Although Chu Xiaoyi secretly competed with Dong peihai in the crew, he didn't forget the word agreement. He really took time to recite it every day. He memorized words in fragmented time, which was faster than memorizing them properly at home. Perhaps learning was easier than working, and memorizing words became his leisure way.

Chu Xiaoyi occasionally video with Chu Xiaoxiao after dinner. When they talk, they communicate in English for a period of time to let Chu Xiaoxiao complete the work of reading with the crown prince online. Chu Xiaoxiao felt her brother's progress recently. She was very pleased. At least he insisted.

Because Chu Xiaoyi always reads English words during breaks, the crew gradually pays attention to this detail. Seeing that he recited it every day, the director couldn't help joking: "this is another Hollywood project? You promoted me!"

Chu Xiaoyi has a good relationship with the director, but he is also busy explaining: "no, no, just recite..."

The director winked at Chu Xiaoyi and said with a smile, "I understand, I understand, even if the project is not easy to disclose!"

Chu Xiao Yixin knew that the other party had misunderstood and said helplessly: "... Really not."

Chu Xiaoyi is willing to disclose his intention to go to school to Director Chen. The reason is that director Chen is really his noble man and bole, and the other party is basically impossible to harm him, but the film director still has to be separated. Now he is filming in the crew, and all the people around him are colleagues. To tell you the truth, it's still unclear whether the relationship can be maintained after killing.

Chu Xiaoyi can confess to the parents of the super normal class. After all, they all have no interest in themselves, but he doesn't want the people in the circle to know these things. His state of mind is like a person who secretly takes the postgraduate entrance examination or civil servant examination in a private enterprise. If he can succeed in the final examination, everyone will be happy, but he will fail miserably and be whispered behind his back. It's better not to talk about it, so as not to lose face in the future.

Dong peihai heard two people chatting nearby. He glanced at Chu Xiaoyi rather unhappily and re entered the site with an agitated face. After all, he didn't say anything. Knowing that Chu Xiaoyi had participated in overseas projects, he thought of director Chen, who was able to eat abroad. Naturally, he recalled his old scores with his old friends and was in a bad mood for a moment.

After dinner, Chu Xiaoyi stood on the sideline waiting for the night play. He simply made a video for his sister to complete today's routine inspection. The two simply communicate in English, and Chu Xiaoyi holding his mobile phone is not like in the video, which only makes Dong peihai mistakenly think that he is reciting words again.

"What's the human design this time?" Dong peihai saw Chu Xiaoyi concentrate on speaking English. He happened to pass by behind the other party. He couldn't help but say sarcastically, "the human design that is hard-working and eager to learn? If you really want to pay so much attention to learning, why did you go early, not in the crew?"

"I don't do serious things every day. I like to do something that's not there. Who can I show it to?" Dong peihai sneered. He didn't give Chu Xiaoyi a chance to speak at all, so he left without looking back.

Dong peihai recently learned that Chu Xiaoyi's education is not high. In his opinion, the other party is pretending and is estimated to be a false idol. He looked down on Chen fenghan, Chu Xiaoyi and others. On the one hand, he had an inexplicable sense of superiority, and on the other hand, he secretly hated each other's young fame.

This is a complex mentality of "many years of daughter-in-law becoming a mother-in-law". Dong peihai has been suffering in the circle for so many years. He doesn't understand why these hairy boys can come out? He worked so hard all his life to accumulate roles. In the end, he couldn't compare with them. He even had to play a supporting role for Chu Xiaoyi.

It's normal that Chen Dao and Dong peihai can't play together. Chen Dao also belongs to the young famous school. In addition, his family conditions are very good, so he was hurt by Dong peihai in those years. Dong peihai has a deep resentment against Chu Xiaoyi, and there is also the reason why the other party comes from the Chen family.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't expect that Dong Pei's sea god had a ghost. Before he could answer back, Chu Xiaoxiao in the video picked her eyebrows discontentedly first. She said unbelievably, "he's so mean!"

Although Chu Xiao didn't see Dong peihai's appearance, she heard the other party's thick but mean voice. She immediately felt that she was not quite right. At the same time, she asked, "what is human design?"

Chu xiaoyisi and his sister were old. He considered his words and hesitated: "well... He thought I was pretending to study and that I was performing, eager to learn and hard..."

Chu Xiaoyi was also unhappy. He didn't want to communicate English with the group, but he was tired of such gossip. Because he really can't get his current education, he really hasn't made any real achievements and refutes the other party immediately.

Chu Xiaoxiao, as a natural learning bully, couldn't believe it. She didn't understand why learning was still discussed. She suddenly felt like lying on the gun. Chu Xiaoyi's study time is so short that she is said to perform. Wouldn't she be muttered by the other party if she studied so long every day?

Chu Xiao immediately took his seat and was inexplicably offended!

Chu Xiaoyi found that her sister would blow her hair as long as she heard a bad tone, just like facing Chen fenghan last time, and she would start flying English. She even looked like a foreign child and kept talking. When she speaks Chinese, she is much more implicit and polite, but when she speaks English, she will yell. It is estimated that it is the sequel of language introduction by relying on cartoons and movies.

Chu Xiao's portrait was written in English like a bird. She looked quite angry: "& * &# $@ * &..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "... Please understand the learning slag a little, and please output the swearing in Chinese, OK?"

Chu Xiaoyi: my English is poor and I can't understand children's dirty words!

Chu Xiaoxiao cut back to his mother tongue and said angrily, "why should he say that? What does your study have to do with him? Why can't he take care of himself? You can still learn acting, and he can't even learn Acting! I've been learning for so long. How can it be called intentional acting?"

