After Chu Xiao entered the class, she put her textbook on the table and immediately attracted Xu Xiao's attention. Xu Xiao looked at the patterned paper book cover and said in surprise, "your book cover is so beautiful."

Chu Xiao glanced at the textbook. She was proud in her heart, but forced to be calm on her face: "my brother wrapped it for me."

Xu Xiao was surprised and said, "you still have a brother? It's good. Why can't my mother give me a brother, so I don't have to wrap the book cover myself."

Chu Xiao thought for a moment and said: "... You can only have a brother?"

Xu Xiao: "forget it, I have to wrap a book cover for him." she doesn't want to be a tool man.

Chu Xiaoxiao was a little excited at the primary school on the first day. She watched the students come in one after another, and even Liu Wenpei appeared with her schoolbag on her back. Of course, the No. 2 student who was absent on the day of check-in also showed up. As soon as he stepped into the classroom, he was looking at Chu Xiaoxiao and Liu Wenpei, showing an incredible expression.

"Why are his eyes red?" Xu Xiao glanced at the little boy. She saw him sitting on the empty table No. 2 and immediately said in a melodious tone, "Oh, roar, America is coming."

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that Xu Xiao occasionally looked like an old man walking around the gate of the school. They would gather under the shade of the tree, waving Pu fans and talking freely about the world political pattern with fluent Beijing films, as if everyone knew national affairs.

Chu Xiaoxiao was also a little surprised to see Chen Guangsu. She hadn't seen each other for a long time. In her impression, she was still the boy who ate bean paste cakes with tears. His red eyes instantly recalled her memory. She didn't stare at him for too long. She soon opened her book to study by herself and read the contents of the primary school curriculum.

Chen Guangsu saw Chu Xiao and Xiao Ru hit by a bolt from the blue. He was full of resentment because he missed the first place in the entrance examination. He openly refused to come to school on the day of reporting for duty. Today, he cried loudly at the school gate for a long time. If it were in the past, her mother would take her away with a soft heart, but Miss Lu passed the school gate and directly picked Chen Guangsu up from her mother.

Miss Lu is not like a kindergarten teacher at all. She has no response to Chen Guangsu's crying. Instead, she calmly said, "Guangsu, I know you haven't read kindergarten, but from today on, you are a member of class 3, and you must learn to be independent."

Chen Guangsu wants to throw a tantrum at the head teacher. He used to rely on his intelligence to threaten adults, but Mr. Lu has seen too many prodigies and has never paid attention to his tricks.

Miss Lu saw that he had finished crying and making trouble. The little boy seemed a little tired. She said calmly, "can you go to class now?"

Chen Guangsu found that the new teacher was unmoved. He could only sadly put aside his tears and walked to the class unhappily.

Chen Guangshu felt bad luck after he came into contact with primary school. He looked around Chu Xiao and finally saw No. 3 on her desk. He was relieved. However, he turned around and found No. 1 on Liu Wenpei's table. He was hit head-on again and was at a loss for a moment.

Chen Guangsu: not only did the opponents not decrease, but they became more and more!

The students in the class adjust their seats together with tables and chairs. Their enrollment ranking becomes a student number and will accompany their four-year study career. Chen Guangsu stared at Chu Xiao and Liu Wenpei for a long time. He felt that the main contradiction was Liu Wenpei, and his attitude towards Chu Xiao changed immediately.

Chu Xiaoxiao's first two classes were mathematics. She found that there were many primary school courses, and the teachers often expanded them. There was no rest time in class, and her head kept turning. Kindergarten teachers always ask patiently, and they have to wait for slow children; Primary school teachers are not like this. The other party seems to be sure that everyone knows!

What's more terrible is that although the students in the class have a little difficulty in learning, they seem to be able to digest and understand, and there are no children who are as confused as Anne. Xu Xiao wants to read after class, but he won't lag behind others too much.

Before class, the math teacher closed the lesson plan and said, "there is also an extracurricular expansion section in the book. If any students are interested in this, they can study it privately and come to the office to discuss it with me..."

