Chu Xiaoxiao doesn't understand her brother's sudden loss of heart. She has been very busy recently. She not only attended the graduation ceremony in the kindergarten, but also cried goodbye to her friends and teachers. Fortunately, she and Annie can still meet frequently. Annie will continue to study in international schools. She is a foreign child and can't study in ordinary primary schools in imperial capital.

Although the graduation of kindergarten brought a trace of sadness to Chu Xiaoxiao, there was also good news.

During the holiday, Yang Yin returned from the college entrance examination. Because her father is no longer working in yurongtai, she specially took the bus to see Chu Xiao and Liang Shuangqi.

The three of yurongtai reunited, and there were endless words. Yang Yin got a good score in the college entrance examination and was admitted to a university in the South as she wished. She now works part-time in her hometown to earn tuition fees. When school starts, she will fly to other places.

Yang Yin now finally has a mobile phone. She tells the two children the number and goes to the yard to check the orange tree. Chu Xiao looked at each other's hair and said, "sister Yang Yin, you cut your hair so short."

Yang Yin used to have long hair. She used to wear braids, but now she has neat short hair. She looks very fresh. It seems that she is still taller, or she may get rid of the habit of hunchback and look much more energetic.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked up at Yang Yin and turned to look at Liang Shuangqi. He always felt that his partners were jumping up and only he stagnated. She always meets Liang Shuangqi and hasn't felt it yet. Now when she sees Yang Yin, who has been away for a long time, she suddenly finds herself like a small bamboo shoot between two bamboos, which can't be compared at all.

Chu Xiaoxiao: am I drinking milk?

Yang Yin reluctantly touched her head and explained with a smile, "because our high school investigation was strict, all girls have short hair."

Yang Yingang has just left the hell of the college entrance examination. She doesn't have time to drum up her image and still maintains the shape during the sprint.

Liang Shuangqi was surprised: "why does it sound like an army?"

Yang Yin said with a wry smile: "in fact, it's a little similar. Fortunately, I've come out..."

If Yang Yin had not attended this boarding school, she might not have achieved such good results, but she also didn't want to go through everything in senior three, and she was about to break down for a time. Her family didn't support her to study at all. She relied on the letters from her aunt and Chu Xiaoxiao when she was in school. Now she is looking forward to the dawn.

Yang Yin also heard Chu Xiaoxiao's worries about primary school and the other party's third place results. She couldn't help encouraging her: "Xiao Xiao, it doesn't matter. I didn't rank high when I first transferred to school. I'll catch up with you later! You can also return to the first!"

Chu Xiaoxiao was encouraged. She also cheered up when she saw the triumphant Yang Yin.

Liang Shuangqi was afraid that Chu Xiaoxiao was under too much pressure and said with relief: "it's really not good. I can still be the bottom of our trio..." anyway, he has always been the tail of the crane in the third knot of orange garden and a backward student in the orange planting team of yurongtai.

Yang Yin thought of his high and low grades, but said: "... You don't have to be so persistent."

Because Yang Yin's father no longer works in the community, she can't stay here overnight. After reuniting with her friends, she handed Xiao Bi a small pile of money, which was part of the tuition fee she owed at the beginning. Although Xiao Bi repeatedly declined, Yang Yin asked the other party to accept it and said that the remaining expenses would be paid back slowly. Please give Xiao Bi to Chu Xiaoyi on her behalf.

After the happy time, Chu Xiaoxiao and Liang Shuangqi send Yang Yin away at the gate of the community. The three can say goodbye calmly this time and no longer shed tears like the last time. Yang Yin's eyes were full of self-confidence. She met her partners and saw them again. She waved goodbye to them and left by car.

Chu Xiaoxiao seemed to catch something hazy and vague on Yang Yin. She looked forward to it and said with emotion: "sister Yang Yin seems to be getting worse."

Yang Yin didn't break the agreement with Chu Xiaoxiao. She worked hard in the dark and met them again with budding vitality. It's really getting better and better.

Liang Shuangqi explained, "sister Yang Yin has grown up."

Yang Yin's passing the college entrance examination is basically equivalent to crossing the adult ceremony. She is gradually becoming an independent adult.

