate of the restaurant. Merry also invited Chu Xiaoxiao to go abroad to play. They could go to Universal Studios together and exchange their contact at parting time.

On the way home, Chu Xiaoyi thought of his sister's communication with Chen fenghan and couldn't help but wonder, "what did you say to the people who came to our table today?"

Dustin didn't translate Chen fenghan's words, but Chu Xiaoyi could guess the other party's tone. He didn't know why his sister was so angry.

Chu Xiaoxiao was about to forget it. Now she remembered it and began to be angry again. She said angrily, "how can he talk like that? His parents and teachers didn't teach him!"

Although Chen fenghan's tone sounded polite, he praised and belittled both inside and outside, which made Chu Xiaoxiao feel strange for the first time. Although she is still young, she has learned so many languages and naturally understands the importance of tone.

Chu Xiaoxiao's living environment is extremely pure. Her peers are generally well-off and well-educated. Even Yang Yin, who was born in the countryside, is a considerate and kind-hearted good man, and belongs to the type who can't speak heavy words.

Chu Xiaoyi, as an adult used to seeing the cold and warm in the circle, could not cry or laugh at the anger of the children and said with relief: "well, well, you will always meet people you don't like, just try not to touch..."

Chu Xiaoyi has worked for many years and is not so naive. It is normal for him to meet people he doesn't like outside, with the exception of like-minded talents.

Chu Xiao hated iron and said, "the Chinese temperament is like reconciliation and compromise."

Hearing this, Chu Xiaoyi knew that she had learned from her grandfather. He couldn't help pinching her little face: "do you think you are Lu Xun?"

Grandpa Xiao Ji likes to quote classics and criticize the current disadvantages. He can say a lot of famous quotes when watching the news network. Although grandpa usually strolls around the community, he can't wait to hold Huaxia mountains and rivers in his heart.

Chu Xiao glanced at him obliquely and dared not believe: "do you think you are Zhou Zuoren?"

Although she has not read famous works, she has heard from her grandfather about literati and knows the relatives of some writers. She didn't know who Wang Xizhi was before, but her grandfather said she was "contemporary Little Wang Xizhi" every day, and she began to know that she was a powerful calligrapher.

Chu Xiaoxiao: you didn't become Zhou Zuoren. How can I become Mr. Lu Xun!?

Chu Xiaoyi was stunned when he heard the speech. He reacted in an instant and choked up with his sister. He said angrily, "I'm your brother, not your brother. Look, I'm holding you horizontally!"

Chu Xiaoyi is a pure child. She firmly believes that justice defeats evil. If others are bad to Chu Xiaoyi, he must try to defeat each other!

Chu Xiaoyi reluctantly said, "how can I defeat him?" this is not a hot-blooded young man. He and Chen fenghan can go to the challenge arena together and fight each other excitedly. Life is more complicated.

Chu Xiao said with high morale: "if you want to live better, happier and better than him, and even let him never touch you again, then you will defeat him!"

This is what Yang Yin taught Chu Xiaoxiao. She said that as long as you study hard and leave your original environment, you can win.

Chu Xiaoyi thought her sister had a powerful means of revenge. She was still a naive and lovely child and couldn't think of malicious ideas from beginning to end. He happily hugged Chu Xiaoxiao and comforted him, "OK, then I've defeated him. I'm better than him now. At least I have my sister."

Chu Xiaoyi: I can't. I'll rub my sister's heat and make your eyes bleed with envy.

Chu Xiaoyi is now open-minded. He has been beaten by the society and feels the maintenance of his family. When he looks at Chen fenghan, he becomes calm. He felt that he was happier than each other, which was something he couldn't imagine in the past. His family provided him with a warm source of power.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't expect his brother cheap to say so. She let him swing around. Her little expression was both hesitant and tangled. Finally, she made up her mind to shoulder the heavy task by herself.

Chu Xiaoxiao: brother, I really can't help the mud to the wall. I'd better defeat that man by growing up. The savior can't count on the Ministry of magic.

Chu Xiaoxiao substituted for the plot of Harry Potter. She felt more responsible. She poured a bottle of milk before going to bed and continued to grow tall.

Of course, Chu Xiaosi and Chu Xiaoyi were weak. She strengthened her English learning, suddenly urged him to continue learning foreign languages and impart new knowledge. She felt that she could not protect her brother personally. If he met Chen fenghan outside, he needed to have the ability to protect himself.

Chu Xiaoyi did not exclude English classes, but he objected to the learning content and wondered, "can I venture to ask what these nouns mean?"

Chu Xiaoyi has learned the meaning of "Avada Kedavra" from Justin. His Chinese name is Avada Suo Ming. Therefore, he found that his sister's teaching was mixed with strange things, as if mixed with private goods.

Chu Xiaoxiao said flatly, "this is Avada Kedavra, crucio and imperio. You are an adult wizard. You should learn to protect yourself."

Chu Xiaoxiao has to go to kindergarten. She thinks it's better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish. Chu Xiaoyi should become stronger!

Chu Xiaoyi: "...." am I in the dream driven performing arts circle, or do I have to go out and compete with Wizards?

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