Chu Xiaoxiao was very interested in this. She turned over her math book and found it. Chen Guangsu happened to pass by her seat. He seemed to see through her little movements, raised his chin proudly and reminded her aloud, "that's the content of page 35."

"Oh, thank you." Chu Xiaoxiao glanced at Chen Guangsu inexplicably. She didn't hear the speech "I want to defeat you" today. She was a little not used to it for a moment. She found that xiaowaibao seemed to change her character.

"There isn't enough content in the book. You can look at my notes." Chen Guangshu took out his notebook. Now he didn't regard Chu Xiao as a competitor. He felt that she was no threat to himself. He immediately calmed down and read the old love.

Chen Guangsu has never been to kindergarten because of her character. In his eyes, Chu Xiaoxiao has known her peers for a long time. From time to time, she will recall her memories of bean paste cakes and potato horns. He can't help but smack his mouth in memory.

Although Chen Guangsu is like a cocky little cock, he is really happy to help others, which makes Chu Xiaoxiao forget his unhappiness in the past. She politely thanked each other's notes. She saw that the other party showed a proud look. He waved his hand generously, a feeling that he didn't have to take it to heart.

Chu Xiao was a little confused with his notes: "although he was kind enough to help me, why do I still feel strange?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: emotional color is friendly, and what you do is also friendly. Which link is wrong?

Xu Xiao: "Lao Mei, the world's police are like this. They help you, make you unhappy, and make you unhappy. The two are not the same thing!"

It has to be said that Xu Xiao saw through the essence of Chen Guangsu in a sense. He felt that he had defeated Chu Xiaoxiao and immediately divided her into his own jurisdiction, showing a great country style of one-to-one assistance.

Chu Xiaoxiao shook her head. She looked down at Chen Guangsu's notes and found that the other party really added a lot of information in private. It seemed that she had previewed primary school courses early, but the handwriting was a little ugly and needed to be distinguished with great effort.

Chu Xiaoxiao returned the notes to Chen Guangsu. She thanked him again and found that his attitude had changed. He was no longer competitive in Latin class.

On the first day of school, Chu Xiaoxiao had a full and happy life, sweeping away her previous fear of primary school. She and Xu Xiaocheng are good friends. At the school opening ceremony, she saw her brother Qi playing the cello and serving as a temporary study committee member of the class. It can be said that she has gained a lot!

Liang Shuangqi didn't expect the child to be promoted quickly. He couldn't help admiring him and said, "Xiao Xiao is so powerful!"

The class committee of Liang Shuangqi's class is basically a good student loved by the teacher. Although he has no special feelings for the class committee, since he is a companion who has successfully taken office, he naturally needs to sincerely congratulate him.

Chu Jiadong laughed and joked: "Oh, I'm going to be an official so soon?"

Chu Xiao shook his head and corrected, "this is only temporary. Mr. Lu said to arrange it first and let the students choose it after two weeks. There are places in the top three in the class."

Because the students were not familiar with each other, Mr. Lu appointed the first three to be the class committee. He planned to hold a new election after everyone knew each other. Liu Wenpei is the monitor, Chen Guangsu is the vice monitor, and Chu Xiaoxiao is the study committee member. Chu Xiaoxiao didn't mind the size of the official position in the class. Instead, Chen Guangsu was very angry. He was indignant at Liu Wenpei's pressure on himself.

Chu Xiaoxiao finished his homework when he came home and also had a video with Chu Xiaoyi in the evening. On the one hand, he collected daily newspapers and on the other hand, he expanded data. Chu Xiaoyi is preparing for a concert recently. He thinks he has saved enough original songs in recent years. It's time to complete his dream of concert and has been busy rehearsing.

Chu Xiaoxiao asked rigorously, "how are you singing in English recently?"

Chu Xiaoyi mistakenly thought she cared about her work. He proudly sent her a short video and said, "let me show you your brother's rehearsal clip. Don't spread it out. Most people can't see it."