Chu Xiaoxiao pondered for a few seconds and said softly, "if growing up is getting better and better, it doesn't seem bad to grow up."

If she can get better and better like sister Yang Yin, primary school may also be something to look forward to.

In the summer, Chu Xiaoxiao said goodbye to his classmates and met his old friends, and finally ushered in the day of reporting to the primary school. Although she hasn't officially started school yet, she should get her school uniform and teaching materials in advance and meet her classmates.

Chu Jiadong originally planned to send Chu Xiaoxiao to school, but the enthusiastic Liang Chen took the burden. He offered to drive the children: "anyway, parents can't enter the school. Liang Shuangqi has to go to practice the piano. I'll just send them together."

Chu Jiadong: "I'm so sorry..."

Liang Chen waved his hand to show that it was OK. He also proposed that the two families could change according to the limit number, which persuaded his old father Chu Jiadong. Chu Xiaoxiao's most important thing today is to get things and listen to class meetings. He really won't stay at school for too long. There's no need for both families to go out.

Chu Xiaoxiao is used to Taking Liang Chen's car. Seeing uncle Liang put the cello into the trunk today, she can't help but wonder: "brother Qi Qi, do you still need to bring the piano to report for duty?"

Liang Shuangqi sighed, "I'm not going to report for duty today, but the orchestra is going to rehearse."

Today is the day for junior freshmen to report for duty. Liang Shuangqi is in the fifth grade. His official registration time is tomorrow. Now he is going to rehearse for the opening ceremony.

After Liang Chen got on the bus, he just held the steering wheel and suddenly remembered something. He asked, "by the way, have you finished your summer homework?"

Liang Chen looked at Chu Xiao who was about to report for duty and suddenly remembered Liang Shuangqi who reported for duty tomorrow. The other party had to hand in his homework.

Liang Shuangqi: "don't mention such an unlucky thing in the new semester."

Liang Chen: "

Chu Xiaoxiao also looks at Liang Shuangqi in surprise. She suddenly remembers that brother Qi Qi always rushes for his homework at the end of the holiday. The main reason is that he always gathers for band training in the summer vacation, and saves his homework to the end. They also met sister Yang Yin two days ago, and inexplicably consumed another day. His time to do his homework decreased again.

Liang Shuangqi suddenly showed a little blush in the eyes of Chu Xiaoxiao. He glanced at Liang Chen in front of him quietly. Only then did he carefully get close to her ear and secretly said, "don't worry, I'll finish copying, and I won't let the teacher's face get too bad."

Liang Shuangqi: even if the teacher doesn't judge seriously, I will copy it carefully and never hand in a blank paper!

Chu Xiaoxiao: "... It doesn't seem to be the teacher's face."

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't quite agree with her friend's idea, but she couldn't stop it. After all, Annie had done similar things, and the other party vowed that "a childhood without copying homework is incomplete" and borrowed Chu Xiaoxiao's English composition for this reason.

Chu Xiaoxiao: there are so few homework in kindergarten. Annie wants to pursue a complete childhood. Is it right to think that brother Qi Qi is more complete?

Fortunately, Liang Chen didn't continue to investigate. He reminded: "just have a little spectrum in your heart. I don't care about your summer homework. I won't pass the midterm exam at that time, which will make your mother say you at home."

Liang Shuangqi just responded. Now he is fighting for key exams, and his grades are high and low, so as to balance Cello and study.

Liang Chen's warning to her son ended and began to care about Chu Xiao: "Xiao Xiao is about to meet his new classmates. Are you happy now?"

Chu Xiao drooped his eyes and said, "I don't know if it's easy to get along with you..."

She just suddenly thought of Annie, and didn't know if there were any friends like each other in primary school. Naturally, she was a little depressed. Although she has a good relationship with anyone in the kindergarten, Anne is undoubtedly her best friend in the kindergarten.

Liang Shuangqi seemed to notice her uneasiness. He thought seriously for a moment, turned around and looked in his schoolbag and took out a bag of brand-new paper. He neatly pulled the paper out of the mouth, handed it to Chu Xiaoxiao and suggested, "Xiao Xiao, take this into the class."