Chu Xiaoyi slipped her tongue and hurriedly reminded her, "no, no, no, he didn't say you. He said me. Don't be angry. He said I recited words in the crew..."

Chu Xiaoxiao finally saw her brother on the right track. At this time, she was very angry when she saw someone stirring up the situation: "why can't you recite words in the crew? You're not as free as him. What can you do without reciting in the crew? You can't even go home all day!"

Chu Xiaoxiao: you're criticizing my educational philosophy if you accuse my brother of reciting words on the crew!

Chu Xiaoyi: "...." I think you can also be weird, which means that Dong peihai has no play and is relatively idle?

Chu Xiaoyi just felt uncomfortable. At this time, he saw that her reaction was bigger than himself. He was amused by her anger and advised him to coax: "sister, you are my sister. It's unnecessary. It's really unnecessary. Don't be angry. Don't be angry. It's all the same in the crew..."

Chu Xiao said angrily, "the learning atmosphere in your class is too bad! If you don't study well, you have half of their pot!"

Chu Xiaoyuan thought Chu Xiaoyi was stupid and stupid. The other party recited words very slowly, but now she found that his learning environment was in a mess and everyone around him. She immediately forgave him for his slow progress. She can't imagine that one day learning will be sour, which is completely different from the concept she accepted since childhood!

Chu Xiaoyi, as a social person, couldn't cry and laugh: "Hey, because I'm not in the class anymore, and they're not my classmates. In addition, I've worked as an adult for a long time, so naturally I don't understand my behavior..."

Chu Xiaoxiao was surprised: "what does this have to do with adult work? You're not very old."

"Because after working as an adult, life is difficult to change..." Chu Xiaoyi said, and he began to feel his face again. "Your brother, I look young."

Chu Xiaoyi said frankly, "no, it has nothing to do with your appearance. I think you are similar to Chen Guangsu." but Chen Guangsu is a real crying bag, and Chu Xiaoyi is just a fake crying bag.

Chu Xiaoyi became vigilant and immediately asked, "who is Chen Guangsu? You are very dangerous now. Forget the one in the community. There are others outside?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Chen Guangsu is the Deputy monitor of our class."

Chu xiaoyisi and the supernormal class cub, he immediately launched a torture: "is he excellent?" do you still remember it?

Chu Xiaoxiao: "you are good at math, but your similarities are not here, but your character is very unspeakable, just like a child."

Chu Xiaoyi: "

Chu Xiaoyi saw her candid evaluation of herself. He immediately smiled and said, "Chu Xiaoxiao, you are only six years old this year, and I am 26 years old. How funny do you say I am like a child? How much courage did Liang Jingru give you to say this to your brother?"

Chu Xiaoxiao completely didn't understand his reason for emphasizing age. She glanced at him inexplicably and asked, "are you different from me?"

Chu Xiaozhen doesn't think he is different from his brother. The main parents won't strengthen their age at home. In addition, Chu Xiaoyi likes to make trouble. She has always regarded him as a peer, and her brother and sister are indeed peers.

Chu Xiaoyi is straight and strong: "of course, there are differences. Children can fool around and do many things well. I'm an adult..."

Chu Xiaoxiao was even more confused: "... Are you fooling around?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." you have to say that!

Chu Xiaoxiao saw that he couldn't tell the difference. She immediately poured out infinite confidence and continued to attack. She said plausibly, "yes! You've fooled more than me, you're slower than me in learning foreign languages, and you haven't been the first in the class! It seems that we are different. I'm six years old, and you'll be three and a half if you die!"

Chu Xiaoyi listened to her more and more vigorously. He wanted to hold his head and escape. He immediately shouted, "don't scold, don't scold! Let's change the topic!"

Chu Xiaoyi wanted to show off her brother's prestige by her age. Unexpectedly, she immediately aroused her sister's new hatred and old hatred, and failed to rely on the old and sell the old on the spot!

Chu Xiao and Xiao Yi said, "so it has nothing to do with your adult work! You can also fool around, and you can do many things well. We just don't make a difference!"

Chu Xiaocai doesn't understand the concerns of adults. She just feels that her brother is no different from herself. The time difference of 20 years can't change anything!

Chu Xiaoyi didn't expect her to be so serious. He wanted to say that they were really different, and was deeply touched by her words. He couldn't help laughing bitterly and said, "you may be the only person in the world who still thinks I'm a child. It's estimated that even parents won't think so now..."

Because Chu Xiaoxiao is a child, she can say these words righteously and think that nothing he does is unreasonable. Even Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi, who are parents, will treat their eldest son as an adult. How can there be a 26-year-old child in the world? Chu Xiaoyi himself felt ridiculous.

Because she is still a child, or a child who dreams of becoming a scientist or an astronaut when she grows up, or a child waving a magic wand hoping to have magic, she naturally believes in her own concept and believes that she can do anything in the future.

This is really a subtle and magical feeling. She also regards him as a child and thinks that both sides are of the same kind, but he clearly understands that he is not a child and has passed the age of daring to think and do. Those innocent, hot-blooded and foolish delusions in childhood all disappeared in the process of growing up, and now I see remnants on her.

Chu Xiaoyi suddenly sighed, and his tone became gentle. He said seriously: "Chu Xiaoxiao, I'm really not a child..."

Although he was no longer a child's age, he found some child's courage in her at this time, as if he was young, frivolous and dared to think about anything. Although a little silly, it's not annoying.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't read his mood across his cell phone. She just thought he began to break with himself again and asked about his age. She couldn't help saying, "yes, you're not a child! You're an infant!"

Chu Xiaoyi just wanted to open his mouth to stir up emotion. At this time, his mood was interrupted and he was speechless for a moment: "

Chu Xiaoyi: "... You scold again, you scold again! It's against you!"

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