Chu Xiaoxiao opened a video to watch. She recalled her brother's previous English songs. She suddenly had an idea in her heart and evaluated his oral level. She carefully asked East and West, recorded the data in detail, and finally aroused Chu Xiaoyi's suspicion.

Chu Xiaoyi: "why do you look like a doctor?"

Chu Xiaoyi: I always feel that the tone reveals the subtle feeling of "where is ill, seriously ill, and better".

Chu Xiaoxiao: "this job is similar to that of a doctor." education is mainly to cure stupidity.

Chu Xiao has just learned keynote. She is not very good at making slides. She needs to consult her mother many times, and the progress of the project is relatively slow. Fortunately, the first week is Liu Wenpei's show. She doesn't have to worry too much. She can learn from it.

Liu Wenpei did come with a team. The doctors carried all kinds of small equipment to guide the students in the class to understand microorganisms. The prospective academician's parents did not appear. He just lent his team to the children and smoothly asked Liu Wenpei to complete the exposition.

Of course, there are also some small frictions in the topic sharing. Chen Guangsu asked Liu Wenpei many times and questioned her research results. He said: "but these are the research of your family. How can you prove that you did it yourself? I don't think it's your sharing."

Liu Wenpei looked indifferent. She held her glasses and said calmly, "literature review is also an important part of the research. Since I want to discuss microorganisms, of course, I have to refer to the data of my predecessors, but they happen to be my family."

Liu Wenpei has always been a child with a strange temper. She is famous in the class for "not talking to others". She often speaks sentences that Chu Xiaoxiao can't understand, and doesn't like to communicate with the class.

Chen Guangsu's hands are wrapped around his chest and his eyebrows are frowned. He obviously doesn't agree with Liu Wenpei's statement. He thinks that the other party is moving out foreign aid and is invincible. He maliciously makes a big show in the class.

The head and deputy squad leaders openly confronted each other and immediately made the originally happy early reading unhappy. Finally, Mr. Lu had to come forward to persuade him.

Xu Xiao said excitedly, "it's going to fight, it's going to fight, I'm going to witness history!"

Chu Shaoxiao did not understand why the topic could be pinch. She could not help but make complaints about it: "it does not have to be so serious."

Chu Xiaoxiao: This is not a knowledge sharing meeting. How can we make learning unhappy?

Because Chen Guangsu was absent on the day of check-in, Chu Xiaoxiao shared it in the second week. Combined with her foreign language learning and teaching experience, she took the "Y classmate" who is stupid and doesn't want to make progress as an example to share how to motivate school tired children to glow with enthusiasm for English, as well as specific case analysis.

Liu Wenpei looked at the detailed data. She was amazed: "are there any people in the world who don't want to learn!?"

Liu Wenpei immediately recalled the family's educational background in his heart. The lowest of them was his cousin who graduated from an ordinary 985 bachelor's degree, but he didn't resist learning English. Liu Wenpei's world outlook has been greatly shocked. How can anyone not even have the ability to take the initiative to learn!

Chu Xiao tried to stop talking. She respected her brother and explained, "well... It's not unwilling to learn. He just found it a little difficult."

Chu Xiaoxiao: Fortunately, privacy is protected and pseudonyms are used, otherwise cheaper brother will be said.

Chen Guangsu asked in surprise, "what's so difficult about learning?"

The two squad leaders rarely reached a consensus. They thought that learning was the easiest thing in the world and showed another mentality of "why not eat minced meat"!

Chu Xiaoxiao also felt that learning was not so difficult, but she said calmly: "so I moved out of this case to share."

Liu Wenpei nodded thoughtfully: "this really has special representativeness. I've never heard of it before."

Xu Xiao echoed: "I think I don't like learning enough. It turns out that there are people outside people and there are days outside."