Chu Xiao looked at his clear black eyes, and a trace of confusion flashed on his small face: "why?"

Liang Shuangqi said loudly, "as long as you put it on your desk, you can become the most popular person in the class!"

Chu Xiao was puzzled. She didn't quite understand her partner's meaning, and declined: "brother Qi, take it. You can also become the most popular person in the class?"

Liang Shuangqi was still in high spirits one second ago. The next second he disdained to turn around and hissed, "I don't need them to welcome me."

Liang Shuangqi was afraid that Chu Xiaoxiao would have no friends to lose in the new environment, so he would give her the open paper, but he didn't like to get together with the people in his class. Naturally, he showed a sneer and recovered his gentle and arrogant nature.

Liang Shuangqi: I don't make friends. They don't deserve it.

Chu Xiao saw him change his face for a second and said curiously, "why?"

Liang Shuangqi: "everyone in our class is bubbling with boredom."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "humans don't bubble. Only creatures in the water can bubble."

Liang Shuangqi: "I can smell it. My nose is wet."

Chu Xiaoxiao is finally persuaded by Liang Shuangqi. At the same time, she deeply feels his intermittent arrogance. Fortunately, she is used to it. Brother Qi often doesn't like other little boys during the band training. He occasionally comes up with strange ideas and is a little arrogant. His mood changes as fast as his brother.

Liang Chen could only send the children to the school gate. He handed Liang Shuangqi the cello box and asked his son to show Chu Xiaoxiao the way. Then he drove away.

Chu Xiaoxiao doesn't want to delay Liang Shuangqi's rehearsal time. When she reaches the floor where the first grade is located, she makes an appointment with her companions to see her later. She looks for the classroom along the class sign.

The primary school supernormal class takes four years to complete the primary school curriculum. Children have to apply for the secondary school supernormal class at the age of 10, complete the junior and senior high school curriculum in four years, and finally enter the University at the age of 14. If someone falls behind or fails to apply for the exam, he will be assigned to the ordinary class one after another to end his career as an extraordinary class.

As a result, there are only four supernormal classes in the school, and the grades are not the same, or even on the same floor. Chu Xiaoxiao's class is now on the same floor as grade one. The classroom of the extraordinary class is hidden in the deepest part of the corridor and needs to pass through several classrooms.

When Chu Xiaoxiao came to the door of the classroom, he found that there were already many students in the class, and there were student numbers on the desktop. Everyone is seated by number, which is different from the big table in the kindergarten. Separate tables and chairs seem to distance from each other.

Chu Xiaoxiao finds her seat. She puts the paper on the table presented by Liang Shuangqi and looks at the strange environment at a loss. Before the teacher came into the room, the tables and chairs next to her were empty. She didn't know what to do for a moment.

Chu Xiaoxiao simply took out foreign language books to spend his spare time, but he didn't expect Liang Shuangqi's gift to play a role.

There are more and more students in the class. They swing around in the classroom. From time to time, they have to pass Chu Xiaoxiao in the front row. Of course, they also find the paper on her desk.

"Classmate, what's your name?" the young girl lingered nearby for a long time. She finally opened her mouth carefully and begged, "can I borrow you a paper towel?"

"My name is Chu Xiaoxiao." Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the other party's hesitation and uneasiness and said generously, "take it."

"Thank you, my name is Xu Xiao!" Xu Xiao listened to the other party's promise. She immediately took one with joy and gratitude and rushed to the toilet at the other end of the corridor as fast as a running rabbit.

Before long, the paper towel in front of Chu Xiaoxiao was taken out half, and he knew most of the students in the class. He really became the most popular person in the class!

Liang Shuangqi, an old student who always came to rehearse, had long expected that there was no paper in the school toilet during the holiday. He took advantage of information to carry scarce resources, and offered a "paper towel plan" to establish diplomatic relations with Chu Xiao.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't even use one, so he was first borrowed by most of his classmates!

She later saw someone stop at the table and even took the initiative to say hello, nodding like a small robot in business: "take it, take it."

Chu Xiaoxiao: don't say whether to borrow it or not. It seems that it will be returned.

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