Chu Xiaoyi hasn't seen a bunch of SSRs at the parents' meeting. Instead, he was enthusiastically studied by a group of SSRs. He sneezed at the rehearsal scene of the concert and touched his nose strangely for a moment. He didn't know that he was famous in the extraordinary class. His pseudonym "classmate Y" aroused many doubts among the children.

The supernormal cubs looked at his data curiously, and many SSRs discussed why r was not strong enough, whether he had the wrong Royal soul costume, or his experience level was not enough. What was the problem?

Chu Xiaoxiao's topic sharing worked well in the class and even won the praise of the head teacher.

Miss Lu pointed out: "I think Chu Xiaoxiao's sharing is very good. Everyone should help others with what they are good at, just as she privately asked classmate y to learn English well, rather than showing off and comparing with her own advantages..."

"Each of us has something we are good at or not good at. We can't have the idea of being superior because you are temporarily better than others." Mr. Lu should first guide this group of little immortals to change their thinking. Some people have tasted the victory brought by talent too early, which has left a mark on their character. Now they should learn to gradually accept the ordinary.

Some people can arrogantly show their talents outside the extraordinary class, but they seem ordinary in the extraordinary class. There will be a sense of gap in the later stage, and they need to adjust their mentality slowly.

Chu Xiaoxiao's topic sharing was not only affirmed by teachers, but also recognized by leaders. Liu Wenpei took the initiative to talk to someone for the first time. She said calmly, "your case analysis is so complete. I want to meet classmate y."

Liu Wenpei didn't seem impressed by the Military Museum, so Chu Xiaoxiao didn't mention it again. Now she is really interested in "classmate Y" and wants to see the real people behind Chu Xiaoxiao's case analysis to satisfy her curiosity about watching giant pandas.

Chu Xiaoxiao said honestly, "he's a little busy recently. I can't see him."

Chu Xiaoyi is busy preparing for the concert recently. He doesn't have time to go home at all. Sometimes he sends daily newspapers late at night. He looks very busy.

Liu Wenpei was born in a researcher's family. With a persistent spirit, she insisted: "it doesn't matter. I can cooperate with his time. As long as I know his activity area, I can visit by myself."

Chu Xiao always thinks Liu Wenpei's tone is very interesting. The other party seems to be squatting on magical rare animals, or capturing wild baokemeng, and is willing to jump around in the activity area of his cheap brother.

Chu Xiaosi and his brother's trip is not a secret. He simply said generously, "I'll send you a message after school."

Liu Wenpei nodded. They can't play with mobile phones during school. They can only take out electronic devices after school, otherwise they will be criticized by the teacher.

After school, Chu Xiaoxiao exchanged contact information with Liu Wenpei. She forwarded the message sent by her brother to her new classmates. When Chu Xiaoyi first sent it, Chu Xiaoxiao completely didn't put it in his heart. He didn't expect to come in handy here.

Liu Wenpei opened the page. She looked at the ticket time and platform and was a little stunned. She wondered, "what is this?"

Liu Wenpei: I thought it was a place for wild animals. Why do you need to buy tickets?

Chu Xiaoxiao: "the ticket information and location of the concert, this is his activity area in the last two or three months."

Chu Xiaoxiao can't see his cheap brother now. He said he would go home after the concert, so yurongtai is not his activity area now.

Liu Wenpei nodded knowingly, decided to go home and study, and thanked and said goodbye to Chu Xiao.

That night, Liu Wenpei logged in to the ticket purchase platform according to the time. She was a punctual and rigorous child. She swiped the card into the platform to buy tickets. She just clicked to buy the cheapest tickets, but the page suddenly showed that the network was busy!

Liu Wenpei: "

Five seconds later, Liu Wenpei refreshed the page, but found that the ticket column was all gray and no ticket was left!

She was unbelievably refreshed again. She didn't understand the accident. How could she even sell out the grandstand tickets? Obviously, she could still choose to buy tickets just now?

Liu Wenpei deeply feels the difficulty of doing research: so many people want to see Chu Xiaoxiao's case analysis!

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